Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 34: group


This is probably also a wonderful moment, and what people who travel through time and space want to witness is just such a moment.

The auditorium was noisy, not as quiet as before, but it was filled with a surging vitality. Whether it is the primary school students in front, or the junior high school students or high school students in the back, they all bowed their heads and fiddled with the small wooden box in their hands immediately.

Kong Mingqi is a very common educational game. Some children have played it before, but after the explanation of what Principal Zeng said just now, the familiar toy suddenly becomes more interesting.

Lin Zhaoxi laughed. In fact, Lao Lin seems to be such a big fool. How can I say that some things will become very desirable through their mouths. After all, they are the ones who are lucky enough to enjoy the fun of exploring the unknown. They can take you to appreciate that kind of beauty in a short conversation, but unfortunately, most people will soon forget the sense of longing and longing for satisfaction after being touched in an instant.

Because it was too difficult, and it would not be possible without great enthusiasm and perseverance. Lin Zhaoxi didn't know how long this magical effect would last on the children.

While she was thinking, she lowered her head and took two steps with the chess piece. The chess piece jumped over one and went to the empty space, and she took out the skipped one. It was a completely unconscious move, and then she was patted on the shoulder.

Hanamaki shook the box excitedly: "Wow, why are you so serious? Teacher Xie told us to go there."

Teacher Xie Ran stood in a corner of the auditorium wrenching his hands. Many children in the small high group were already holding chess boxes, happily surrounding him, and they seemed to be talking about the next topic.

Lin Zhaoxi and Pei Zhi were interrupted, and they stood up together to leave. Lin Zhaoxi turned her head and walked a few steps, but when she realized that Pei Zhi hadn't followed, she turned her head. Pei Zhi was still standing in the standing position, raised his palm-sized face, and paused briefly while looking at the titles and mailboxes that had not completely disappeared on the screen.

Suddenly, Pei Zhi put the chess box under his arm, raised his hand, faced the projection screen, and began to applaud seriously. He was doing this by himself, the applause was very light, and seemed insignificant in the noisy auditorium, but every slap was so clear.

Lin Zhaoxi finally realized, yes, after Professor Zeng finished speaking, they forgot to applaud.

Following Pei Zhi, she also faced the curtain, and began to raise her head and clap her hands sincerely.

At first, other people around didn't notice them, but after about three to five seconds, starting from this small corner, many students stopped, they faced the stage, and looked at the curtain again.

No need for any language, like a kind of tacit understanding across ages, from front to back, from short to tall, the applause inexplicably became louder and louder, and spread to the corners of the entire auditorium.

Even the leading teachers who were leaving the venue were puzzled, and at the moment of their doubts, the applause in the entire auditorium was finally overwhelming, as loud as waves.

This is a sincere compliment, no falsehood.

In the corner of the auditorium, Xie Ran put down his hands and smiled at them.

Lin Zhaoxi let go of her hands, feeling a little shy, but Pei Zhi was already walking towards the class meeting place of the small senior group.

Before they got close, they heard the regretful voice of the early child: "So our head teacher is really you?"

"It's terrible."

Xie Ran couldn't help laughing: "I'm really not bad, otherwise let the vice principal be your head teacher?"

"No!" All the children said in unison.

On the stage, Vice Principal Zhang, who was still tidying up, cast a faint glance at them.

Xie Ran quickly became serious: "Hey, come on, kids, come and get your textbooks and schedules. You have a map of the oasis base in your handbook. Find the classroom yourself first. Don't be late for class tomorrow."

While he was talking, another deputy head teacher began to distribute the things he mentioned to them.

"Three times of being late counts as one absence from class, and you will go home directly after three total absences. If your parents take you out without reporting to the teacher or returning to the dormitory later than 8 o'clock, you will be counted as an absence from class. Remember not to do random activities after the lights are turned off at night. If you get caught, it will be considered a violation. There are specific things you can’t do in the manual. If you accumulate too many minor demerits and combine them into major demerits, you will be expelled.” Xie Ran reminded them, “You must carefully remember the conversion. Ratio..."

Lin Zhaoxi was speechless. His tone was probably saying that it is okay to violate the rules a little, but not too much. He really deserves to be a college student.

But of course the primary school students don't have the concept of absenteeism, they are still obsessed with the teacher's question just now.

"Will Principal Zeng come to teach us?"

"We want Principal Zeng." Some students still didn't give up, and expressed their dislike for Xie Ran very bluntly.

Xie Ran was shocked, he turned around and pointed at the huge projector screen, which was slowly rising, so Xie Ran pointed at nothing.

"This is a big cow!" Xie Ran withdrew his finger, almost pissed off by these cowardly children, "He doesn't give us lessons, how can he give you lessons?"

"What is a big cow?"

"How big is the cow?"

"But he is the principal, doesn't the principal teach classes?"

"Honorary principal!" Xie Ran corrected, "Honorary principal is a name, and a name means to write his old man's name on it so that the place can be suppressed, understand?"


"I don't know." Xie Ran continued to be angry.

Lin Zhaoxi thought that Teacher Xie was also very cute. The children didn't know what level Professor Zeng was, and Xie Ran couldn't explain things like academic contributions to them, so he could only sulk on his own.

Lin Zhaoxi didn't know Professor Zeng's academic status very well, but Mr. Xie Ran was right. Usually, it is not easy to invite a master of Professor Zeng's level to participate in this kind of event. What's more, Professor Zeng is not purely a name, he also specially recorded such a sincere speech, left his own email address, and prepared a small gift for each student, which is already hard enough, and I really can't ask for more.

The textbooks were distributed quickly. They were two thick books, one textbook and one exercise book. The printed version of the white paper should be internal circulation materials, and it could not be found outside.

The timetable is included in the textbook, which shows the daily schedule in detail. Including what math courses will be taught on a certain day, what extracurricular activities will be arranged on a certain day, where to visit on a certain day, and even the time of the stage exam is marked, densely packed, making people feel that life is both colorful and exciting. big head.

Basically, the school day starts at 9 o'clock in the morning, with four classes in the morning and a lunch break in the afternoon. In the afternoon, I will arrange self-study, some sports, outdoor development training, and a few days in the afternoon, I will arrange field activities for the children to do farm work.

It seems that Vice President Zhang is determined to exercise their will. It's actually pretty good, and quite interesting. Except that she and Pei Zhi can't sleep late and have to get up early to go to the cafeteria...

Lin Zhaoxi briefly glanced at the schedule, put it away, and looked up.

Their Xiao Gao group suddenly became a little quiet here, the children were whispering, except for Pei Zhi who was still playing Kong Mingqi, the other students were a little nervous or even depressed.

Lu Zhihao was talking briefly to the little boy who shared the same room with him. Lin Zhaoxi poked him in the waist and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Exam... Exam..."

Lin Zhaoxi was startled: "Are you taking the exam again? I just took the exam this morning. It's so frenzied!"

Her voice was very loud, and Lu Zhihao hurriedly held her down: "Keep your voice down, you won't be taking the exam right away." Lu Zhihao turned out the timetable again, shook the form with densely printed schedules, and pointed to the day of July 15th. The words "the first round of elimination test" were written.

"What's wrong?" Lin Zhaoxi frowned, and realized that she hadn't read carefully just now. She comforted Lu Zhihao in a low voice, "Squad leader, it's okay for you to keep your grades in this round."

Hanamaki also moved her furry head from behind them and said, "That's right! Lao Lu, you're fine, but I'm sure I can only stay with you for 15 days. You should cherish me."

"Who said... maybe it's not necessarily... hey..." Xiao Lu put on a bitter face, very frustrated, "What if it's really difficult, but you and Pei Zhi can definitely stay."

"That's not the case." Lin Zhaoxi turned her head to look at the little classmate Pei Zhi who was immersed in Kong Mingqi, and wanted him to say something, but at this moment, a student had already asked Xie Ran: "Teacher...why do you want to play again?" Elimination exam..."

"Oh, let's go early and late, take it easy." Xie Ran said.

"Wouldn't it be another sudden exam?"

"Of course not!" Xie Ran grinned, and Lin Zhaoxi had a bad premonition.

"Are you afraid of surprise exams?"


"Then this elimination exam will give you ample opportunity to prepare." Xie Ran smiled, "There is still a chance to choose."

He said the last few words very lightly, but the children quickly caught the key words.

"What is an opportunity to choose?"

Xie Ran snapped his fingers, took out a stack of papers from behind, coughed lightly, and announced: "Everyone knows that the Jin Cup is a team competition, so it's time to show your spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance."

All the children quieted down and looked at their head teacher in puzzlement.

They were too serious, and Xie Ran stopped laughing. He said, "The next round of elimination exams is a group elimination system. You can form study groups freely. In the final exam, the average scores of each of your groups will be ranked. Divide into the second half of the group."

There is a brief silence in the small corner, and it takes a certain amount of time for the children to react to this elimination system.

Taking this opportunity, Xie Ran continued to announce the rules: "Each study group has a minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 6 people, and you can form them freely." He said, holding up the piece of paper in his hand, and said, "You guys discuss it first, and decide on your decision. Now that you are a member of the team, come to me to get the paper, fill in the team list and the name of the team leader, and tell me about your team before class tomorrow at the latest."

"If there is an odd-numbered group in the end, how can we eliminate the second half?"

"Just eliminate the group stuck in the middle together." Xie Ran replied casually, as if it was a very easy task.

The atmosphere became depressed.

"What if someone is not wanted!" A child asked sharply.

"I'm sorry, the students who are not accepted in the end will be automatically put into the same group." Xie Ran said.