Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 13: Monetary economics


In fact, Lin Zhixia can tell the truth.

She could say to Jiang Yubai: "It's like this, I want to help my family save some money. Saving money is secondary, the main thing is that I had a quarrel with my mother yesterday. I am not in the mood to prepare for the autumn outing."

By summarizing the contents of Human Observation Diary, Lin Zhixia found that most people cannot put themselves into a life they have never experienced. Whether children or adults, it is almost impossible to put themselves in other people's shoes, even Lin Zhixia herself cannot do it.

So, for Jiang Yubai, "saving money" may be an abstract concept. It is more difficult for him to understand "saving 76 yuan" than to understand "peccei-quinn symmetry".

Lin Zhixia asked tentatively: "How much money do you think is considered a huge sum of money?"

Jiang Yubai thought this was a question that tested his intelligence. He was ready to answer and thought carefully: "Is the money you are talking about the currency that circulates on Earth?"

"Yes." Lin Zhixia replied.

Jiang Yubai concluded: "One yuan is a huge sum of money."

Lin Zhixia asked in surprise: "Why?"

Jiang Yubai explained with reason: "Currency is the foundation of the modern economy. One yuan represents the progress of human civilization."

"What an idealist." Lin Zhixia exclaimed.

Jiang Yubai was not sure: "Are you praising me?"

Lin Zhixia nodded: "Yes, of course I am praising you. You have elevated a simple and common problem... to the level of human civilization and modern economy. I admire the profoundness of your thoughts."

Jiang Yubai said modestly: "Thank you."

Lin Zhixia raised her head and laughed: "Hahahaha, you are so funny."

Lin Zhixia couldn't wait to open her notebook and record today's "Human Observation Diary". She held a pen and wrote solemnly: I made a major discovery today. Although my deskmate Jiang Yubai knows nothing about physics and chemistry, Jiang Yubai has a highly acute intuition in the field of monetary economics...

This morning, the fourth grade (one) class was not quiet. The classroom was filled with the noise of the students, which made Jiang Yubai restless. He turned his head slightly and looked at the "Human Observation Diary" in Lin Zhixia's hand.

He only saw one line of words: Jiang Yubai has maintained a highly keen intuition in the field of monetary economics.

Thinking back to the time when Jiang Yubai first started sitting next to Lin Zhixia, his self-esteem had been crushed by Lin Zhixia without reservation.

He found that Lin Zhixia not only had a wide range of knowledge in physics, mathematics, history, economics, literature, computers and other subjects, but could also speak a foreign language fluently.

He wasn't sure how many languages Lin Zhixia could speak. But he knew that Lin Zhixia spoke French better than English. Her wording and grammar were impeccable.

And she doesn't even have a foreign teacher.

How does she learn a foreign language

I just rely on borrowing books from the provincial library and paying for limited-time internet access.

Provincial library, borrowing books, and limited-time internet access.

All these concepts touched upon Jiang Yubai's blind spots in knowledge.

After a period of psychological preparation, Jiang Yubai successfully recovered from the blow. A strong desire to win was playing tricks on him, and he believed that he would win one day.

Unexpectedly, this morning, he received Lin Zhixia's initial approval.

Jiang Yubai immediately took out the "Exploring the Universe" comic series, and he defined the title of the new chapter as "The New Monetary Order".

The plot development of this chapter is full of ups and downs. The Earth Corps built a base on Orion, established a central bank, and issued a new type of currency - this currency can be circulated on Orion. Jiang Yubai is responsible for studying the supply relationship of "currency supply and currency demand".

"Orion's products," Jiang Yubai said to himself, "how do you price them?"

Lin Zhixia pointed out: "We can establish a non-equilibrium model of money supply and demand. According to the short-side principle, assume that the market demand for a commodity is d, the market supply is s, and the price is p. After introducing exogenous variables and random errors, take the minimum value of d and s as q. Then, the new round of market price will be updated to p plus a parameter gamma multiplied by the difference between d and s. A new random error can also be introduced here [1]."

After the explanation, Lin Zhixia said with reason: "I learned this formula from a paper published by the Institute of Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Jiang Yubai concealed his shock just right.

He picked up a pen casually - this was Lin Zhixia's pen. He used the pen to draw a horizontal line under the formula listed by Lin Zhixia and commented: "Not bad."

He was not being silent on purpose. His mind was blank and he really had nothing to say.

Lin Zhixia tilted her head: "The pen is out of ink."

She picked up an ink bottle.

Jiang Yubai unscrewed the bottle cap and naturally put the tip of the pen into the ink. While squeezing the water inlet air bag of the pen, he asked, "Have you read many papers?"

Lin Zhixia only said: "I like Nature and Science the most."

Jiang Yubai asked a question hidden deep in his heart: "Why don't you skip a grade and participate in the elementary school competition?"

"Elementary school competitions are so boring, the questions are so simple. I don't want to skip a grade," Lin Zhixia took the pen from him, "I'll be self-taught wherever I go anyway. I want to make friends with people my own age, and I want to be friends with you."

She said, I want to be friends with you.

Jiang Yubai leaned back in his chair, his eyes shifting to other places. He didn't seem to be talking to her. But his answer did belong to her. He said, "Okay."

It was during the break and people were coming and going in the corridor.

When the homeroom teacher, Mr. Wu, was about to reach the door of Grade 4 (1) Class, he happened to see Lin Zhixia's mother.

Lin Zhixia's mother was wearing jeans, a cotton shirt, a windbreaker, and a pair of dark sleeves. She saw Teacher Wu from a distance and quickly called out, "Teacher Wu, hello, I'm Lin Zhixia's mother. I forgot to give my daughter money this morning, so I came to give her the... 76 yuan autumn outing fee. The school security guard said I have to leave in ten minutes... I happened to meet Teacher Wu, so I'll give her the money now."

Teacher Wu looked as if she understood everything. She said "Oh", and replied with a smile: "Oh, it's Lin Zhixia's parents. I remember it. I remember it."

The front door of the classroom was open. Teacher Wu knocked on the door and called out loudly: "Tang Leqin! Tang Leqin, bring our class's autumn outing list here!"

The students sitting in the first and second rows at the entrance seemed to be participating in a relay race. They turned their heads and shouted loudly towards the inside of the class: "Tang Leqin! Teacher Wu is looking for you! Tang Leqin! Teacher Wu is looking for you!"

Tang Leqin, who received the message, ran faster than a rabbit.

Tang Leqin picked up the plastic bag and the name list, rushed out of the classroom, stood in front of Teacher Wu, and reported to the teacher: "Teacher Wu, I have collected all the money. There are seven students in our class who will not participate in this autumn outing."

There are forty-nine students in the class.

There were only seven people who did not join the autumn outing.

Lin Zhixia's mother opened her pocket and took out 76 yuan - she had a 50 yuan note, a 20 yuan note, a 5 yuan note, and a coin, just the right amount, and she didn't need Tang Leqin to make change.

"This is Lin Zhixia's parent." Teacher Wu introduced.

Tang Leqin said quickly: "Hello, Auntie."

At this time, Lin Zhixia walked out of the classroom. She looked at her mother with a confused look on her face. Her mother raised her hand and touched her head: "I was checking the goods in the supermarket this morning and forgot to give you the money."

My mother also said: "Xia Xia looks very good with twin ponytails."

Lin Zhixia opened her eyes wide, and they were a little wet. Tears blurred her vision bit by bit, and the world she saw was covered with a layer of light fog. However, crying in the corridor was not a decent thing to do. She retreated into the corner and stammered: "I, I don't want to go on the autumn outing..."

Before she finished, Teacher Wu teased, "Alas, Lin Zhixia is a good kid, except that she loves studying too much. Lin Zhixia, you need to learn how to socialize, get along more with your classmates, and participate in more group activities, okay?"

Teacher Wu put an arm around Lin Zhixia's shoulders and said, "Last time, our class had a comprehensive test. There was a multiple-choice question asking students which sports they were good at. I remember there were swimming, skating, tennis, badminton... Lin Zhixia didn't choose any of them. Lin Zhixia was still writing on the side that she didn't know any of those sports. Oh, Lin Zhixia's mother, you can't raise your child only to study, right? You have to keep up with studying and physical exercise. Tsinghua University also requires students to take a test in the 3,000-meter long-distance run."

The mother smiled and replied, "Yes, Teacher Wu is right. Is Lin Zhixia quite obedient in school? Thank you Teacher Wu for taking care of her."

Teacher Wu nodded frequently: "Lin Zhixia is obedient and smart. She always ranks first in the grade in every exam and often gets full marks. Several of us teachers like her very much."

"Thank you teachers for your hard work," the mother said with a deeper smile, "If there is a chance, my child's father and I would like to treat the teachers to a meal."

Teacher Wu held the lesson plan and waved his hand slightly: "No, no, that's too polite."

There was a clock hanging outside the administration building. The mother glanced at it and saw the hour and minute hands clearly. She immediately said goodbye to Teacher Wu: "Teacher Wu, if there is nothing else, I will leave first. The child's father is looking after the family store alone, and I am afraid he will be too busy."

Lin Zhixia wanted to send her mother to the school gate, but the bell suddenly rang and her mother urged her to go back to the classroom.

The melodious ringing sound gradually stopped.

Lin Zhixia crossed the threshold of Grade 4 (Class 1), and her mother's figure disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Teacher Wu walked up to the podium with a lesson plan in his arms, and today's Chinese class officially began.

The whole class recited a text titled "What is Happiness" in unison. Everyone read in unison: "You wish us happiness. Please tell us, what is happiness?"

Lin Zhixia lay on her desk, lifted a corner of the curtain, and stared at the bicycle storage area downstairs. She saw her mother pushing out a bicycle.

That's her family's bicycle.

The edges of the bicycle seat were old and the seams had long since broken, revealing the pale yellow sponge filling inside. Her mother got on the bicycle, pedaled steadily, and drove towards the school gate.

There are rows of white magnolias planted on the campus.

The magnolia tree with its intertwined branches and leaves blocked Lin Zhixia's view. The magnolia tree's flowering period had ended a few days ago. The fallen flowers were white with a hint of yellow, but the remaining fragrance was floating all over the ground with the autumn wind, like a candle dripping from a white wax candle.

The fourth grade autumn outing will be held next Monday.

Therefore, most of the students prepared snacks at home this weekend, and Lin Zhixia was no exception.

She emptied her schoolbag and unexpectedly found a hundred yuan - it was the hundred yuan that her brother insisted on giving her that night.

What's going on

Lin Zhixia thought for a moment, then immediately ran out of the bedroom and broke open Lin Zeqiu's door.

The aggressive sister burst into the door like a brutal bandit, and Lin Zeqiu was frightened.

Lin Zeqiu was very frustrated as a brother, without any dignity at all. He straightened his back and put on a stern face: "Lin Zhixia! What are you doing? Knock on the door before entering! Are you learning how to rob from the bandits?"

"Brother, I'll return the hundred yuan to you." Lin Zhixia handed over a hundred-yuan bill.

Lin Zeqiu was stunned on the spot.

Lin Zhixia explained: "If this hundred yuan was given by my father, my mother would not come to my school to give money. So, I think this hundred yuan is my brother's own pocket money."

Lin Zeqiu put on a baseball cap and said only one sentence: "Lin Zhixia, what are you doing..."

He picked up the basketball and prepared to go out to play with his classmates. He walked around Lin Zhixia and said to her, "You keep the money. I have nowhere to spend it."

"I don't want to take your pocket money." Lin Zhixia said.

"Why are you dawdling? It's so annoying," Lin Zeqiu complained, "Can't you just buy some strawberries and take them to the aquarium to eat? I'm going out to play basketball, so stop bothering me."

He changed his sneakers and walked out of the house.

Lin Zhixia opened his desk drawer and put the money directly in. She also left a note on Lin Zeqiu's desk.

The note read: Thank you for your concern, brother. I wish you academic progress and become smarter (also, please be gentle and patient when talking to your sister). From Lin Zhixia.

That evening, Lin Zeqiu came back sweating from playing basketball.

The night is dark and there are already thousands of lights outside the window.

Lin Zeqiu went straight to his bedroom and locked the door. He took off his T-shirt, stood in the room with his bare chest, picked up the water cup and took a sip of boiled water, and caught a glimpse of a note from the corner of his eye.

He picked up the note, read it, and sneered, "Respectfully sent by Lin Zhixia?"

Lin Zhixia, who was packing her things, sneezed.

Lin Zhixia has already packed potato chips, strawberry milk, and strawberry cake rolls into her schoolbag. She is looking forward to the autumn outing next Monday.

With just one visit to the Oceanarium and all the exhibits, she can keep recalling the trip and digging up the details in her memory. Those marine creatures will be remembered by her and she can watch them countless times in her mind.

So happy!

Hope is probably the source of happiness.

Lin Zhixia spent the weekend happily fantasizing about a trip to the oceanarium.