Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 54: promote


The bright moon hangs in the night sky, casting a light halo over the entire oasis base.

The staff dormitory is located on the north side of the base, surrounded by a large pine forest, and it is quieter at night. Except for occasional small animals stepping on the thick pine needles, making a little soft sound.

"Old Lu, is the path you chose really ok?"

"It should be fine, just go directly to Master's back door." Lu Zhihao pulled down his hat and said in a low voice.

"What do you think we are like? Why is reading a book the same as being a thief?"

Hanamaki complained softly, but her expression was very happy, her eyes were bright.

Lu Zhihao knew he was excited because he was too.

They went out for two days, and they came back very late. Just now they pretended to sleep to avoid the housekeeper's aunt's rounds, and now they sneaked out again. In order to catch up with the class at night, he didn't even go to KFC, so he clamored to come back early.

The moonlight leaked through the pine needles, and there was a very soft chirping of insects all around.

Not far away, the window revealed a yellow light, already close at hand. Inside stood their teachers and their classmates.

Although he couldn't see the expressions clearly, Lu Zhihao felt that everyone was smiling. The people had already gathered together, counting carefully, they were almost the last to arrive.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't be late." Hanamaki ran away, overjoyed, with her schoolbag bouncing behind his back.

Lu Zhihao followed behind, and he also ran very fast. The fresh night wind flowed from his mouth into his lungs, and it was extremely sweet.

He didn't know when learning mathematics became an exciting thing to think of.

When they arrived, they ran into Chen Chengcheng who was coming from the main road.

"You... why are you here?" Chen Chengcheng asked.

"Didn't you see Uncle Security on the road?" Lu Zhihao also asked.

"I didn't see it."

"Be careful, what if you get caught?"

The door is pushed open, and the room is warm. Master looked over, and Lin Zhaoxi sat on the floor and waved to them, smiling very happily.

There are many small pieces of paper on the ground. If you look carefully, they have made a lot of chickens and rabbits. The reason why Lu Zhihao can recognize them is because "chicken" and "rabbit" are written on each chicken and rabbit. .

"Let's talk about word problems today! Chickens and rabbits share the same cage." Lin Zhaoxi sat aside to make room for them, "What did you say you caught?"

The hair on the girl's head caught his face, Lu Zhihao retreated: "Just now we saw Uncle Security guard patrolling on the road."

"That's why you have to be careful." Lin Zhaoxi asked, "If you are found out, what should you say?"

"Sleepwalking!" Hanamaki shouted.

Everyone in the room heard their conversation and laughed along with it.

After a while, without any reminder, the lecture interrupted by them continued naturally.

The chickens and rabbits in the same cage that Master talked about were a little different from what he had heard before. On the ground are a lot of rabbits and chickens. The one with 2 legs is a chicken, and the one with 4 legs is a rabbit.

Lao Lin asked, "What do we know now?"

"Chickens and rabbits have 12 heads and 34 legs

Lao Lin asked, "What is it?"

"There are as many chickens as rabbits, and they only have one head. Counting the number of their heads is equivalent to counting the number."

"Great. Next we have to see, does the number of heads have anything to do with it?"

The students bowed their heads one after another and broke off one chicken leg and two rabbit legs.

It can be clearly seen that the chicken has only one head and one leg left, and the number of heads is exactly the same as the number of legs.

Lu Zhihao watched everyone's actions in astonishment.

"How many legs are left in this cage of chickens and rabbits?"

"34/2=17, there are 17 legs left." An Beibei answered quickly.

"What now?"

"After being reduced by half, the number of chicken heads is now equal to the number of legs. The total number of legs is 17 minus the total number of heads. 12, for chickens, all have been subtracted, and 17-12=5 does not include chickens. "

"Oh, and what about the rabbit?"

"For the rest of the rabbits, there are two legs, only one head, and the legs are twice as long as the head." An Beibei said while breaking off the remaining two legs of the rabbit, "But just now From 17 to 12, each rabbit loses another leg, and the number of remaining legs is the total number of rabbits, so there are still 5 rabbits left.”

An Beibei finished speaking in one breath. The previous he would count, but he definitely couldn't make it so clear.

Lu Zhihao understood immediately. Although he already knew how to solve this problem with linear equations in two variables, it was not that he had never heard of this clever calculation method, but with the addition of an intuitive piece of paper, the problem-solving process became very clear at a glance.

So ingenious and great!

Touching the chickens and rabbits on the ground, he only had this feeling.

Master Lao Lin changed another animal to give the question. This time it was a turtle with 3 legs and 2 eyes and a turtle with 6 eyes and one leg. The questions were a little more difficult than before.

Some people were still drawing pictures, but others were doing mental calculations, and Master Lao Lin didn't stop them.

There are no rules here, and there is no formula or method that must be used. Everyone can have their own ideas.

Everyone was happy, and he was very happy too.

If only I could keep learning like this!

When he finally left the dormitory, looking at the sky full of stars, he only had this idea.

The sun is rising.

Monday, oasis base, conference room.

Xie Ran yawned and walked into the conference room, shaking the freshly brewed instant coffee. He wakes up at 7 in the morning and has a casual breakfast by 8 o'clock.

The regular meeting at 8 o'clock will be held until 8:20, and there are 10 minutes left for them to pack their things. At 8:30, they have to go to class for the children. The children are hard, but the teacher is not easy.

The big boss entered the meeting room on time at 8 o'clock in the morning, nodded briefly with them, and quickly entered the meeting process.

"Let each group be responsible for the teachers first, and summarize the teaching situation for the next week, starting with the high school group."

The teacher in charge of the Jinbei high school group has taught for more than 20 years and has more experience than him. He directly reported several average grades, saying that under the elimination competition system, the grades of the students have improved significantly.

After Xie Ran heard it, those names were all excellent students who were mentioned in the first meeting, and they might be good candidates for the provincial training team. Mentioning such a sample proves that the students' grades have improved significantly, which is not representative.

The junior high school group did the same thing. Xie Ran felt sleepy, unscrewed the plastic cup, took a sip of coffee, and was called by name.

"Where is Mr. Xie's junior high group?"

"Is it okay?" Xie Ran said.

The office suddenly fell silent. Everyone was discussing and chatting enthusiastically, but because of his words, it suddenly became as quiet as ice.

"As I said before, I hope that the teachers can use more precise data to describe the children's situation instead of choosing very vague words, especially—make it."

Xie Ran smiled and didn't care much.

At this moment, someone glanced at him and shook his head.

It was old teacher Feng from the high school group who had warned him about the difficult boss.

Xie Ran: "It's not good or bad. The difficulty of our test papers is not fixed, so the results really don't show anything."

Vice-principal Zhang was silent for a while, and finally said: "Tell me about the children you think will be able to compete in the final competition, and how are they doing."

"Pei Zhi, Lin Zhaoxi, Zhang Liang, Wang Feng, and Lu Ming are all smart, and their grades are very stable, but they don't have a good relationship with each other, so it's hard to form a team together." Xie Ran told the truth.

"Children, there is nothing wrong with it." A teacher said.

"Participating in the competition together is not a requirement for teamwork, and the average score is calculated." Another teacher said.

Xie Ran didn't speak, but he smiled and nodded when anyone said it.

"Stable grades are enough." Vice-principal Zhang finished summarizing and clicked on the small and middle groups.

After everyone finished talking for a round, it was almost time.

"Finally, I have to work hard for all the teachers and reiterate the discipline issue with the students again."

Vice-principal Zhang looked at the notebook and said, "On Sunday night, the high school team found out that two students were staying out at night, and they have already been expelled. The base is very large, and staying out at night is very unsafe, please emphasize it to your classmates. "

Hearing this, Xie Ran continued to smile without saying anything.

After the meeting, he held the plastic cup, yawned, and was about to go downstairs for class.

Teacher Feng from the Xiao Gao Group pulled him over: "Why are you insulting the principal again?"

Xie Ran laughed helplessly: "I'm too wronged, Mr. Feng."

"You said 'alright', obviously you have emotional problems, don't forget, you need his signature for your internship report." Teacher Feng said.

"I understand, thank you."

"I know you have a problem with Vice Principal Zhang, please bear with it." Teacher Feng patted him on the shoulder and hurried away.

Xie Ran thought, what opinion could he have? He is just a college student who needs a chapter in his internship report.

Before, by chance, the Anning City Jinbei Training Camp recruited students at their school. He tried to submit an internship resume and applied.

At that time, it was not the vice principal Zhang who recruited his teacher. It is said that the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau paid special attention to this year's promotion to the Cup and said that they must achieve results. So a well-known teacher from a major mathematics province was airdropped to take care of it, and it was this Vice President Zhang.

In fact, Xie Ran has ambivalent feelings toward Vice President Zhang. On the one hand, he thinks he is too Spartan, but certain educational concepts are quite reasonable.

He studied mathematics, so he really has no experience in education, he can only do what others say.

But with the children for so long, it is false to say that there is no emotion.

In fact, before Vice Principal Zhang asked that question, he really wanted to say that some children in the class seemed to have made great progress in their grades, but the leader didn't care about these, so he shut up.

"Do you want to listen to the grades first, or go to class first?"

In the junior high school classroom, Xie Ran stood in front of the podium and began to tease the students.

Lin Zhaoxi yawned, and said together with the rest of the class, "Lesson~ first~"

Xie Ran smiled: "Then I'd better report the results first."

Sure enough, it was this routine again, no surprise at all.

Xie Ran said: "Friday's exam is the easiest one in the past few days. It is mainly to let you go home and play in a good mood, so don't take this result too seriously."

"Teacher, you hit us again!" The students complained one after another.

"Okay, let's put it another way. I was surprised by the results of a few students, and they have made great progress. I feel that the mid-term exam will be difficult to distinguish." Xie Ran smiled, "Next, I will focus on praise..."

Xie Ran opened the paper and began to read the name.

"Chen Chengcheng, An Beibei, Luo Xiaojuan, Yao Xiaotian, Hanamaki..."

The children whose names were reported were very happy and looked at each other incredulously.

When he heard that Chen Chengcheng's grades had improved by leaps and bounds, Zhang Liang's face was so stinky.

Lin Zhaoxi had no time to take pleasure from Zhang Liang's expression at this time, the more she listened, the more frightened she became, except for Luo Xiaojuan, they were all children of their group.

Could it be that Lao Lin has a mathematic spirit, so if he gets good grades, he will be good

"Student Lin Zhaoxi, why are you looking at me?" Xie Ran stopped and looked at her, "You already know that you are tied for first place with Pei Zhi again?"

"No, no." Lin Zhaoxi shook her head violently, then stopped suddenly, "What?"

"Should I praise you again?"

"No teacher!"

"Come up and get your group's papers." Xie Ran said.

She walked up, Xie Ran handed her the second set of papers, and asked casually.

"What did you do last night, so sleepy?"

Lin Zhaoxi was horrified, and looked at Xie Ran puzzled, did he know

"Have a good night's rest." Xie Ran instructed.