Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 156: The quantum computing race


There are three models in the bag, representing three development forms of quantum computers.

Lin Zhixia took out all these models and showed them their extremely sophisticated internal structures.

Jiang Yubai's father is very interested in the high-tech industry - venture capital markets around the world are chasing emerging technologies, and he has heard of the concept of "quantum computing".

Currently, many countries are participating in a global "quantum computing competition".

In 2015, both China and the United States invested more than 3 billion yuan in non-confidential quantum computing projects. In 2016, countries rushed to increase the amount and intensity of their investments. The European Union's "Quantum Flagship Program" cost 7.7 billion yuan, and the United States' "National Quantum Initiative Act" allocated 8.7 billion yuan for research and development. Russia, India, Germany, Japan and other countries have invested more than 5 billion yuan in quantum computing.

Once the true functions of quantum computers are realized, the current general-purpose supercomputers are likely to be eliminated. Therefore, the valuation of the entire "quantum computing" industry far exceeds the tens of billions of investments spent by various countries.

Jiang Yubai's father picked up a model, and Jiang Yubai said, "Xia Xia has been working on these three models for more than nine months, starting at the beginning of the year, and just finished them not long ago."

After Jiang Yubai said this, his father took over his son's topic very tactfully - he first thanked Lin Zhixia for the gift she had prepared, and praised her for her youth and potential. Then, he started talking to Lin Zhixia's father, Lin Fugui.

They walked towards the dining table one after another.

Lin Fugui didn't know how to address his father-in-law. In their rural hometown, they could call him "father-in-law" directly, but his daughter had just been engaged to Jiang Yubai, so he was not sure what his father-in-law meant. He said, "Jiang..."

Jiang Yubai's father smiled and said, "Jiang Shaofeng."

Jiang Shaofeng is the full name of Jiang Yubai's father.

Jiang Shaofeng had introduced himself once before, so of course Lin Fugui remembered his name—Lin Fugui also remembered that Jiang Yubai’s mother was Guan Xunmei, his uncle was Jiang Shaoqi, his aunt’s Chinese name was Yang Qian, and her English name was Jessica… The wealthy family didn’t even use the word “rich” when naming themselves.

Lin Fugui tightened his shirt and sat down next to Lin Zeqiu.

Lin Zeqiu hasn't said a word since he entered the door.

Lin Zhixia was much more lively and cheerful than her brother. She sat next to Jiang Yubai and answered all the questions from the elders. She was keenly aware that Jiang Yubai's uncle and aunt were particularly kind. The aunt even sat on the other side of Lin Zhixia and made an appointment with Lin Zhixia to go out and play together when she was free.

Even so, the conversation at the table was sporadic.

Jiang Yubai's six family members are all good at speaking and smoothing things over. However, once the topic comes to Lin Zhixia's parents and brother, the whole audience will inevitably be silent for a few seconds. Whenever this happens, Jiang Yubai will play a transitional role. He always intentionally or unintentionally guides the direction of the conversation, trying to make Lin Zhixia's parents relax. Jiang Yubai's grandfather teased him, "Xiaobai is still very considerate."

In Jiang Yubai's memory, no one in the family called him "Xiaobai" anymore after he turned seven years old.

Lin Fugui thought that "Xiaobai" was Jiang Yubai's nickname, and he said quickly, "Xiaobai is a good kid, good at everything."

Jiang Shaoqi immediately responded: "No, no, my dear, don't be modest, Xia Xia is really amazing, a 22-year-old associate professor, the person in charge of a national project. I know a lot of friends, but I have never heard of any child who is as outstanding as our Xia Xia, she is worthy of me..."

He almost said, "She is worthy of being my nephew's future daughter-in-law."

Fortunately, he braked in time.

He changed his words and said, "You are worthy of being a specially-appointed teacher of the best university in our province."

Lin Fugui smiled and toasted Jiang Shaoqi with another glass of wine.

Lin Zeqiu, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Our Lin Zhixia has a high IQ and is a simple and kind person. If you spend a few more days with her, you will know... how good she is."

Lin Zeqiu's words almost made Lin Zhixia cry.

Lin Zhixia was twenty-two years old and had never heard Lin Zeqiu talk about her in such a humble tone.

She still remembered that more than a decade ago, Lin Zeqiu and his elementary school classmates always gnashed their teeth when talking about his sister. He often said, "Lin Zhixia is so fucking annoying! I am so fed up with her!"

And now, in front of everyone, Lin Zeqiu could actually say such disgusting words.

Lin Zhixia was very touched.

Jiang Yubai also discovered that as long as he talked about Lin Zhixia's strengths, her parents and brother would become relatively relaxed and no longer tense.

So, in order to give Lin Zhixia more opportunities to perform, and to make her family feel more comfortable at this meeting, Jiang Yubai said, "Yes, she has so many advantages that I can't count them all."

Jiang Yubai opened up to his family for the first time, describing his life experiences over the past decade. When he said, "Xia Xia and I exchange diaries every year, and she probably knows me better than I know myself," his mother's eyes softened, but his grandfather suddenly asked, "How is the company you two run together? A few days ago, my secretary sorted out the news for me, and Chai Yang is always on the front page."

Grandma chimed in: "It's quite a commotion."

In front of Grandpa was a quantum computer model. He picked it up, looked at it over and over, and asked, "Professor Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Zhixia answered frankly, "It's not a bad thing. Chai Yang's commotion has increased the attention on our company. Chai Yang does not recognize quantum computing, but countries all over the world are investing in the quantum industry. The impact of quantum computers is huge, involving the development of all walks of life. Let me give you an example. The core of the biomedical field is chemical reactions, which are based on the quantum level. If we fully master quantum computing technology, we can design a series of chemical reactions to mass-produce the safest and most effective drugs. And Bitcoin, everyone should have heard of Bitcoin. The underlying technology of Bitcoin is blockchain. The basic algorithms of blockchain include hash algorithms, symmetric and asymmetric encryption... Quantum computing can destroy this encryption mechanism and shake the security of Bitcoin from the root. In short, quantum computing can promote the development of biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, finance, the Internet and other industries. I think its impact should be no less than the first and second industrial revolutions, and it is also a hurdle that must be overcome in the history of human technological development."

After saying this long paragraph, Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai looked at each other.

She whispered, "How did I do?"

Jiang Yubai said: "Very good."

Lin Zhixia's voice was barely audible: "Isn't it easy to understand?"

Jiang Yubai poured her a glass of strawberry juice: "Yes, you can keep going."

Lin Zhixia took a sip of the strawberry juice and exclaimed, "So sweet."

Grandpa looked very kind. "Quantum computing is very good, a cutting-edge technology industry. Xiao Jiang, how did you and Chai Yang break up? Jiangke Software is your highest-return investment. I was busy for the past few months and didn't ask your dad or you. Today, the whole family is having dinner together and there are no outsiders at the table. We don't need to be polite. Just say what you want to say."

Jiang Shaoqi was particularly excited: "Yes, there are no outsiders at this table."

Grandpa glanced at him.

Jiang Shaoqi picked up the chopsticks and lowered his head to eat.

Jiang Yubai smiled and said, "Jiangke Software is a subsidiary of a parent company. Chai Yang wanted to spin off Jiangke Software for listing, but I disagreed. Jiangke's accounts are independent, cash flow is sufficient, and the stock incentive system has just been implemented. It is not suitable for listing for the time being."

Grandpa nodded slightly.

Jiang Yubai added: "Chai Yang contacted Internet startup teams in the United States and the United Kingdom. He wanted to recruit talents from foreign teams..."

"Don't you agree either?" Lin Zhixia interrupted.

Before Jiang Yubai could answer, Lin Zhixia said, "The team recruited from abroad may not be able to achieve the results that Chai Yang wants. After all, they still need to work with the local team, and their working habits and styles are different."

Jiang Yubai clinked glasses with her.

The two of them discussed the "development of the Internet localization industry" and "team training and management rules" one after another. Lin Zeqiu occasionally interjected, and after Lin Zhixia's father drank a glass of wine, they finally opened up. The atmosphere in the box gradually warmed up, and there were no more dull moments.

After the meal, Jiang Yubai and Lin Zhixia said goodbye at the door of the hotel.

Jiang Yubai prepared gifts for both sets of parents in advance - the gifts were in exactly the same handbags, but the contents of the bags were different.

Jiang Yubai's aunt unwrapped the paper and saw a beautiful gift box. She hugged Lin Zhixia warmly and said to her, "Thank you, Xia Xia, for the expense."

Lin Zhixia was confused. She didn't even know what was in the gift box. Just as she was about to speak, Jiang Yubai grabbed her wrist. His fingertips brushed across the ring on her ring finger. Lin Zhixia sighed for the ten-thousandth time, "You are so nice."

She hesitated for a moment before saying, "I have to go back to school and go to the lab. My doctoral student is in some trouble..."

"Scientific research is more important," Jiang Yubai said, "See you tomorrow."

Lin Zhixia nodded: "See you tomorrow."

That being said…

Jiang Yubai still drove Lin Zhixia back to school, and took his father-in-law and mother-in-law to the gate of the community. When he finished these things, it was almost 3:30 in the afternoon. He drove back to Jiang's manor. His parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents were all sitting in the meeting room waiting for him.

This situation is quite rare.

Jiang Yubai pushed open the front door of the room. He walked slowly on the carpet, almost without making any sound, and his grandfather said, "I heard that you were engaged, so your grandmother and I rushed back from the Maldives overnight, and your grandmother met her granddaughter-in-law for the first time."

Jiang Yubai heard the hidden meaning in his grandfather's words.

At today's in-laws' meeting, Jiang Yubai's family members were very respectful, but this did not mean that the elders were satisfied with Jiang Yubai's approach. Jiang Yubai's only request was: "If you have any opinions, I will coordinate them, don't tell Lin Zhixia directly."