Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 29: punishment


The snow-white test papers were handed down one by one, and Lin Zhaoxi took her own.

She looked at the three empty questions circled by the red pen and the rest of the check marks on the test paper, and sighed.

In the seat, many children are recalculating their grades.

She looked towards the few people who were about to be eliminated.

Some of them were still counting points, some were depressed, some were crying, and some were whispering something while being patted on the back by their tablemates.

But no one is tidying things up, no one wants to go.

The impromptu class became silent, as if the relaxed excitement just finished reporting the grades was just an illusion.

Vice-principal Zhang looked at his watch, and the five minutes left for students to question had expired. His tone was benevolent, but his expression was as cold as ever. He said: "The last five students, you should know your grades, although it's a pity, But now I have to ask you to leave, there will be a teacher outside to take you home."

Lots of kids pop their heads up — it's true.

This is their first reaction.

The summer camps are real, the exams are real, the eliminations are real, it's real they're sent home because they don't get the grades, it's all real.

Lin Zhaoxi also felt melancholy. Although among them, it is true that only 5 of them could represent Anning City in the final official competition, it was completely different from being eliminated at the beginning.

None of the last five children stayed. After Vice Principal Zhang finished speaking, they all stood up and walked out of the classroom with their heads bowed.

Outside the classroom, as expected, there was already a teacher waiting for them at the door.

The teacher rubbed the heads of these children and comforted them in a low voice.

Lin Zhaoxi didn't know what the teacher would say to them, but she knew very clearly that she didn't want to hear those comforting words, she wanted to go to the end.

The back door was closed again, and the classroom returned to a little heat. The students obviously had a small-scale celebration, but anyway, I'm glad I didn't have to leave for the time being.

The middle-aged man on the podium looked around the entire classroom and said slowly: "Although they have left, some of you will leave soon."

"Ah..." The children under the podium dragged their tunes, very reluctantly.

A daring student directly raised his hand and said, "Teacher, how long is it?"

"Did the teacher ask you to get up and answer the question?" Vice-principal Zhang asked.

The student hurriedly shrank his hands and head, and the classroom fell silent for a moment.

"You don't need to know when the next test is, because it could be while you're eating, or it could be while you're sleeping..."

"What about when you go to the toilet?" There was a chuckle inquiring from the back seat.

Lin Zhaoxi was startled, and looked back at Hanamaki. The child raised his head halfway, with a small smile on his face, it didn't matter who was standing in front of the podium, Lin Zhaoxi felt that he seemed to have no fear at all.

"Have I allowed you to speak?" Zhang Shuping's tone was still cold.

"Oh, okay." Hanamaki bowed her head and shrank her body, but there was no fear in her eyes.

Vice-principal Zhang was interrupted twice, but he couldn't see any displeasure, his tone was always calm and indifferent: "I know, you find that you don't have to leave for a while, and your bones are light. You are very proud, but what are you proud of? The full name of our summer camp this time is 'Jinjiang Cup Primary School Student Olympic Mathematics Competition Anning Division Selection Summer Camp', which means that your competitors are not the 50 in the class at all... No, it is not the 45 students left now."

"You may think that I am cruel, but learning itself is so cruel. When you go outside, you will know what is beyond others. It is far from enough to only see your own small achievements..."

There was another small commotion in the back seat, Lin Zhaoxi vaguely heard Hanamaki saying: "Tian Wai Tian is already beside me, what a ghost!"

As if to refute Hanamaki, the man in front of the podium changed his subject: "Yes, some of you are very smart, but before the real and difficult learning of mathematics, your here is insignificant." He pointed to his own His head and eyes moved to Pei Zhi purposefully, and he spoke again slowly.

"Intelligence is not the decisive factor, but diligence is, because at the end of the study, you will find that mathematics is really difficult and difficult, and you can't go on without great perseverance. It is by no means as simple as you think."

The more Lin Zhaoxi listened, the more uncomfortable it became. These few words seemed to be specifically for Pei Zhi? Reminiscent of Pei Zhi being called away just now, what happened between Zhang Shuping and Pei Zhi

She turned her head quietly, and tentatively asked Pei Zhi: "Did you offend him because you didn't answer the question?"

"Student Pei Zhi, please stand up."

On the podium, Vice President Zhang suddenly called names.

In the back seat, Pei Zhi pushed the chair away and stood up slowly.

Vice-principal Zhang said to the whole class: "Student Peizhi got full marks in the exam just now, and he only took ten minutes to answer the questions. Let us applaud his performance first."

The whole class immediately burst into deafening applause, and Lu Zhihao slapped his hands carelessly, very happy for Pei Zhi.

Lin Zhaoxi frowned, always feeling that this wave was meant to suppress first.

Sure enough, after the applause gradually subsided, Vice President Zhang said again: "While you were waiting for your grades, I called Pei Zhi to the office. I know you all want to know why I asked him, and you also want to know what happened in the office." , then let Pei Zhi speak for himself."

Lin Zhaoxi turned sideways and looked up at the young boy standing up, frowning, feeling even worse.

Pei Zhi looked ahead and replied directly: "Just now, Principal Zhang took a new test paper and asked me to finish it in 20 minutes."

"Then what?"

"Then, I didn't do any of the questions."


"Because I won't." He replied naturally.

Lin Zhaoxi's heart skipped a beat. Next to him, Zhang Liang's group was already laughing out loud, with a strong sense of ridicule.

Hanamaki was also shocked, he looked at Pei Zhi at a loss, he didn't expect this result. Among all the people in the class, only Pei Zhi remained calm.

"Why can't you do it?" Zhang Shuping was still asking.

"Because I haven't learned it before." Pei Zhi replied.

Lin Zhaoxi didn't know what to say. The vice principal Zhang was obviously using Pei Zhi's example to tell everyone that they should be in awe of learning. The popular saying is to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys.

She really wanted to stand up and speak for Pei Zhi, and she was about to do so, but suddenly, someone shouted:

"Lin Zhaoxi!"

"Here!" She replied abruptly and stood up.

There was no sound in the classroom again.

One in front of the other, she and Pei Zhi stood abruptly, receiving the attention of all the students in the class.

"I heard from Teacher Xie Ran that you were questioning me just now. What's the point of asking students to carry their luggage upstairs?"

Lin Zhaoxi looked at Xie Ran first, pursed her lips, and curled her lips, meaning: You are actually telling the truth.

Standing behind the principal, Xie Ran poked the middle-aged man's generous back, meaning: I dare not say that he is super fierce.

Many students snickered under the podium.

"Yes." Lin Zhaoxi replied.

"Why?" asked the vice-principal.

"I feel like you're putting us in this state of extreme exhaustion to take the exam and not really testing us," she said.

Vice President Zhang: "Is it extreme to take an exam in a state of exhaustion? You can guarantee that you will take every exam in your life with a 100% full mental state. You can guarantee that you will not have a fever before the exam. Headache, insomnia?"

Lin Zhaoxi recalled how she had diarrhea and high fever before the summer camp exam last time, so she failed the exam. After thinking about it, there was really no guarantee, so she shook her head honestly.

"Today's test situation is just one of the situations you may encounter in the future. Imagine that if the roads are congested and you run several kilometers to take the test, you have to start answering the questions immediately after sitting in the test room. With today's experience, will you Will you be a little calmer? And it is very likely that it is this kind of calmness that gave you the chance to go to a prestigious school."

The middle-aged man was impassioned, but Lin Zhaoxi asked in a low voice: "But the purpose of studying is not to take exams. Is it really meaningful to prepare for extreme situations with very small chances?" She was really puzzled.

"But unfortunately, in the current social system, the only goal of learning for most people is to pass the exam. The purpose of this summer camp is also for the exam."

Zhang Shuping seemed to be speaking to her, as well as to all the children present.

"If you don't pass, you will be eliminated. There are only so many real social resources. The society passes the exam and uses a relatively fair way to screen out people with different abilities layer by layer and allocate social resources. This is cruel. fact."

Lin Zhaoxi was speechless for a long time.

She knew very well that every word Zhang Shuping said was a cruel fact that few people would tell the children.

But this fact is contrary to what Lao Lin told her about her "likes" and "interests" since she was a child.

Lao Lin never forced her to be what kind of person she must be, so even if she forced her to choose liberal arts in the division of arts and sciences, Lao Lin was just sullen.

But now, she was suddenly reminded of the difficulty and cruelty of the road to study, and she became confused again.

She suddenly wanted to know, if the person teaching on the podium was replaced by Lao Lin, what would he say to them

Thinking of this, she shook her head again. Lao Lin is now dozens of kilometers away, and he is still a park ranger. How could he come here and give them lessons

In front of the podium, Vice Principal Zhang interrupted her fantasy.

"You are very smart, I admit it." He said, "I also understand that you stood up this time not for yourself, but for your classmates, but your behavior itself has indeed taken the lead in breaking the exam rules, so I You will be punished as follows."

Lin Zhaoxi looked up again.

"During the next week, you have to go to the cafeteria at six o'clock every morning to prepare breakfast for other students in the summer camp. This is a punishment for the two of you."

After saying this, the vice-principal said to disband and left.

Lin Zhaoxi was still standing, and suspected that she had a problem with her ears. To ordinary people, this was punishment, but to her, it didn't seem to be the case at all

She turned her head and glanced at Pei Zhi.