Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 148: Group meeting


Lin Zhixia heard the sarcasm in Tan Qianche's words.

As Xu Lingbo's mentor, Lin Zhixia certainly had to protect her student. She said, "Xu Lingbo is still studying for a master's degree, and Teacher Tan, you have already graduated with a doctorate."

Afterwards, Lin Zhixia solemnly introduced her favorite student Fang Yiwen to Tan Qianche. She asked Fang Yiwen to speak first and talk about her recent research work.

Fang Yiwen immediately picked up a black marker and stood in front of a huge whiteboard, drawing and describing: "For a general multi-electron system, the tensor product of the single-electron Hilbert spaces that make up it is the multi-electron wave function space... My topic is not difficult. You can understand it if you use your brain, right? I combined machine learning and quantum chemistry and used deep learning to create a framework to predict quantum mechanical wave functions. There is a paper in Nature that uses the wave function of the local basis of atomic orbitals to derive other ground state properties [1]..."

Fang Yiwen spoke very clearly.

Xu Lingbo was confused by what he heard.

Tan Qianche interrupted Fang Yiwen and asked her a few questions. She answered calmly, which really earned Lin Zhixia a lot of face. She, Lin Zhixia and Tan Qianche discussed for more than 20 minutes, and the whole whiteboard was almost filled with words. Even Zhan Rui showed a blank expression.

The new undergraduate named Cui Yiming could actually understand the argument between Fang Yiwen and Tan Qianche. Cui Yiming expressed his views, which impressed Tan Qianche.

Tan Qianche said: "Teacher Lin, the students in your group are of very high level."

Lin Zhixia was a little happy.

Although she failed miserably in the course "Quantum Bits and Computers" with more than half of the students leaving, the graduate students in the research group still had their own strengths, and Fang Yiwen's enthusiasm for learning was unprecedentedly high.

Lin Zhixia was very satisfied.

Next, she invited Zhan Rui to make a public report.

Lin Zhixia even stood up from her seat, walked over to the whiteboard, and personally wiped it clean. She was gentle and kind, and had no airs of a teacher at all. However, Xu Lingbo's heart was beating fast like a drum - he just noticed that every student had to write something on the board, but what could he write

His mind is as pure as a blank sheet of paper.

He swallowed nervously.

Zhan Rui has already come on stage.

"Good afternoon, teachers." Zhan Rui greeted the teachers.

Zhan Rui knew Tan Qianche from the School of Physics. Teacher Tan was so famous, not only because of his academic achievements, but also because of his appearance and temperament.

In front of Tan Qianche, Zhan Rui was a little reserved.

Zhan Rui deliberately slowed down his tone and explained his thoughts word by word. He was afraid that Tan Qianche would target him like he did to Fang Yiwen, but, contrary to his expectations, Tan Qianche treated him quite gently.

Zhan Rui's report ended in a peaceful atmosphere.

Lin Zhixia praised his progress and tactfully offered suggestions for improvement.

Zhan Rui said, "Teacher, I have thought about the problem you mentioned."

He was eager to show his thinking process, so he wiped off the black pen marks on the whiteboard with his palm. His left hand became dirty and filthy, but his mind was clean and clear.

Zhan Rui wrote a long mathematical proof, which was not a task that could be completed overnight. In fact, he thought about it for an entire summer, but he was stuck somewhere.

His mind was completely immersed in the mathematical operation, and the sentences he spoke became particularly fluent: "Distributional reinforcement leanring inspired me. I rewrote the traditional reinforcement learning update strategy. Teacher, this step I..."

At this point, he came back to his senses, his brain suddenly startled, and he stuttered uncontrollably again: "I, I, I..."

Lin Zhixia patiently guided him, and he suddenly got an inspiration. He asked his senior sister for a piece of paper and wrote down some notes on it.

Tan Qianche couldn't help but sighed: "Teacher Lin, I'm a little envious of you. This is your first-year graduate student, right?"

Zhan Rui sensed the affirmation of Lin Zhixia and Tan Qianche. The recognition of the two young professors gave him a great sense of accomplishment. His tense heartstrings were completely relaxed at this moment, and he could not describe the joy of being encouraged in words.

He smiled and sat back in his seat.

At this time, it was Xu Lingbo's turn to play.

Lin Zhixia turned her head and looked at Xu Lingbo steadily.

Xu Lingbo's lips turned slightly pale.

Lin Zhixia was concerned about him: "Are you feeling unwell?"

The conference room is spacious and bright, and outside the French windows is a vibrant campus scene. Xu Lingbo looked out at the distant view, made up his mind, and stood up with a stack of papers in his arms: "Teacher, my research topic is "Research on Reactivity Index in Quantum Chemistry"!"

Lin Zhixia nodded: "Okay, start talking."

What to talk about

Xu Lingbo held his breath: "I also read papers on artificial intelligence."

Lin Zhixia waited for a few seconds, but Xu Lingbo still didn't respond. So she asked him, "How did you see it? Did you encounter any problems?"

Xu Lingbo hurriedly applied the "graduate student group meeting slacking off method". He talked about some of the latest papers in an attempt to get away with it. He even made up a term himself: "Last month, a top conference paper came up with an algorithm called Hahit, which can be used in my quantum communication network. I want to use a distributed machine learning framework to train it..."

"What is hahit?" Lin Zhixia asked him humbly.

He declined, "I, I don't remember the mathematical expression for it."

Tan Qianche smiled and said, "Didn't you bring a bunch of papers? Take a look at them."

Xu Lingbo lowered his head and flipped through the paper frantically.

He found an article published in August this year, and he guessed that Lin Zhixia and Tan Qianche must not have read it. He copied the formulas in the paper onto the whiteboard, and then translated the English sentences in the paper word by word.

He translated for a full four minutes before he stole a glance at Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia sighed.

Tan Qianche teased her in an ambiguous way: "Teacher Lin, your student..."

Lin Zhixia reminded: "Xu Lingbo, turn to the first page of the paper and see who the author is."

Xu Lingbo did as he was told.

Lin Zhixia added: "Read the author's name."

Xu Lingbo stammered and said the English pinyin: "qi wen..."

Tan Qianche revealed the secret for him: "This person is called Wen Qi, and he is your teacher Lin's doctoral classmate. Not only your teacher Lin, but I will also read all the papers he publishes."

"Junior brother, there are several places where you translated incorrectly." Fang Yiwen reminded him at the right time.

Xu Lingbo felt cold all over and could hardly hold on any longer.