Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 152: The sound of wind


My uncle suddenly interrupted and said, "Create a WeChat group, add your father-in-law, mother-in-law, father and mother to the group, and the elders of our two families will agree on a date to meet, and then..."

Before the uncle finished speaking, my mother interrupted him and said, "Let the children make their own arrangements. They are all adults."

The uncle smiled and said, "That's right, they've all grown up." He then said, "Xiao Jiang, send me your father-in-law and mother-in-law's WeChat IDs, and I'll chat with them and help you gain some impression points."

Even after my uncle said this, my parents didn't agree with him.

Jiang Yubai seemed to be thinking about something.

He stopped the video call and typed a line of words on the keyboard: "Next Sunday at noon, at Xijiao Hotel, our two families will meet. Lin Zhixia's parents and brother should be there."

Then, he stood up from his seat, picked up his suit jacket, and put it on his left arm. He walked out of the study and ran into Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia fell into his arms like a victim. He subconsciously hugged her tightly, thinking that she must have heard his conversation with his parents, but she said nothing and asked nothing. Her trust in him was self-evident.

He patted her on the back gently.

She asked again, "Are you going out?"

"Go to a meeting," he said.

Lin Zhixia nodded: "I'll go with you. I want to go to school."

Today is Saturday, and Lin Zhixia's enthusiasm for work has not diminished at all. Jiang Yubai couldn't help but ask, "Teacher Lin, do you have to work on Saturday too?"

Teacher Lin said matter-of-factly, "When I was studying for my doctorate, did I take Saturdays and Sundays off?"

Jiang Yubai was speechless.

After they finished their breakfast at home, they took the elevator directly to the parking lot on the ground floor of the building. Lin Zhixia was dazzled by the various luxury cars. She revealed, "I want to learn how to drive, so I signed up for a driving training class."

Jiang Yubai said casually: "You must learn very quickly."

"Maybe not," Lin Zhixia was quite modest, "Maybe I don't have the talent to learn how to drive."

Jiang Yubai made no comment.

Lin Zhixia moved closer to him: "If I can't learn it, can Teacher Jiang teach me?"

Jiang Yubai stopped.

Lin Zhixia called him again: "Teacher Jiang?"

Jiang Yubai's eyes moved down to her left hand - she didn't wear an engagement ring because it was too conspicuous and didn't fit her usual low-key lifestyle. However, she put the astronomical ring Jiang Yubai gave her on her ring finger. She noticed his gaze and immediately put her left hand behind her back.

Jiang Yubai thought her every move and every word was very cute. He said, "Teacher Jiang will arrange a class for you this weekend."

In this way, Jiang Yubai was upgraded from a swimming coach to a driving school coach.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Yubai drove Lin Zhixia to the university gate himself.

Before Lin Zhixia got out of the car, she kissed him on the side of his face: "See you tomorrow."

He held the steering wheel and promised, "See you tomorrow."

He looked at Lin Zhixia's receding back and remembered that when Lin Zhixia was an undergraduate, he often waited outside her school gate for her to finish school - that was four or five years ago, and time really passed quickly.

On the wide road, vehicles were constantly coming and going. Jiang Yubai changed lanes and headed straight to the company. He arrived at the meeting room ten minutes early and saw Chai Yang as soon as he entered the door.

This is a small meeting room that can accommodate up to seven people. There is a round table in the middle of the room. There is no main seat or secondary seat. It is said that the "round table meeting" represents an equal dialogue model. Chai Yang sat on a chair facing the door.

He raised his hand and greeted, "You're here? I just got here."

Jiang Yubai asked him: "Where are the others?"

Chai Yang stood up quickly: "Listen to me first..."

There were actually only seven core members in Chai Yang's team - Jiang Yubai sent emails to four of them, but he did not inform Chai Yang. Apparently, at least one of the four people had told Chai Yang about Jiang Yubai's secret meeting with him.

Chai Yang's attitude was very polite: "I have worked with you for five years, and I have deep feelings. Thank God, Jiangke Software has developed. In the first year of entrepreneurship, I lived frugally, upgraded the server, and was reluctant to spend the 500 yuan monthly rent. I ate instant noodles during the day and slept on the floor at night..."

Jiang Yubai joked with him: "Your words are quite suitable to be written into the resignation statement."

Chai Yang was just chatting with a friend. He said in a relaxed tone: "I'll add this paragraph to my resignation statement."

Jiang Yubai asked him straight to the point: "You have suffered a lot for this company. The brand effect is tied to your name. Why do you want to resign with your team?"

Jiang Yubai never sat down.

He stood in front of Chai Yang, bringing him a slight pressure - the pressure made him feel irritated. He said in a slightly faster tone: "I have proposed a plan to you. Jiangke Software is just a subsidiary. In the long run, you have to split it up and list it on the market... In addition, in terms of technology, several of my undergraduate classmates are in Silicon Valley and several in London. They are good at technology and management. They helped me contact the Chinese team of Silicon Valley technology startups. These people are willing to return to China and can do technology research and development to reduce the online burden of our products."

Jiang Yubai did not respond. He pulled out a chair and finally sat down, his seat very close to Chai Yang.

Chai Yang said: "I gave you two plans, and you rejected them both. I really don't want to blame you for anything..."

He coughed and hesitated to speak.

Jiang Yubai encouraged him: "Just say whatever you want to say. It's a rare opportunity for us to communicate alone."

While Chai Yang was still hesitating, Jiang Yubai actually belittled himself and said, "I am not a technical person, I have never learned programming, and I lack strategic vision. I cannot understand a lot of the content. I can only look at the PPTs made by others. I think the product will look like the PPT..."

Chai Yang's expression changed slightly.

In the early years, in order to start a business, Chai Yang skipped three meals a day, worked day and night, and developed stomach problems. He would have stomachaches when he was nervous - for example, now, his stomach is very uncomfortable.

What Jiang Yubai said just now were actually said by Chai Yang.

One night, Chai Yang and his friends in the team had a drinking party. Everyone had a great time and drank a lot of wine. Chai Yang was even drunk. At this time, someone happened to ask Chai Yang, what is Jiang Yubai's leadership ability

Chai Yang started to complain.

He really didn't expect Jiang Yubai to know.

"I posted that last year," Chai Yang quickly explained, "and it has nothing to do with what happened this year."

"I also knew about it last year." Jiang Yubai responded.

Chai Yang recalled the attitude of Jiang Yubai when he was with him over the past year, and he could not find any fault with him. He had to admit that Jiang Yubai was a very tolerant leader at a young age, but the management and operation model of Jiangke Software had already exhausted Chai Yang physically and mentally, and he just wanted to part ways with Jiang Yubai in peace.

Chai Yang took out an agreement and placed it in front of Jiang Yubai. He said, "Jiangke Software is my child, I will not waste any more words. Mr. Jiang, please read the contents of the agreement. If there is anything you are not satisfied with, we can revise it."