Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 10: Quiz


Small tables and chairs, a clean blackboard, and a faint smell of books in the air. It has been a long time since Lin Zhaoxi sat down in class at 8 o'clock in the morning, and she misses it.

She rubbed the one and two cents coin in her palm, stuffed it into her pocket, and looked out the window. To the northeast is Zhuanzhu Lane, but she can't find Lao Lin yet, because her current identity is Xiao Lin Zhaoxi who wants to study hard.

The Mathematics Olympiad class at 8:20 is now half full.

She scanned the classroom, opened the Olympiad textbook, and prepared to preview the content of this class in advance, mainly to find the feeling of being a top student.

In the last class, I talked about the first lecture of sailing in flowing water, and this lesson will talk about the second lecture of sailing in flowing water...

With his hand on the textbook, his thumb suddenly stopped turning over the book.

Lin Zhaoxi turned two pages forward, and classmate Xiaolin Zhaoxi wrote something in crooked fonts.

1. Complete the exercises after the first lecture of Sailing in Running Water.

2. Think about additional question 1.

3. The registration form will be issued for the next class, and you must pass the exam!

She rested her chin and looked at her own naive font. Under the sun, the exclamation mark shone brightly.

Lin Zhaoxi thought, in fact, she had never been so aggressive when she was a child.

I have never had any idea of what I want to achieve in particular, or what to accomplish.

She just sat there for a while, until someone sat down next to her, elbowed her, and knocked her hands away from her face. She staggered on the seat, turned her head, and saw a puffy child.

The kid has a big face and small eyes, like two black beans dotted on a white flour steamed bun. At this moment, he was staring at her angrily, as if if she crossed the 38th line between the two desks, he would never end with her, so cute.

Lin Zhaoxi reached out and pinched the child's cheek. There's a bruise there, she got it yesterday.

That's right, the student in Class 10 of the fifth grade of Hongxing Elementary School who was selected with her to take the Math Olympiad class was named Lu Zhihao, the son of their class teacher, and Xiao Lin Zhaoxi's number one enemy.

She smiled and said hello graciously: "Lu Zhihao, you are here."

Kid Lu Zhihao shivered and slapped her hand away: "You're crazy!"

"Crazy, it's not against the law to beat you." Lin Zhaoxi finished speaking in a low voice, then turned her head and flipped through the book.

"Not as crazy as my parents!" Lu Zhihao yelled at her furiously.

There was a sudden silence in the classroom.

"Lu Zhihao!" On the podium, the female teacher who had just entered the door turned pale with anger.

Lin Zhaoxi also raised her head abruptly. She originally wanted to tease Lu Zhihao, but unexpectedly, classmate Xiao Lu's mother actually entered the door.

Lu Zhihao's mother, Teacher Xu, threw down the textbooks and a stack of graded workbooks in her arms, and walked to their table on high heels.

Lin Zhaoxi reckoned that if it was at home, Xiao Lu's butt would have blossomed. It's just that in class, Teacher Xu also wants to give his son face.

"Apologize to Lin Zhaoxi." Teacher Xu's brows were cold and serious.

Lu Zhihao was taken aback by his mother, his eyes turned red. He turned his head reluctantly, sobbing: "I'm sorry..."

"The life experience of other students is not the reason for you to attack her." Teacher Xu said the last sentence, as if she was also speaking to the rest of the class.

Lin Zhaoxi pursed her lips. In fact, when Lu Zhihao said that just now, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

But not at all now.

The content of this lesson is the second lecture of Sailing in Flowing Water. At the heart of all sailing problems are two formulas.

Downstream speed = boat speed + water speed

Upstream speed = boat speed - water speed

Teacher Xu talked about these contents on the podium, and Lin Zhaoxi had learned them ten years ago. At that time, she felt that the content of this lesson was not simple, and the speed of the boat against the current was very forgiving, but now she learned it again, and she felt that it was too clear. This is not to say that her intelligence level has made great progress compared with the fifth grade of elementary school, but that her ability to understand problems is different.

V boat = (V forward + V reverse) / 2

V water = (V cis - V reverse) / 2

Looking at the content on the blackboard, Lin Zhaoxi also copied it.

"V boat =..."

Before she finished copying half of the formula, the smooth adult font on the thin surface gave her a jolt. The fifth grade girl's handwriting is written like this, she must be a true disciple of Pang Zhonghua. She quickly switched to her left hand and copied the formulas written on the blackboard by the teacher one by one.

The little girl Lu Zhihao is right-handed, her right elbow is locked with her left hand, and when she writes two characters, she will be bumped, which makes it very uncomfortable for both of them to write.

But it was probably scolded by his mother who was teaching on the stage. Although Xiao Lu was full of displeasure, he swallowed his anger. When he was bumped into writing a typo, he used an eraser to wipe the paper to vent.

Lin Zhaoxi had no choice but to shrink into a corner and write.

In the end, I guess I really can't stand the situation of being bumped after writing two words. Classmate Xiao Lu put down his pen with a snap, and stared with his small black bean-like eyes, exactly as tough as his mother's attitude of throwing books.

"Why did you change hands suddenly, there are so many things!"

Because my handwriting is so beautiful that I am afraid you will doubt it.

Lin Zhaoxi thought silently.

But before she could find a good reason, Lu Zhihao said domineeringly, "Change seats in the next class, I'll sit inside!"

Lin Zhaoxi couldn't refuse, she could only look at classmate Xiao Lu's white steamed bun-like face, and almost couldn't help pinching the flesh on his face again.

But this time in the Olympiad class, they still didn't wait for the opportunity to change seats.

During the recess, Teacher Xu put down the chalk and said, "Students, use the ten minutes between classes and the first five minutes of the next class to take a quiz."

The rest of the class complained. Lin Zhaoxi twirled her pen. She didn't take the exam for a long time, but she felt excited.

The test paper was sent out very quickly, it was a thin and fragile A4 paper. Teacher Xu was well prepared and printed the test paper in advance.

There are a total of ten application questions on the test paper, but the test time is only fifteen minutes. This means that the time to complete each question is only one and a half minutes, which is a test of thinking speed and calculation accuracy.

Lin Zhaoxi briefly read each question.

Ten application questions.

Three Topics "Principle of Tolerance and Exclusion"

Three questions "Cows Eat Grass"

Three Topics "Running a Boat on Flowing Water"

There is also the last additional question related to sailing in flowing water, which can be regarded as the content just taught, but it has nothing to do with the content just taught. It is beyond the outline, and it is a question for the sixth grade.

There was only the rustling of the questions in the class. Lin Zhaoxi pondered for a while, but she actually encountered some troubles now.

It's not that I can't do it, but I can do it too well.

After more than ten years of formal mathematics test training, she has seen that these basic questions have already developed inertial thinking. In other words, she has mastered more advanced tools, but how to use simpler elementary school formulas to solve problems, her ability in this area may not be as good as that of Kobayashi Zhaoxi.

She began to try dimension reduction thinking, and she was very slow in solving the questions. After seven or eight minutes, she did three dishes.

At this time, the Mathematics Olympiad teacher who had been walking around in the classroom said: "Do the questions carefully and carefully. Next week will be the selection test for the summer camp. Being able to enter the summer camp means that you are closer to the team champion of the Olympiad for the junior high group. step!"

Lin Zhaoxi felt that this "step" was a bit big.

The small high group refers to the fifth and sixth grades of elementary school. There are more than 100,000 elementary school students in the fifth and sixth grades in the city, and only 5 people can really participate in the competition on behalf of An Ning.

Before that, there were many selections.

Each school selects 10 students to participate in the "Summer Camp Selection Examination". There are only 50 places in the summer camp, and according to the elimination system, the last 5 people will represent Anning City to participate in the provincial competition with the city as the participating unit.

The total score of 5 people is added together to get the total score of the group.

But now, they haven't even passed the school-level selection, and the teacher is already looking forward to the provincial championship for them. This cake is too big. What's more, Anning City's mathematics education level is actually not very strong, and it can't be ranked in the province, so it suddenly becomes the champion

Thinking of this, the teacher automatically explained to them: "Let me just say this, there is an absolutely talented elementary school student next door, and it is very good for the total score. This time, we are determined to win the first place in the cup competition."

When she spoke, she automatically passed by Lin Zhaoxi. Lin Zhaoxi's heart beat again and again, and she silently said the name.

"Who is it, teacher?" someone asked.

"Zhang Liang, some of you should know each other."

Lin Zhaoxi paused at the tip of her pen, and suddenly looked up at the Math Olympiad teacher who was communicating with the students.

There are really people saying "oh oh oh", "he's super powerful"...

Lin Zhaoxi was in a mess.

If there is no big difference between the two worlds, if her memory is correct. Then in September this year, Pei Zhi won the individual championship of the whole competition.

And Zhang Liang

Lin Zhaoxi remembered Zhang Liang, and he could indeed be called clever, but how could it be possible to say that Pei Zhi was more popular than Pei Zhi

She thought a lot in a mess until Tian Zaohou's slap by the Olympiad teacher woke her up: "Every quiz in class must be recorded in the total score. Don't think that each of you can go to the next door to take the selection exam. There are only 10 of you." Individuals can go to the participating places."

"Next door" refers to the experimental primary school across the street. Lin Zhaoxi tapped his head with a pencil, how much Xiaolin Zhaoxi cared about being promoted to the cup, and how much he was determined to enter the summer camp. She knows better than anyone.

In the past, Xiaolin studied hard day and night, and he was also smart. He did well in every quiz in class, and his total score was very high. He was very hopeful that he could represent the school to participate in the selection competition of the promotion cup summer camp in Experimental Primary School. The dean's mother has always felt proud, and even many children in the courtyard know about this and regard her as an idol.

Well now...

Lin Zhaoxi glanced at Xiao Lu who had finished the five-question paper, and then looked at her own.

She held the pen carefully, came to her senses, sighed, and stopped thinking about Pei Zhi. Playing truant already made others unhappy, and this time, she really didn't want to see the disappointed eyes of the dean's mother again.