Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 153: Go separate ways


Chai Yang walked to the window and opened the curtains. Dark clouds were hanging over the city, and fallen leaves and raindrops were floating in the wind.

Chai Yang looked at the scenery in the distance until Jiang Yubai interrupted his thoughts: "This agreement..."

Chai Yang clasped his hands together: "How do you want to change it?"

Jiang Yubai turned the agreement over and put it on the table. He said, "According to your request, after you leave, you must retain the company's equity and become a small shareholder of Jiangke Software."

Chai Yang sat down on the chair and looked up at him: "I am the founder of this company. It would be good for the company's reputation if I kept the shares. What do you think?"

Jiang Yubai smiled.

Chai Yang stopped talking. He was a technical person, and negotiation was not his strong point. Jiang Yubai did not agree to sign the agreement, and was even unwilling to discuss the terms of the agreement with him. To be honest, he could not reach an agreement with Jiang Yubai.

Chai Yang stood up and said goodbye: "Forget it, we will talk again another day."

Jiang Yubai stopped him and said, "You are in a hurry to resign in order to start a new round of business. You have the ability, the funds, and a mature team. You know foreign technology startup teams, and it is only a matter of time before you break through the technological barriers..."

Chai Yang looked back at him.

Jiang Yubai said: "Only if you put down your current burden can you fly further."

Chai Yang suddenly asked him, "Why invest in your quantum technology company? The hype about quantum is fake. No scientist in the world has come up with experimental conclusions that prove quantum computers are definitely more powerful than traditional computers. There are a lot of people in Silicon Valley who are following the trend and burning money. So far, no quantum company's products have been able to be put on the market on a large scale. If you want high profits and high returns, you should expand your gaming and live streaming businesses."

Jiang Yubai did not refute him.

After all, Chai Yang didn't know Lin Zhixia. He knew nothing about Lin Zhixia.

Jiang Yubai didn’t invest in the concept of “quantum technology”—he invested in Lin Zhixia as a person. He firmly believed that she could achieve worldly success, even though she didn’t care about material things or fame at all.

Chai Yang took a deep breath and exhaled: "No matter what, without your support back then, there would be no me today. To be inappropriate, I regard you as a friend, and you have to let go of your burdens in order to fly further."

After saying this, Chai Yang walked away.

Chai Yang stayed at home for two days and felt more relaxed than ever before. The next morning, he formally submitted a letter of resignation, left the company with many members of his team, and issued a resignation statement.

According to Chai Yang's original plan, he wanted to describe his passive situation in the statement, but he remembered what Jiang Yubai said that day... and finally gave up his original plan.

Chai Yang is only twenty-seven years old this year.

He is very young.

Jiang Yubai had a piece of advice that touched Chai Yang's heart - only if he let go of his current burdens could he fly further.

The news of "Chai Yang team collectively resigned" quickly occupied the front page headlines in the technology field.

Since "Jiangke Software" is an Internet company that was born in Beijing and grew up in the provincial capital, the provincial capital's "Morning Daily" even created a column to sort out the development history of "Jiangke Software Company" for readers.

The reporter of "Morning Daily" also interviewed Chai Yang and recorded Chai Yang's mental journey in detail.

In order to understand Chai Yang's psychological activities, Lin Zhixia bought a copy of "Morning Daily" at the newsstand at the entrance of the university. She took the newspaper back to the office and read it word by word, her expression gradually becoming solemn.

Chai Yang publicly declared in the newspaper that "quantum computing" is just a gimmick, and practitioners in the Internet industry must clearly see the future development direction and not be confused by some hyped concepts.

Chai Yang also said that he would lead the team to enter the live broadcast industry. He believed that in the next few years, live broadcast will become an industry hotspot that cannot be ignored.

Lin Zhixia closed the newspaper and held Chai Yang's photo with both hands.

If Chai Yang wants to resign, just let him resign. Why does he have to criticize "quantum computing"

Lin Zhixia’s quantum technology company was established not long ago - the company’s external name is “PTSIC Quantum Laboratory”. Since all members of the main creative team graduated from world-class prestigious universities and there is an underlying technology platform provided by top Internet companies... “PTSIC Quantum Laboratory” has a good reputation in the industry.

However, Chai Yang's words put the "PTSIC Quantum Laboratory" in the spotlight.

Lin Zhixia was not angry.

She was just a little confused.

Chai Yang does not understand this industry and has not read Lin Zhixia's paper. How can he determine that "quantum computing" is a hyped-up false concept

Lin Zhixia thought calmly for a while.

Her students were immediately excited.

In the "Quantum Frontier Laboratory" in the same building, Xu Lingbo was running data while cursing: "This Chai Yang, I am really drunk, when I encounter something I don't understand, I want to sew my mouth shut, but he is so good that he has slandered our teacher Lin's company in the Morning Daily and made it worthless."

Fang Yiwen also chuckled.

Zhan Rui echoed, "Don't bother with him."

There are only three people in the entire laboratory: Fang Yiwen, Xu Lingbo and Zhan Rui.

In front of his fellow students, Xu Lingbo couldn't help but speak his mind: "Chai Yang is only 27 years old, a few years older than me, and he has no control over his words. He accepted an interview and called the quantum company a gimmick... Damn, our school just signed a cooperation agreement with this quantum company. With just one sentence, he slapped our school in the face."

Fang Yiwen said: "He is very bold."

Xu Lingbo scratched his head and confided in annoyance: "Hey, let's not talk about Chai Yang for now. The undergraduates are still making a fuss. Many people are clamoring to drop out of the class. Teacher Lin's class..."

Having said this, Xu Lingbo suddenly stopped talking.

Because Lin Zhixia walked into the laboratory.

"Good morning, classmates." Lin Zhixia greeted them.

"Good morning, Teacher Lin!" Xu Lingbo responded loudly.

Lin Zhixia found a file recording experimental data in the operating room - a summary of her two-year doctoral research results. She took the file and walked around the laboratory, inspecting the work of each student. Then she said, "You must believe in your research direction. You are all smart and hardworking. The future belongs to each of you."

The students nodded.

Lin Zhixia applauded for them.

She walked out of the laboratory holding the documents, hailed a taxi outside the school gate, and rushed directly to the office building of the "PTSIC Quantum Laboratory". As the head and senior consultant of the company, Lin Zhixia's office was located on the top floor.

However, Lin Zhixia rarely appears in public.

The receptionist was pleasantly surprised to see her: "Hello, please wait a moment, do you want me to connect you to the internal line?"