Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 28: score


Lin Zhaoxi felt like an old hen guarding her cubs when she was poked by Hanamaki.

She thought just now, what would happen if Pei Zhi was called up

Is it because it is too arrogant to stand up against the exam, or because it is unbelievable to finish three papers in ten minutes

After much deliberation, the latter is most likely. A gifted student who shines everywhere.

She didn't know how Pei Zhi would respond, but the target was Pei Zhi, so it shouldn't be a problem...

Lin Zhaoxi looked out the window, and there was a big lake in the distance, a large area of aquatic plants and wild geese playing in the water. It was supposed to be a happy time while playing and watching, but their good mood was changed by an exam. Mess.

From the moment they arrived at this building, all the tests seemed to test their psychological endurance.

The unreasonable examination process, the non-stop grading, and the first round of elimination of the results are all talking—this summer camp has to select elite students, and has its own set of standards.

The sound of exchanging answers in the class is getting quieter, but the sound of Xie Ran flipping through the test papers on the podium is getting louder and louder.

The red pen scratched across the test paper, making a light piercing sound.

Xie Ran handed each paper to the side after batching.

The female teacher will check the answers and grades against the approved test papers, and they will exchange a few words in a low voice.

Look at the mouth shape, it seems to say—

"Can this give points?"

"Give it, half."

They seem to be random, but they are becoming more and more disturbing, and the time seems to be stretched infinitely.

Xie Ran seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, and the moment the second hand of the clock crossed the number 12, he stopped writing immediately.

All the children in the classroom were taken aback.

Xie Ran glanced at them and smiled: "Why are you so nervous?"

He said casually, and smashed all the test papers together and straightened them up. The lower edge of the test paper hit the table, and the sound was very clear in the restless classroom.

Clang, clang!

The sound made the children even more nervous.

On the podium, Xie Ran picked up a list of A4 paper: "I'm starting to fill in the results."

He also informed them.

When the female teacher heard the words, she held down the upper left corner of the test paper with one hand, and started to turn the pages with the other hand to report the number.

Her voice was obviously as small as a mosquito, but in the classroom as quiet as ice, they could still hear some numbers clearly.

"No. 1, 78 points, No. 2, 3, 90 points..."

"41 points..."

When she got to 41, the whole classroom was very long and regretted the sound of "Hey...", which was very dramatic.

"The last place, 65 points."

When she finished reading the scores, there were footsteps outside the classroom.

Those are two different voices.

The leather shoes of adults trample on the floor tiles, and the sneakers of teenagers trample on the ground.

The two walked a distance in tandem, and the young boy in sneakers entered the classroom through the back door, walked up to them and sat down.

The chairs creaked softly.

Lin Zhaoxi turned her head quietly.

Pei Zhi is back.

Hanamaki: "Who is looking for you?"

Pei Zhi: Vice-principal.

Hanamaki: "Fuck, why did the vice principal ask you?"

Pei Zhi: "Do the questions."

Hanamaki: "Didn't you just finish the question and do it again???"

Pei Zhi: "Yes."

Hanamaki: "My question means to ask you, what question did he ask you to do?"

Pei Zhi: "No."


Lin Zhaoxi laughed outright in the front row, thinking that Pei Zhi might have sat in front of the vice-principal's question for 20 minutes, she felt that the scene must be beautiful.

The adult walking in front of Pei walked into the classroom.

Xie Ran stepped aside, stepped on the steps in front of the podium with black leather shoes, paused in front of the blackboard, turned around, and faced them.

For the first thirty seconds, no one said anything.

A pair of sharp and cold eyes scanned them from front to back, from beginning to end, that gaze was sometimes looking indifferently, sometimes very pointedly.

His eyes paused on Zhang Liang's and Pei Zhi's faces one after another, and he took a moment to look at her before the voice sounded.

"Students, hello everyone. My name is Zhang Shuping. I am one of the persons in charge, the vice principal, and one of your teachers for the Jinbei Summer Camp in Anning City."

Zhang Shuping is about forty years old, Mediterranean, and slightly chubby. He wears a string of black-frame reading glasses around his neck, but he doesn't wear them. After he started talking, the temperature of the whole classroom dropped again.

"Let me first announce the results of this exam."

Lin Zhaoxi shivered. Lu Zhihao didn't even dare to speak, and clenched his hands tightly. This was probably the movement of most students in the class.

Xie Ran handed out the list, and Vice President Zhang took it.

It's a very random process, but it has the potential to affect the math careers of five children. The lake wind brought the fishy smell of aquatic plants, and Lin Zhaoxi felt a little cold.

The middle-aged man put on his reading glasses and started to report the results: "Ding Ding, 72 points, Wang Cheng, 77 points, Wang Ruolin, 60..."

There were finally some voices in the classroom, and the children whose names had been pronounced breathed a sigh of relief or communicated with their peers in low voices.

"Wang Feng, 88."

When I read this, there was a small commotion on Zhang Liang's side.

Wang Feng should be Zhang Liang's good friend, and a group of people around them were congratulating him in a low voice.

At this time, the vice-principal had already announced the next name: "Hanamaki, 61."

Hanamaki's little classmate froze, and all the bones in her body were straightened in an instant.

Suddenly, a chuckle sounded from the corner of the classroom. Following the sound, it was Wang Feng who laughed at Hanamaki.

Wang Feng smiled and turned his head to look at Hanamaki, with his thumb down, secretly made a "weak chicken" gesture.

Hanamaki patted the table and gave him a middle finger.

"Okay, be quiet." The vice principal looked up and said coldly.

Hanajuan was taken aback, feeling aggrieved and sad at the same time, he fell down on the table in an instant, with a mournful face, and drew circles on the table with his fingers: "Damn, I was despised by Zhang Liang's follower, I'm going to pack it up after the end." When I go home, my eldest sister will beat me to death, she said she doesn’t want to see my face at home during the summer vacation.”

There were still people on Zhang Liang's side pointing and poking at Hanamaki, but Lin Zhaoxi ignored it, and hurriedly recalled that there were about 9 people in front of Hanamaki, and only 1 had a lower score than him. Roughly estimated according to the elimination percentage, Hanamaki is really a bit dangerous.

Lu Zhihao continued to turn around to comfort him and said, "Don't worry, the results haven't come out yet."

"Old Lu, you want to avenge me." Hanamaki lamented.

After saying this, the vice principal has already reported Lu Zhihao's grade: "78."

Lu Zhihao first let out a long sigh of relief, and he was relieved. His score was ranked 6th among the results he had just reported, and there were 14 people behind him. He definitely didn't have to be eliminated.

Lin Zhaoxi patted his shoulder.

"Lao Lu is really good!" Hanamaki also shouted.

But before they were happy for a while, Zhang Liang's group of people acted like a monster again.

Vice President Zhang read: "Lu Ming, 80!"

Lu Ming was also one of Zhang Liang's little followers. He turned his head abruptly, mouthed a "fat pig" to Lu Zhihao, and sighed, as if he thought it was pitiful that Lu Zhihao was so happy with only 78 points.

Lu Zhihao's expression drooped again, Lin Zhaoxi pinched his face and turned him back: "Don't be unhappy, why bother with them?"

"But he did better than me..."

"So what, I did better than him in the exam, so I can laugh at him?" Lin Zhaoxi said confidently.

Hanamaki and Lu Zhihao both laughed at the same time, and their mood improved for a while.

Some people were happy and some people were sad. As Vice Principal Zhang read out more and more grades, there were many gloomy little corners in the classroom, and there were also many naughty little gangs.

"Damn, it's really annoying to see them being so arrogant." Hanamaki whispered.

What Hanamaki said was right, the students from the experimental primary school who had a good time with Zhang Liang scored a 90 and an 89 in a row, not only proud of themselves, but also kept turning their heads to provoke them.

Obviously, we have just met, and it is time to start communicating and cultivating relationships, but now we are forced to become competitors, which is really troublesome.

At this time, Lin Zhaoxi finally heard her name.

"Lin Zhaoxi, 91 points."

After Vice Principal Zhang finished reading, the whole class was silent for a while, and then there was an uproar again.

"Wouldn't it be wrong to fill in the blanks?"

"She actually got such a high grade in the exam."

"On purpose."

There are different eyes around, some people are envious and others are suspicious, but because everyone is an opponent, most people are not convinced.

Hongxing Elementary School students, why did they get so high in the exam! That's probably what it means.

Beside her, Lu Zhihao pinched her arm and said, "Lin Zhaoxi, you are really too strong."

On the back seat of her, Hanamaki was clapping, raising her eyebrows at Zhang Liang and his group while clapping back, and pointing her thumb down at Wang Feng, forgetting that she might be eliminated in an instant.

As for Pei Zhi, Pei Zhi nodded to her with clear eyes.

Lin Zhaoxi also nodded.

"Chen Chengcheng, 70."

"Zhao Xue, 76."

"Zhao Zai, 66."

Vice Principal Zhang was still reporting his grades, but Lin Zhaoxi did not relax. With more and more strokes in the surname, there are fewer and fewer names left on the list. She knew that it was going to be the turn of the two people with the most strokes in the surname in the class.

"Zhang Liang, 100 points." The middle-aged man on the podium chanted, paused for the first time, looked straight at Zhang Liang for the first time, and said, "Very good, keep working harder next time."

The small group around Zhang Liang applauded quickly, and some people turned their heads and smiled at her complacently, making a 9 sign.

It means 9 points more than you!

Think about it anyway, I will save 20 minutes of doing the questions, Lin Zhaoxi thought.

Once Zhang Liang's perfect score came out, he was really good at bluffing people. Under the leadership of those who applauded, the other children subconsciously clapped their hands.

The classroom was filled with applause. Zhang Liang stood up proudly. Before standing up, he looked at her proudly. Then he bowed and said, "Thank you, principal."

Hanamaki rolled his eyes with a lively expression. He was about to sneer when the principal had already put down the list.

Lin Zhaoxi looked up at him, Zhang Liang was ranked 49th, and there was only one person in the class whose grades were not reported, it was—

The middle-aged man opened his dry and thick lips, and read out the result of the last person: "Pei Zhi, 100 points."

The entire classroom and even the entire lakeside base seemed to be silent for an instant.

The wind blows across the lake, through the reeds, through the woods, through the entire classroom, and through everyone in the classroom.

The wild duck croaked a few times, and almost the children shivered before waking up. They still doubted their ears.

30 questions, 10 minutes to solve, full marks.

What a terrible crushing, is this still human

of course not.

Not human not human! The children shouted loudly in their hearts. Besides, it was difficult for them to find the right words to describe Pei Zhi's ability.

After a short period of silence, the children began to whisper:

"Who the hell is he?"

"He's from your school, why is he so powerful?"

"I've never heard of it before."

The reversal came so quickly that Zhang Liang and his little followers were stunned. Against the backdrop of Pei Zhi, Zhang Liang's achievements were unremarkable. So each of them has an ugly face, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhaoxi almost wanted to recite the sentence "How can the light of the firefly be compared with the bright moon...".

The other children around also stopped paying attention to Zhang Liang, they were busy talking to Pei Zhi.

After a while, it was: "Student, you are amazing."

After a while, it was: "Did the vice principal tell you something just now?"

Pei Zhi didn't pretend to be indifferent, and responded peacefully, as expected, he treated everyone the same.

Lu Zhihao turned around and took Pei Zhi's classmate's hand, and he was about to pay homage to the god of learning.

Lin Zhaoxi could only look at the flower roll and smile: "Hey, why are you so lucky? Didn't you say that the last paper was done in vain?"

She said this because, just now, Vice President Zhang has reported the results of all the students.

Five people with less than 60 points were directly eliminated, and Hanamaki was sixth from the bottom, and could advance to the next round.

"I don't know, I just got lucky!" Hanamaki said, patting her chest with a look of narrow escape, "My mother said it was because I almost didn't survive when I was born, so this is God's compensation for me."

Lin Zhaoxi took the opportunity to rub the little curly hair of the lucky star who really fits the persona, and said with a smile, "From now on, you will disassemble all the crispy noodles."

"no problem!"

On the podium, Vice President Zhang coughed heavily.

Lin Zhaoxi immediately turned her head and sat down, and the whole class became silent again.

"All the students know their grades. Teacher Xie will send you the test papers later. You can take a look and ask any questions, but please note that you only have five minutes." He said.