Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 56: Excuse


No matter what happens, find a leader. The law does not blame the public, which is probably what it means.

It was very late, and the remaining 11 children were quickly taken back to their room to rest.

Before going upstairs, Pei Zhi glanced at her on the stairs, Lin Zhaoxi raised her head and twitched the corners of her mouth, probably trying to smile.


Turning around a flight of stairs, the wall lamps were dim and shone on them, casting long, thin black shadows on the wooden floor.

Lu Zhihao was at the end, the cramped stairs made people irritable, he finally couldn't hold back, he raised his hand and grabbed the person in front: "Is... that's the end?"

he asked in a low voice.

"No." Pei Zhi said concisely.

"No, why not?"

Lu Zhihao suddenly became frightened. He was in a daze downstairs just now, but now that he finally left, he became more sober.

Lin Zhaoxi said she was the one who took the lead, but why did Vice Principal Zhang ask that, is he going to punish the person who took the lead

Drive her away, but Lin Zhaoxi can't leave, she wants to stay the most.

"No, it's not her. Does she want to carry it alone?" His voice was a little louder, and he turned his head in a panic.

In an instant, his arm was tightly held by Pei Zhi.

"What are you doing!" The aunt walking in the front turned her head and scolded, "I don't think the trouble I caused today is not big enough!"

"Auntie, I'm sorry." Pei Zhi pressed him down forcefully, bowing and apologizing.


Lin Zhaoxi was still standing in the living room, and did not hear the whispered dispute at the corner on the second floor.

From time to time, back and forth voices came from the walkie-talkie. Some people stopped the team, some reported the situation, and some chatted casually.

At night, with the rustling of radio waves, Vice President Zhang turned his head and turned off the walkie-talkie.

The whole living room fell silent for a moment. Quiet as night.

Lin Zhaoxi took two breaths of Night Breeze, trying to calm herself down.

Her only hope now is that Pei Zhi can persuade those children not to go downstairs to make trouble.

She looked up and looked directly at the middle-aged man standing in front of him. There is a Mediterranean circle on his head, and his neck is very thick. Due to the relationship with his desk all year round, he is slightly hunchbacked, very strict, and his whole body reveals strictness from the inside out.

"Where did you find an excellent teacher to teach others?" Vice President Zhang asked.

"It's an uncle," she replied.

Zhang Shuping: "Where is that uncle of yours now?"

"If I don't tell you, will you go up and ask other people?"

Zhang Shuping: "What do you think?"

"Then what if I said so?"

This sentence obviously angered him. Vice President Zhang patted the bookshelf: "What are you trying to hide now? Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. From the first day, you have been full of hostility towards the entire summer camp. I feel that the teacher is harming you, and the teachers are all bad people, and they set up so many rules just to break you to death!"

"I don't think so." Lin Zhaoxi said calmly.

"Then what do you think, finding a teacher from another school can help your classmates improve their grades, and everyone doesn't have to leave. What is going on in your mind?"

His voice was low, like the rumble of thunder hidden in thick clouds.

Lin Zhaoxi's eyes fell on the Lego platform in the corner of the hall. The building blocks were piled aside and no one played for a long time.

There are a few chairs beside the table, as well as confiscated erasers and pencils. After coming out of the reading room at night, there must be some children reading there.

"I think everyone should not hate math," she said.

Vice-principal Zhang was at a loss for words for a moment, and his face became more gloomy: "Yes, the teacher made you hate mathematics?"

"Because it's too difficult, the knockout round, the course is always going forward desperately, some people will not be able to keep up, and then they will lose confidence and don't want to learn." Lin Zhaoxi said very slowly.

"And then?" Zhang Shuping asked.

"Then, I don't want to learn Mathematical Olympiad anymore." She replied.

Xie Ran stood behind Zhang Shuping, looked at her thoughtfully, then shook his head at her.

Zhang Shuping: "Since you really want to discuss this issue, I would like to ask you, who do you know who wants to learn Mathematical Olympiad because he really likes it?"

But after Zhang Shuping asked, he didn't give her a chance to answer.

Zhang Shuping: "Yes, it may be Pei Zhi, or you, or some others."

"It's not because I like it, maybe, only Pei Zhi is." Lin Zhaoxi replied honestly.

"Don't use you and Pei Zhi as special cases to ask everyone! I have been teaching for so many years, and I know why so many children work so hard to learn Mathematical Olympiad. Smart, good at math, what else?"

"How many people can endure the boring pain of being eliminated?" Zhang Shuping asked, "This is just Anning City, Jin Cup, Primary School Olympics, junior high school competition..."

Zhang Shuping used several pauses to highlight this sense of insignificance.

"Above you, there are so many brothers and sisters. There are 378 people in the entire Anning Jinbei Summer Camp. If you put it in the entire Jiang Province, think about how many people there will be, and then put it in the whole country? I can tell you There are so many people in the country who attend Mathematical Olympiad classes, but only 60 people actually get into the national training team, and among these 60 people, only 6 people can really participate in the competition!"

Lin Zhaoxi looked at him, knowing that Vice Principal Zhang was out of breath, that's why he said so much.

But she couldn't answer what he said. Because she knew very well that what Vice President Zhang was talking about was a certain kind of reality in the world.

The night wind passed through the hall again, surging vigorously.

She plucked up her courage and said, "But...we never thought about being able to represent our country in competitions. We just wanted to...learn more, have a better time learning, and stay longer. Isn't that okay?"

"If you want to be happy, don't take the road of competition!" Zhang Shuping is even more strict, "Real mathematics research is difficult and difficult in the later stage, and a small step forward will take a lot of life. , It takes a lot of effort to take a step, so many people, so many children, are you sure you want to drag them all into this muddy puddle?"

"Iā€¦ "

"You are very smart." Zhang Shuping asked her, "Why do you think the things you hate the most, why should I set them up? Group knockouts, carrying things upstairs, and so many links that may happen?"

"Why, I don't understand?"

"It's all an excuse."

Lin Zhaoxi raised her head abruptly.

"Dad, I came back because I was too tired from climbing the stairs and didn't have the strength to take the exam; Mom, I was eliminated because our group XX was so bad in the exam; Grandma, the teacher at the summer camp was so fierce, I couldn't stand it... Believe me , Every child will say that when they go back.ā€

Zhang Shuping's voice was very soft, like a submissive voice of a child, and Lin Zhaoxi's heart ached.

"Everyone needs an excuse, children need it, parents need it, they are all excuses." Zhang Shuping said.

Lin Zhaoxi couldn't tell what she was feeling in her heart. At that moment, it was as if someone had turned on a strong light, shining into the darkest corner of her heart, and there was nothing to hide.

She even felt that Zhang Shuping was just an exaggerated part of her, expressing her true thoughts in a straightforward and cruel way.

In that world, she just found some excuses to give up mathematics, because she knew the difficulty of the road and the difficulty of the chasm.

She looked deeply at the middle-aged man in front of her, at his Mediterranean, and his slightly hunched back.

Now the situation is a little ridiculous.

It's not that she hadn't thought about it before, and she would leave everything behind to study mathematics after returning home, and she also felt that she could do it.

But will she really not make excuses anymore? It's too difficult, too tired, her foundation is too weak... It's even very simple, she feels that she can't do it...

As long as you want to give up, people can always find excuses to support the reasons for giving up.

Yes, excuses, people need excuses too much.

Lin Zhaoxi choked up, as if the whole world had become dark, only the corner of her heart full of weakness, cowardice, and escape was still lit.

Once again, she is still her.

It won't change.

"So, you mean." She asked, "If you can't keep up and want to give up, let them give up?"

"Because they will always give up, sooner or later." Zhang Shuping said.

Lin Zhaoxi didn't speak anymore, she still seemed unable to convince herself now.

"So, since you took the initiative to say that you are the leader, then I expel you from the summer camp, do you still have any objections?"

Lin Zhaoxi lowered her head, and under her feet was a piece of white marble floor.

Zhang Shuping asked: "So, where is the teacher you found now?"

Lin Zhaoxi felt that she had said something, but she could no longer hear her own voice.

After that, Vice President Zhang should have asked Xie Ran to ask her to leave. They seemed to pat him on the shoulder and let her go up to rest.

Lin Zhaoxi's eyes were full of tears and she didn't dare to raise her head.

The black leather shoes drifted away and were about to disappear at the end of the door.

The trousers, which were stained with mud, stopped the moment they stepped out.

There was a voice.

"But I sincerely hope that you don't give up learning mathematics. Because in the eyes of those who really want to persevere, there is no such thing as a teacher I hate."

Vice-principal Zhang finally said.