Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 5: question


When she left the lecture theater, Lin Zhaoxi was quite relieved.

What can I do if I don't study mathematics well and can't solve the questions asked by the male god

However, there were too many people on the bus on the way home, and she was squeezed all the way, and her mood collapsed after getting off the bus.

It was completely dark.

Barbecue stalls have been set up outside Xincun, green smoke billows, and the aroma of mutton skewers and grilled scallops envelops the whole field.

Standing in front of the familiar barbecue stand, her mind was full of Pei Zhi's back when he left, and she was so hungry that she sent a WeChat message to Lao Lin to come and eat together.

Lao Lin quickly replied -[Miaozai].

Holding the phone and waiting at the upper air outlet, she ordered what they usually ordered. But everything was half baked, and there was no sign of Lao Lin at the gate of the new village. Looking at the dark and lonely iron gate, Lin Zhaoxi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

When she dialed Lao Lin's phone number, her hands were shaking.

There was a lot of people around, but she could only hear the "beep... beep..." waiting tone from the phone.

Her heart sank to the bottom of the water, what is wrong with her mind, she wants to find her father to go downstairs to eat barbecue!

After one call was not answered, Lin Zhaoxi resolutely gave up calling again. She greeted the owner of the barbecue stand and ran to the gate of the new village.

Lao Lin was still at home when we were chatting on WeChat. If Lao Lin hadn’t left through the back door, he would most likely still be at home…

But why not answer the phone

In just a few minutes' journey, countless possibilities flashed through Lin Zhaoxi's mind.

She rushed to the door of the house, and suddenly, she saw a leisurely figure under the tree.

The old man is wearing a sweatshirt, wearing plastic slippers, and with one hand he is bored with teasing the stray cats passing by.


Countless air rushed into his chest in an instant, Lin Zhaoxi's legs went limp, and he almost knelt down.

After adjusting her mood, she walked up to Lao Lin.

Lao Lin looked up, very surprised: "Why are you running back, are you losing weight?"

A bad feeling flashed in Lin Zhaoxi's mind, Lao Lin seemed to have completely forgotten about their barbecue appointment.

"Why are you here?" She chose the correct sentence and asked tentatively.

"I forgot to take the key when I threw out the garbage. When my daughter comes back to rescue her, I will feed the mosquitoes by the way."

"What about your mobile phone? I didn't answer your calls for a long time."

"Whoever throws garbage still takes a mobile phone."

Lao Lin was confident and confident, as if making mistakes was normal. His heart sank again, and Lao Lin really didn't remember it at all.

Forgetting recent events and having difficulty planning what's to come is normal for people with Alzheimer's disease.

It's not that she has never encountered a similar situation.

But now, under this tree, facing the doubtful father, she only has deep powerlessness.

Human beings are too vulnerable to disease and there is nothing they can do about it.

Looking at her father, Lin Zhaoxi forced herself to laugh, pretending nothing happened.

"Master Lin, is your meal ready? I'm starving to death."

"Did I forget something again?" The old man was too shrewd.

"Yeah, guess what you forgot?"

Lin Zhaoxi pulled her up and pushed him into the gate.

Lao Lin remained silent until he entered the house.

But when the door opened, he ran straight to the kitchen, yelling "Wooooo!"

There was a bit of burnt smell in the air, Lin Zhaoxi ignored him.

She looked around the house and saw her father's mobile phone on the shoe cabinet. She quietly walked over to unlock it. On the WeChat interface, it was her invitation and Lao Lin's reply.

"Hey, I turned off the fire, did he really have dementia?" Lao Lin let out a long sigh of relief in the kitchen.

Seeing his father's hazy figure happy and busy in the kitchen, Lin Zhaoxi made up his mind and deleted the entire conversation.

"What's for dinner today?" She put down her phone and shouted.

She didn't know what she was thinking at the time. Anyway, the act of deleting the wechat conversation lasted for fifty-eight minutes before being discovered by her father.

Lao Lin has been suspecting that she is not telling the truth. After dinner, she was washing the dishes, and Lao Lin went directly to the study to open the computer version of WeChat.

After she finished washing the dishes, Lao Lin sat on the sofa in the living room. He didn't turn on the light, his face was ashen, and he didn't say a word.

The air smells bad.

In my memory, the last time Lao Lin put on such a posture was when she chose liberal arts in high school when she was divided into Chinese and Science subjects.

Lin Zhaoxi's first reaction was to run, but her second reaction was not to run. She has read too many Alzheimer-related materials, and emotional instability is one of the problems caused by this disease.

She turned around bravely, wiped her hands on the apron, walked towards the sofa, and asked cautiously, "Dad?"

No response.

She caught a glimpse of the computer version of WeChat faintly visible on the computer screen in the study, and instantly understood what was going on.

She knelt down and quickly admitted her mistake: "I'm sorry, I just thought, you will be unhappy when you see that one, it doesn't matter whether you read it or not..."

"Do you think Dad is out of his mind?" Lao Lin's tone was cold.

"No no… "

"Then why do you think your father will get angry because of his daughter's little kindness?"

Lin Zhaoxi raised her head slightly, surprised: "Hey... why is that?"

"You went on a blind date?"

She was stunned. In short, she guessed countless reasons at that moment, but never thought it was because of this.

Lao Lin's face is still ugly, it's unpredictable.

"How do you know?"

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, the dean of your internship school is my classmate. He learned about my illness from my daughter and came here to take care of me. At the same time, she further reported to me, did your blind date show mercy? Concerned about my illness, I decided to continue to include you in their son's harem candidates, brackets, downgraded to one of the candidates, I hope we will continue to work hard."


"What are you thinking?" Lao Lin's tone was rare and very severe.

"It's just that I'm old... It seems that I should find a boyfriend."

Oddly enough, Lin Zhaoxi didn't explain to Lao Lin that she didn't even know it was a blind date party before entering the coffee shop.

"Like? What is your life plan?"

"Be a teacher." Lin Zhaoxi replied.

"Oh? So you really want to have a boyfriend and go on a blind date, and you want to be a teacher because you really like students?"

Lin Zhaoxi couldn't answer directly. She said, "Old Comrade Lin, you should know better than anyone else that you can't do whatever you like in this world."

For example, you like mathematics, but you can only give up your studies in the end.

I like Pei Zhi, but in the end I can only look at the ocean and sigh.

Isn't growing up just learning to compromise with the world

After she finished saying that, Lao Lin didn't say anything more.

Lao Lin just looked at her deeply.

He saw Lao Lin's eyes when she gave up and continued to learn Mathematical Olympiad; he also saw Lao Lin's eyes when she and Lao Lin were arguing about the division of arts and sciences.

He's disappointed in her decision, but resists the urge to dictate her life.

People must be responsible for their own decisions, which is Lao Lin's life creed.

Lin Zhaoxi took a deep breath, supported her knees and stood up.

"Have you ever thought..." Lao Lin didn't give up this time, and continued to persuade, "Ten or twenty years later, I will be lying on the hospital bed dying, and when you think of today's conversation in front of my hospital bed, you will think about it." say what?"

"Dad, what's the password of our bank card?"


After Lao Lin answered, he patted the sofa and warned her: "Comrade Lin Zhaoxi, don't just chat to death."

Lin Zhaoxi: "...."

"If you think about it again, will you regret not being able to pursue your dreams at an age when you can pursue them?"

Lin Zhaoxi stood in front of the sofa, there was no light in the room, and the far wall was dim.

Dream, what is her dream

Lao Lin's persistent chicken soup was very fragrant, and she couldn't help but recall Pei Zhi's question, as well as the annoyance that she wanted to try to answer but had to give up due to lack of ability.

It should be annoyed...

She looked at Lao Lin and said, "There is a question."

ten minutes later.

Lao Lin put down the pencil for calculation and asked, "Is it from Pei Zhi?"


Lao Lin said with emotion: "So you said you are blind date, obviously there is such an excellent boy that you don't want to chase after him."

Lin Zhaoxi: "I still like Fasha, can I catch up?"

Lao Lin: "Who is that?"

Lin Zhaoxi: "Magneto."

Lao Lin: "It's such a coincidence, I like it too."


"That is to say, if you solve this problem, Pei Zhi will agree to be your boyfriend?"

"Can you stop being so in love with the brain, this is an entry question for joining the modeling competition team."

"I'm afraid not." Lao Lin's tone was too determined.

"I do not understand."

"This is a pebble to ask the way." Lao Lin took off his reading glasses, and his eyes were far-reaching. "It's not asking the way of the modeling competition, but a p/np question."

Lin Zhaoxi looked at the question again, and finally understood where the feeling of scratching with scales came from.

The p/np problem, one of the millennium problems, the million-dollar prize, is tied with the Riemann hypothesis and the Poincaré conjecture.

Pei Zhi is really...

"Ambitious." Lao Lin made a final decision, and was very pleased: "I correct myself, this should really not be Pei Zhi's question, this is what the instructor meant. The professor in your school who studies Hamiltonian circuits happens to be Teacher Pei, is your surname Shen or Zeng?"

Lin Zhaoxi was speechless: "You know too much about this."

"Not much, not much. I also know that although this question is still far away from the real solution of P/NP. But to solve it and rewrite the course of human history, someone with such courage is worthy of respect."

"Well, yes." Lin Zhaoxi thought, courage is really enviable.

"Then do you want to take the postgraduate entrance examination for the mathematics department of your school?" Lao Lin changed the topic.

Lin Zhaoxi stared at him dumbfounded, not knowing why the topic came up to this point.

"Prove that P=NP, greatly increase the computing speed of the computer, countless diseases including Alzheimer's, the time to conquer them will be greatly shortened..." Lao Lin continued to sigh, "Why don't you consider changing your major for your dad? "

Lin Zhaoxi pointed to herself, and then pointed to the question on the table: "Boss, I can't even understand it, okay, there are four years of professional study time between me and the mathematics entrance examination!"

Lao Lin smiled and said earnestly: "You think you can't catch up with Pei Zhi, but is the distance between you and him farther than the distance between him and the P/NP problem?"

Simply irrefutable.

Lin Zhaoxi turned around awkwardly, and walked towards the door of her room.

Lao Lin was still smiling, and a deep and hoarse smile sounded behind her.

"Miss Lin Zhaoxi, in this long and beautiful life, if you really find something you want to do, then it's not too late no matter when you decide to start again."

The author has something to say:

Supplementary excerpts:

P refers to the problem that can be solved quickly by computer, and NP refers to the problem that we want to find the optimal solution. If P = NP, then we will easily find a solution to any given problem. P = NP means that society as we know it will change dramatically, with an immediate qualitative leap in the automation of all tasks in medicine, science, entertainment, and human society.

[US] Lance Fortnow. The Boundary of the Possible and the Impossible: An Interesting History of the PNP Problem