Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 163: The sword of Damocles


The full name of venture capital is "risk capital", also known as "venture capital", which mainly invests in some start-up companies.

Lin Zhixia couldn't help but comment: "Will venture capital companies be willing to support Chai Yang's start-up this time? Live streaming is a hot field with fierce competition. All major e-commerce, video, and game platforms are doing live streaming, and they already have a fixed user base. Chai Yang brought a small team into the live streaming market, and the way to attract traffic is to quarrel with me and sue you. This is too..."

"Simple." Jiang Yubai commented sparingly.

It’s simple indeed.

Jiang Yubai has a professional team of lawyers. Before he and Chai Yang signed the investment contract, he asked a lawyer to check and revise the contract, taking into account various consequences.

After Chai Yang resigned, he no longer held shares and lost his qualifications as a director. Since Chai Yang was not a shareholder of the company, Jiang Yubai did not need to notify him when removing him from his position as a director.

Although Chai Yang was the team founder of "Jiangke Software Company", Jiang Yubai used the rules and regulations in the contract to successfully separate Chai Yang from "Jiangke Software Company" completely.

What made Chai Yang feel the most helpless was that in September this year, when he and Jiang Yubai broke up, he followed his duty and tried to avoid contact with Jiang Yubai. He did not answer Jiang Yubai's calls, did not reply to emails, and did not engage in unnecessary disputes, but Jiang Yubai contacted his team, forcing him to communicate with Jiang Yubai face to face under pressure.

At that time, Jiang Yubai was very friendly to him and even said a lot of polite words, such as "With your ability, you will be able to make a comeback soon" and "Your team includes technical talents from Silicon Valley in the United States. What are you afraid of?"

Chai Yang also thought that Jiang Yubai would not do anything too ruthless considering their future cooperation.

However, in the following three months, Jiang Yubai did not leave Chai Yang any way out. He not only cancelled Chai Yang's directorship in "Jiangke Software" and took back Chai Yang's shares, but also used a gambling agreement they had signed as a bargaining chip, which put Chai Yang at a complete disadvantage. He always felt that there was a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, with the tip of the sword facing his head and it could fall at any time.

Rather than waiting to die, it is better to strike first.

On December 31, 2016, Chai Yang put aside all his worries and posted an explanatory video online, detailing his mental journey over the past five years of entrepreneurship and the entire dispute between him and his investors.

In that video, Chai Yang did not dare to read Jiang Yubai's name directly, so he used "Investor A" to refer to Jiang Yubai. He also called himself "the most difficult entrepreneur in the global IT industry" and described "Investor A" as a wealthy and powerful person who was vying for the fruits of victory.

Chai Yang, wearing a custom-made high-end suit, spoke with great emotion: "My friends, I am not yet 30 years old. I am telling you my personal experience not to set a target for you to help me scold investor A. Friends who are familiar with me know that I am the first male college student in our village to be admitted to a 985 school. My parents have taught me to be grateful since I was a child. Without investor A, there would be no me today. Similarly, without me, there would be no Jiangke Software. I started my own business right after graduating from college. I had no connections or background. I slept on the floor, ate instant noodles, and was slapped by security guards... Friends, I have taken many wrong paths. If you are also a young person with a dream of starting a business, after watching this video of mine, remember the most important truth I want to tell you - when you sign a contract with your partners and investors, you must check the terms of the contract one by one!"

He opened his arms and looked back: "Friends who are familiar with me know that I am a technical person. Five years ago, I signed a contract with investor A. I didn't bring a lawyer with me. I just searched a few terms in the contract on Baidu. The results from Baidu were fine... The investor's lawyer kept urging me, but my mind was blank and I signed without a pen. Five years later, Jiangke Software has grown in size, and I was kicked out of the company by the investor..."

He held his head high and said, "I will sue investor A on behalf of the startup team of Jiangke Software and use legal weapons to protect the legitimate rights of entrepreneurs!"

After the words were spoken, the video was accompanied by the sound effect of "applause".

Chai Yang was in high spirits.

Thinking back to when he, Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai first met in a coffee shop, he was willing to testify for Lin Zhixia's group, proving that the boy named "He Shangqing" was taking advantage of the group assignment.

Chai Yang clearly remembered that He Shangqing was about 1.9 meters tall, with tight and knotted muscles all over his body, which made a thin sportswear look extraordinary. However, Chai Yang was not afraid of him coming to his house for revenge, and insisted on testifying for Lin Zhixia and others.

How courageous was he back then

He considered himself to be a lone warrior.

Now, he dared to fight, not afraid of the Jiang Yubai family's wealth, and didn't care about winning or losing the lawsuit. As long as he could increase his popularity, he would have won the battle.

Five years have passed, and Chai Yang's original intention has not changed.

Chai Yang’s video quickly spread among Lin Zhixia’s friends.

Everyone expressed strong condemnation.

Even Lin Zeqiu, who always had a problem with Jiang Yubai, said, "Chai Yang is such an idiot."

Lin Zeqiu rarely uses the word "idiot" to describe someone unless he really can't stand it.

Lin Zeqiu's parents are also very concerned about Jiang Yubai's work situation.

On New Year's Day 2017, Jiang Yubai visited his father-in-law and mother-in-law and brought many New Year gifts. The family sat on the sofa and chatted about their respective work, and Lin Zeqiu mentioned Chaiyang.

Lin Zhixia took over the topic and analyzed it carefully: "The truth is this, Jiang Yubai never forced Chai Yang to leave the company. They had different ways of managing the company, so Chai Yang left with the team..."

Lin Zeqiu jumped to the point: "Chai Yang scolded Lin Zhixia online."

“Yes,” Lin Zhixia added, “He thinks I’m a liar with no real talent or knowledge.”


How is that possible

Lin Zhixia's parents have raised their daughter for so many years and know exactly how smart their daughter is. Lin Zhixia's father couldn't help but frown: "Does he know our Xia Xia? Why does he say Xia Xia is a liar?"

Jiang Yubai interrupted, "I don't know him, I've only met him a few times."