Genius Fundamentals

Chapter 86: dispute


At that time, Lin Zhaoxi just casually let go of her harsh words. Unexpectedly, her junior high school life might be more exciting than imagined.

Mr. Zheng Mate was very persistent. He made a few faces outside the store and wanted to eat wontons with them when he entered the store.

But the shop was small, and they sat at a table for four. Mat Zheng saw that there was no seat for him, so he stood at their table with wontons and started eating. He made a snoring sound while eating, and he seemed to be eating very sweetly.

Hanamaki looked at Pei Zhi: "Am I right?"

Pei Zhi waved his hand helplessly and asked the boss to add another plastic stool.

After one meal, Lin Zhaoxi almost buried her face in the soup bowl, feeling that life was too bitter, so she accidentally ate two big bowls.

After eating wontons, Zheng Tianming was still pestering Pei Zhi, insisting on dragging Brother Pei to make skewers together.

Hanamaki and Lu Zhihao are top students, they have to go back to self-study at noon, so they leave first.

So she, Pei Zhi, and Zheng Tianming were left standing at the intersection of the four forks, with heavy traffic in front of them. Go left to go back to school, and go right to continue eating.

This situation is a bit weird.

"Brother Pei, Chen Taiyan grilled squid, you must have never eaten it in foreign countries for so many years, the sauce has been upgraded! There are also many new products! Let's go!" Zheng Tianming hooked Pei Zhi's shoulder and looked back at her.

Before Shamate said the words "Day and Night Baby", she hurriedly said, "I'm going back to read too!"

Pei Zhi looked at her with a little surprise, as if he didn't expect her to be so shameless as to run away on her own. He moved, as if he wanted to find a reason not to go, but Zheng Mate held his shoulders and was very, very persistent.

Lin Zhaoxi had no doubt that if Pei Zhi said no, student Zheng would hug her thigh directly.

"Go back to read now?" Pei Zhi gave up struggling and asked her this.

Lin Zhaoxi: "Yes, look at physics and chemistry."

"It turns out that you can still get into the book even if your competitors aren't around." Pei Zhi said thoughtfully.

Lin Zhaoxi was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that she wanted to cry, but she was just a little timid.

But to Lin Zhaoxi's surprise, Pei Zhi finally agreed to grill squid with Zheng Tianming. Maybe it's because the kindness is hard to turn down, or because he doesn't want to make classmate Zheng sad. In short, classmate Pei Zhi is actually very considerate to everyone.

So she walked back alone, thinking that she would make a make-up lesson plan for herself at noon. When she got to the door of the classroom, she found that a girl was waiting for her.

That is not a classmate in their class, but she seems to have seen each other in a basketball game, so she should be a student in Class 1.

"The teacher is looking for you and asked me to take you to the Moral Education Department." The girl said.

"Teacher Li?" Lin Zhaoxi was surprised.

"I don't know either, you'll know when you go." The girl hesitated to speak.

At that time, the group leader of their class was walking around the corner with his homework in his arms, and happened to hear what the girl said.

The group leader glanced at her and said, "The last time I heard this conversation, it seemed to be returning the Pearl."

Lin Zhaoxi: ...

"What?" The girl didn't understand.

Lin Zhaoxi: "She meant that you summoned me for Teacher Ma for no reason, just like Nanny Rong."

"No, no, I don't know the details, but I really went to the Moral Education Department and asked you to testify or something." The girl immediately responded.

Lin Zhaoxi thought about it for a while, and she probably understood what was going on. She said to the group leader, "Help find Teacher Li, and if Pei Zhi comes back, tell him that I'm going to the Academic Affairs Office."

"Oh, I need to ask the emperor and fifth elder brother to save you."

Lin Zhaoxi: "Your metaphor is weird..."

The school's moral education department is mainly responsible for the school's moral education work, standardizing and guiding students' words and deeds, and dealing with students who violate discipline, including punishment.

Lin Zhaoxi knocked on the door of the Moral Education Office, and the atmosphere in the office was serious.

The referee teacher was there, the basketball players from class 1 who beat people were there, and teacher Ma Pingping, the teacher of class 1, was also there.

The team members were downcast, and Teacher Ma's face was livid. From this look, they seemed to have been arguing for a long time.

The director of moral education sat behind the desk, calmly watching the two groups of people in front of the desk, much like a ruthless judge.

Before she came, she didn't think it was a big deal, but seeing the posture in front of her, it should be that the referee teacher reported the beating in the basketball game to the school and demanded that the student who caused the accident be punished.

Ma Pingping is still defending her class: "Our class is all good students, so we definitely won't hit people first. It must be their class 13 who did it first. What's the matter with only punishing students in our class?"

Referee teacher: "You have already watched the video on the student's mobile phone just now."

Lin Zhaoxi walked behind them, her arrival interrupted their argument.

When Ma Pingping saw her, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she was more serious. She changed the subject: "You used your mobile phone illegally at school?"

"I don't have a mobile phone..." Lin Zhaoxi said subconsciously as she had just had a full meal, her brain was moving slowly, and she was still a little unresponsive.

The boys in class 1 suddenly turned their heads to look at her, especially Chen Chu, the hatred in their eyes was so obvious.

Ma Pingping: "I'm a liar."

"Oh..." Lin Zhaoxi understood, she thought for a while, and decided not to confess Pei Zhi, "I took the video with my mobile phone, the main reason is that people might not be able to explain clearly when typing."

After speaking to Ma Pingping, she turned to look at the director of moral education and bowed, "Teacher, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Moral education director: "Don't be nervous. I called you here because I hope you can explain to Mr. Ma why the fight video you took only recorded the beatings of students in class 1, and no one in your class did anything."

Lin Zhaoxi immediately understood, she turned to look at Teacher Ma, feeling ridiculous: "What do you mean, I don't understand."

Ma Pingping folded her arms and looked at her: "There are only two possibilities for this to happen. First, you deliberately only recorded the clips of students beating people in our class; They do it. When you are young, you play tricks like this... "

"Yeah, sir, they were bugging us all the time!"

"We all said that we gave them one point, and if they still pester us, we will be angry!"

A group of boys responded one after another.

Chen Chu looked at her and said, "Lin Zhaoxi, I'm really sorry about the incident on the first day of junior high school, but now it involves our future, please tell the truth."

Lin Zhaoxi glanced at Chen Chu, but couldn't remember what happened on the first day of junior high school, so she simply ignored them.

She raised her head slightly, looked at the lady in front of her, looked at her always raised phoenix eyes and delicately drawn eyebrows, and couldn't help but think of those times when she was ignored in her class. Subconsciously, students still feel a little intimidated when facing the teacher, but it is actually nothing.

Lin Zhaoxi said, "Is your logic not very good?"

Ma Pingping froze for a while, then raised her eyebrows extremely high, her eyes filled with anger: "Are you talking logic to me about your grades?"

"My grades in junior high school mathematics are not good, but I can do well in elementary school Olympiad, so I always feel that there is something wrong with your assumption." Lin Zhaoxi paused, "I would like to ask you, after what kind of logical reasoning did you come up with these two Conclusion? "

Ma Pingping was at a loss for words, veins popped up on her forehead, and her red lips were tightly pressed, but her face was cold and she still looked superior, so she was not ready to answer her.

Lin Zhaoxi picked up the topic and went on talking: "When I entered the door just now, I heard you say a word, you said 'Class 1 is a good boy, they won't hit people first', let me sort out the interpretation of it The reasoning process. Its major premise is that good kids don’t beat others first; the minor premise is that the students in our class are all good kids; the conclusion is that the kids in our class don’t beat others first. Is that right?” Lin After a short pause, he said, "But good boys don't hit people first. This major premise is inherently problematic, so your entire reasoning is problematic."

After she finished speaking calmly, the entire office was silent, and Teacher Ma's expression could no longer be described as ugly.

"Sharp teeth." Ma Pingping squeezed out these words from between her teeth.

"It's not sharp-tongued, this is the most simple reasoning."

Lin Zhaoxi: "Actually, our class plays basketball better than Class 1. We can win with dignity, so why do we have to play tricks to frame them?" She looked at Chen Chu again, "I don't know what you said about the first day of junior high school. I don’t remember, don’t be too delusional.”

The director of moral education was very calm. He nodded, agreeing with her point of view. As if making up his mind, his line slowly moved towards the students in Class 1.

"Recently there have been frequent violent incidents in inter-school basketball games. The sports team hopes to set up a model and warn students to maintain the spirit of fair competition. The school also recognizes this point of view. No matter how you understand your mistakes, the beating incident on the field is true and the impact is bad. , the school will definitely deal with it.”

The team members who were still hoping for luck suddenly raised their heads, with despair and pleading in their eyes, they themselves did not expect that the momentary enthusiasm would cause such serious consequences.

Even Ma Pingping, the head teacher of Class 1, was in a hurry: "Mr. Chen, the students in our class usually perform well, and some of them have very good grades. Punishment will affect their high school admission..."

When she finished speaking, she subconsciously looked at Chen Chu.

Finally, Chen Chuye's face did not have the previous aloof determination. His face was full of anxiety: "Please, Director, I know I was wrong. At that time, our team members were too impulsive, so I couldn't control myself..."

Ma Pingping: "Director, I'm here to plead for the children. They are puberty, and they are prone to passion. And we are all teachers and we all know that a fight can't be slapped..."

Lin Zhaoxi was angry when he heard that, for things with conclusive evidence, each of them had to hit 50 boards.

Teacher Ma Pingping wanted to say more, but the moral education director also interrupted her: "Mr. Ma, if the students from their class 13 hit someone on the court, would you also intercede

Ma Pingping paused, and then said, "This is different!"

"What's different?" Lin Zhaoxi couldn't help asking.

"Can we use the same standard to deal with good students and bad students?" Ma Pingping said.

Lin Zhaoxi could tell that Ma Pingping was saying that they were poor students, but she only said, "There is still a problem with your logic."

"Have you passed the third grade of junior high school math? You think you are great if you won the gold medal in elementary school. Girls are like this. When you were young, you got good grades and grew up. You can't do it anymore. You can still live in the past..."

Teacher Ma was probably really angry, and taught her a lesson regardless of her image.

Lin Zhaoxi looked at Ma Pingping very strangely: "But if you give us the same chance to take the selection exam for the Mathematical Federation like Zhong Ming's class, I can still win the gold medal."

"What are you thinking, how could you be eligible to participate?" Ma Pingping said contemptuously.

Hearing this, Lin Zhaoxi was not surprised: "I see."

She said four words very calmly.