Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 20: High or low


Lin Zhaoxi felt that Lu Zhihao's surging unrequited love for Zhang Liang was doomed to no good, and had to be snuffed out as soon as possible.

She pulled classmate Xiao Lu, patted her shoulder, and said earnestly: "Squad leader, Zhang Liang is not someone you can love."

Lu Zhihao had a face of "what the hell are you talking about?" Lin Zhaoxi changed her attitude of being playful before, and said to Lu Zhihao seriously: "Don't play with Zhang Liang, he is not good."

She pulled Lu Zhihao away to speak alone, so the other students couldn't hear what they were saying.

"You also know Zhang Liang?" Xiao Lu was stunned.

Lin Zhaoxi nodded, and briefly told Lu Zhihao how she ran into Zhang Liang in the elevated corridor that day.

Her educational philosophy (?) was passed down from Lao Lin. If you encounter any problems, you should analyze the problem to your children in detail. There is no point in hiding it. This is not to protect Lu Zhihao.

Lu Zhihao's face wrinkled when he heard the back: "Zhang Liang is trash, wait until I meet next time and beat him up!"

Xiao Lu was full of energy, the classroom windows were shaking, and all eyes were focused on him.

Lin Zhaoxi coughed lightly: "Squad leader, you are a good student at the school level, please pay attention to civilized etiquette."

Xiao Lu also felt that something was wrong, cleared his throat, and said to the others in a serious manner: "Look, the discussion that should be discussed should go home!" It was full of bureaucracy.

"I'll sue my mother when I get back, and let Zhang Liang's mother educate Zhang Liang!" Lu Zhihao was still filled with righteous indignation.

Lin Zhaoxi shook her head: "You don't need to say whether children are the mirror of their parents, or the one that only reflects their shortcomings."

After she finished speaking, she patted Xiao Lu on the shoulder again, and walked back to their discussion group.

If Lu Zhihao hadn't interrupted just now, they would have already finished their discussion. Everyone chatted casually, and decided to go to Central Park to clean up, which is simple, scientific and environmentally friendly.

Lin Zhaoxi felt relieved before leaving school, thinking that she would never run into Zhang Liang again.

But she never thought that the so-called fate is what should happen, and it will definitely happen.

At the time, they were standing at the Park Service.

There are a lot of groups who come to do the Young Eagles holiday team activities on Saturday, but most of them are parents who bring their children to play during the summer vacation. Looking around, the whole park is like a monkey mountain, filled with the craziness and laughter of children.

For the sake of unified management and safety, the staff of the park management office listed all the activities that can be done in the park in an A4-sized form in advance, with a total of more than a dozen items, and the activities that have been completed by the team in the past are barred. When it was Lin Zhaoxi's turn, there were only three tasks left in the form.

Clean playground equipment, tidy up the park equipment room, and, most kinky of all, help park staff organize a summer festival.

The art festival is held at the end of July, and it takes a whole month to organize it. The summer is so hot, how can ordinary elementary school students be willing to come to the park frequently. Um, except of course Lin Zhaoxi.

"It seems to be very tired!"

The little girl in the same group glanced at the form and yelled at Lu Zhihao angrily, "It's all your fault, what afternoon did you choose, you said you wanted to sleep in, and there was no easy work."

The staff assigned by the park management office said: "Children, work does not distinguish between high and low. Hard work can hone your character even more."

"Clean the playground equipment, there are so many equipments, how many of us elementary school students can't finish it?" Lu Zhihao asked wryly.

"Get off work at 5:30 this afternoon, and a special cleaning team will come after that, so you can start."

"Then we have to wait until 5:30!" Lu Zhihao teased her, "No, we have to go back early. We might be on the list for the Jin Cup summer camp this afternoon."

Lin Zhaoxi nodded. She also wanted to know the result of the shortlist immediately, so she shamelessly pointed to the option of "Pick up cigarette butts on the central lawn" and asked, "Uncle, can we do this with them?" Lin Zhaoxi day and night

The park manager in charge of the assignment was also shocked by her shamelessness. After thinking about it for a long time, she only said three words: "No."

Lin Zhaoxi was very embarrassed, just when she wanted to go to Lao Lin to open the back door, the door of the management office opened again.

The sound of dense footsteps hitting the tiles was the sound of small leather shoes.

She turned her head and saw seven or eight students in uniform western-style school uniforms, white shirts and ties, coming in. They were neatly dressed and their shoes were spotless. They were the elite pupils of the Experimental Primary School.

Lin Zhaoxi was shocked, and her eyes fell on the face of Zhang Liang, who was walking in the front. Are you here to work or to pose for a photo

However, she reacted very quickly, turned her head quickly in the next second, did not look at Zhang Liang at all, but made a begging gesture to the park management staff, and asked, "Uncle, which of these two tasks is easier? "

The manager couldn't do anything about her. He put his finger on the equipment room and coughed lightly: "We just cleaned it up last week. In fact, this is the easiest one."

"We chose this." Sure enough, Zhang Liang had already walked behind her and said first.

Lin Zhaoxi turned her head abruptly: "Do you still want face?"

Zhang Liang pretended that he had never seen her before, and was very condescending: "You haven't chosen yet, so let's choose first, right?"

"You also know that we came first?" Lu Zhihao sneered.

Classmate Xiao Lu's face was already flushed red, but it was definitely not admiration, her fists were clenched tightly, Lin Zhaoxi was afraid that Zhang Liang would be hurt by him, so she hurriedly held him down

"Uncle, we are from the Young Eagle Holiday Team of the Experimental Primary School." Zhang Liang said to the staff assigned tasks in the park.

"You can't do it even at Harvard Elementary School!" Lin Zhaoxi was very angry, and also stared at the staff.

"Um..." The staff looked around, looking at the two children, feeling a bit embarrassed, "How about I take you to the playground to have a look, in fact, cleaning the equipment is quite easy, you don't need to climb up and down, but it will be later to go home."

Park, playground.

Under the big tree, there is a group of children who also participated in the activities of the Young Eagle Holiday Team enjoying the shade. Among them is a little boy with curly hair. His name is Hanamaki, and he has the same name and surname as the famous pastry.

After the nap time in the afternoon, the playground is not as crowded as in the morning. Most parents take their children to play relaxing activities such as carousels or small trains.

Hanamaki was wearing a red armband, and the group of them came here not too early or too late today, and finally picked a job to help the staff manage the flow of people in the playground. Now that it's hot, no one is playing on his project, so he sleeps on the recliner with his arms pillowed, looking at Pei Zhi who is working beside the carousel in the distance.

Pei Zhi was meticulously directing the tourists to go to the exit.

The staff member who was standing there hid in the operating room to rest, and Pei Yi was the only one who was still working, obviously doing it meticulously.

He directed the adults on the carousel to go to the exit, patiently guided the way for those who wanted to find the toilet, and helped the parents hold the baby on the merry-go-round so that the parents could take pictures. Hey, you are still a primary school student!

Hanamaki couldn't help complaining.

Although Pei Zhi was serious about his work, Hanamaki knew very well that Pei Zhi was not doing these things seriously at all. This person was just like this, as if he was wandering outside this world, and there was nothing that interested him.

Probably because of this reason, Pei Zhi never chooses to stand out. He is obviously talented and has a shockingly high IQ, but he can do everything to the limit, and he seems to be both gregarious and out of gregarious.

Therefore, it took him a lot of effort to drag people into a group, and the reason he finally persuaded the other party was that he said "If you don't come to the end of the summer camp this time, you will run out of time."

Very difficult.

Hanamaki yawned for a long time, and was about to call out "Pei Zhi" when she heard a loud noise coming from the entrance of the playground...

Lin Zhaoxi had practiced at a school before, so she is well aware of the individual differences among children.

Some people at the age of twelve still maintain the innocence of three or four years old, while others are mature and full of hostile social people at the age of twelve. This is often related to the family.

For example, now, when she looked at classmate Zhang Liang and the mother he called on his mobile phone, she felt more certain.

Zhang Liang's mother was wearing a very modern fashion in that era, red high heels, and a bright red parasol of the same color. Lin Zhaoxi recognized that the bag she was carrying was a luxury brand that started with c.

She took the Nokia mobile phone of the same model as Zhang Liang, walked up to them, hung up the phone, and asked directly: "Excuse me, who is the staff member of Central Park?"

The staff uncle who brought them to visit had no choice but to step forward and said with some embarrassment: "It's me."

Zhang's mother changed her tone, suddenly became polite, and said: "Hello, you have worked hard today, and we have to take care of our children in the hot weather. We, Zhang Liang, have caused you trouble."

"Sure, that's my job too."

"I also just heard that the two teams of children are fighting for jobs. It's very wrong. I have criticized my son on the phone just now." She paused, her tone still modest, "But look, our side The children are all students in prestigious schools. They study all day long and are also coquettish. It is really hard for them to do cleaning equipment... "

Lin Zhaoxi pursed her lips and looked at Zhang Liang's mother, implying that this group of people didn't study well, with rough skin and thick flesh, they could do rough and heavy work. They were led by grandma Lu Zhihao. The old lady was very honest, but she could hear the contempt in her words, but she didn't know what to say in rebuttal.

Just as Lin Zhaoxi was about to speak, she heard a very righteous voice from the side: "Mother Zhang Liang, you are too much!"

She was taken aback, wondering when there was an elementary school student wearing a red armband next to the two groups of them.

She looked intently, and saw that the other party had curly hair and light brown eyes, very cute.

"Little friend, the adults are talking, you have to be polite." Zhang Liang's mother still kept restraint.

"Oh, so what if I don't pay attention?" the student with curly hair asked back.

Zhang's mother choked back, probably never seen such an unreasonable elementary school student, Lin Zhaoxi almost wanted to applaud.

"Hanjuan, you don't know what happened at all, who told you to interrupt casually." Zhang Liang said with a straight face.

When Zhang Liang called out the name Hanamaki, Lin Zhaoxi burst out laughing, which fit the character too well.

"Hey, I'm helping you and you're still laughing!" Hanamaki was very dissatisfied.

"Okay, thank you." Lin Zhaoxi said to the other party very straightforwardly, "What happened is very simple, that is, the only activities that can be done are cleaning the playground and tidying up the activity room in the park. We came first, and they jumped in line unreasonably. They want to push us to do cleaning work on the grounds that they are students from prestigious schools and cannot do heavy work."

"They're going too far!" Hanamaki partnered with her, "Is this still a prestigious school?"


"I'm ashamed to be with them!" Hanamaki said sternly.

Lin Zhaoxi laughed again, and said to Zhang Liang's mother, "Auntie, since we are here to help the park, it is wrong to be lazy. If you and your son could discuss it kindly just now, it is not impossible for us to come. It's a pity to do the work of cleaning equipment, but what you said just now really humiliated us, sorry we can't let you."

"That's right, auntie, the teacher taught us to learn to respect other people." Hanamaki also made up the knife.

Hearing this, there was no false smile on Zhang's mother's face, and a gap was cracked in the delicate mask that was often worn on her face, and it was completely cold underneath.

At this time, Zhang Liang, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke up: "Students are not high or low?"


"But do you have brains?" Zhang Liang said proudly, like a little peacock with its head raised.

Lin Zhaoxi frowned, only to hear Zhang Liang continue: "Come play a game, let me prove that you are suitable for cleaning work, because you have low IQs."


[Children, this passage was filled in by the author. Because when I updated just now, my cat stepped on the keyboard suddenly, and I didn’t pay attention, which resulted in extra characters in the text. Now I wiped it clean, and there are dozens of words missing in Chapter V. I will make up this paragraph first. cry.]