Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 161: Integration of industry, academia and research


Jiang Yubai's affirmation and encouragement always soothes Lin Zhixia's mood.

On Monday morning, Lin Zhixia went to work full of energy. She was busy in the office all morning when she heard a knock on the door. She responded, "Come in."

Xu Lingbo suddenly rushed to Lin Zhixia's desk: "Teacher Lin, my sister had an argument with Teacher Qu in the laboratory..."

The "Teacher Qu" that Xu Lingbo mentioned is the professor named Qu Zongyi.

Previously, Lin Zhixia's students wanted to use Qu Zongyi's laboratory, but he refused. Later, Lin Zhixia consulted with him once, and she thought the matter had been resolved, but she didn't expect that there would be complications and another trouble.

Lin Zhixia rushed to the laboratory.

She was surprised.

Qu Zongyi was a "discipline leader" who often showed his elegant and easy-going demeanor at the college conference. But now, he stood at the door of the laboratory and angrily scolded Fang Yiwen in a deep voice: "Okay, stop talking."

Fang Yiwen shrugged expressionlessly.

Qu Zongyi caught a glimpse of Lin Zhixia from the corner of his eye and raised his voice slightly: "Your tutor gave you a heads-up in advance, saying that you will not interfere with other students when you come to do the experiment..."

Fang Yiwen interrupted him and said, "I didn't interfere with your students. Your students were too slow in doing the experiment. I was instructing them on the correct method, and one of the girls burst into tears. To be honest, Mr. Qu, the psychological quality of this group of master's and doctoral students in your group is not good."

Qu Zongyi's face looked extremely ugly.

Xu Lingbo interrupted and asked, "Senior sister, how do you guide others?"

Fang Yiwen turned around and saw him. She was quite happy and told him the truth: "I say, you guys, have you ever read the manual of the instrument before doing the experiment? Those equipments are not difficult to use, just use your brains. You can't get the data, you can't write the paper, you just stand here every day and do nothing, it's a waste of resources..."

At noon today, when Xu Lingbo came to deliver lunch to Fang Yiwen, he heard constant noise in the laboratory. He was worried that Fang Yiwen would be scolded by Qu Zongyi, so he hurried to find Lin Zhixia to save the situation. Unexpectedly, Fang Yiwen was still as good as before and did not suffer any loss.

Xu Lingbo tugged at her sleeve and reminded her somewhat awkwardly: "Senior sister, didn't I tell you a few days ago that when you come to someone's lab, you should greet them with a smile and tell more jokes?"

Fang Yiwen was particularly frank: "I told the joke, too."

Xu Lingbo listened attentively.

Fang Yiwen thought about it for a moment and couldn't help laughing. Then she revealed the secret: "I said, you came to the laboratory and deeply understood the operation skills of mobile phone software such as QQ and WeChat, learned how to turn on and off the computer display and host, and mastered the cleaning and storage of laboratory utensils..."

After listening to this conversation, Lin Zhixia finally understood why Qu Zongyi was unwilling to lend the laboratory to Fang Yiwen - it was not that he was unwilling to lend the laboratory, but he did not want his entire research team to have anything to do with Fang Yiwen.

I see!

Lin Zhixia sighed silently.

Fang Yiwen was not aggressive in front of Lin Zhixia. As Lin Zhixia's relationship with her deepened, she admired Lin Zhixia more and more, and behaved better in all aspects, almost catching up with Zhan Rui.

But Qu Zongyi had already lost his patience.

He waved at his students and turned to look at Lin Zhixia: "You understand the situation, Teacher Lin. Let me make it short. I'm quite busy this month. I have to revise the funding proposal, organize exchange meetings, and supervise postdocs. I really don't have time to check on students... Fang Yiwen will use the lab for a total of four days. Let's agree now that as long as there are people in the lab, let her wait. Is that okay with you, Teacher Lin?"

Before Lin Zhixia could say anything, Fang Yiwen asked again, "If there was no one in the room, and I went in to do an experiment, and halfway through, your student showed up, what should I do?"

Qu Zongyi raised his hand to take off his glasses, pressed his eyebrows with the back of his hand, and said slowly: "My student has no reason to disturb you."

"You are wrong," Fang Yiwen argued, "Go check the surveillance."

Qu Zongyi pushed up the silver-framed glasses on his nose.

Fang Yiwen was still correcting his wording: "You are a professor of science and engineering. Look at the facts first, then make inferences. When making inferences, you cannot use the word 'it doesn't make sense'. You should use 'maybe' or 'perhaps'. If you are not 100% sure, don't use absolutes."

Previously, Qu Zongyi had heard Fang Yiwen ruthlessly belittle his students, and even scolded a stressed-out girl to tears on the spot. As a mentor, he was simply overwhelmed by her. He even suspected that Fang Yiwen's previous mentor had left for another university because he couldn't stand her.

I don’t know how long Lin Zhixia can tolerate her.

Qu Zongyi tried to smooth things over: "Okay, I won't say anything more. Let Teacher Lin speak." He pointed to the clock on the wall: "In ten minutes, I have to go to another building to have a meeting with the vice-president."

Lin Zhixia responded slowly, "Teacher Qu, how about this? We all ask students to keep quiet in the lab and not disturb other students. Fang Yiwen has been doing experiments for a whole day. In three days, she will be able to complete the model test without the need for special equipment."

"Yes." Fang Yiwen agreed.

Qu Zongyi was about to retort when Lin Zhixia raised her head and looked at him. Her attitude was a little tough, and her eyes were different from before. Qu Zongyi took a deep breath, took a step back, and reluctantly said, "Then I'll trouble you, Teacher Lin, to supervise me."

"You're welcome, Mr. Qu," Lin Zhixia said politely, "Thank you for your care."

Qu Zongyi coughed and said, "Students, you must learn what you should learn."

The "things to learn" that Qu Zongyi talked about probably refers to "how to treat people." Unfortunately, he didn't have time to expand on this topic. He chatted with Lin Zhixia for a few words, then hurriedly took the elevator and left.

In the empty corridor, only Lin Zhixia, Xu Lingbo and Fang Yiwen were left.

Xu Lingbo looked depressed, and Fang Yiwen lowered her head and said nothing.

Lin Zhixia looked at them and asked softly, "Have you had lunch? I'll invite you to the teachers' cafeteria for lunch."

Xu Lingbo said humbly: "No, no, thank you, teacher."

Fang Yiwen also said: "I have a steamed bun and a tea egg in my schoolbag, they are still warm."

She unzipped her schoolbag, took out the steamed bun and tea egg, and held them in her palms, which became slightly hot. She took a big bite of the steamed bun and picked up a thermos cup with peeling paint.

Lin Zhixia unscrewed the cup for her and passed the edge of the cup to her mouth. She drank a small sip of hot tea hesitantly. Lin Zhixia asked her quietly: "Why did you quarrel with them in the lab?"

Xu Lingbo muttered, "What else could it be? My sister is emotionally dull..."

Lin Zhixia glanced at him sideways, and he bit his lip and stopped talking.

Fang Yiwen wiped her mouth and said calmly, "I didn't say anything at first. Two boys stood behind me and chatted about the joke about the 'old, weak, sick and disabled group'. You've all heard it, right?"

Lin Zhixia remembered it very clearly. Qu Zongyi's students used to refer to Lin Zhixia's research group as "old, weak, sick and disabled" - Fang Yiwen was old, Zhan Rui was disabled, Xu Lingbo was weak, and Lin Zhixia accepted the three of them because he was sick.

"Are you angry?" Lin Zhixia asked in surprise, "I thought you wouldn't be angry."

Fang Yiwen leaned against the window railing, her posture relaxed and lazy: "Teacher Lin, I'm not angry. I just give him back in his own way."

Lin Zhixia carefully studied her expression: "Your mood swings... seem to be greater than before, and I don't know if this is a good thing."

Fang Yiwen remained silent. She was still waiting for Lin Zhixia's criticism.

However, Lin Zhixia said: "I didn't plan to recruit PhD students this year, but I met you. In fact, we are quite destined to meet..."

This sentence sounds like it means to praise first and then criticize.

Fang Yiwen was startled and looked up at her: "You don't want to take me with you?!"

Lin Zhixia smiled: "How is that possible?"

Today's sky was bright and clear. Lin Zhixia looked out the window and said to herself, "Time is precious. Try not to take those unimportant people and things to heart. When we had dinner together last month, we mentioned the relationship between rationality and sensibility. Theory needs practice."

Fang Yiwen and Xu Lingbo remained silent.

Lin Zhixia added: "Fang Yiwen, before you do the experiment this afternoon, turn on the recording function on your phone."

Fang Yiwen smoothed her hair and said, "Okay, don't worry."

Lin Zhixia said carefully: "One last thing, don't laugh at others - this is not what I ask of you, nor is it specific to what happened today, it's just an observation of mine... Equal dialogue can improve communication efficiency."

"Yeah." Fang Yiwen agreed.

Lin Zhixia slapped the window sill generously: "Okay, let's all go study, hurry up, I believe in you."

Both students are very obedient.

They walked towards the laboratory obediently, their backs drifting further and further away.

The cleaner in the laboratory building had just mopped the floor, and a light mist filled the corner of the corridor. Xu Lingbo sniffed, sighed and laughed: "Teacher Lin is such a good person."

"Teacher Lin... believes me." Fang Yiwen paused and muttered to herself.

"Yes," Xu Lingbo scratched his head, "She believes in your explanation, your character, and your ability."

In recent times, the three graduate students under Lin Zhixia have been working very hard.

At the weekly group meeting, everyone's reports became more and more informative. Lin Zhixia was very pleased. Her teaching career finally made some encouraging progress. She had also submitted two papers she had written independently - everything was going well at the school, and the company's new products were about to be launched.

Two days before the product was launched, the vice president came to Lin Zhixia's office and talked to her about the strategic policy of "integration of industry, academia and research".

The "integration of industry, academia and research" jointly advocated by universities and enterprises refers to the "coordinated development of scientific research, education and production". This concept can closely link academia and economy, promote technological innovation and educational reform, and better serve the entire social system... In short, the principal attaches great importance to this. Therefore, the vice president personally came to negotiate with Lin Zhixia.

The vice president was a female professor in her sixties. She wore a cashmere coat and gold-rimmed glasses, like a kind elder. She had a good chat with Lin Zhixia and praised Lin Zhixia repeatedly: "Good, good, Teacher Lin is very thoughtful."

Lin Zhixia handed her a plan.

The vice-president nodded slightly and said, "Teacher Shen Zhaohua is about to be elected as an academician. You are her granddaughter..."

When Lin Zhixia was a child, she often came to Shen Zhaohua's laboratory to play, used various instruments and computer systems, and was affiliated with Shen Zhaohua's research group, and published a SCI first-author paper. Therefore, many people in the school believe that Lin Zhixia is Shen Zhaohua's granddaughter - this can also explain the source of Lin Zhixia's high IQ genes. After all, Professor Shen Zhaohua is very smart, and the grandmother and granddaughter are of the same lineage, which is enviable.

The person involved, Shen Zhaohua, has never commented on this rumor.

But Lin Zhixia said with a smile: "I wish I could be Professor Shen's granddaughter."

The vice-president tried to smooth things over by saying, "After all, it is still a common lineage."

After the vice-principal said that, Lin Zhixia remembered that she had not contacted Shen Zhaohua for a long time.

Shen Zhaohua went to an ocean base in the southern hemisphere and has not returned to China yet.

Lin Zhixia sent her an email to say hello, and she replied the next day, wishing Lin Zhixia a successful launch of her new product.

On the day of the press conference, the venue was packed with people, and some colleagues booked tickets in advance and came from other places. The entire venue was decorated like a movie theater, with all the lighting effects and a grand scale.

Lin Zhixia was wearing a women's suit, holding a microphone in her right hand, standing quietly in the backstage. Jiang Yubai stood side by side with her. His profile was not clear in the dark corner. Lin Zhixia stole a glance at him, and he seemed to sense something, so he asked, "Are you ready?"

He was also dressed in formal attire today, with his shirt buttons buttoned to the top, his collar neatly arranged, his tie neatly tied, and his trouser line straight. He looked so bright even when hiding in the dark.

Lin Zhixia didn't say anything, so he reached out to her.

The two held hands tightly.

The staff nearby all stopped walking. A promotional video was playing on the big screen at the front desk. At this moment, no one noticed Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai.

Jiang Yubai took Lin Zhixia to a rest area backstage. He raised his hand and lowered the curtain, marking out a private area. Under the slanting bright light, he handed her a metal nameplate with a line of words engraved on it: "Captain Lin Zhixia is leading the way."

The promotional video was coming to an end, and the audience burst into applause. Lin Zhixia tightly grasped the nameplate and said with high spirits: "Okay, Chief Jiang Yubai, wait for my good news!"

Lin Zhixia took Jiang Yubai's hand and walked towards the steps leading to the front desk - the speaker of this press conference was Lin Zhixia, and Jiang Yubai was her supporter behind the scenes. He stopped at the bottom of the steps and gradually loosened her fingers. Her fingertips brushed across his fingertips, but he never took his eyes off her.

She turned around and smiled at him: "Come and see me in the audience. Today is the starting point for us to make a sensation in the industry."