Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 78: wide awake


After school, Lin Zhaoxi and Bao Xiaomeng walked together.

As the sun sets, the school is surrounded by small vendors, and the smell of barbecue and fried skewers lingers in the air.

There were crowds of people in front of the stall, Lin Zhaoxi looked around the students, but didn't see Lu Zhihao and Hanamaki, thinking, their Zhongming class probably wouldn't leave school on time like this.

They stood at the fork in the road, and Bao Xiaomeng really took her to the jewelry store again.

"I'm not going, you should go home early." Lin Zhaoxi said.


"There are two weeks until the placement test."

"Ah?" Bao Xiaomeng was stunned in front of the sidewalk lamppost, and said with a smile, "Let's go."

"Xiaomeng, in fact, I have changed, I am now a woman who is about to take the exam."

"Stop joking, what's wrong with you today?" The cute girl looked at her strangely.

Lin Zhaoxi pinched her fair and tender face: "I'm serious."

There was a lot of traffic on the road, and there was a lot of noise around, but Bao Xiaomeng was suddenly unhappy: "I do this and that with you every day, so why don't you just go with me once?" The girl said aggrievedly.

"It's really not good recently, you should go back and do your homework, the high school entrance examination is one year away."

After Lin Zhaoxi finished speaking, she walked onto the zebra crossing, turned her back to the girl on the sidewalk, and waved.

She knew that this seemed cruel, but in the short youth she finally regained, she didn't have so much time to squander.

It was still the number plate of No. 284 Zhuanzhu Lane. Lin Zhaoxi stood in front of the door of her house, took out the key from her schoolbag, and gently opened the door.

When she left from Cheese World, Lao Lin just emptied out the garbage in the small yard, which was still empty.

But now, the green grape trellis, the hydrangeas in the corner, and the small goldfish in the big water tank in the corner, everything here is exactly as it should be in her memory.

She took a deep breath of the air in the yard, and the earth, flowers and trees were fragrant on her face. Lao Lin was working in the orphanage, and it would take about an hour to get home.

She can go to her room first, tidy up...

Following the green brick road on the left, she walked to the front of the hut, twisted the handle, and pushed open the door...

There are almost no blank walls in the hut, colorful star posters, messy animation textures, and overwhelming brilliant colors rushing like waves, giving people very strong psychological pressure.

She couldn't help but think of the room of a well-known cartoonist on the Internet. Anyway, it was almost that exaggerated.

With the death gaze of the heavy metal combination, she walked into the room, closed the door, and dropped her schoolbag.

Although it was still a combination of furniture she was familiar with, the room was so complicated that she didn't know where to start.

She simply sat down at the desk, preparing to make a simple cleaning plan.

Throwing the sundries first, then tidying up, is probably in this order, but Lao Lin felt that she had changed too much, so she still planned to do it step by step, tidying up a little every day, starting today with the desk where she stays to do homework every day.

Thinking of this, she was going to find a pen to record it, so she habitually groped the table for a long time, but found nothing.

Why don't you even have a pen holder

While thinking, she subconsciously raised her head to look at the window sill.

Suddenly, a grinning face appeared on the window, and she was startled.

After taking a closer look, she realized that it was the poster of the Joker in Batman. The Joker not only opened his mouth wide open, but also turned around to face the alley.

Lin Zhaoxi took a deep breath, she really had a strong taste in the second version, Lao Lin must have been complained by neighbors countless times.

She hurriedly tore off the clown poster, preparing to replace it with a Luffy poster.

The idea is very simple, but the process of finding the tape makes the realization of the idea extremely bumpy.

In the second version, she put things around randomly, so that when she came here, she had no memory of the location of the tape in her mind, so she could only rummage through boxes and boxes.

Drawers, cabinets, and most of the storage space are filled with little girls' shiny accessories, which are still dark and lolita.

She knelt down and reluctantly pushed aside the ornaments, trying to see if there was any tape.

At this time, a blue iron box was revealed.

The words "Danish Blue Can Cookies" are still familiar, and the paint is slightly peeled off at the corners, revealing the silvery white metal background.

Once, she put the most cherished things in it, and closed the lid with some reluctance...

But now, she in the cheese world seems to have never touched this box for a long, long time.

In an instant, many dusty memories suddenly emerged, and under the sunset beams, there were dust floating in the air.

That was a very long process.

Just like people are growing, time and space are continuous and constantly growing and updating.

Because of her sudden arrival in the strawberry world, she pushed the cheese world to a new branch.

Xiaolin's unruly day and night, her self-struggle and the courage she finally gained, these experiences have shaped a brand new her.

Very motivated, very passionate, always strive to do the best.

But she in Strawberry World only stayed for two months before disappearing, and she in Cheese World didn't gain such a strong personal ability, and this didn't match her champion position at that time.

How to describe this imperfect "Zhong·Lin Zhaoxi", she remembered the personality psychology course she had taken in the College of Education.

The "actual self" and "ideal self" in her personality do not match. The actual ability is insufficient and the ideal is too beautiful. The difference between the two constantly causes her negative emotions.

If "Zhong·Lin Zhaoxi" studied calmly, it would not be like this at all.

But that she always thinks that she should be very, very good, but every test is not satisfactory, and sometimes she can't even solve the extra questions of a math test paper.

It was a very painful process. She often opened the iron box, looked at the championship certificate, and thought that she deserved to achieve that result, but the reality was always disappointing.

She kept fighting back and failing, and her will was worn down in each struggle.

In order to make herself look so smart, she finally found a reason for herself to "not work hard". She indulged in watching dramas and new anime to numb herself.

But when she opened the drawer in the middle of the night and saw the iron box, she knew very well that she shouldn't do this.

But there is no way, the entertainment is too pleasant, too relaxing, and it is much easier than fighting back against oneself every day.

Putting her hands on the cold iron box, Lin Zhaoxi savored her own mental journey, and suddenly became sober like never before.

She still thinks the problem is too simple.

Just keep telling yourself "you have to use courage" and "you can do it" is a routine of false success.

Suddenly came to her senses, she wanted to take the entrance examination for the Department of Mathematics of Sanwei University, could she really survive the failures again and again

The daily persistence to achieve the goal is so difficult, but the slack is a sudden thing.

Only the accumulation of knowledge, the gradual improvement of ability, and the down-to-earth efforts every day are the only reliable things.

There was never a moment when she was more awake, nor was she more grateful for the door that opened time and space.

She hopes that the time she stays here can be long enough, long enough to make up for the time she slipped through her fingers so easily, long enough to make her here and her there have the ability to pursue a better future .

Lin Zhaoxi thought so, closed the drawer, and did not open the dusty iron box again.

When Lao Lin came back, she had finished clearing the desk and started doing homework.

It was already mostly dark, and when Comrade Lao Lin knocked on the door and came in, he let out a "huh".

Lao Lin's smiling face appeared in the background of the twilight courtyard, and the smell of oily smoke from every household's cooking poured in.

His face was darkened by the light, yet radiant with youth.

Lin Zhaoxi pushed aside the chair and stood up in an instant, but she was afraid that she would be too obvious, so she resisted the urge to rush out, abruptly changed her posture, and pressed the desk coolly.

If there is still time to make up for, then she still wants to spend more time with Lao Lin, and she also wants Lao Lin to spend more time with her.

Lao Lin wiped his pants with his wet hands, and said casually, "Are you back?"

Lin Zhaoxi's heart trembled, she always felt that Lao Lin meant something, but it could also be that she had a guilty conscience.

Sure enough, when she was about to intervene, Lao Lin said, "The "Lavender Love" hasn't finished yet, why don't you watch it?"

"Too lazy to read."

"What's the matter?!" Lao Lin's tone was exaggerated, but his body walked towards the yard very leisurely.

He sat down slowly in front of the stone table, on which were green beans he had just bought for dinner.

Lin Zhaoxi couldn't help following, and sat down in front of Lao Lin.

Lao Lin opened the plastic bag and began to choose vegetables without looking up.

No matter how the world changes, Lao Lin has his own personality as always.

"Father, you don't care about me, why don't you ask me what happened?" She slightly imitated Zhong Lin Zhaoxi's tone of begging for pocket money, and said to Lao Lin.

"What do you care about? Ever since I found out that you like Zheng Tianming, our father and daughter have been at odds for a long time. I want to save my own money to buy Avril's new album."

Lin Zhaoxi: "..."

"It's not as good as Lu Zhihao." Lao Lin muttered disdainfully, resentful.

"I don't like him anymore, I want to take the Zhongming class." Lin Zhaoxi said.

Lao Lin suddenly put down the things in his hands, under the dim light of the chandelier in the courtyard, his face was extremely serious: "Is it really because of Lu Zhihao, do you still have my father in your eyes?"

Why are you so excited...

Lin Zhaoxi was almost startled by Lao Lin's sudden change of face, upon hearing this, she knew that Lao Lin was teasing her again.

Playing the role of a middle school girl is too difficult, but the slogan has been chanted until now, and it must be finished.

"I suddenly woke up from the second period!" She shouted vigorously.

There is not even the symbolic stagnation of air in the comics. When Lao Lin heard this, his hands moved immediately.

Click, click, the emerald green green beans were cut off in pieces. She was waiting for Lao Lin to respond. Lao Lin looked at her up and down, left and right, and finally shook his head: "I don't think it seems to be there yet. Is Pei Zhi back?"