General, You’ve Lost Your Inhibitor!

Chapter 68


Suppose he and the original owner are the same person.

He doesn't understand the meaning of his previous behavior

He assembled a raiding group, grabbed credits everywhere, and became a general as quickly as possible.

Although he was very close to the Queen, he betrayed his father and almost killed the Prince.

There was a gleam in Gu Huan's eyes, but he just couldn't figure this out, so he decided to put the thought aside for the time being.

The mental test is over.

Sui Ran was stunned for a long time when he saw the value displayed on the mental power tester. He came to his senses when he saw Gu Huan looking at him in confusion.

"Oh. Whether this instrument can measure SSS-level mental power is still unknown. So I don't know whether this value is accurate or not."

"... ..."

So what's the point of him measuring this

"It's not that this value is useless, it's that you have to measure it for me a few more times before this value will be meaningful."

The significance also needs to be calculated, but the general just needs to test him. Sui Ran feels that there is no need to explain such things so clearly, and looks at Gu Huan with anticipation.

I've tested it once, so why should I be afraid of having it done more times

Gu Huan stayed in the laboratory for a while longer and saw a photo of the laboratory's opening ceremony and ribbon-cutting ceremony in a corner.

The dazzling blond man in a suit in the photo is clearly the emperor.

Gu Huan pointed at the photo.


"Well, His Majesty the Emperor knew Empress Gu Nan at the research institute before, so of course there would be a photo of her here."

"They used to be very good friends before they got together."

Gu Huan: “…”

I always feel that this plot sounds so familiar.

"His Majesty the Emperor is very supportive of the Queen's research and has always been the financial sponsor of this laboratory."

"... ..."

Gu Huan frowned slightly.

No comment on this.

At least from what Sui Ran said, the emperor and the empress were not without feelings for each other, but that feeling deteriorated for some reason, which led to a huge rift between them and ended in tragedy.

What was that incident

Gu Huan didn't know.

I don’t know whether the incident has anything to do with the original owner or him.

I tested it four or five more times with the tester and got the same value each time.

Sui Ran took a breath of cold air.

"Is this the super SSS level value?"

Exceeding SSS level is a large range, and anything above SSS level is called SSS level. Gu Huan's mental energy is at least twice that of SSS level and six times that of SS level.

His previous forecast was lower.

With this mental power, one person can easily control a starship.

What kind of humanoid weapon is this

Sui Ran was in shock and couldn't extricate himself, and Gu Huan also came out of his contemplation.

"Now that it's been measured."

To measure mental strength.

Gu Huan had almost used up his mental strength to the limit and was having a headache.

I frowned slightly, not quite used to it.

"I'll take this notebook. Don't let anyone else know that I took the notebook."

Sui Ran touched his nose. "Of course, it is illegal to hide the royal personal belongings. In this regard, the general and I are in the same boat. If I expose you, I will expose myself."

Sui Ran drew a title on his mouth.

Seeing that he understood what he meant, Gu Huan stepped down from the instrument.

"This... instrument."

Seeing Gu Huan suddenly pick up his precious instrument, the hair on Sui Ran's head stood up.

Gu Huan looked at him with eyes full of expectation and spoke softly.

"I will fund the instrument project."


Give Fang Yuanqi a data measuring machine so that he can continue to improve the mecha.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Return home.

Gu Huan lay down and wanted to take a short rest.

But my head had only been touching the pillow for a few seconds.

ai Xiaoling reminded him.

"General, your mental fluctuations are not stable."

With black hair scattered on the bed sheets, Gu Huan said calmly, "...Don't worry about it."

It's just a small float.

When using mental power frequently, there will be small fluctuations. He had been able to endure situations that were much more serious than this in the past, not to mention that this was just a minor situation.

It's just that the situation has been stable for too long recently, so people make a fuss about even the slightest fluctuation.

Xiao Ling calmed down.

The room became completely peaceful, Gu Huan got out of bed, took off his clothes, and a few light screens passed in front of his brain. He took a look.

He never paid much attention to this kind of news before.

But he received too much new information today, so he had to change his mind a little and check the entertainment news. He saw the front-page headline of the celebrity from last time.

"Shang Xingxuan. His life story is shocking..."

"If you don't work hard, you may have to go back to inherit the family property."

Gu Huan closed the entertainment section of the computer and took a quick shower.

A black bathrobe was hanging on his body.

He bit a bag of nutrient solution, sucked it dry, threw away the plastic, ran his fingers through his black hair, looked at himself in the glasses, and the person in the mirror was also looking at him quietly.

"General, you can't always eat this kind of non-nutritious food." Xiao Ling reminded carefully.

Gu Huan raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"But what I drank was... nutrient solution."

It's called nutrient solution, how can you say it has no nutrition

He had no demands for food, but he liked drinking coffee, which was a habit left over from his first life. He was addicted to it to keep himself awake.

Thinking about coffee, Gu Huan couldn't help but think of what was in the notebook.

Could it be possible that a six-year-old child would love coffee as much as he, an adult, does

That seems a bit weird no matter how you think about it.

The black hair was quickly dried under the high-tech hair-drying conditions in the bathroom. When Gu Huan walked into the bedroom again, his eyes turned, and he opened the note pen on the light computer and drew a timeline.

He knew Gu Nan when he was five years old, or maybe they knew each other before that but he didn't know it.

When he was ten years old, Queen Gu Nan passed away and he was adopted by the old marshal.

When she was eighteen, her secondary sexual characteristics differentiated. She met Chu Fengyuan and had gland surgery to change her pheromone smell.

Gu Huan twirled the pen in his hand and crossed out the things that happened when he was five and eighteen years old.

The only clue left is the old marshal.

His memory is incomplete, but the old marshal's memory is complete. He may be able to get some clues from the old marshal.

Why did Queen Gu Nan know me before the old marshal adopted me

If we could find the connection between them from the old marshal.

Perhaps he could find out the past of the original owner when he was five or six years old from this point.

Just as Gu Huan was thinking this, a wave of pheromones surrounded him from behind.

"I think... you need pheromones." A low voice came close to Gu Huan's ear.

His body was still cool from having just taken a shower, and the arms that passed through his armpits and fell across his chest were wrapped tightly around him.

Gu Huan felt that sooner or later he would need to remove the device on his chest.

Reporting all information to other people's computers only attracts wolves again.

“It’s just a little fluctuation.”

Gu Huan shrugged his shoulders slightly, trying to shake off the person who was relying on him, but he failed.

"Okay." Chu Xinglin rubbed and hooked Gu Huan a few times as if he was about to bite.

Gu Huan was forced to tremble slightly all over, but he did not mean to force the other party to mark him.

Chu Xinglin still wanted to hear Gu Huan ask him to mark him temporarily.

Unfortunately, this time Gu Huan was convinced that this was just a small problem.

He lowered his head in disappointment and looked at what Gu Huan had just drawn. There were only the numbers five, six, eighteen, thirty, etc. written on a line.

Chu Xinglin couldn't understand what he was drawing.

"What are you calculating?"

Gu Huan's eyes flashed slightly and he turned sideways.

The beautiful face was exposed in front of the alpha, with the gracefully curved jaw raised and the thin lips slightly opened.

"You don't want to know what I'm calculating, because this idea of mine is not good, and you might get angry."

Chu Xinglin's fingers were just touching the edge of Gu Huan's bathrobe.

"Angry with you?" Chu Xinglin chuckled. "Just tell me when I was angry with you..."

After a moment's silence, Gu Huan looked at him and said it.

"I'm thinking."

"Is it possible that we are half brothers?"

"... ... .?"

Chu Xinglin's fingers, which were tapping Gu Huan's skin, trembled in fear.