Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 60: Identification


The azure lake wind blows, and the sky seems to be raining the color of stardust.

Lin Zhaoxi leaned against Lao Lin's chest.

After saying that sentence, she seemed to be standing on the border where dream and reality were intertwined.

The distorted space dividing line under the feet is surrounded by a space as deep as the universe. She felt both the extreme grandeur and the unspeakable smallness and sorrow.

Because at that moment, it was still like a revelation, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the moment when she left.

There was a definite time and a definite situation. She was sitting on a park bench, eating bright ice cubes, shaking her legs, and waving to Lao Lin.

Then, she would leave this old Lin to this little Lin Zhaoxi.

At the same moment, she finally understood that the key to everything was to take the initiative to tell her father the truth.

It has nothing to do with Zhang Shuping or even mathematics itself. It does not lie in those specific moments, but in every moment of life. Be a courageous person and stop hesitating.

Lin Zhaoxi wiped away tears.

The lake breeze faded, the stardust disappeared, and the space became completely bright.

Lao Lin's violent heartbeat entered the blood vessel from her ear, the heart pumped out blood, and the whole body gradually warmed up.

She's still here, fortunately, she doesn't have to leave yet.

Lin Zhaoxi landed on her heels, allowing herself to stand still and return to normal.

But Lao Lin's hand was still pressing on the top of her hair, and his palm trembled uncontrollably.

Lin Zhaoxi was a little embarrassed, she turned her gaze downwards and looked around.

Lu Zhihao's shocked face appeared in her field of vision, along with Hanamaki, An Beibei, Chen Chengcheng...

All their 10 children, with almost identical expressions, packed the entire corridor to the brim.

Lin Zhaoxi suddenly felt that courage is really difficult.

"Why are you here?" she asked softly.

"Ah, let's find Vice President Zhang! It's not your fault, if you want to punish us all!"

Lu Zhihao shouted, and all the children in the corridor nodded their heads, looking filled with righteous indignation.

"Yes, and us."

"It's not your fault alone."

At this time, a low cough came from the end of the corridor, interrupting the children who confessed their crimes.

The children followed the sound and found that the person they were looking for was standing there with a bad look on their faces, and they immediately huddled together.

After being disturbed by the children, Lin Zhaoxi became calmer. Lin Zhaoxi smiled slightly, and she will get better.

While thinking this way, she looked up at Lao Lin.

It was also at that moment that she finally saw Lao Lin's expression after learning the truth, and her blood immediately turned cold.

Lao Lin suddenly withdrew his hand that was pressing her hair. There was no emotion on his face, but the originally tense and suppressed facial muscles relaxed, and there was deep loss and sadness in his eyes.

Lin Zhaoxi didn't know why, and looked at him suspiciously, but only heard Lao Lin speak slowly in an extremely depressing hoarse voice.

"I know you need a father, but I can't be your father."

It was "impossible", not "probably not", Lao Lin said with certainty, and turned to leave after speaking.

Lin Zhaoxi panicked, subconsciously trying to recreate the scene when she left. What was her expression like

Is it relaxed and fulfilled, or regretted and lost

No one can predict what has not happened yet, and that picture has been completely erased from her mind.

But no matter what, she is very sure that in Strawberry World, she grew up with Lao Lin, and her memory is clear, there is no doubt about it.

"You are wrong." She said firmly to Lao Lin.

"Chaoxi!" The dean's mother grabbed her, "Where did you know that?"

"Why didn't you ask me where I knew it?" Lin Zhaoxi asked Lao Lin.

The figure of Lao Lin who was about to leave stopped, and Lin Zhaoxi could clearly hear the sound of him forcibly calming down after taking a deep breath.

"Maybe it's because I'm getting old and suddenly lose courage." Lao Lin looked back at her and stopped: "Sorry, I didn't react like an adult just now."

Lin Zhaoxi: "You're so sure it's impossible, is it because my age doesn't match your daughter's? Then why did you go to the orphanage to see my file?"

Lao Lin: "Who told you that I have a daughter?"

"I just know." Lin Zhaoxi said, "You may think I'm lying, or ask me to give reasons, but I don't have any, but you trust me, okay?"

Lao Lin frowned, his face pale. It took him a second to walk up to him, take her hand, and hold on to it.

It was only later that Lin Zhaoxi found out that this was probably the only moment in his rational life that surpassed reason.

Lao Lin: "There is no need for a reason."

"What did you say?"

"If you have facts, you don't need a reason."

Inside the car, the atmosphere was dull.

From the suburbs to the urban area, you will pass through a large lake area. Outside the window, there is a vast lake. Lin Zhaoxi sits in the middle of the back row.

"Thank you, we'll be there in about a quarter of an hour."

"Turn left onto Tong'an Road."

In the co-pilot, the head of the party has been on the phone, and her serious voice guiding the way can be heard from time to time, making the cabin even more tense.

The speed is steady, there are about two traffic lights, and they will drive onto the main road in the city.

After saying that sentence just now, Lao Lin didn't speak again, just held her hand and went downstairs.

The children blocked at the entrance of the corridor were stunned, and they were quickly caught by the head of the party.

Lin Zhaoxi had never seen the head of the party so gaffe. She first scolded Lao Lin, and then reprimanded her for not knowing what was going on in her mind all day long, for she could hide it to death knowing who her biological parents were. She was really angry. She first thought that Lao Lin had abandoned her, and felt sorry for her. She even had a sense of despair that her raised daughter was about to leave.

Lin Zhaoxi didn't know what to do, so she could only stop to comfort the dean's mother.

But while asking for clarification, he refused to say anything.

However, Lao Lin insisted on taking her for an appraisal, with the determination to put all his eggs in one basket.

For a moment, the child's questioning, the adult's scolding, and her flustered and helpless voice caused chaos in the entire corridor.

at last…

Lin Zhaoxi looked at the middle-aged man who was driving...

In the end, it was Xie Ran who said like a genius, "Vice Principal Zhang has a car to take you away", which completely settled the whole chaos.

Santana sedan, front cab.

Zhang Shuping stepped on the accelerator and let the vehicle drive onto the bridge across the lake. He was confronting them a few minutes ago, and then he was going to help them recognize their father and daughter in the next few minutes.

He looked up in the rearview mirror, his face pale and unhappy.

Under the rearview mirror, the safe voyage pendant swayed slightly.

Inside the car is the continuous low sound of the engine, the sound of tires rolling over stones, and the sound of turning grip, these sounds are particularly clear.

Lin Zhaoxi looked to the side.

Lao Lin was sitting by the window, his eyes were straight ahead, his jaw was tense, besides holding her hand, he seemed to be in extremely tense thinking, trying to discern the truth from the fog every second.

Lin Zhaoxi didn't know what the truth was.

Because if Lao Lin's life was a book, she once only read the part that Lao Lin was willing to let her read, while many other important chapters were tightly sealed by Lao Lin, and the pages of the book were so tightly glued together that even the sharpest letter opener could not touch it. cut open.

Why is Lao Lin so sure that he can't be her father

Why did he put all his eggs in one basket at the next moment and take her to confirm the facts

"You'd better take this opportunity to explain clearly to me." In the co-pilot, the head of the party hung up the phone and said back.

Lin Zhaoxi shook her head.

She understood why Lao Lin didn't speak, and she also knew that she didn't need to say anything.

In the face of facts, there is no need for reason.

The Forensic Center of Anning University is located in the old campus of the school. It has a small appearance, but there are always people coming and going in a hurry.

The head of the party has a long-term "cooperative relationship" with the center. After they arrived, they went directly to the second floor.

In a small office, the staff took out an "Application Form for Authorization of DNA Parental Authority" and put it on the table.

"Personal identification, right, non-judicial entrustment?"

The wind blew up the blue curtains of the laboratory and rattled. Lao Lin looked tense. He stood in front of the old-fashioned solid wood desk and bent over to write without saying anything.

The party leader glanced at them and said, "Let's go to someone first, hurry up."

"The five working days, expedited."

Lin Zhaoxi sat on the chair behind, not aware of these differences.

Lao Lin was still holding her hand, his posture was very distorted, she watched Lao Lin fill out the application form stroke by stroke, writing his and her names in the name column.

When it was his turn to address him, he paused noticeably.

Lin Zhaoxi pursed his lips, Lao Lin gave her a deep look, finally turned his head, wrote "father" in the upper column, and wrote "daughter" in the lower column.

The staff took the identification form and took them to the blood collection room.

A mother with a baby was ahead of them.

The needle stuck into the baby's arm, and the baby cried out with a whoosh. Lin Zhaoxi watched the dark red blood being drawn out little by little, and her mother immediately burst into tears. She could not help but subconsciously look at Lao Lin.

Lao Lin looked awe-inspiring from the beginning to the end, but at that moment, the hand that had been holding her was tightened again, as if to comfort her.

The needle was pulled out, the cotton was pressed onto the baby's arm, the mother stood up holding the baby, Lin Zhaoxi passed her by, took a deep breath, and sat down...