Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 159: Curriculum reform


On the morning of Jiang Yubai's business trip, Lin Zhixia sent him seven letters as usual, each with a love poem. Jiang Yubai could read the love poem that Lin Zhixia wrote in ten seconds seven or eight times. He stuffed the envelope into the inside of his briefcase, and the briefcase became a valuable item. His secretary wanted to help him carry the bag, but he refused sternly.

"I'll carry this bag myself," he said.

The secretary nodded and handed him a prepared document to facilitate his work on the plane. As there were many people on this trip, they took a private plane with good network conditions. Jiang Yubai also held a video conference - the first generation of products of the "ptsic Quantum Technology Laboratory" was about to be released, and the heads of various departments of the company were all very alert.

At nine o'clock in the morning, everyone looked energetic when they had a meeting.

ptsic's first-generation products include a set of quantum-safe encryption libraries and a quantum cloud computing platform.

Previously, Lin Zhixia had made a stern statement, inviting all netizens to verify the quality of their products. Having said that, most of the netizens who are willing to experience the services of the "quantum computing" company are college students of related majors, or industry insiders in related industries. According to the statistics of the official website, a total of 24,000 netizens have signed up for the "ptsic product inspection activity", including some foreign users who do not know how to use Chinese.

For this "ptsic product inspection activity", Lin Zhixia wrote a marketing plan overnight.

Lin Zhixia is determined to compete with Chai Yang and seize his noble title of "leading entrepreneur among post-90s".

ptsic’s new product is about to be released, and Lin Zhixia’s students have also heard the news.

In the "Qubits and Computers" class on Thursday morning, when Lin Zhixia talked about the "Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Programming", a student named Cui Yiming suddenly raised his hand and asked: "Teacher Lin, what mathematical theories are used in the underlying framework protocol of your company's quantum computing platform? Will it be tested in the final exam?"

After these words were spoken, many students showed subtle expressions.

Lin Zhixia put down the chalk and patiently explained the mathematical theory. Most of the students in the room became more and more anxious, but Lin Zhixia said, "Don't worry, these concepts are quite complicated and will not be tested in our midterm and final exams."

Cui Yiming sighed.

What's there to sigh about

Xu Lingbo, who came to listen, was puzzled.

Cui Yiming glanced at him and said sarcastically, "Teacher Lin has surrendered to you."

Xu Lingbo didn't understand at first. He just felt that Cui Yiming, as a junior, was not respectful to him, a master's student, and had no sense of humility at all.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Cui Yiming is gifted, hardworking and a genius among geniuses.

He looked down on Xu Lingbo, and Xu Lingbo couldn't do anything to him.

Xu Lingbo savored his wording carefully.

After a few seconds, Xu Lingbo suddenly realized and said angrily, "Whatever questions Teacher Lin wants to set is Teacher Lin's business. If Teacher Lin wants to test you on addition and subtraction within 100, you can't do anything about it. Let me be frank, Cui Yiming, if you can't stand Teacher Lin, you can become a professor yourself and give the students the most difficult papers so that everyone fails. Can you do it?"

Cui Yiming's fingertips froze.

Xu Lingbo noticed his little move and couldn't help but sneer, "Haha, you are twenty years old, right? When our teacher Lin was your age, he had already graduated with a doctorate and got a postdoctoral job at MIT. What about you? Aren't you still sitting in the same classroom with us, listening to teacher Lin's lectures? What right do you have to look down on other students?"

Cui Yiming said nothing.

Xu Lingbo thought that his junior finally repented.

He continued, "Listen to me, don't look down on others, quit Tan Qianche's group and join our research group..."

Cui Yiming stared straight ahead. Xu Lingbo followed his line of sight and saw a PPT by Lin Zhixia, which clearly stated: "The midterm and final exam questions for Quantum Bits and Computers follow the requirements of the college entrance examination syllabus, including 60% basic questions, 30% intermediate questions, and 10% difficult questions. Students who can independently complete and understand the weekly homework will not score less than 70 points in the final exam, and can reach 80 points, and can also strive for 90 points."

The students in the classroom began to talk to each other.

Lin Zhixia walked down from the podium.

She stood in an aisle and said sincerely: "I have adjusted the difficulty of the homework. You can log in to the school's teaching system to see the changes in the homework. Everyone knows that the dropout rate of our course is very high, and it was almost banned by the Academic Affairs Office..."

When the word "ban" came out, several boys in the front row laughed.

Lin Zhixia smiled back at them.

Their faces turned red, they lowered their brows and eyes, and shyly picked up their textbooks.

Lin Zhixia said cheerfully, "I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm at all, and I don't want to lower your average course score. After you graduate, you will need to apply for graduate school, take the postgraduate entrance examination, go abroad, work... Undergraduate grades are very important. I hope that the average score of Quantum Bits and Computers will be above 70, or even 80. Of course, this requires the efforts of both you and me."

The noise in the classroom gradually subsided.

Lin Zhixia turned around and walked back to the podium.

The boys in the first row were still looking at her back eagerly - the boys sitting in this position were basically Lin Zhixia's number one fans. They privately set up a "quantum learning group" to learn the knowledge of "quantum computing" to get closer to Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia made eye contact with them again.

“I know that many students in our class are very interested in quantum computing and want to contribute to the development of this field,” she said.

The boys looked at each other and lowered their heads in shame.

Lin Zhixia concluded her speech: “Your future has infinite possibilities, and this course only provides you with a perspective. It is actually quite fun to spend time studying quantum computing… The advancement of science and technology can benefit all mankind, and our generation is a witness to it.”

She paused and there was warm applause from the audience.

Xu Lingbo took the lead and said, "Fortunately, you didn't drop out of the class. According to Teacher Lin, everyone can get 70 points!"

Some students in the back row shouted the loud slogan "Everyone can get into grade 70", and some students sent text messages to their friends who had dropped out of the course before, briefly describing Lin Zhixia's reform policies. "Quantum Bits and Computers" once again became a popular course among undergraduates.

"How to change the choice of "Quantum Bits and Computers"" once became the most popular post on the campus BBS forum.

Unfortunately, the Academic Affairs Office did not allow students to take courses again, so Lin Zhixia’s class size was not expanded.

Lin Zhixia browsed the campus BBS forum, took screenshots of the posts, and sent them to Jiang Yubai, waiting for him to praise her successful reform.

Lin Zhixia didn't have to wait long before Jiang Yubai replied, "Courses, homework, and exams have become simpler, and students are happier. Are you happy?"

This question left Lin Zhixia stunned.

Everyone was discussing that those measures were very friendly to undergraduates, but from Lin Zhixia's perspective, she did lose some of the fun of teaching. However, if Jiang Yubai didn't say it, Lin Zhixia didn't think in that direction.

She thought deeply for a few seconds and said resolutely: "I will not teach this course next semester."

"Are you sure, Mr. Lin?"

“I prefer to supervise graduate students.”

Jiang Yubai said: "A good beginning and a good end."

Lin Zhixia replied immediately: "Okay!"

Jiang Yubai added: "I will be back the day after tomorrow."

"So soon?" Lin Zhixia asked in surprise, "I feel like you haven't been out for a few days."

Jiang Yubai's days abroad were like years, but Lin Zhixia said that his business trip was very short. He turned the phone over and over again, and the phone's shell was warmed by his palms. Finally, he asked in a roundabout way: "When are you going to pick me up at the airport?"

Lin Zhixia saw through his thoughts. She skipped the topic of "pick up Tang Tingting and Luo Ying at the airport" and said directly: "Send me your flight number, and I will pick you up at the airport the day after tomorrow. In my heart, you will always be the most important."

This is what Jiang Yubai wanted to hear.

It was eight o'clock in the morning in London time. Jiang Yubai sat on the bed, opened two letters, and silently read the love letter written by Lin Zhixia to him. He felt at ease and secure. He got up, took a shower, had breakfast, changed into a formal suit, and went out with a group of employees for a meeting.

Jiang Yubai was extremely busy at work two days before he returned to China. In contrast, Lin Zhixia seemed much more relaxed. She took some time to go to the airport and picked up Tang Tingting and Luo Ying—they happened to be on the same flight.

Lin Zhixia was very happy when she saw them for the first time. She stood at the exit of the terminal and waved to them from afar. Senior Luo Ying was still quite reserved and walked slowly, but Tang Tingting rushed over like a rocket: "Xia Xia! Damn! Xia Xia! You are getting more and more beautiful. We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

Duan Qi Yan stood aside, speechless.

The cruel reality was placed before Duan Qiyan's eyes.

Tang Tingting talked all about Lin Zhixia and didn't mention Duan Qiyan at all.

In fact, Duan Qiyan was wearing all black today, and his skin was a little dark, so he was not as conspicuous as Lin Zhixia in the crowd. Tang Tingting glanced at Lin Zhixia and finished her words before she noticed Duan Qiyan's presence.

She patted Duan Qiyan's shoulder fiercely as if she had seen a brother: "You have become thinner!"

Duan Qiyan took out a bouquet of roses from behind.

Tang Tingting caught the bouquet and asked in surprise, "You know how to send flowers?"

Duan Qiyan put his hands in his pockets: "I'm not stupid."

Lin Zhixia said flatteringly: "Yes, Duan Qiyan is very smart!"

Duan Qiyan pursed his lips slightly. He bent his elbows, hoping that Tang Tingting would hold him, but unexpectedly, Tang Tingting rushed in front of Luo Ying and said, "Xia Xia, my senior and I were chatting on the plane. She said that she always thought about you when she was abroad, and often read the papers you published and the technical blogs you wrote..."

Lin Zhixia smiled even sweeter: "Senior, do you also like my research direction?"

Luo Yingjiang stood with Lin Zhixia, attracting a lot of attention. She smoothed her hair back, put her fingers on the star-shaped earrings, and replied softly, "Yes, I like it."