General, You’ve Lost Your Inhibitor!

Chapter 51


Sitting in the command room.

Mo Xiao and Andrew sat face to face.

Looking at the expressionless female alpha opposite him, Andrew felt something was wrong.

He is a brigadier general, and the other party is just a colonel, and he is also the garrison general who requested reinforcements. How come they are sitting together? She looks more like the leader.

"Is there any confirmed news?" the female alpha asked calmly.

"There are mechas on the starship, and there are quite a few of them." Andrew rested his elbows on the table and put his hands together in a pyramid shape, trying to regain his home ground with a domineering gesture.

The adjutant beside Mo Xiao also became a little nervous when he heard the other general say this.

It seems that this group of pirates is quite rich.

Because the Empire has very strict control over mechas, interstellar pirates who can smuggle mechas should never be underestimated.

Mo Xiao looked at the matrix diagram that appeared, comparing various combat powers.

The mecha was probably just for them to see, so it was placed in a very conspicuous position.

"About a thousand," she murmured.

"Yeah, otherwise why would I ask for support from the assault team." Andrew patted the table.

But there were too few people coming to support.

Andrew couldn't help but move his gaze to Mo Xiao, trying to see some apology on her face, but her face was still cold.

If they didn’t know that Admiral Gu Huan was a male alpha.

He thought Admiral Gu Huan was here in person. Could it be that all the members of their assault team had such icy faces

Mo Xiao nodded, indicating that after understanding the situation, she automatically divided the work.

"We are responsible for the enemy mechas and will also cover your starships."

"Our ultimate goal is to capture the other side's two starships and capture the interstellar pirates."

"Colonel Mo Xiao, you got the order wrong. We should be covering you mecha soldiers."

They only have 500 mecha soldiers... Where do they get the confidence to defeat the larger force with a smaller one within the range of the starship's cannons

Andrew changed his hand to support his head, tapped the table, and swapped the cover relationship.

"You do your best to deal with the mechas, and we will cover you. Our goal of capturing the starship remains unchanged."

Even if the enemy was reinforcement, he would not be so inhumane as to treat the soldiers as non-human. They had to destroy the enemy as much as possible while protecting the lives of the soldiers as much as possible.

Mo Xiao withdrew her gaze from the data projection and looked at Andrew, saying lightly.

"Then we should be flexible and adapt according to the actual situation."

"It's been a pleasure working with you, Colonel Andrew."

Mo Xiao stood up, saluted Andrew, and turned to leave. When she turned around, the fluttering corners of her robe drew a beautiful arc, which attracted many senior generals in the command room.

They looked at each other and muttered.

"Why do I feel like Colonel Mo Xiao seems a little dissatisfied with Captain Andrew?"


"You don't understand women's minds. During the meeting, she barely even looked at Colonel Andrew."

"It may be that Colonel Andro accidentally offended her."

Hearing his men's discussions, Andrew moved his ears, slammed the table, and stood up.

"The meeting is adjourned."


well enough.

Apart from the fact that he complained about the lack of reinforcements when they first met, he had no further communication with Colonel Mo Xiao.

... ... ... .

Mo Xiao returned to her office area with a few guards.

When I opened the homepage of the light computer, I saw the photo of the admiral holding flowers.

The moment she saw the photo, the female general's originally cold face suddenly became girlish.

She didn't want to leave the military area at all, as she couldn't see the admiral anymore.

I was already in a bad mood because I couldn't see the admiral's face, which was so pleasing to the eye. I felt even worse because I had to meet the person who had questioned the admiral's decisions since the first day.

There were several paper books placed next to the office area. Mo Xiao flipped through them casually.

"Gu Huan: The only way to grow from obscurity to being well-known"

"Gu Huan's Experience in Fighting against Interstellar Pirates"

There are also several magazines that voted Admiral Gu Huan as the most handsome man in the universe.

Mo Xiao propped up his head and tapped the book out of boredom.

As long as we can win quickly and decisively, we can return to the military area.

She will do her best just for this.

The light brain flashed.

Seeing the owner of the message in the information flow, Mo Xiao was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly put her collection into the dimensional space, then calmed down a little, and opened the video call with trembling fingers.

The information flow flashed and then stabilized.

See the general in the video who is cold to the core and exudes an aloof aura.

Mo Xiao subconsciously straightened her back and pursed her lips.

There was no sign of girlish sentiment in her expression, and from her facial expression, she was even colder than when she faced Andrew before.

With a golden glow in his eyes, Gu Huan looked at the female colonel in the video and for a moment he felt like he was looking at himself in the mirror.

Others felt that he was difficult to approach, and he also felt that the only female alpha colonel in the military zone was difficult to approach.

It’s okay when there are other people around, but every time we meet alone, there is always an awkwardness between the two of us.

His attempts to get closer to her often resulted in the opposite.

Later he thought this was a good idea.

If the entire army is praising him, he will sooner or later lose himself. It would be good to have someone who maintains a superior-subordinate relationship with him and can wake him up at any time so that he does not act on his own.

So after a long time, Gu Huan gave up the idea of getting closer to Mo Xiao.

He didn't know that this was also a very well hidden little fan.

"How is the legion commander?" Gu Huan asked with his head slightly tilted, his black hair sliding down from his forehead and swaying on the sides of his cheeks like silk.

"Well enough."

Hearing the admiral's question, Mo Xiao's answer was extremely cold.

It wasn't that she didn't want to chat with the general more. It was just that she got nervous when she talked to the general alone, and when she got nervous she would forget about other topics and only focus on answering the main questions.

"Did he make things difficult for you?" Gu Huan rubbed the coffee cup in his hand.


If Andrew and the others wanted to make things difficult for others, they would not have taken the initiative to propose starship cover.

But... they don't trust them.

Mo Xiao frowned slightly.

Is it because their legion is too low-key that others look down on them

She knew how others viewed their Legion.

—A waste of resources, an actor who steals the credit everywhere.

When they questioned the number of reinforcements, they were questioning their capabilities.

She felt it was not worth it. Their legion should shine on the stage of history. They trained so hard and finally had a chance to get reinforcements, which would allow her to restore the reputation of her legion and demonstrate its hard power.

How could she let it go

She saw the general's caring look towards her.

Mo Xiao felt a sigh of relief in his heart, and he was determined to let everyone see the glory of their legion.

"No, General, I can handle it."

Seeing Mo Xiao so confident.

Gu Huan felt that there should be no problem.

The reason why he reduced the number of reinforcements was because he was afraid that if he sent too many troops, their legion's strength would overshadow the main force.

If we send fewer troops, we won’t stand out so much.

There are only 500 soldiers.

Facing the pirates on the two opposing starships, this level of support is just enough to allow the reinforced troops to win.

This is what Gu Huan originally thought.

But a week later, when I saw the battle report.

The result was still beyond his expectations.

Gu Huan, sitting in the office, didn't know what to say when facing Keppel's face full of joy.

"Andrew attributed all the great achievements this time to Mo Xiao."

"I heard that she led her troops to break through the range of the starship's energy cannon. Then she directly controlled the enemy's starship control room. The pirates' mechas were no match for our mechas."

"... Andrew, the legion commander of Planet ga778, is praising Mo Xiao to bits."

“... ..”

Five thousand people can't stop five hundred people

Is the pirate on the opposite side a piece of tofu

So fragile? He couldn't imagine how the optical network would report this incident.