Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 63: five days


Lin Zhaoxi didn't know where Lao Lin's determination came from, but it was probably just to reassure her.

Vice-principal Zhang gave them the right to study independently, and they no longer have to go to the reading room to read.

"Even the simplest topic, you can analyze it clearly. What is the unknown quantity? What is the known data? What is the connection between the unknown quantity and the known data?"

Different from the way they used to do the questions, Lao Lin asked them to carry out the exercise training with different requirements, not seeking accuracy and speed, but asking for ideas.

Write out the solution ideas before solving the problem. In the training of pursuing speed, this is a process of slowing down.

Many topics are too basic for Lin Zhaoxi, but since Lao Lin asked everyone to do it, she didn't exclude herself.

From number theory to geometry, from solution to proof...

After writing the last answer, she raised her head, and the street lights outside the window were already on.

It's already night? When she thought this way, the surrounding voices rushed in like a tidal wave.

A pot of mung bean porridge was put down, right on the target score.

Lao Lin called them for dinner. He didn't say anything, but silently scooped up the porridge and put them in small bowls.

The other children were all immersed in their own world, still immersed in the problems, only Pei Zhi also put down his pen.

Lin Zhaoxi leaned over to look at his exercise set, and found that the book had been turned almost to the end. She signaled to Pei Zhi that she wanted to read his exercise set, Pei Zhi nodded in agreement, and sat back.

She leaned over and flipped through the book from beginning to end, and found that Pei Zhi didn't follow Lao Lin's choice at all. He did all the exercises from beginning to end.

Although the handwriting is still naive, the process of solving the problem is meticulous.

Even if he knew the answer at a glance, he still wrote down the whole process in detail as Lao Lin said.

The little boy's breath fell on the top of her hair, and Lin Zhaoxi finished turning the last page.

"All done?" she whispered

"Yeah, there's nothing to do anyway."

Nothing to do anyway...

Lao Lin put down the last bowl of porridge and squinted at them.

Lin Zhaoxi stood up quickly, trying to help Lao Lin distribute the finished porridge to the other children.

"I'm going to get steamed buns." Old Linte said.

Lin Zhaoxi wanted to follow.

"You sit." Lao Lin said to her, and then he nodded Pei Zhi and said, "You follow."

The two walked around and came back.

Lao Lin had an extra bowl of steamed buns in his hand, and Pei Zhi started to tidy up the books on the table.

Lin Zhaoxi: "What's wrong?"

"Master asked me to change places with Yao Xiaotian."


"He is so free, he can teach others." Lao Lin said. Yao Xiaotian's seat was just across the long table from her, thousands of miles away.

Lao Lin stuffed a steamed bun into Pei Zhi's hand and asked him to sit there and eat.

Lin Zhaoxi looked at Lao Lin and found it incredible.

"What to look at, primary school students can't fall in love early." Lao Lin said.

Changing seats is just a small episode in the intense study life.

Most of the time they have been working on the questions, and the amount of questions assigned by Lao Linxia is quite large, and everyone has to deal with them wholeheartedly.

"Mr. Lin, they all look the same for this permutation and combination problem!" An Beibei shouted.

"Why is it the same?"

"I see them all like noodles, in strings."

"That's it..." Lao Lin snapped his fingers, pinched together the training questions in the permutation and combination part, and asked, "What do you think it looks like now?"


"Of course it's a bowl of noodles." Lao Lin smiled.

"Teacher, you were not like this before, you have changed!"

Stimulated by Lao Lin's cold joke, the children wailed again and again, but after shouting, they buried their heads in calculations, as if they were not the ones who complained about too many questions just now.

In fact, even elementary school students know that if you want to improve your grades in a short period of time, there is no shortcut other than doing a lot of questions.

For mathematics, a lot of practice and repeated consolidation are the best ways to use tools proficiently.

Countdown to the 4th day.

"Amber, 78."

"Chen Chengcheng, 83."

"Yao Xiaotian, 75"

"Lu Zhihao, 82"

In class, every time Xie Ran reported a result, there would be exclamations in the class.

Except for the client, the other students were very surprised by their rapid progress, especially Chen Chengcheng who had been bullied by Zhang Liang and the others.

In the 5th and 6th two tests, Chen Chengcheng's scores exceeded the average score of the first group, and were higher than the scores of the students Zhang Liang hired to fill his position. Got a poor grade.

"Don't you know how to do this question? Why did you make a mistake? Do you know how much the average score has delayed us?"

When class was over, classmate Zhang Liang's accusations were particularly loud.

"Chen Chengcheng, you are amazing! How did you learn it?"

At the same time, there was also the sincere praise from kid Lu Zhihao.

Zhang Liang stared at Lu Zhihao with wide-eyed anger, while his group of followers were also pressed on the table, as if they were about to quarrel at any time.

Lin Zhaoxi tapped the table with her five fingers, glanced at little teacher Xie Ran outside the window, and smiled at them.

Xie Ran looked back at them, Zhang Liang couldn't bear it, so he could only slam back to his seat and hit the desk hard.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Chengcheng remained silent, just looking at the wrong questions on his test paper.

Ever since he said that he wanted to score 85 in the test, he was very quiet and worked hard towards his goal silently. Of course, this kind of silence also infected other people.

In a corner of the cafeteria, the sun shines through the glass windows, the ceiling fan spins fast, and the rustling sound of writing fills the entire corner.

They stayed here all the time except when they went to the reading room for the exam at 5:30. Canteens are not the perfect environment for studying, so there are always parents with children who stop by their side.

"Can you read books here?" Parents always ask this question.

Lin Zhaoxi had already found the best answer, so she was sent by her friends to deal with all kinds of people outside.

Without looking up, she handed out a note.

The parent who asked the question took a look and found that there were a few lines of big characters on it, and answered all the questions she wanted to ask and the next question.

—[If you can’t see it, you have to see it]

—[I can only study in the cafeteria if I am not good at reading]

—[Why study mathematics?]

—[Because math is so fucking interesting]

When the parents saw these answers, they sometimes took the note and left in a trance.

"Auntie, pay me back, I just wrote this, it's still new!" Lin Zhaoxi would always chase and shout.

In fact, after staying for a long time, you will find that it is the same wherever you study, as long as you immerse yourself in it, the environment will not affect anything at all.

3rd day to last.

The closer the mid-term exam is, the more nervous the children are when the results are announced every day.

The average score will be included in the total average score. Even if there is a difference of 0.5 points, it may be decided to stay or not. Everyone cares about this very much.

"Pei Zhi, 99."

"Lin Zhaoxi, 97."

"Lu Zhihao, 80."

"Hanamaki 75.5."

After the round of results was reported, Lin Zhaoxi went up to collect the 12 test papers and distributed them.

Of course, the classroom was also filled with exclamation from other students and praise from the teacher, and the lake breeze was cool.

But the moment they got the test paper, they became quiet on their side, each looking at the results of their own answers, and the rest of the voices could not be heard.

Because their grades have improved by leaps and bounds, many people came to ask them about their study methods.

—Actually, there is no way, we just study more seriously.

When asked, Lin Zhaoxi answered so sincerely, and then was treated as a coercion and severely beaten.

Of course, there were other students who wanted to join them, but Xie Ran said that they were forced to form a temporary group because they violated the regulations. It's perfectly fine to want to join, but you need to score an average with them.

"... The average score must be the first in the class to stay, otherwise you will be eliminated."

Xie Ran didn't mention Zhang Liang, but just changed his rhetoric, but everyone knew that the first average score in the class was to surpass Zhang Liang's group.

Considering that their group is a real alliance of poor students, although they have made great progress, their scores are still far behind the top students. Many students stopped asking after hearing this.

Although Lao Lin set goals for them, he didn't really ask them to reflect on how far they are from every day.

But each of them is still holding back their energy in their minds, always calculating the gap between their current grades and Zhang Liang and the others.

"I'm the one who dragged everyone down. If I can pass the 85th grade..."

2nd last day.

Lu Zhihao calculated the average score, pursed his lips, and said seriously.

In the noisy classroom, Zhang Liang and his group taunted them with self-deprecating ridicule. Since learning that they had to take the first place in the exam to avoid being eliminated, Zhang Liang's attitude has turned around 180 degrees.

"You want to overtake us too", these words were written all over his face.

There are two days before the mid-term exam, and the average score of the 12 groups is 80.5. For the poor student alliance, from the average score of more than 70 to the present, there has been a full 10% improvement.

But unfortunately, the average score of the first group is 85, which is a bit higher than them. And the improvement of 5 points from 80 to 85 is much more difficult than from 70 to 80.

At noon, they summed up their exam experience in the cafeteria as usual.

"My idea for this question is correct, but when I did it in the end, I missed adding this point." An Beibei was very frustrated, and scooped up a large spoonful of celery and chewed it without looking at it. "Otherwise, I will pass the exam." 90."

"It's not that I'm careless." Huajuan scratched her head, holding the test paper in one hand and a spoon in the other, "I can make mistakes in this bit!"

"I don't know how to do this question." Yao Xiaotian looked at Lao Lin who was sitting aside and said, "Teacher, do I want to do more questions of the same type?"

The children reflected one by one, as serious as the attitude of a salesperson whose performance is not up to standard to the boss.

Lao Lin glanced at them, took a sip of the soup, and said, "No, it's mainly because she failed the exam."

Lin Zhaoxi was knocked on the back of the head by Lao Lin, covered her head and admitted her mistake: "I was careless, and I only got 92 in the exam."

After she finished speaking, the other eleven people on the long table put down their cutlery and glared at her, including Pei Zhi.

"It's a shame, isn't it?" Lao Lin smiled.

Comrade Xiao Lu rarely nodded vigorously.

"Then you all owe it to yourself to reflect on yourself." Lao Lin said, "Why don't you see the progress and insist on making mistakes? You are not happy, and you also cause a lot of psychological pressure on others."

"Because... because..."

"Because the education we have received since childhood is that wrong questions should not be taken, and we should seriously reflect on them." Pei Zhi said.

"Don't you need to think about the right topic?" Lao Lin asked, "Why did you make it, which idea is the most ingenious, and successful experience is also very important."

Pei Zhi nodded: "You are right."

Lao Lin turned the spoon, pointed at Yao Xiaotian and said, "Praise Yao Xiaotian, and ask for more questions, so everyone will do more this afternoon?"

As soon as they heard that there was another topic to do, the children shouted long live, and none of them were unhappy.

Extremely perverted.

Lin Zhaoxi smiled, stuffed a big mouthful of carrots into her mouth, and started chewing.

Let's talk about Lao Lin's ability to make children make great progress in a short period of time.

In fact, the first is mentality, the second is attitude, and the third is ability.

The day before the exam.

The gap between them and the first group has narrowed by two points. Even so, it seems unrealistic for the poor student league to overtake the first group.

But no one beat their chests and felt frustrated because of wrong questions, and even the annoying Zhang Liang team disappeared.

Everyone keeps their heads down and does their own thing. Doing basic questions if the foundation is not solid, and solving difficult problems for high scores, even Pei Zhidu is trying to prove all the formulas and theorems in various ways according to Lao Lin's request.

Hurrying up doesn't mean they're nervous.

At lunch, Lao Lin came up with a very interesting problem for everyone to play.

That question roughly says—

A bear starts from point p, walks due south for one mile, then changes direction and walks one mile towards the whole building, finally turns left, and walks one mile towards the whole building. At this time, it happens to arrive at the starting point p, and ask about the color of the bear.

"What color? How many colors can a bear have?"

"Black, white, brown?"

"Don't forget there are giant pandas?"

"But it seems that only the North Pole is special, because polar bears are white?"

"And in ordinary places, how can it be possible to use this method to return to the original place, so such a sinister question must be asking if point p is in the North Pole?"

"Still counting?"

"Do the math and do the math."

The children's discussions continued one after another, and after a while they took out their brushes and started drawing again.

In the end, everyone worked together and found that Lao Lin was shaking them at all.

There are two situations for p, it may be at the North Pole, or it may be a point near the South Pole.

"Are there bears in Antarctica, Mr. Lin, you deceive us!"

"Let you understand that the human heart is sinister." Lao Lin smiled.

In this way, the relaxed lunch time passed, and the children went through the knowledge points again in the afternoon.

The last day of study ended like this.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Lao Lin drove them back to bed on time.

"Master Lin, may I interview you?"

Lin Zhaoxi stayed and had another discussion with Lao Lin. She pretended to raise the microphone and asked Lao Lin.

At that time, Lao Lin had just thrown all his clothes into the laundry pool outside the house to be washed, and the suburbs were bright with stars.

"What are you interviewing me for? Why are you so tolerant of interviewing me? How did you know that you are my daughter?"

The faucet splashed against the pool, Lin Zhaoxi opened his mouth, feeling as if the pool was full of water.

After returning from the appraisal office that day, Lao Lin never once asked her about the relationship between her father and daughter. She thought that Lao Lin had forgotten or just kept silent. No.

Clearing her throat, Lin Zhaoxi said, "Then do you want to know? If you want to know, I can tell you."

Lao Lin: "Say you had a dream. In the dream, you knew you had a father. In the dream, there were stalks of your birthday and affinity number, so you went to No. 284 Zhuanzhu Lane to confirm the facts, and found that the person who walked out of it really Just like in your dream, more sure of the reality of the dream... "

There was a slight buzzing of insects in the yard, and a mosquito was lying on her arm sucking blood, but Lin Zhaoxi could only stare blankly at Lao Lin, unable to do anything.

She wondered for a moment that Lao Lin had misunderstood her like Professor X, otherwise how could he retell the story she made up.

Lao Lin smiled meaningfully, and Lin Zhaoxi recovered a bit.

She covered her heart and said, "Dad, if you are like this, I will fail the exam tomorrow."

"Have you ever thought about it?" Lao Lin turned off the tap and said calmly.

"Thought what?"

"Regardless of the results of the appraisal tomorrow, as long as tomorrow comes, I will never hear the real story."

The real story, of course, refers to how she knew the fact that they were related by blood.

So should we choose this point in time

Under the night, Lao Lin's face was full of inexplicable meaning.

At that moment, Lin Zhaoxi really wanted to tell Lao Lin He everything, but the more rational part grabbed her abruptly.

She will leave here eventually, and she will return Lao Lin to Xiao Lin Zhaoxi.

She can't cause trouble for the world later, she knows this very well.

The starry sky above his head is shining, and his father's eyes are full of kindness and calmness.

Lin Zhaoxi shook her head and said, "I really just had a dream. I dreamed that I fell into a rabbit hole. There was a whole deck of playing cards in the rabbit hole. The Queen of Hearts told me that you have a father..."

"Is that so, why does it sound familiar?" Lao Lin tapped her forehead with his wet hands, and said, "Go back and rest early."

Lao Lin said so.