Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 45: devil


In the empty corridor, Lin Zhaoxi walked to the reading room alone.

Although there were adaptations in the story, she didn't lie to Lu Zhihao. In her childhood, there really was such an Ultraman that she really wanted.

It's still Ultraman Gauss, Gauss has the best-looking transformation stick among all Ultramans, when held high, there will be water-like blue light slanting down.

But what is slightly different from the narrative is that, in fact, she got the Ultraman Gauss in the end. Because her parent is Lao Lin, not the mother in the extracurricular reading.

Lao Lin was still very angry when he found out that she was secretly saving money. Thinking about it now, he was probably angry at his daughter for not daring to put forward her demands openly.

Lao Lin took her to the mall, facing the empty window, Lao Lin asked her what should she do now

Altman has been bought away, how does she know what to do with a poor child!

After hesitating for a long time, she was afraid that her father would be angry, so she said very sensiblely that she no longer wanted it.

But Lao Lin didn't speak, just put on a dark face, held her hand, and stood in front of the window.

Little girls with shofar braids and black-faced youths became eye-catching sights in front of the counter.

There were so many onlookers, Lin Zhaoxi couldn't take it anymore, so she made a noise to go home.

Lao Lin also took her hand and left, but when they went against the flow of people and were about to leave the crowded shopping mall, she burst into tears for no reason. It feels as if a big piece of my heart has been gouged out, desperately leaking air, as sad as if I can never eat KFC again, in short, it is really sad.

Then Lao Lin stopped and asked her again, what should she do now

Although there were still many people around watching, pointing at her, persuading Lao Lin to buy something, coaxing her, there were many voices, but Lao Lin was unmoved.

At that moment, she also calmed down and discovered her true inner thoughts. She cried and shouted to Lao Lin, she didn't want to go home, she still wanted that Ultraman Gauss.

Then Lao Lin laughed, and his face changed super fast.

For the next day, Lao Lin happily took her around all the toy stores, shopping malls, and canteens in the city. Finally, they successfully bought the toy she was longing for.

It was also at the moment when she took the toy from the salesperson's aunt, Lin Zhaoxi realized that what she said she didn't want was not true.

Lao Lin told her that if she wanted something, she should work hard to get it, no matter what she said or did, she must work hard to get it. It is very wrong to hide your true desire in your heart until it rots and become a self-deceived person because you are afraid of adulthood or failure.

Before she came to this world, that Ultraman was still in her study, and placed in the most obvious position on the bookshelf, she still likes it very much.

For children, things that they once really wanted, things that have extremely strong commemorative significance, will not lose their value so quickly.

What's more, it's really memorable.

Lin Zhaoxi stood in front of the public phone and inserted the IC card. The surrounding fields were empty, and the torrential rain that had been silting up for a day finally fell with all its might. She shrank her body in the narrow public phone booth and dialed the number she used to be very, very familiar with.

Surrounded by the overwhelming sound of rain, the boundary between the sky and the ground became blurred, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness, but it seemed that she had never been more awake than now.

Childhood memories made her suddenly discover that people are always brave when they are young, but they become more and more timid when they grow up, and this kind of timidity is synonymous with growth.


The phone was connected, and a rainy male voice came out of the phone, cold and impatient.

Lin Zhaoxi gripped the plastic microphone so tightly that her palms ached.

"Master, it's me..."

"Oh, why?"

She took a deep breath, summoned up all her courage, and tried her best not to sound so trembling, she said softly.

"Don't you keep asking, why do I know that you are good at mathematics, why do I know where you live, and why do you pester you every day? Actually, I have a secret. If you come to the oasis base to teach us mathematics, I will tell you, OK?"

That was almost the most courageous moment after she came to this world. The rain was pattering, she put all her wealth on a silver plate, and held it up high, hoping that the big devil would take a look, walk out of the devil's den, and help She slays the dragon.

At that moment, her state of mind was so sad, but a light male voice came from the phone.

"Oh, then you can say it now."

"I... I! You have to teach us, and I will tell you at the end..." She was very confident.

"So petty?"

"No, Master."

"Do you think that if you tell me the secret, I will leave immediately? Master is not such a person without the spirit of contract. You have to trust the character of the partner..."

"What... what kind of character, it's not good at all!"

"Why not?" Lao Lin smiled, "Do you really have a little secret?"

The father's tone became full of teasing, protracted, like chatting, why are you still chatting at this time, Lin Zhaoxi's heart beat faster and faster.


"Come on, turn around."

Lao Lin said.

If there must be some great devil in the world, it must be your parents.

They may treat you carelessly, or treat you too harshly, but they are often the ones who stand by you when you need them most.

It's just that they often appear too many times when you need them, and they become less conspicuous.

Lin Zhaoxi turned her head slowly, and there was a black umbrella standing in the white rain curtain.

The man under the umbrella was not that tall either. His skin was dark, his clothes were wet and his eyes were full of vicissitudes. But if you look closely, you can see those black and round eyes, the straight bridge of the nose, and the same dimple on one side as hers. Who is it but Lao Lin

Lin Zhaoxi pushed open the public phone booth, rushed into the rain, and threw herself into Lao Lin's arms, crying loudly.

The sound of the rain was still very loud, the water and the sky were in a line, but everything broke out of the ground, and life was thriving. Lin Zhaoxi seemed to hear that sound.

"Master, why are you here?" Lin Zhaoxi asked while crying.

"Didn't you say you had a secret to tell me?"

"Obviously you came first."

"Really?" Lao Lin stroked her hair and stopped talking.