Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 11: endless


As soon as the fifteen minutes were up, the teacher immediately called a stop, and asked the four people in front of and behind to exchange corrections with each other, and talk about the questions by the way. Because everyone is a competitor, so there is no fear of cheating among classmates.

Lin Zhaoxi's test paper was handed over to a girl on the left rear.

"You can actually make additional questions?"

Xiao Lu probably saw it when exchanging papers just now, and was shocked. Just because of an additional question, the tone of talking to her has become very polite.

Lin Zhaoxi was sweating inside, but on the surface she had to say solemnly, "Yes, I think it's very simple."

Lu Zhihao's gaze at her has turned into admiration.

Teacher Xu began to lecture on the podium and report the answers.

Lin Zhaoxi took this opportunity to turn forward the Mathematical Olympiad book and review the previous part.

Although some content exists in Xiaolin's memory, but she has not mastered it and applied it proficiently, so she is blind.

"The answer to the fourth application question is 40. The starting point for this question is the formula we mentioned before. Students, I have said it many times, what should be the first solution to the problem?"


The kid below answered in a drawn-out tone.

Lin Zhaoxi turned around as usual, confirmed her answer, and then froze.

She pointed to the red cross on her roll, and said to the little girl sitting behind, "This classmate, my answer is obviously correct."

"But you didn't write the process of solving the problem." The little girl behind pushed her glasses and added, "You didn't even write the word 'solution'."

Lin Zhaoxi choked.

The reason why she didn't write the problem-solving process was not because she was afraid that the problem-solving process would be too high to scare other children. It was purely because she wrote with her left hand, and the speed was too slow. Finally, write an answer and you're done.

But she didn't expect that she would meet such a serious "little teacher".

But that's right, they are all opponents, and they should be more serious.

"But my answer is right, and you can't completely criticize me for being wrong." Lin Zhaoxi said.

"Who knows if you copied someone else's." The little girl said sinisterly.

Hearing this, Lu Zhihao turned his head, and his voice was particularly loud: "What are you talking about!"

Children in the north say this sentence with great momentum, especially Xiao Lu, who is fat and full of energy.

"Lu, Zhi, Hao!" Teacher Xu's lecture was interrupted, with an unfriendly expression on his face.

Lu Zhihao stood up and complained: "Teacher, Zeng Shanshan changed the question randomly!"

Lin Zhaoxi didn't know why student Xiao Lu suddenly defended his shortcomings. But Teacher Xu had already stepped off the podium, so she could only stand up.

Xu An glanced at his son who was standing with his head held high, and the little girl standing beside him with her head bowed. Without saying a word, he picked up the controversial test paper.

Her first reaction was that the test paper was empty, and she saw the huge X at the second glance.

On the test paper, there is a problem-solving process for questions 1-3 on the test paper, but it is gone at the beginning of question 4. After that, only the answer was written for each question, and the font was crooked, which was very ugly.

But when she looked carefully at the answers to each question, she was surprised that the numbers were all correct.

Like Zeng Shanshan, she also felt that Lin Zhaoxi copied Lu Zhihao's answer to cheat because of time constraints. But as a teacher, of course she will not easily draw conclusions for students.

She took a step back, took the test paper belonging to Lu Zhihao from Lin Zhaoxi's desk, and put the two together for comparison. Lu Zhihao did a good job on this paper, every question was correct, and the problem-solving process was good, except for question 10...

Question 10 is empty, his son can't do it at all.

But Lin Zhaoxi's...

Lin Zhaoxi wrote down the answer to question 10 accurately!

Holding two test papers in his hands, Xu An stared at Lin Zhaoxi and asked seriously, "How do you know the answer?"

"I figured it out." Lin Zhaoxi turned slightly and replied.

Xu An was surprised. It's not because of Lin Zhaoxi's claim that he figured it out, but because of Lin Zhaoxi's current performance.

Lin Zhaoxi had a bad personality before and was probably an orphan, so she had very strong self-esteem. Little things would make Lin Zhaoxi cry and fuss, and the conflict between her son and Lin Zhaoxi also came about in this way. Even as a teacher, she didn't dare to say too much to this child, for fear that those words would hurt the child's fragile self-esteem.

If she had asked this before, Lin Zhaoxi would have been crying and fussing. But now, the same little girl was standing in front of the table, half of her body was bathed in the sun, with half of her face turned sideways, she didn't seem to think there was any problem with this question and answer.

Very calm and confident.

Of course Lin Zhaoxi didn't know what Xu An was thinking. But even if Teacher Xu expressed her doubts, she could only say that she really thought it was okay to just write the answers.

"You figured it out in your head?" Teacher Xu asked.

It seems to be able to do mental arithmetic.

Lin Zhaoxi nodded.

"Didn't make a draft?"


Teacher Xu was still skeptical and asked, "Tell me about your thinking on the last question."

The last question roughly talks about two ships A and B traveling towards each other. There is a ship C behind the second ship.

Looking at the question, Lin Zhaoxi was suddenly overwhelmed with thoughts and was speechless for a while. In her memory, there seemed to be such a moment a long time ago.

The same topic, also in the Mathematical Olympiad class. The primary school student was called up by the teacher to ask about the idea of solving the problem, but reported the answer directly. When the teacher asked him what his idea of solving the problem was, the elementary school student said something calmly. However, the whole class, including the teacher, was too shocked to speak.

The only difference is this time.

At that time, the incident happened in the Olympiad Mathematical Excellence Class of the Experimental Primary School next door. It was not she who was called up by the teacher to ask why she only wrote the answer, but Pei Zhi.

How did Pei Zhi answer at that time

—"I calculated the infinite series, the process is long, so I didn't write it."

Lin Zhaoxi only found out after asking Lao Lin that what this sentence meant was that I calculated the distance traveled by Ship C every time it turned back and added it together. Lao Lin also reassured her that Mr. Von Neumann, who worked on computers, also calculated in the same way. It was a stupid way, and Pei Zhi was nothing special.

Later, Lin Zhaoxi went to find out who von Neumann was. Seeing that Mr. Feng, who works on computers, not only invented computers, but also made atomic bombs, is the founder of game theory, and made important contributions to the development of quantum mechanics, etc., she realized that Lao Lin was saying that she was uneducated.

It was also from that time that she gradually understood what it meant to be a genius. But now, she was able to directly write the answer to this question because at that time, she deeply remembered that question and the answer Pei Zhibao gave.

Lin Zhaoxi took a deep breath, and wanted to answer truthfully that she had only seen this question before, but she heard the teacher say, "You don't have any ideas, you just accumulated?"

Forehead! Not so.

"Sit down." The teacher collected her paper, "You did score 100 on this paper, which is very remarkable."

Lin Zhaoxi opened her eyes wide, to be praised

After Mr. Xu finished his compliment, he said in a persuasive tone: "Although you are very smart Lin Zhaoxi, I still hope that you can try to solve the problems with the method I gave you. Mathematical Olympiad itself is a kind of thinking training..."

Lin Zhaoxi was sweating inwardly.

"Even if you do mental arithmetic, how can you be partial to the teacher if you don't have a problem-solving process!" At this moment, Zeng Shanshan, who had always been very dissatisfied, said.

Lin Zhaoxi didn't know what happened, if it was her before, she probably wouldn't refute anything. But at that moment, she thought of Pei Zhi, and suddenly turned around and asked, "How many questions are there in the Jin Cup, and what are the types of questions?"

Zeng Shanshan Petrochemical.

"If you are not clear, I can tell you. There are a total of 10 questions in the promotion cup competition, 4 fill-in-the-blank questions, 6 multiple-choice questions, and no application questions. In other words, the promotion cup competition itself does not require a problem-solving process. Do you know why? ?”

Of course Zeng Shanshan was speechless, Lin Zhaoxi paused, and continued: "Because there are too many methods available for elementary school Mathematical Olympiad problems, there is no uniform standard whether it is clever calculation or forced calculation. Just now, Teacher Xu I also said that Mathematical Olympiad is a thinking training, so it is questionable to use a unified standard to limit thinking itself, so the small high-level group only requires to fill in the answer. Although I only wrote the answer, is there any problem with this?"

Hearing the childish and justified defense based on years of experience, Lin Zhaoxi herself felt very shameless.

The whole class was silent, everyone looked at her, speechless. At that moment, Lin Zhaoxi understood the situation that Pei Zhi encountered at that time.

"Lin Zhaoxi!" Finally, a female voice stopped her.

She glanced at the female teacher who was speaking, nodded, and sat down.

Zeng Shanshan angrily changed the × to √, and the matter came to an end.

Lin Zhaoxi sat back in her seat, wondering if she wanted to go to the Experimental Elementary School and squat down on Pei Zhi to have a look, really worried.