Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 18: examination room


On Saturday, June 20, the weather was fine.

As usual, Lin Zhaoxi finished breakfast in the cafeteria as usual, bid farewell to Mama Lin who took care of them as usual, and was stuffed with 1.20 cents coins to buy milk as usual.

Just before going out, Mother Lin thought about it, held her back, rubbed her head, and said softly, "Don't be so stubborn."

She hesitated, and after she finished speaking, she felt that she had said something wrong, and wiped her hands on the apron, feeling a little embarrassed.

Lin Zhaoxi didn't have a mother, and this small moment made her nose sore, she nodded vigorously, and said with a smile: "Mom, I'm just going to take an exam, not a battle, so don't be nervous."

"Hey, how can I not be nervous." Mother Lin sighed a little, trimmed her hair, and said suddenly, "What about going to the battlefield, say something nice."

Lin Zhaoxi pretended to be relaxed and smiled, made a gesture of cheering, and ran away with her schoolbag on her back.

Early in the morning, there was already a long queue of cars at the entrance of the Experimental Primary School, which was quite spectacular from a distance.

Today, the experimental primary school will have an examination room, so classes will be suspended for a day, and the car is full of parents who come to see their children off. And more parents come by bicycle or motorcycle, and the street in front of the school is suddenly crowded.

Walking all the way to the school gate, Lin Zhaoxi has already heard many voices of "take the exam", "take it easy", "come on baby, you will do it"...

Parents always pretend to be relaxed and encourage their children, while the children are more at a loss and indifferent. She always feels that the parents are probably more nervous than the children.

Today, she still wears the school uniform of Hongxing Primary School. After so many days, she finally has the opportunity to step into the Experimental Primary School.

The vermilion European-style school building has a large expanse of green grass.

The fountain inside the school gate is open today, and the water splashes are extremely bright and noisy in the sun, and the open space around the fountain is full of primary school students and their parents, and they are all looking at a separate examination room and division board in front of the fountain. The parents in the front position hurriedly dragged their children out of the crowd after reading it, and hurried to the examination room.

The exam was organized very formally, with an admission ticket and an exam number, and it is said that the examination papers were graded uniformly. Some schools are even led by teachers. On the open space by the lawn, teachers from foreign language schools are counting the number of people, distributing admission tickets, and emphasizing the key points of the exam again. Teachers and students in uniform ask questions and answer questions.

"What was the first thing you did when you got the test paper?"

"Write your name and exam admission number!"

"What are you going to do with the rest of the time?"


"How to check?"

"Substitute the topic!"

Listening to the deafening answers from the children, Lin Zhaoxi tightened her schoolbag tightly, feeling that the summer camp selection exam this time was about the same as the unified exam for Xiao Shengchu. As far as the eye can see, there are dark human heads.

In her previous life, she was dizzy and entered the examination room without observing carefully, but now she feels strange.

It's just a selection test for the summer camp, why are there so many people here

However, even though she saw more people than expected, and the competition was more severe than expected, she was not in a hurry to find the examination room. She was really familiar with this place, so she could just enter the examination room within 20 minutes.

She found a place by the gate, took out the milk she had just bought, took a small bite, and sucked it up.

She was embarrassed to admit that she was here mainly to wait for Pei Zhi's classmate.

Ever since Teacher Olympiad boasted about Zhang Liang, she wanted to see what happened to Pei Zhi. Later, when they ran into each other in the park, Pei Zhi came and went in a hurry, but it was just a quick calculation of a problem, and Lin Zhaoxi knew that Pei Zhi was still the invincible genius of his peers.

Since Pei Zhi is so strong, how could Zhang Liang overshadow him

Lin Zhaoxi was at a loss and confused.

At the gate of Experimental Primary School, students and parents were coming and going. She waited for a long time, and even Zhang Liang saw it, but Pei Zhi was not.

The exam started at 8:30, and at five minutes past eight, Lu Zhihao also came, and he arrived after Zhang Liang.

Lin Zhaoxi threw the finished milk bag into the trash can, ready to say hello to classmate Xiao Lu.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Lu ran two quick steps, swished past her, rushed to the front and shouted: "Zhang Liang! Zhang Liang!"

Zhang Liang has a typical appearance of a schoolmaster. He is tall and thin, wears glasses, and has black hair hanging down softly. He looks gentle, but he is actually very difficult to get close to.

Of course, she guessed the last comment based on Zhang Liang's reaction to Lu Zhihao.

Just now, after Lu Zhihao called Zhang Liang's name, Zhang Liang turned his head subconsciously, but when he saw classmate Xiao Lu, he was obviously stagnant, and then turned back as if nothing had happened.

Next to Zhang Liang, there was a boy walking with him. That boy also glanced at the eager little fat man behind him, and had a brief conversation with Zhang Liang.

Like saying.

"You know someone from Hongxing Elementary School."

"I don't know, rubbish school."

"No, taking the exam is a waste of time."

Comrade Xiao Lu's simple and straight mind certainly didn't understand, but Lin Zhaoxi was a girl, she looked at the school uniforms on herself and Lu Zhihao, and she understood it too well.

She quickly ran up to classmate Xiao Lu, hooked his chubby neck, and said with a smile, "Why are you running so fast, didn't you see Brother Xi, did you say hello?"

Lu Zhihao opened her hand: "Who are you!"

Lin Zhaoxi couldn't help pinching his bun-like face again: "What's your admission ticket number, brother Xi will take you to the examination room."

Lu Zhihao was very simple, and immediately started to rummage through his schoolbag. After such an interruption, Zhang Liang had disappeared, and Lin Zhaoxi heaved a sigh of relief.

"You know Zhang Liang?" She thought about it and asked tentatively.

"Yes, we grew up together when we were young, and we have a good relationship."

"oh… "

"Her mother and my mother have a very good relationship, family friends. When I am admitted to the summer camp, we can compete together."

"oh… "

"What are you doing?"

Lin Zhaoxi patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "You are destined to be unrequited love."

After finishing speaking, before Comrade Xiao Lu could react, she jumped into the crowd looking at the examination room number. Classmate Xiao Lu followed her closely and squeezed into the crowd together.

When it was squeezed out, Xiao Lu's chest and back were soaked.

"There are too many people." Lin Zhaoxi was speechless. She stood at the school gate just now and looked at the number of examination rooms. After a long time of estimation, she always felt that there would be one or two thousand people taking the exam.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Lu Zhihao grabbed the T-shirt in his school uniform and fanned it, "Zhong Ming's class is very interested in the results of this Olympiad unified examination."

Zhongming's class is the best class in Anning Experimental Junior High School. It only recruits 70 students from two classes every year. It is said that after entering Zhongming's class, it is said that they will get a direct train to a top prestigious school.

"Eh? Isn't it only when you win the team championship in the provincial competition that you will be sent to the Zhongming class?"

Little Lu Zhihao rolled his eyes at her, very arrogantly: "How many people can there be in the provincial championship?" After he shouted, he lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "In charge of the internal information of the recruiting teachers of Zhongming's class, they are very fond of Jin Cup summer camp, you can add 10 points to the total score if you are admitted to the Jin Cup summer camp, and 20 points for participating in the competition. 20 points, think about it, how much distance can you open?"

inside information...

Lin Zhaoxi looked at the densely packed parents who had already arrived outside the school gate one after another, and thought, your news might not be very insider.

But why don't I know

After much deliberation, she guessed that Lao Lin didn't tell her about it at all, and wanted her to relax in the exam. After all, Lao Lin bought a room in the school district of the Experimental Middle School directly and let her enter the school smoothly, so she didn't know anything about it.

Experimental Primary School, Class 5 (10).

The class was on the top floor, and Lin Zhaoxi climbed five floors, panting heavily, and sat down in the examination room. Before entering the door, she checked the list of candidates in the 10th examination room, and of course there was no Pei Zhi.

Behind the classrooms of Experimental Primary School is a whiteboard, a whole row of storage boxes for students, and a book corner and a plant corner, which were already very tall for that era. Lin Zhaoxi looked around, feeling that everything overlapped with the appearance in memory, very warm and nostalgic.

At 8:20, the invigilator entered the classroom. The whole examination room fell silent in an instant, as cold as ice.

This was the first time she took a formal exam after time-traveling (rebirth?), and it would be a lie to say that she wasn't nervous at all.

The girl sitting in front of her was still looking at the questions. The teacher reminded everyone to put their things in the bags before and after they received them, and emphasized the discipline of the exam. Peeking and cheating are prohibited. Those who violate the rules will be directly and permanently disqualified from the promotion exam and notified to the school.

Lin Zhaoxi looked to the left and right, and found that there were single tables, far apart, and she couldn't see them even if she wanted to. After a brief hustle and bustle of packing up things, the examination room became even quieter. Every student around was motionless, like stone statues. Lin Zhaoxi could even hear her own heartbeat. Soon, she became very nervous.

Suddenly, the radio rang.

The serious female voice began to broadcast the examination discipline, and the invigilator also began to hand out the examination papers at the same time.

The sound of passing the test paper sounded, Lin Zhaoxi took a deep breath, and took the test paper from the front desk.

The moment she got the test paper, she seemed to be unable to hear any sound around her. The test admission ticket was placed in the upper left corner. She filled in the name and test number, put down the pen, and began to read the test paper.

The selection test this time is completely prepared for the Jin Cup, so the question type is exactly the same as the Jin Cup, and the paper is a thin page.

The questions are basically arranged from easy to difficult, covering all the knowledge points of the Olympiad in the upper grades of elementary school. Disrupt the rhythm of the candidates.

In the classroom, the invigilator began to hand out calculation papers again.

The beige draft paper was put down on the corner of her desk, and at the same time, the bell rang, rumbling past, resounding throughout the campus.

Lin Zhaoxi picked up the pencil, and the world around her instantly emptied out. She could only hear her own heartbeat, which was very, very fast.

Question 1: If all four consecutive natural numbers are composite numbers, what is the minimum value of the sum of these four numbers

(A) 100 (B) 101 (C) 102 (D) 103

c. She quickly wrote down the answer.

The second question is to place a matchstick and ask how many to move. There are also four options.

Lin Zhaoxi thought about the idea, finished the calculation on the manuscript paper, filled in the answer A, and continued to the next question.

The third question, the sum of four-digit abcd and cdab is 3333, the difference is 693, ask cdba.

There is a trap in this question, Lin Zhaoxi is circled the last number with reversed order, after finishing the calculation, write down the answer carefully.

Fourth question...

Question five...

She had read the questions and sorted out her thoughts just now, and now she is going to do the questions one after another without any hindrance.

Tenth question...

Here comes the finale.

Lin Zhaoxi looked at the question intently. Let a, b, and c be the numbers from 0 to 9 respectively, and they are not both 0 and 9 at the same time. After converting the recurring decimal into the simplest fraction, there are ________ differences in the molecule

She stopped writing and began to think. This is the part of the principle of inclusion and exclusion in number theory mixed with the mutual transformation of fractions and decimals. The main difficulty is to subtract the repeated part after determining the total.

She wrote out her ideas step by step, and added back the subtracted parts at the end, resulting in a total of 660.

After finishing writing, putting down the pen, and looking up, Lin Zhaoxi glanced at the clock in front of the classroom, only twenty minutes had passed. The students around her were still working on the questions, so she breathed a sigh of relief, and told herself to be patient and meticulous, this is an exam for the top students in the city, and there are as many strong players as there are forests.

So she started to check and substituted it into the calculation. After this time, the time was exactly 9:00.

She finally put down the pencil, looked at the entire test paper, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, and it was done.

She rubbed her face, glanced at the invigilator, and under the gaze of all the students in the examination room, she picked up the examination paper and walked to the podium.

"Hand in the paper?" The invigilator glanced at her admission ticket, and obviously paused at the words Hongxing Primary School.

"Yes teacher."

"You can check again." The invigilator reminded kindly.

"I checked." She smiled at the teacher, went back to her place to pack the stationery, and left.

This is also what Lao Lin taught her. If you are sure about the exam, you don't have to wait until the end. It would be cool to leave early.

Lin Zhaoxi walked out of the classroom with her schoolbag on one shoulder. There is still a distance from her examination room to the stairs, so she had to walk through the entrances of other examination rooms, and received the attention of other candidates and teachers throughout the process, but Lin Zhaoxi also found that there were zero constellation seats in other examination rooms, which may be Students did not come to take the exam, or they may have handed in their papers and left in advance.

The strong have their own strong hands.

But she did her best anyway.

The big stone in her heart was put down, and she relaxed. Leaving early means that she has more time to play with Lao Lin, which is very good.

She took out the popping candy that classmate Xiao Lu bribed her from her front pocket, tore a small hole, and poured it into her mouth, the crackling feeling was very sour.

She recalled the structure of the experimental primary school building and was about to go to the bathroom before leaving. The toilet is located in the elevated corridor between the two teaching buildings. Lin Zhaoxi walked through the corner stairs and stepped into the elevated corridor.

The moment she turned around, she saw two boys standing opposite each other not far away.

In the distance are white clouds and a blue sky, and the wind blows across the overhead corridor, blowing the boy's clothes flying.

She stood still and narrowed her eyes.

The boy with his back to her was wearing a black T-shirt, tall and thin, and wearing glasses. Lin Zhaoxi only looked at his back and recognized Zhang Liang who scolded Hongxing Elementary School for trash.

And the boy facing her...

The moment her gaze shifted to her, the boy also raised his eyelids at the same time, and stole a lazy glance at her. Obviously the other party didn't say anything, but Lin Zhaoxi somehow saw the meaning in his eyes, probably saying -do not come.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and every time she met, she relied on chance encounters, and she didn't know what fate was worth between herself and Pei Zhi