Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 38: The first class is to visit the reading room. Vice-principal Zhang said


That is a very large reading room.

Lin Zhaoxi found that after returning to elementary school, her ability to describe had declined significantly. But facing the reading room, which is half the size of a primary school football field, with six towering bookshelves, and desks scattered throughout the reading room, she couldn't think of any more appropriate adjectives other than very large and exaggerated.

They are the second batch of students here.

At the end of the reading room, the students in the high school group, who were much older than them, had occupied more than a dozen desks and began to study quietly.

There is no teacher, no blackboard, only the crisp sound of flipping books and low discussions, so quiet that you can hear the sweet sound of birds chirping outside the window.

From the moment they entered the reading room, the children who were still chattering were put under a silencing spell, and no one dared to speak immediately.

Following Vice Principal Zhang, all the children stared with bated breath, and walked along the central axis of the reading room to the depths of the reading room.

Gray floor tiles, white walls.

On their left are tall iron bookshelves that are several times their size, and on their right are desks that are put together one by one. The unique volumes of books are clear and strong, and books of various colors are dazzling.

Lin Zhaoxi walked very slowly. When the principal was not paying attention, she got into the bookshelf and looked up to see what books were on it. Books are placed back to back in two rows. Except for the books on the top three floors, students can't get them. The rest are filled with books of different thickness.

"Mathematics Olympiad Small Series Junior High School Volume", "Basic Number Theory", "Linear Algebra", "Little Math Detective"...

Lin Zhaoxi took a deep breath, looking around, the bookshelves were indeed filled with mathematics-related books, some old and some new. Some are labeled with the collections of Anning City Library and Anning University, some are like old books from a second-hand bookstore, and some are so new that they seem to have just been bought from a bookstore.

The organizer of the summer camp has almost moved all the math books on the market, it's crazy!

Gradually, the silencing magic was lifted.

There were exclamations of varying lengths in the queue, and more and more children discovered that these six bookshelves were actually full of mathematics-related books.

To be honest, many elementary school students at that time had never been to the library seriously. What's more, they were faced with a vast array of mathematics-related books, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion.

The iron frame was far away from each other. Vice President Zhang showed them around, and then returned to stand in front of the second frame.

The place in front of the bookshelf was already filled with curious and excited students, Lin Zhaoxi tiptoed to look up from behind.

Looking carefully, the bookshelves are full of elementary and junior high school Olympiad books, as well as many books on thinking training, a large number of interesting math 1000 questions, reasoning logic questions, and so on.

"Wow!" The elementary school students maintained the same posture of looking up and let out a long exclamation.

"Do we have to learn so much?"

"How is it possible to finish watching~"

Lin Zhaoxi counted, there are 5 bookshelves in total, and after the front and back are filled, there are 10 floors in total. Today is July 4th, and the exam is on July 15th. The total number of layers is almost exactly the same as the remaining study days before the exam after deducting the rest day.

never be...

Her gaze shifted to the middle-aged man standing in front of the bookshelf.

Vice-principal Zhang wiped his glasses with the corner of his clothes, and let the students chatter without saying a word.

Finally, when everyone was silent, he spoke.

"The study arrangements for the past few days are mainly self-study." This is the first sentence.

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask your teacher." This is the second sentence.

"All test areas are on the shelf, one level per day." This is the third sentence.

There was a moment of silence in front of the bookshelf.

When the children heard this, they all opened their mouths, like little goldfish deprived of oxygen, including Lin Zhaoxi, who went crazy. Are you kidding me? In the university, the most important area is the entire book, and it is not like now, where the entire bookshelf is the focus. There is no way to play like this.

The high school students reading on the other side of the library also heard this. Someone cast a sympathetic glance at them, these little bastards, and secretly shook their heads.

It is estimated that this wave of high school students has also been dealt with in this way early in the morning, and they are still physically and mentally exhausted. As for the elementary school students near the bookshelf, some of them subconsciously want to look through the books, but more children are still petrifying.

Zhang Shuping glanced over all the stunned children, and smiled almost helplessly: "Are you scared every day?"

"My wife is exaggerating!" A little boy opened his hands, comparing the length of the bookshelf: "This~ so~ so many~ ah~"

"I lied to you." Zhang Shuping shook his head.

"Hey!" The children were shocked again.

"Each group takes a book." Zhang Shuping said, "Take any book."

Crashing, all the children in the audience moved, those holding books took books, and those who got together got together. I don't know who was the first to sit down, but after a while, all the students sat cross-legged on the ground, their little furry black heads crowded together.

At this time, Hanamaki had already sneaked back with the book on the shelf and asked them to read it together.

What Hanamaki brought was the "Olympic Mathematical Olympiad Question Bank-Third Grade Primary School". The colorful cover and the crisp yellow paper fully reflected the sense of the times of this question bank.

Both Hanajuan and Lu Zhihao flipped through it, and then the book came into her hands.

"What's in the book, principal!" A little girl raised her head and asked Zhang Shuping.

Lin Zhaoxi was also sitting on the floor with the book on her knees, her flipping hand stopped at the table of contents, and read each item.

"Turn the book to the catalog page." Zhang Shuping said.

The children followed Zhang Shuping's instructions and clattered through the books.

"No matter when, no matter what kind of book you get, the first thing you need to do is to learn to read the catalogue." Lin Zhaoxi looked up and found Zhang Shuping glanced at her, and said so.

She lowered her head again and stroked the catalog with her fingers. She found that after each chapter of the catalog of the book she got, there were different numbers written in pencil.

For example, after the first chapter of the third-grade Mathematical Olympiad - "Quick Calculation and Clever Calculation", there is a pencil word 2, after Chapter 6 - "Fill in Calculation Formula", and Chapter 8 - "Cleverly Fill in Operators", there is also a word 2.

But in addition, some geometry items are written with the number 7, and those related to number theory are written with 1.

"What do these numbers mean, teacher?" Some students also found something tricky behind the catalog and raised their hands to ask.

Lin Zhaoxi roughly looked at the group of books next to him, and the largest number on the back of the table of contents did not exceed 10, so it should represent the number of days.

"On the table of contents, the number marked after each chapter of the program represents the test scope of the nth day." Zhang Shuping paused, and continued, "So, it's not a day for each floor, but actually every book in this entire bookshelf , may be the scope of your daily exams."

"Ah?!" The students were shocked again.

If there is anything more terrifying than testing a shelf of books a day, it must be testing an entire shelf of books a day.

"There are so many questions, how can I finish them?" Xiao Lu said sadly.

"Then don't study." Hanamaki held his head, and poked Pei Zhi nonchalantly, "I'll hold off on your average scores now, and just kick me out before the final group exam."

"No." Pei Zhi replied very simply.

Hanamaki glared at him.

Not only them here, but also the rest of the small gang sitting on the ground protested dissatisfiedly: "Teacher is lying!"

"I can't finish learning at all!"

"Too many."

"What did I lie to you?" Zhang Shuping was probably in a good mood seeing the children being beaten badly, so it was rare for him to look pleasant.

"You said there was only one floor, but it turned into a whole bookshelf again!" The little boy who opened his arms just now drew a big circle in the air with his arms.

"It's not that you think there are too many layers?"

"We didn't!" The elementary school students said in unison, including Hanamaki, who also booed.

"What I'm talking about is that the teacher has already summarized and sorted out for you in advance, and put together similar or related content. Isn't that good?"

Well... this is of course very good. Lin Zhaoxi looked at the numbers marked at the back of the table of contents of each Mathematical Olympiad book, and thought of the knowledge points table she had compiled herself, feeling a little complicated. In fact, the teachers in the summer camp really prepared seriously, and some wanted to teach them something seriously.

Students look at me and look at you, and they don't understand what's so good about it. But the innocence of children is that since the teacher assigns a task, they will still do it obediently by muttering a few words at most.

So the topic changed to -

"Then teacher, we don't have class today, are we reading here?"

"This is your classroom." Vice President Zhang replied standing in front of the tall iron bookshelf.

"But teacher, we don't know what to learn." Another asked

"What's in the book, what do you study." Vice-principal Zhang replied seriously.

"Is the one marked with 1 the content of today's test?" A child quickly pulled out the book from the shelf, flipped through two pages, and pointed to a chapter on the table of contents and asked, "There is also a '1' written on the back. , but this is the Mathematical Olympiad book for junior high school."

"Any questions?"

"But... can... but the teacher didn't say it, I... I haven't learned it, so I can't do it, I can't do it!"

"Then the test will be 0 points." Vice-principal Zhang said this, looked at his watch, and said, "At 10 o'clock, your teacher Xie Ran will appear to answer questions." After finishing speaking, he seemed to want to leave.

This time, the elementary school students sitting on the ground exploded.

"Is there really no class today?"

"Then you don't have class tomorrow?"

"Then today's test paper will not be taught tomorrow?"

"Shall we ask the teacher one by one?"

"Is Teacher Xie busy?"

"How to learn this!"

There are too many problems. Each small face has a different expression. For primary school students, this kind of self-study procedure is too difficult to understand. Lin Zhaoxi licked her lips, and suddenly remembered something. She took out the two books issued by the summer camp from her schoolbag, opened the catalog, and simply flipped through them.

"Lin Zhaoxi, tell me about it."

Suddenly, Vice President Zhang called the roll call in front of the bookshelf.