Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 151: Proposal


The wedding ring sparkled on Lin Zhixia's ring finger.

Jiang Yubai held her in his arms again.

He lowered his head and kissed her, with only one thought in his mind: I love her - this sentence alone is simple, popular and common, but he couldn't find a shorter and more powerful alternative. He tried his best to act rational, but in fact he was crazy with joy. Gradually, he could no longer control himself and kissed her more and more passionately.

Lin Zhixia's body went half limp. She fell backwards unconsciously, and Jiang Yubai hugged her waist, picked her up, and carried her to a single bed inside the cabin.

Lin Zhixia lay on her back on the bed, clutching his shirt with both hands, leaving messy creases. The beauty of this school uniform became more obvious - it represented the warm memories of high school, and at the same time it also guided her to break free of all shackles.

She couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

There was a skylight on the top of the cabin, facing the vast and deep night sky. Scattered stars twinkled, and a bright moon was out of reach. Lin Zhixia's eyes passed through the window, drifting farther and farther away. Jiang Yubai kissed her cheek: "What are you thinking about?"

She replied: "I was thinking..."

"Hmm?" he responded.

Jiang Yubai was mentally prepared to receive Lin Zhixia's sweet words.

However, Lin Zhixia said: "I may say a lot of words that you can't understand."

Jiang Yubai held her wrists tightly and pinned her hands to both sides of the bed. It was the first time that he bound her in this way and she found it very novel and interesting. She looked at him more intently.

He said: "You can say whatever you want. I don't understand, but I will try my best to listen. You are mine..."

"Wife." Lin Zhixia continued.

He smiled and kissed her forehead again.

The air was filled with a sweet scent. They were immersed in the joy of mutual affection. Lin Zhixia couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Besides Xia Xia, will you call me something else? I want to hear... something nice."

What sounds good

Jiang Yubai lay down beside her, and at this moment, this narrow single bed became a love nest for their love. He lifted up her skirt and touched her up, every inch of her skin made him love it.

Lin Zhixia felt extremely comfortable. She leaned against him tightly and sighed softly. All the pressure in her life was dissolved by his kiss and touch. He lowered his head close to her ear and called "Xia Xia". She lazily replied, "I'm here."

Jiang Yubai paused.

Lin Zhixia said coquettishly: "Touch me again."

Jiang Yubai not only met her request, but also called her several different names, such as "baby", "wife", and "sweetheart". He tried them all. Lin Zhixia buried her head in his chest and laughed "hahahaha" non-stop.

Jiang Yubai held her waist tightly, she raised her head and kissed his chin, and replied politely: "Baby, husband, sweetheart..."

She told him for the first time: "I love you."

Before this, she had only said "You are so nice", "You are so gentle", "I like you so much", "I want to be with you forever", but she rarely mentioned the word "love".

With just one word, she opened a hole in Jiang Yubai's heart, filled it with honey, and then sewed it up with thin and dense threads of love. His arms gradually tightened, and he pulled her towards him, kissing her deeply and lightly. She asked him cryptically, "Let's go to the bedroom?"

Before Jiang Yubai could answer, Lin Zhixia jumped off the bed without even putting on slippers and ran straight to the bathroom in the master bedroom.

She ran and laughed: "As long as you catch me, I will..."

So what

She didn't say.

Jiang Yubai left the spacecraft.

Where Lin Zhixia is is where his heart is.

It was a little after eleven o'clock at night and the bedroom was completely dark.

The quilt and pillow fell to the ground, no one picked them up. The airtight room was filled with the scent of the fading passion. Lin Zhixia said absentmindedly, "I'm exhausted..." She said softly, "You're so awesome... I give up."

Jiang Yubai was originally holding her in a very relaxed position. However, after hearing her words, the muscles in his arms became stiff. Lin Zhixia was still very surprised: "What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Yubai said: "Say it again."

Lin Zhixia was a little confused, but she did as she was told: "You are so awesome, I give up."

He suddenly grabbed her waist, and his grip was so strong that it hurt her. Lin Zhixia first complained, "You hurt me." Then, she pulled his arms away, rolled into the corner of the bed, and stopped cooperating with his affection.

“I’m really tired,” she said honestly.

Jiang Yubai put on his clothes and got out of bed.

Lin Zhixia thought he was a little unhappy.

However, Jiang Yubai came back soon. He took a clean and soft new quilt from the closet and gently covered her with it. Then, he lay down behind her, completely restraining his aggression and possessiveness from a few minutes ago, and coaxed her in a gentle voice: "Do you want me to hold you while you sleep?"

Lin Zhixia thought for a moment.

She didn't say anything.

But she rolled into his arms.

"Good night, Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Yubai..." Her voice became softer and softer.

He said, "Good night, Xia Xia."

Lin Zhixia woke up slowly at around eight o'clock the next morning. She went to the bathroom to take a shower, then picked up the wedding ring and carefully looked at it in the morning sunlight.

She hadn't had time to study the ring last night.

Now, she discovered that the ring was exquisitely made. The ring was inlaid with a circle of diamonds, setting off a dazzling diamond in the center. She also found her name on the ring.

She put on the ring, walked out of the bedroom and went to find Jiang Yubai.

As she approached the study, she heard him talking on the phone.

In fact, Jiang Yubai was having a video call with his parents.

He honestly told his family that he proposed to Lin Zhixia last night and that Lin Zhixia agreed to be engaged to him, and he was very happy. From now on, Lin Zhixia is his fiancée.

Jiang Yubai spoke a long paragraph, describing Lin Zhixia's various advantages.

He observed his mother's expression and didn't see anything unusual. He picked up the water cup and just took a sip of pure water when his uncle interrupted and said, "Okay, great! Xiao Jiang, when are you and Xiao Lin going to have your wedding? If you want me to accompany you at your wedding, it's not impossible. There are a lot of good violinists in my orchestra..."

Before my uncle finished speaking, my father turned his head and looked at him, and my uncle took a step back and stopped talking.

Dad asked, "Are you all sure?"

Jiang Yubai said: "Of course."

Dad seemed to have expected this. He thought for a moment and asked, "Have you solved the problem with Jiangke Software?"

"I'm having a meeting with them today and the trouble will be resolved soon." Jiang Yubai replied.

Dad nodded slightly: "Okay, I believe in your ability."

Mom wasn't in the shot. Her voice came from Dad's side: "Xiao Jiang, your dad and I both want to meet your fiancée's parents. We'll be a family from now on, so we still have to be polite."