Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 14: Weisstokes equations


Lin Zhixia got up at five o'clock on Monday morning. Her mother had just come back from purchasing goods, and her father and mother were sorting out the warehouse. Lin Zhixia, wearing slippers, stepped into the kitchen lightly.

She peeled two apples, mashed them into a paste, added rock sugar and starch… Suddenly, her mother’s voice rang out behind her: “Xia Xia, what are you busy with?”

Lin Zhixia looked back at her mother and described honestly: "Mom, I want to make two apple pies."

They had just eaten dumplings last night and there were still a few pieces of dough left in the refrigerator.

Mom washed her hands in a basin of running water, took out the dough from the refrigerator, and then said to Lin Zhixia, "Go back to your bedroom and go to sleep, Xia Xia. Mom will make you an apple pie."

Lin Zhixia yawned and rubbed her eyes: "I want to do it myself."

"You've never cooked, you don't know how to use gas, and you're not even as tall as a water pipe. What can you do?" Mom issued an ultimatum, "Go back to bed. I'll wake you up at six o'clock."

Lin Zhixia was indeed very sleepy. She returned to her bedroom, rolled up under a quilt, and soon fell asleep. When she woke up, she smelled the aroma of apple pie. Her mother put the pie on a plate and placed it on the stove to cool.

Lin Zhixia put the pie in a glass lunch box and stuffed the lunch box into her schoolbag.

On the way to school this morning, Lin Zhixia jumped and skipped. The blue sky was endless and she was in an incomparable good mood. Every step she took seemed to be stepping on the clouds, making her soul and body float freely in the wind.

Aquarium! Aquarium! Visit the aquarium!

There are also strawberry milk, strawberry biscuits and apple pie in the schoolbag!

Lin Zhixia is super happy!

Lin Zhixia rushed into the classroom of Grade 4 (1) class with all her assets in high spirits.

The school bus will arrive at the school gate at 7:50 in the morning. But it is only 7:10 now, and the classroom is relatively quiet with few people.

Jiang Yubai is here.

Jiang Yubai stood beside his seat, looking at the campus scenery on the first floor. Lin Zhixia ran to Jiang Yubai, opened the plastic bag, took out the lunch box from the bag, and handed Jiang Yubai a fork.

She said, "This is the apple pie I made at home. I made the filling myself. Please try it."

Jiang Yubai wasn't hungry at all. But Lin Zhixia looked at him with shining eyes, and he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he could only accept it reluctantly. He lowered his head, took a bite of the apple pie, chewed it slowly, and then said slowly: "It's delicious."

Lin Zhixia raised her head: "As long as you like it. Jiang Yubai, this is your lunch box, I will return it to you."

Jiang Yubai declined and said, "I won't take back a gift I gave to someone else."

"Do you want more apple pie?" Lin Zhixia asked.

Jiang Yubai was very reserved: "Thank you, but it's okay." He had a strong character and would never allow himself to be bribed by food.

Lin Zhixia observed his expression and deliberately said, "Then I'll give it to others to eat."

This morning, the labor committee member Han Dawei arrived at school at 6:50. Han Dawei cleaned the classroom alone and was very hungry. When he heard Lin Zhixia say, "Give it to others," Han Dawei jumped to Lin Zhixia's side in two steps and said, "Lin Zhixia! What delicious food do you have?"

"This!" Lin Zhixia held up the lunch box.

"Give it to me!" Han Dawei took it with both hands.

Jiang Yubai opened his schoolbag and pulled out a large bag of Hainan specialty fruit crisps and coconut cakes. He threw all these high-quality snacks to Han Dawei.

In an instant, Han Dawei's surprise turned into ecstasy: "Wow! Jiang Yubai! You are so generous!"

Jiang Yubai took the lunch box from Lin Zhixia and zipped up his schoolbag again. He didn't say a word and sat back in his seat, hiding his achievements and fame.

Lin Zhixia turned her back to him and looked out the window, pretending to be able to figure out the mysteries of the world: "Jiang Yubai, will you have this kind of personality when you grow up?"

"What kind of personality?" Jiang Yubai asked back seriously.

"That's the kind of personality," Lin Zhixia described. "What you think in your heart is not the same as what you say."

Jiang Yubai was about to refute her, but she turned around and smiled at him. He suddenly forgot what he was going to say and sat quietly in his seat like a mute.

At 7:40 in the morning of that day, the seven fourth grade classes lined up.

In addition to the head teacher, each class also has two team teachers. The teachers repeatedly stressed that all students must abide by the rules and regulations of the aquarium and not run around and shout, which would damage the reputation of the school.

Teacher Wu faced the students of Grade 4 (Class 1) and emphasized again: "When you walk out of this school gate, you represent not only yourselves, but also the reputation of the teacher and the school. You know that, right? Our Class 1 is a key class and the top class in the grade. You must abide by the rules and have a sense of collective honor! Okay?"

The students shouted in unison: "Okay!"

It is majestic and reaches straight into the sky.

Teacher Wu waved his hand. Class monitor Dong Sunqi hurriedly followed Teacher Wu. Then, the whole class got on the bus in an orderly manner.

Jiang Yubai sat in the last row, with Dong Sunqi and Ding Yan sitting next to him, and Lin Zhixia and Gan Shuli sitting in front of him. The two girls were whispering to each other and soon they started to giggle.

Ding Yan asked, "Lin Zhixia, are you guys telling jokes? Take me one, I want to listen too."

Lin Zhixia and Gan Shuli were having so much fun that they completely ignored Ding Yan's request from the seat behind them.

Ding Yan put his hands on his knees, turned his head and said to Jiang Yubai: "I have a good idea."

Jiang Yubai asked him: "What's the idea?"

Ding Yan whispered stealthily: "Lin Zhixia and Gan Shuli didn't tell me what jokes they were telling. You and I will laugh a few more times, and when they come to ask us, we won't tell them!"

After the explanation, Ding Yan laughed: "Hahahaha, Jiang Yubai, hahahaha."

Jiang Yubai said: "Psycho."

Ding Yan was abandoned by both his opposite-sex and same-sex friends, and suddenly realized how difficult life was. When he looked up, he noticed that Jiang Yubai had an earphone hanging on his left ear. He took a closer look and found that Jiang Yubai was holding an MP4 player in his hand.

mp4 player!

Forget about MP4, even when Ding Yan wanted to buy an MP3, his parents didn’t agree.

Ding Yan hooked Jiang Yubai's shoulders and begged, "Lend me your MP4 to play with."

Jiang Yubai agreed, and the MP4 player fell into Ding Yan's hands.

Ding Yan noticed that this MP4 player was the latest model released by Newman in September this year. The display screen was as big as Ding Yan's palm, with a clear screen and high resolution. The metal buttons had a dull feel. Ding Yan pressed a finger and suddenly felt elated, as if he had seamlessly connected to the latest high-tech in 2004.

"What videos do you have?" Ding Yan asked impatiently.

"Detective Conan, Pokémon, and Black Cat Sheriff." Jiang Yubai pressed the buttons to bring up the playlist.

Dong Sunqi, who was sitting next to him, poked his head out and exclaimed, "Detective Conan!"

“Let’s watch Black Cat Sheriff, shall we?” Ding Yan said, “My dad won’t let me watch Black Cat Sheriff. He said that many people died in Black Cat Sheriff… No, many animals died.”

Jiang Yubai didn't care: "It's up to you."

Ding Yan immediately chose the fourth episode of Black Cat Sheriff, which is titled "The Mantis That Eats Her Husband".

"The mantis that eats her husband!" Ding Yan exclaimed, "Damn! What a cool name!"

Lin Zhixia in the front row suddenly turned around and told them: "I read in Life Science Research that the probability of a male mantis being eaten by a female mantis during mating is not high. This is because the male mantis has well-developed wings and is more capable of flying than the female mantis. It lies on the back of the female mantis..."

At this point, Lin Zhixia suddenly paused.

Ding Yan, Jiang Yubai and Dong Sunqi all looked at her in amazement.

She shrank back to her seat timidly, as if she had seen a ghost in broad daylight. Her cheeks were flushed, and the blush spread to her ears. The sudden strong sense of embarrassment wrapped her tightly like a cocoon, so tightly that she could hardly breathe.

"I was just talking about science!" Lin Zhixia announced in a low voice, "Do you guys understand?"

Jiang Yubai took the lead and answered: "Life science."

Lin Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes! It's life science."

She and Gan Shuli exchanged seats. She sat by the window and Gan Shuli sat near the corridor.

There was a kind of blue curtain hanging inside the bus. Lin Zhixia pushed this foldable curtain to the other side so that she could gaze at the scenery outside the window. The bus had just boarded the viaduct, carrying a carload of passengers, climbing higher and higher. In the distance, skyscrapers were lined up one after another, the city's skyline was scattered, and the blue sky and white clouds blended seamlessly with the city scene.

Looking at the epitome of modern society in front of her, Lin Zhixia couldn't help but think of the origin of human civilization. She thought of the Sumerian civilization on the Mesopotamian plain - the academic community generally recognizes that the Sumerian cuneiform script is the earliest traceable written record in human history. In addition, the Liangzhu civilization originated in the Yangtze River. In Liangzhu about four or five thousand years ago, the Chinese were already able to make exquisite jade cong, jade bi, lacquerware and silk.

Both jade cong and jade bi were ritual objects used by ancient Chinese in important ceremonies, such as sacrifices. The ancients emphasized "using bi to worship heaven and cong to worship earth". It seems that all the wonders left by ancient civilizations in the world are related to the gods of heaven and earth and religious beliefs. Why is this? Lin Zhixia had a new thought.

She remembered that the Puma Punku ruins in South America were a large number of finely crafted stone formations. The materials used for the stone formations were extremely hard andesite and diorite. And the Puma Punku people 15,000 years ago were able to drill perfect round holes, horizontal straight lines, and standard right-angled polygons in that kind of rock. She suspected that the ruins were formed by casting rather than polishing.

When Gan Shuli asked her, "Lin Zhixia, what are you thinking about?"

Lin Zhixia could only answer vaguely: "Me? I don't know either."

Another twenty minutes later, the school bus arrived at the parking lot of the Oceanarium.

The autumn sky was clear, windless and rainless, and the temperature was neither too hot nor too cold. Lin Zhixia got off the bus and stood in the class line, jumping up and down with joy.

"Aquarium! Aquarium!" she cried happily.

"Quiet!" Teacher Wu issued an order from the front, "Everyone, keep quiet! No noise is allowed, keep in formation! No one can fall behind! If one person is missing, none of us can go home!"

The students were all speechless and followed the teacher obediently into the main entrance of the aquarium.

The aquarium has a guide for each class. The guide for Grade 4 (1) is a young lady in her early twenties. She is wearing a work uniform and leads a group of children through the hall.

Some tourists, including Lin Zhixia, could not help but exclaim "Wow" because they were passing through an underwater tunnel. Above their heads was an arched glass, and countless marine creatures were slowly moving on the other side of the glass.

These graceful creatures from the ocean are a perfect example of fluid dynamics.

They bewitched Lin Zhixia and stopped.

The colorful shallow sea world was within reach. Lin Zhixia clung to the glass and murmured to herself, "So many fish, so many fish."

There were so many kinds of fish that Lin Zhixia couldn’t see them all.

Jiang Yubai's reaction was flat. He walked past Lin Zhixia as if no one was around. Lin Zhixia was very surprised and asked him, "Jiang Yubai, aren't you surprised to see so many fish?"

"What's so surprising?" Jiang Yubai replied, "It's just a group of fish."

Lin Zhixia corrected: "A large school of fish."

Jiang Yubai accepted it humbly: "Yes, a large group."

Lin Zhixia asked him again: "Have you ever been to an aquarium?"

Jiang Yubai asked back: "Which city's aquarium?"

Before Lin Zhixia answered, Jiang Yubai caught a glimpse of a fat blue fish. He exclaimed, "This fish is very fat."

"This is a croaker, which belongs to the family Rhassostidae, order Perciformes, order Wrasses, class Actinopterygii[1]," Lin Zhixia introduced to him. "It is mainly distributed in the Indo-Pacific region. It has a very gentle and lovely personality. It is not called a fat fish."

Jiang Yubai stared at Lin Zhixia. Lin Zhixia tilted her head. Jiang Yubai imitated her and tilted his head. She said, "Don't imitate me."

Jiang Yubai said: "I still think this fish is fat."

The curved croaker seemed to understand their conversation. It flicked its flowing tail and swam away angrily.

"There are a lot of sciaena bream here!" Lin Zhixia pointed to a location. "Look, sciaena bream are not fat, they are flat."

The body of the sciaenidae is blue-purple, but the tail is bright yellow. They are very eye-catching when playing in the coral reefs. Lin Zhixia told Jiang Yubai: "Did you watch Finding Nemo, which was released last year? The fish named Dory in Finding Nemo is a sciaenidae."

She turned her head and looked at him. "Pseudosciaena, do you like it?"

Jiang Yubai repeated: "You, thorn, hedgehog, eagle?"

Lin Zhixia nodded: "Yes! Simulacrum, thorn, tail, porgy."

"It's obviously a fish," Jiang Yubai commented, "but its name contains both hedgehog and eagle. This fish has lost its identity."

Lin Zhixia couldn't stop laughing: "Wei is the tail of the tail, and Tai is the fish with a Zhou next to it."

Jiang Yubai was confused out of ignorance: "What?"

Lin Zhixia wrote on her palm: "Dai, this is how it is written, pronounced as diao, with a first tone."

"I know too few Chinese characters." Jiang Yubai reflected deeply.

The team of Grade 4 (1) disappeared at the end of the underwater tunnel. Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai both mixed into the team of Grade 4 (2). Lin Zhixia quickly grabbed Jiang Yubai's sleeve and pulled him forward.

The tunnel is a one-way street. When Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai ran out, they happened to run into the commentator sister.

All the students and teachers of Class 1 stood in an open space. The sister said to everyone: "Our Ocean Aquarium welcomes all the teachers and students of Experimental Primary School! Today, I will be your tour guide. On our sightseeing route, I will have some small questions. If any child knows the answer, tell me. There is a corresponding prize for each question!"

Many students cheered in unison.

Lin Zhixia mixed in with the classmates and cheered, "Prizes! Prizes!"

Jiang Yubai only asked: "What prize?"

“She was carrying a bag,” Lin Zhixia pointed out, “and the prizes were all in the bag.”

Although Teacher Wu repeatedly stressed that the whole class must maintain formation, there were too many people in the aquarium and the students were in groups of three or five, so the teacher gradually couldn't manage them. The three leading teachers of Grade 4 (1) formed a triangle to protect all the students within their sight.

Lin Zhixia followed the commentator sister closely, following her every step, just like her sister's little tail.

Finally, when they arrived at the "Jellyfish Exhibition Hall", the sister began to ask questions: "Dear children, do you know how big the largest jellyfish in the world is?"

Lin Zhixia immediately raised her hand: "I know! The Echizen jellyfish can reach a maximum diameter of three meters and weigh more than 500 kilograms!"

Her sister opened her backpack and gave her a jellyfish refrigerator magnet.

Lin Zhixia was extremely happy. All the classmates looked at her with admiration.

The elder sister continued to explain: "Just now this child talked about the largest jellyfish. Are there any children who know how small the smallest jellyfish in the world is?"

"Irukandji jellyfish!" Lin Zhixia raised her hand again. "It's only one cubic centimeter in size, but it's very poisonous! It can kill an adult!"

The reason why the aquarium asked questions to primary school students was that they adopted the educational policy of "asking and answering questions by themselves, combining education with entertainment". The tour guide never expected that there would be a little girl who could keep giving the correct answers.

The sister was stunned for a moment, then took out a jellyfish refrigerator magnet and gave it to Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia gave this refrigerator magnet to Jiang Yubai.

Jiang Yubai asked her doubtfully, "What are you doing for me?"

"I'll give it to you if I want to." Lin Zhixia's answer was a little arrogant.

Jiang Yubai opened his schoolbag and took out a piece of strawberry candy. He put the strawberry candy directly into Lin Zhixia's pocket. Lin Zhixia asked him: "Why did you give me strawberry candy?"

Jiang Yubai took a step forward and moved further away from her: "Because I can't eat it."

Lin Zhixia frowned: "Really?"

Jiang Yubai said: "Really."

The light in the jellyfish exhibition hall was dim. Jellyfish of all sizes were floating in the dim light, and some of them were already dissolved, no longer having a complete and elegant shape.

Jiang Yubai didn't know what "jellyfish autolysis" was. He faced the glass window and described it as "this jellyfish looks like a ball of swollen bird's nest."

"It's dying," Lin Zhixia explained, "This is what happens when a jellyfish dissolves itself."

Jiang Yubai turned around and looked at her: "Lin Zhixia."

Lin Zhixia stopped: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yubai asked her, "Does your brain feel tired after remembering so many things?"

"Sometimes I feel a little tired," Lin Zhixia confided honestly, "My memory is weird, and I'm a little afraid that people will find out. You should understand, right? When you become an outlier in a group of people, there may be corresponding risks."

Jiang Yubai seemed to understand her very well. He also reminded her: "You memorize very quickly, one text in three seconds, and the whole class knows it."

Lin Zhixia said: "At that time, I was just in the first grade and was a little bit stupid. Now when I take exams, I will occasionally make two mistakes on purpose so that I don't always get full marks."

While she was talking to Jiang Yubai, the narrator asked some new questions. Lin Zhixia did not participate. She opened the strawberry candy Jiang Yubai gave her. The candy was exquisitely packaged and was spherical. She took a bite and smiled: "So sweet, thank you."

Jiang Yubai didn't hear it. He, Ding Yan and Dong Sunqi all walked away.

After leaving the jellyfish exhibition hall, visitors entered the penguin hall.

The penguins lived in the ice and snow, lying or sitting, none of them were in motion. So some primary school students stood outside the window, beating their chests and stamping their feet, jumping around, and making all kinds of weird roars, trying to attract the penguins' attention.

The penguins still refused to approach the window, staring at the human cubs as if they were fools.

The head teacher, Ms. Wu, stopped the students from going crazy in time. She scolded them, "Be quiet, you guys! The tourists are not looking at the penguins anymore, they are all looking at you! How shameless you are!"

The female narrator smoothed things over: "Okay, kids, this is the Polar Penguin Exhibition! Do you know what the largest penguin in the world is called?"

Visitors were coming and going around, and the fourth grade (one) class gathered together. Everyone heard the guide's question. Class monitor Dong Sunqi was the first to answer: "Emperor penguin! The largest one is the emperor penguin!"

Deputy monitor Tang Leqin also said: "It's an emperor penguin!"

The guide took out a stuffed penguin. The stuffed penguin was about 30 centimeters tall, with round black eyes, a gray fluffy back, a white chubby belly, and pink little paws. It was really adorable.

Lin Zhixia was completely fascinated by the little penguin. She raised her hand and said loudly, "Sister, sister! What you just asked is the largest penguin in the world. The largest penguin in existence is called the emperor penguin, and its foreign name is aptenodytes forsteri. It can be 120 centimeters tall when it grows up. And there is also the Carcharodon carcharias, which scientists discovered on Himmel Island in Antarctica! Its foreign name is palaeeudyptes klekowskii! This penguin is extinct! However, they can grow up to two meters tall! Two meters tall! Taller than the emperor penguin! They lived in Antarctica 37 million years ago [2]."

The whole class suddenly became quiet.

The tourists also looked over.

The homeroom teacher, Mr. Wu, said to another teacher, "Alas, Lin Zhixia in our class really likes reading, which is different from other students. I also taught this kind of student who loves reading in the last class, but they don't remember things as clearly as Lin Zhixia."

The teacher asked, "Lin Zhixia... is she very smart?"

Teacher Wu smiled and said, "Children have good memories. She doesn't like too much attention. I talked to other teachers and asked them to give her more freedom, and she will be happy."

The narrator sister had an awkward smile on her face. She was a biology undergraduate and had just been assigned to an ocean aquarium for internship this year. Of course, she knew the Carcharodon carcharodontosaurus, but she had forgotten its English name. Why are today's primary school students... so knowledgeable!

"This kid is so awesome." The commentator came to her senses and gave the little penguin doll to Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia hugged the doll and spun around happily.

"Why do girls like stuffed toys?" Ding Yan asked puzzledly.

"You won't like it when you grow up." Jiang Yubai guessed.

"Jiang Yubai, do you still want to compete with Lin Zhixia?" Ding Yan asked again, "Look how strong she is. She even knows about that... Kakakogu penguin!"

Jiang Yubai corrected, "It's not Kakagugu, it's Kakashi's Crested Penguin." He still had the fridge magnet Lin Zhixia gave him in his pocket. He put his left hand into his pocket, holding the fridge magnet, and suddenly felt refreshed. He actually didn't like visiting aquariums. He had seen a lot of marine life, and had dived in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and played with helicopters, but now he felt a little bored.

This refrigerator magnet reminded him that today was a good opportunity to compete with Lin Zhixia.

There are many girls around Lin Zhixia.

The girls all wanted to hug the little penguin doll. But Lin Zhixia couldn't bear to let go of the little penguin. She hugged the stuffed toy tightly and hid behind the head teacher, Mr. Wu.

No one in the class wanted to get close to Teacher Wu.

Lin Zhixia successfully got rid of all the classmates—except Jiang Yubai. Jiang Yubai still stayed by Lin Zhixia's side. Lin Zhixia asked him vigilantly: "Do you want to steal my little penguin too?"

"Yes." Jiang Yubai replied.

Lin Zhixia was stunned.

She was stunned for a long time, tears flashing in her eyes, and her eyelashes were stained with water. She half lowered her head, made up her mind, grabbed the little penguin, and handed it to Jiang Yubai: "For you..."

Jiang Yubai was stunned.

Lin Zhixia added: "I'm giving it to you! Take it quickly! Otherwise I'll regret it."

Jiang Yubai suddenly smiled. He didn't smile often. During this smile, Lin Zhixia became more timid and could no longer force others to accept her gifts.

Jiang Yubai also told her: "Only girls like stuffed toys."

Lin Zhixia hugged the little penguin again: "No way! We shouldn't use the concept of boys and girls to define what a person should like and hate."

She held the little penguin in her hands and showed it to Jiang Yubai: "Touch it, it's super cute."

Jiang Yubai was very determined: "No."

Lin Zhixia whispered: "You missed a precious opportunity."

She turned around and ran to the front, walking side by side with Teacher Wu. This time, even Jiang Yubai did not follow Lin Zhixia.

Near noon, the tour guide led everyone to the freshwater fish restaurant.

The fish in the freshwater fish museum are divided into four categories and distributed in eight areas. Many tourists are taking photos with great interest, and squad leader Dong Sunqi also grabs his camera and takes pictures everywhere.

More than half of the students in the class had cameras, including Jiang Yubai. But Jiang Yubai was too lazy to take pictures, and he didn't even take the camera out of his schoolbag. He walked around the aquarium as leisurely as if he was walking in his own garden.

At this time, the narrator asked again: "Children, do you know which freshwater fish has set the record for the world's largest freshwater fish?"

Jiang Yubai immediately replied: "The giant catfish from the Mekong River."

The narrator sister had noticed Jiang Yubai a long time ago. She smiled and handed him a catfish greeting card.

That’s right, catfish greeting cards.

A greeting card with a catfish printed on it.

The prizes before this were all very stylish. Why did the funding plummet when it came to the freshwater fish museum? Jiang Yubai took the catfish greeting card and felt completely helpless to give it away, and he didn't feel any sense of superiority over Lin Zhixia.

But Lin Zhixia happened to come right in front of him.

Lin Zhixia was a little confused: "You didn't want the little penguin, but you accepted the catfish."

Jiang Yubai argued, "Catfish can be eaten, but penguins cannot. Longli fish and river grouper are both types of catfish, and they are delicious."

Lin Zhixia jumped on the spot: "This is..."

Jiang Yubai looked at her: "What is it?"

"Arapaima!" Lin Zhixia said, pointing behind him.

Jiang Yubai turned around and saw a strange fish with a huge body and a pointed head.

Lin Zhixia put one hand on the glass window and introduced to Jiang Yubai: "Arapaima can grow very large. Its hometown is the Amazon in South America. This fish is very ferocious!"

Jiang Yubai asked: "How brutal is it?"

"They eat very quickly, swallowing it whole in one gulp," Lin Zhixia told him, "Arapaima can eat piranhas. Amazon piranhas, as you know, are also very fierce."

The glass window was cold, and the water rippled slightly in the dim light. The Arapaima slowly swam closer to the tourists. Their heads were small, and their eyes were even smaller. When they moved sideways, one of their eyes seemed to be looking at Jiang Yubai.

Jiang Yubai walked away immediately. He pulled Lin Zhixia's sleeve, took his catfish greeting card, and walked to the safe area.

The clock pointed to twelve noon, and some students in the class were clamoring for lunch.

The aquarium restaurant prepared lunch boxes for everyone, one for each person, two vegetarian dishes and one meat dish. The vegetarian dishes were stir-fried Chinese cabbage and braised tofu, and the meat dishes were radish and beef brisket. Lin Zhixia queued up to receive the lunch box and treasured it very much. She said to Gan Shuli, "This lunch box is much better than I thought."

Gan Shuli feels the same way.

She and Lin Zhixia found a random seat. Soon after, Jiang Yubai, Ding Yan, Dong Sunqi, Han Dawei and others came to sit near Lin Zhixia with their lunch boxes.

Han Dawei lifted the transparent plastic cover of the lunch box, opened the disposable bamboo chopsticks, and shouted, "What a delicious rice!" He picked up the lunch box in his left hand, held the chopsticks in his right hand, and shoveled rice into his mouth.

"The rice is chewy! The beef brisket is delicious!" Han Dawei wiped his mouth with his sleeve and expressed his feelings. He noticed that Jiang Yubai was reluctant to pick up his chopsticks, and asked curiously: "Hey, Jiang Yubai, why don't you eat?"

The restaurant in the aquarium is spacious and bright, and is decorated like a university cafeteria. At a glance, it is full of rows of blue plastic tables and red plastic stools. Jiang Yubai was in such an environment, facing a box lunch and disposable bamboo chopsticks, and suddenly lost his appetite. He was not a person who paid much attention to the dining atmosphere, but he felt that today's dishes would definitely make him difficult to swallow.

"Jiang Yubai?" Lin Zhixia called his name.

He asked, "What's the matter?"

Lin Zhixia asked back: "Have you never eaten a box lunch?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several students nearby all stared at Jiang Yubai. The lights in the cafeteria seemed to converge on Jiang Yubai's head, and he was the center of attention. Without saying a word, he opened his lunch box on the spot and ate solemnly and formally.

The tofu seasoning was a bit salty, the cabbage tasted average, the beef brisket had a slight fishy smell, and the rice... the rice was slightly overcooked. Just as Jiang Yubai expected, he couldn't get used to this kind of food.

Ding Yan laughed at him, as if he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos: "Haha, Jiang Yubai, you can't eat, right? I was watching "The Iron-Tooth and Bronze-Tooth Ji Xiaolan" and saw this episode! The noble young master went on a secret visit and couldn't eat the food of ordinary people... Jiang Yubai, you must be starving!"

How should I put it, Ding Yan is indeed the friend that Jiang Yubai met through fighting.

Jiang Yubai did not argue. He unzipped his schoolbag, found his lunch box, took out two apple pies, and placed them on the rice. The pies had already cooled down, but the rice was scalding hot. The steam from the steam heated up the pies, causing them to heat up sharply.

He ate the apple pie. The filling was soft and not too sweet or greasy, just to his taste.

Or maybe his taste changes randomly. He just remembered Lin Zhixia's words "I made the filling" when he was eating the pie. Some uncles and aunts he knew would ask the chefs to create a story for each dish when they went to a restaurant to eat - as long as the story was touching enough, diners would be willing to spend a lot of money. Pure gourmets are no longer popular, and the appreciation of food culture is the eternal high art.

Jiang Yubai didn't expect that he would be so bored. Anyway, he ate all the apple pie.

Ding Yan was very confused: "Is this your lunch box?"

Jiang Yubai admitted: "Yes."

Ding Yan exclaimed: "You are so frugal? And you brought two cakes from home?"

Jiang Yubai's actions spoke louder than words. He picked up his chopsticks and continued to taste his lunch box.

There is a souvenir shop next to the restaurant. The students were allowed by the teacher to go shopping in the shop. The gathering time was 1:30 pm, and many students rushed into the souvenir shop as soon as they finished their meals.

There was a round display stand at the entrance of the store, which was filled with exquisite key rings and pendants of various small animals, including seals, dolphins, walruses, etc. Lin Zhixia gently turned the round plate, and the seals, dolphins, and walruses began to spin. She clapped her hands happily, "So cute."

"How much is one?" Gan Shuli asked.

Lin Zhixia looked at the price tag: "Fourteen dollars a piece."

Gan Shuli asked again: "Are you buying it, Lin Zhixia?"

"I won't buy it," Lin Zhixia said, "It's a bit expensive."

Gan Shuli reluctantly let go of the dolphin pendant and said, "I only brought ten dollars... I can't buy it."

Lin Zhixia reached into her pocket and said, "I have three dollars in coins. If you borrow one more dollar from someone, we can have fourteen dollars." When she was rummaging for the coins, Zhou Bufeng passed by her.

The souvenir shop attracted a large crowd of tourists. The bustling crowd gathered in front of the shelves, stirring up a buzz of noisy conversation.

Zhou Bufeng was short in height. He easily merged into the crowd, blocked the crowd with his sleeves, tore off four key rings, stuffed them into his schoolbag, and walked out of the store. His movements were skillful and concise, like a habitual thief roaming the streets.

"Zhou Bufeng!" Lin Zhixia called out his name.

She saw him stealing!

As Zhou Bufeng's classmate, Lin Zhixia felt that she had an obligation to supervise him. She grabbed Zhou Bufeng's schoolbag and threatened him in a low voice: "Give your things back. Otherwise, I will call the security guard and the salesperson."

"Get out of here!" Zhou Bufeng pushed Lin Zhixia away.

The backpack strap slipped from his shoulder and tangled around his elbow. He exerted force on his wrist and jerked his body, staring at the ground, saying, "Let go! Let go! Who knows you?"

In addition to Lin Zhixia, Gan Shuli was also a bystander in the whole incident. Gan Shuli was one of Lin Zhixia's few friends.

Gan Shuli was a quiet and introverted person, and usually spoke in a soft voice. But now, Gan Shuli shouted loudly: "Someone stole something! Teacher Wu! Zhou Bufeng stole something and beat someone up! Zhou Bufeng stole something and beat someone up!"

Teacher Wu rushed to the crime scene.

In a flash, Teacher Wu grabbed Zhou Bufeng and dragged him into the restaurant. Under the gaze of a large group of adults and elementary school students, Teacher Wu took off Zhou Bufeng's schoolbag, opened it wide, and all the contents were dumped on the ground.

The four key chains of the aquarium were quietly displayed in front of everyone.

Teacher Wu's face was pale with a hint of blue, and then blue with a hint of purple. She tried her best to suppress her anger, and her forehead was covered with veins and a gloomy haze. It was the most terrifying expression Lin Zhixia had ever seen in her life.

"Stealing! You stole again!" Teacher Wu scolded, "You can't control your hands! I'm going to call your grandfather right now!"

Zhou Bufeng burst into tears. He cried and said, "I didn't steal... I wanted to buy something!"

The surging tears dripped onto the tiles, and Zhou Bufeng was sobbing that he couldn't breathe, like a broken pipe. His nose was blocked by snot, and he opened his mouth to breathe, pointing at Lin Zhixia and arguing, "It's her! She's talking nonsense!"

How sad, Lin Zhixia thought.

Although, in Lin Zhixia's opinion, most of the students have some intellectual defects, Zhou Bufeng's defects are unique. She even couldn't bear to expose Zhou Bufeng's clumsy lies, because he has been living in a boundless fantasy - in order to attract attention, he can do anything.

Lin Zhixia calmly faced Zhou Bufeng's accusation and listed the evidence in an orderly manner: "After Zhou Bufeng got the keychain, he did not go to the cashier. He walked outside the store. I whispered to him to return the items, but he pushed me away."

"I'll testify." Suddenly another classmate's voice came.

Lin Zhixia followed the voice and met the deputy monitor Tang Leqin.

Tang Leqin grabbed the straps of her schoolbag with both hands, stood in front of Zhou Bufeng, and said righteously: "Lin Zhixia is right! You stole something!"

The store clerk and manager arrived one after another. Teacher Wu and the dean of studies were in charge of the aftermath. The dean of studies looked even worse than Teacher Wu. They took Zhou Bufeng to the manager's office - a small windowless room with a table and a wooden chair, and a retro smell of piles of old newspapers.

Teacher Wu pushed Zhou Bufeng's back and ordered him: "Apologize to him."

Zhou Bufeng hesitated and said, "I didn't want to take it at first..."

He was used to acting timid and trembling in front of adults, just like the little mouse named "Scabbers" in "Harry Potter". The real identity of the little mouse was Peter Pettigrew. Everyone looked down on Peter. But Peter was able to trample on the high and mighty Sirius Black. That was the success of the little mouse and also the victory of Pettigrew.

Zhou Bufeng was very panicked. However, that panic did not seep into his heart. His heart was calm and peaceful, and he could even go to the store to steal some more valuable things.

Where was the real fear? He could not feel it.

His fear is just acting.

Adults don't believe that children can be corrupted. His acting is pure innocence.

Teacher Wu said to the manager, "I'm sorry, there is a kid in our class who is as stubborn as a dead pig and his family can't control him." As he spoke, Teacher Wu dialed Zhou Bufeng's home landline number.

The person who answered the phone was Zhou Bufeng's grandfather.

Zhou Bufeng's grandfather is already in his sixties. He had a major hip surgery last year and his blood pressure is high, so he is not prone to anger. When he received a call from his class teacher, Mr. Wu, he first expressed his anger: "Zhou Bufeng stole something again?"

The old man slapped the armrest of the wooden sofa: "Beat him! Teacher Wu, beat him! Parents send their children to school to be educated by teachers... Don't worry about anything else, beat him! Beat him to death! This little beast!"

Teacher Wu turned on the loudspeaker, and the old man's scolding voice floated in the narrow and cramped room.

After hearing this, the manager of the souvenir shop had a subtle expression on his face. He whispered a few words to the dean and Teacher Wu, but the voices were so low that Zhou Bufeng couldn't hear a word clearly.

Then, at this moment, the manager suddenly said, "Little Zhou Bufeng, why did you steal? Stealing is against the law. You are a student of Experimental Primary School. Today, we will not hold you accountable for your teacher's sake... If you do it again in the future, no one will take care of you."

Zhou Bufeng nodded desperately.

The door of this office was open a crack. A cool breeze blew in through the crack. Lin Zhixia was standing at the door. She listened to the conversation between the manager, the teacher, and Zhou Bufeng. She stood there for a few minutes, thinking about something, and then she moved away quietly.

Jiang Yubai patted her shoulder.

She was startled: "What are you doing!"

Jiang Yubai asked her, "What are you doing?"

"Me?" Lin Zhixia pointed to the wooden door of the office. "I was just collecting materials for the Human Observation Diary. Tell me, why are adults always willing to give children opportunities and believe that children can correct their mistakes?"

Jiang Yubai thought for a moment and replied, "Children are ignorant." He imitated the tone that adults often use. At this moment, he seemed to no longer be a 9-year-old boy, and his way of thinking had a brief resonance with that of an adult man over 20 years old.

"Do you know?" Lin Zhixia told him secretly, "Children under the age of 14 are legally considered to have no criminal responsibility and do not have to bear criminal responsibility."

As she spoke, she walked out with Jiang Yubai.

The combined age of the two of them was only 18 years old, but they had already started discussing the Criminal Law and the Law on the Protection of Minors. Lin Zhixia believed that the standard of the age of criminal responsibility could be adjusted appropriately, while Jiang Yubai believed that the implementation method of the "case law" was worth a little reference.

Since Lin Zhixia had mastered too many legal terms, Jiang Yubai was confused after talking to her for more than ten minutes. In a state of confusion, he asked, "Lin Zhixia, can you recite the entire Criminal Law?"

Lin Zhixia stopped.

Jiang Yubai also stood up straight.

The large glass tank of the aquarium stood behind them, with fish swimming in the water. Lin Zhixia was distracted by the fish and replied casually, "Not only that. In addition to the Criminal Law, I can also recite many laws and regulations."

"When Zhou Bufeng grows up, will he violate the Criminal Law?" Jiang Yubai raised a new question.

This question combines predictions about the future, understanding of the law, and respect for Zhou Bufeng. Lin Zhixia felt that Jiang Yubai's entry point was very good. She and Jiang Yubai had a new topic for in-depth analysis.

Lin Zhixia confessed: "I think it's normal for Zhou Bufeng to be like this now, always stealing things."

Jiang Yubai asked doubtfully, "Why?"

Lin Zhixia looked at him steadily. "What I mean is that everything Zhou Bufeng did is in line with the rules. I heard that his parents went to Shanghai to work, leaving him alone to be raised by his grandfather. I heard his grandfather talking outside the manager's office. His grandfather... doesn't have much patience. At school, teachers and classmates don't like him. At home, no one gives him warmth and care. His current behavior is very normal."

She paused and added, “In the same way, I don’t believe that a person who has gone through hardships and torture can become very kind unless he finds spiritual sustenance. Nietzsche proposed an ideal personality in his ‘Superman’, a superman who can overcome all suffering and create his own new philosophy. Ordinary people will only collapse under continuous blows. I agree with Nietzsche’s point of view.”

"Really?" Jiang Yubai fell into deep thought.

What he actually wanted to ask was, do you like philosophy very much

He posed another question: "Are you Superman?"

"I'm not," Lin Zhixia shook her head vigorously. "From Nietzsche's perspective, I'm also an ordinary person. I hate setbacks. When my mother scolds me, I get sad."

Then, Lin Zhixia clapped her hands and said, "Remember the first day we met, I asked you, do humans have free will? According to Weigenar's experiment in "The Illusion of Consciousness", he came to a conclusion - 'The root cause of behavior is outside of consciousness'. The entire universe is energy conservation. What is the difference between training the human brain and training an artificial neural network? One of the differences is probably the input source and feature extraction process. By the way, "The Matrix" is one of my favorite movies."

Jiang Yubai was dizzy by Lin Zhixia's jumping thoughts.

He stood there and summarized her point: "You mean, the entire universe is made up of mathematics, physics, and data?"

"It depends on how you define the word 'data'," Lin Zhixia replied.

The silence between them lasted for a long time.

There was a noisy sound not far away.

Uniformed aquarium staff members approached quickly with an old lady in her sixties. The old lady's name was Shen Zhaohua, and she was a professor of physical oceanography at a top university in the province. Professor Shen was followed by four doctoral students, three men and one woman, all of whom were her favorite students. She also brought with her a young graduate student who had just joined the experimental group this year.

Professor Shen Zhaohua is the laboratory director of the Ocean Research Institute of the province and the leader of the discipline of "Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics". Her team just published two important papers in the journals "Physical Review Letters" and "Geophysical Research Letters" this year. One of the papers is about "Mixed Ocean Turbulence Distribution", which Lin Zhixia happened to have read. She remembered Shen Zhaohua's photo and couldn't help but run a few steps with Professor Shen.

The staff of the aquarium said: "Professor Shen, our Aquarium Biology Research Center..."

A doctoral student interrupted, "Is that the research center you co-founded with the Institute of Aquatic Biology?"

"Yes, we have encountered a problem recently," the staff member responded, "Please trouble Professor Shen to do this laboratory environment assessment."

Professor Shen was discussing the details of the laboratory equipment with the staff. Several students brought by Professor Shen were also whispering. One of the graduate students said, "I simulated an ocean circulation model a few days ago. The model itself is based on the Navier-Stokes equations... I used pressure correction to solve the pressure field of the Neumann boundary condition. My Poisson operator showed strong anisotropy related to the ordinate axis [3]. Can you figure it out? How should I make a preprocessor?"

Jiang Yubai only heard the phrase "anisotropy". He repeated: "Anisotropy?"

Lin Zhixia explained to him: "Ah, this is an academic term. It means that the properties of a part or the whole of an object change in different directions."

Then she said to the graduate student, “You can solve your problem by treating the integral result of the Poisson operator as the hydrostatic limit in the preprocessor. However, this method has a flaw and requires discretizing the entire space. This is a very common solution... When you cannot evaluate a large continuous space, you can use a discrete model to simulate the final result. If you want to establish a reference system that is itself iterable, then when preprocessing the data, use a recursive algorithm to establish a benchmark and keep it unchanged, which can greatly reduce the subsequent computational burden.”

The four doctoral students all stopped and looked down at Lin Zhixia.

Professor Shen Zhaohua in front turned around and happened to meet Lin Zhixia's eyes.

The surroundings were filled with a strange atmosphere, which forced the doctoral students to remain silent. For a moment, they did not know whether they should continue to discuss the problem. No one knew whether the little girl was right or had really studied the relevant field.

Have you studied a related field

This kind of description and description is impossible to describe a young child.

Professor Shen Zhaohua smiled. Many tourists passed by her. The joint laboratory of the Oceanarium and the Institute of Aquatic Biology was not far away. Everyone was waiting for her. She actually took the time to ask Lin Zhixia softly, "Little friend, how old are you this year?"

Jiang Yubai answered on behalf of Lin Zhixia: "She just turned nine last month."

"Nine years old?" a doctoral student repeated dully. "Nine years old?"

Lin Zhixia nodded: "I am nine years old this year."

She stood near the glass water tank, carrying a blue Doraemon backpack and holding a small penguin stuffed toy in her arms. She also tied her hair into two ponytails and even used a pink strawberry hair tie.

Pink strawberry hair tie.

It turned out to be a little girl who had just turned nine years old.

The contrast was too strong, and the graduate student under Professor Shen suddenly felt ashamed, and an inexplicable sense of shame and annoyance grew in his heart. The graduate student took two steps back and stood behind Professor Shen.

"Little boy, can you understand the Navier-Stokes equations, Poisson operators and discrete space?" Professor Shen looked at Lin Zhixia, his eyes full of inquiry.

Professor Shen has two children, one son and one daughter. Her grandson just turned 11 and is still in primary school. Unfortunately, none of her children or grandchildren are really interested in scientific research. Her 11-year-old grandson is determined to take the civil service exam and join politics. This lofty ambition has been encouraged and supported by the whole family.

Only Professor Shen still remembers that when her grandson was little, he pointed to the world map and said, "Ocean physics! Physical ocean!"

Ocean physics and physical oceanography are actually two different concepts. Now, when Professor Shen wanted to explain it to his grandson, the child was unwilling to listen.

Lin Zhixia, who was only nine years old, attracted the attention of Professor Shen.

Lin Zhixia was surrounded by them and felt a little panicked. Her scientific world had always been single, independent, and lacked communication with the outside world. Although she had seen the contact information of countless professors and scientists on the computers of the provincial library, she had never disturbed those academic giants, nor had she ever publicly expressed her opinions.

Lin Zhixia is used to reading, thinking, and recording in her mind, which is a one-way data input process. She wants to answer Professor Shen's questions, but she is reluctant to show her uniqueness in front of everyone.

She avoided his gaze and moved closer to Jiang Yubai.

Jiang Yubai asked her: "What are you afraid of?"

Lin Zhixia said stubbornly: "I didn't."

Jiang Yubai gently pushed her: "I am brave. I will pass my courage to you."

"I... I'm not a coward!" Lin Zhixia said.

She mustered up her courage and stared at Shen Zhaohua: "I understand the concepts you mentioned. But understanding the concepts is one thing, and solving them is another. Whether the Weisstokes equation has a unique solution or not, and what the limiting conditions of the unique solution are, there is still no conclusion... I haven't studied it either. But I believe it has a unique analytical solution for smoothness, and it exists not only in the two-state laminar flow model of incompressible fluids that we often see. The current mainstream solution is to use discrete numerical simulation under known conditions, and fast Fourier transform is well known to everyone..."

The graduate student suddenly asked, "If you were asked to simply estimate the solution to a nonlinear system of equations..."

"What do you mean by simple estimation? Is it the basic content of Numerical Analysis?" Lin Zhixia asked, "Have you tried the convergence method, Aitkin accelerated convergence, and Newton's method? Show me the system of equations."

Shen Zhaohua looked at one of his doctoral students. The doctor was only 25 years old this year. He was a top student who was studying for a master's and doctoral degree. He wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, a cotton shirt, sweatpants and a windproof jacket, and looked like a good student.

He understood the deep meaning of his mentor, restrained the smile on his face, looked at Lin Zhixia, and told her: "We are in a hurry now. This is my mentor's business card with our office landline number on it. If you want to visit our university laboratory, you are welcome to visit at any time."

Lin Zhixia was stunned and didn't react.

Jiang Yubai accepted the business card on her behalf and said thank you on her behalf.

The assembly whistle of Grade 4 (1) class sounded in the cafeteria, and Professor Shen and his group gradually walked away.

Jiang Yubai handed the business card to Lin Zhixia and asked her, "Do you also suddenly become dazed?"

Lin Zhixia was stubborn again: "I didn't suddenly go blank."

Jiang Yubai asked in a probing manner: "Why didn't you say anything just now?"

Lin Zhixia clutched the business card: "I'm just a little surprised." She ran to the class assembly area.

That afternoon, the tour guide took everyone to visit the Whale and Dolphin Bay in the oceanarium.

This was the first time in Lin Zhixia’s life that she observed dolphins up close.

She was so excited that she couldn't speak.

The dolphins' skin is very smooth, and their body structure perfectly applies fluid dynamics, allowing them to swim very fast in the water. Lin Zhixia also noticed that one dolphin was the most lively, jumping out of the pool twice, splashing water.

Through a glass wall, Lin Zhixia stared at the dolphins.

The dolphin seemed to be gazing at her as well.

What is the world like that perceived by dolphins

If they realize that they will be trapped in the aquarium for the rest of their lives and unable to return to the sea, will they start to think... Lin Zhixia drew a dolphin on the glass, and ended today's trip to the aquarium.

The head teacher, Mr. Wu, gathered the students together and began to count the number of people. Many students were so fascinated by the dolphins and beluga whales that they could not move. Mr. Wu called out three times before the students came back to their senses.

Under the order of Teacher Wu, the students stood in two teams in an orderly manner according to the physical education class arrangement - one team for boys and one team for girls. Jiang Yubai was the last one in the boys' team, and Lin Zhixia was also the last one in the girls' team. They were inevitably lined up side by side again.

After getting on the school bus, Lin Zhixia simply sat next to Jiang Yubai.

Everyone was more or less tired after walking all day, and Lin Zhixia was no exception. She leaned against the side of the seat, closed her eyes and fell asleep in a short while.

To Jiang Yubai's left was Lin Zhixia, and to his right was squad leader Dong Sunqi. Dong Sunqi held his digital camera and asked Jiang Yubai to help him decide which photo was the best.

"I took pictures for you," Dong Sunqi revealed, "I secretly took two pictures of you."

Jiang Yubai raised his hand and pressed the camera: "Squad leader, are you taking a sneak shot of me?"

The squad leader gently admonished him: "Mr. Jiang, don't get excited."

Mr. Jiang was still a little excited: "Before taking pictures, the person's consent must be obtained." He took his portrait rights very seriously because his uncle Jiang Shaoqi had fought more than one portrait rights lawsuit. Jiang Shaoqi's various experiences taught Jiang Yubai a vivid lesson.

Most of the students around were sleeping, especially Lin Zhixia, who was sleeping soundly. She curled up in her seat like a kitten, much quieter than when she was awake.

Jiang Yubai didn't dare to speak loudly. His voice became very soft. But Dong Sunqi had no such concerns at all. He laughed and showed today's harvest on the display of the digital camera.

"Jiang Yubai! Look!" Dong Sunqi shouted, "I made you look so handsome in this photo! You should thank me now!"

Jiang Yubai responded coldly: "I should thank my parents. They decided how I look."

Dong Sunqi put his arm around Jiang Yubai's shoulders: "What about this one! You, Lin Zhixia, Ding Yan, and Gan Shuli are standing together! It's so lively!"

Jiang Yubai's reply was inhumane: "Delete it."

Dong Sunqi was very surprised: "You want to delete this one too?"

"don't want."

—The person who spoke was Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia was woken up by Dong Sunqi. She rubbed her eyes, hugged the plush penguin in her arms, and moved closer to Jiang Yubai to observe the photos in the digital camera. She smiled happily: "Don't delete, don't delete! Leave the photos to me, can you leave them to me? Leave them to me."

Dong Sunqi seemed to have finally found a soulmate who appreciated him after going through so many hardships. He couldn't wait to ask, "Lin Zhixia, do you think I took a good photo?"

"Yes! Great photos!" Lin Zhixia praised him generously. "There are Lin Zhixia, Jiang Yubai, Ding Yan, and Gan Shuli. We are all good friends. Can you send the photos to me? Can you send them to my email?"

Dong Sunqi agreed immediately. Then he asked, "Lin Zhixia, do you want me to send you my selfie as well? I, Dong Sunqi, am not in this group photo. I'm the class monitor, how can I be missing?"

Lin Zhixia was stunned for a moment. She was not very familiar with Dong Sunqi. She said casually, "Okay, you can post it."

Dong Sunqi slapped his thigh and said, "Okay!"

He and Lin Zhixia talked through Jiang Yubai, and neither of them noticed Jiang Yubai's expression. Jiang Yubai reached into his schoolbag with his left hand, and soon he found his digital camera.

Jiang Yubai bought the latest digital camera last week. Moreover, this digital camera uses touch screen buttons, requiring users to adjust various parameters by themselves.

Jiang Yubai just wanted to take a picture on the spot, but a huge menu selection box popped up on the camera screen.

He looked at the "saturation, clarity, contrast" and couldn't figure out what these things were for. He was too lazy to study and pressed a few buttons randomly. He didn't know where he touched, and the default language of the entire camera suddenly changed to German.

Yes, German.

Jiang Yubai seemed to be reading a wordless book.

Some German words look similar to English and French, but they are not the same. The menu bar of the digital camera has completely become Jiang Yubai's knowledge blind spot. He pretended to be calm and stretched out his fingers to touch the power button. Just as he was about to use force, he suddenly heard Lin Zhixia ask him: "Can you understand German?"

Here it comes again! The challenge from the competitor has come again!

Jiang Yubai has grown a lot in the past two months. He is no longer as ashamed and angry as he was at the beginning.

“I’m ready to shut down,” he admitted, candidly and truthfully.

Lin Zhixia took the digital camera from him. She lowered her head and pressed a few buttons. The camera was like a tamed beast, obeying her commands.

She turned on the camera and asked him, "Do you want to take a picture?"

Things have come to this point, we cannot fail because of momentary impulsiveness.

Jiang Yubai answered with a broad perspective: "Yes, I want to take a photo."

Lin Zhixia handed the digital camera to Ding Yan in the front row. Ding Yan quietly raised the camera, and while the head teacher and the other two leading teachers were taking a nap, Ding Yan turned around and pointed the camera at Lin Zhixia, Jiang Yubai, and Dong Sunqi. He took a new photo of the three of them.

“This is… the return commemorative photo from the autumn trip to the aquarium!” Lin Zhixia concluded happily.

This is also the only group photo in Jiang Yubai’s personal camera.

Why did he insist on taking a photo with Lin Zhixia

Jiang Yubai has his own understanding of this. Lin Zhixia is his competitor, and he keeps the photo of himself and his competitor just to urge himself to face his own shortcomings honestly - just like American President Lincoln respected and admired his political opponent Seward.

Jiang Yubai sorted out the logic and put away the camera.

When the bus returned to the school, it was 3:30 in the afternoon, and the sun was still shining brightly. Parents of the fourth graders all rushed to the school gate to pick up their children, and the driver of Jiang Yubai's family also came. Jiang Yubai walked out of the bus and walked towards the driver. Lin Zhixia shouted from afar: "See you tomorrow!"

Jiang Yubai raised his hand, waved at her, and said loudly: "See you tomorrow!"