Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 172: Finale (middle)


The word "Chang Ying" comes from the Eastern Han Dynasty's "Book of Han·Biography of Zhong Jun", which refers to "the power to defeat the enemy". Lu You, a scholar in the Song Dynasty, also wrote in his poem "Reading Military Books at Night": "The long tassel can indeed be requested, and I will not hesitate to mount the horse."

The long tassel can be invited, and there is no hesitation in mounting the horse. Jiang Yubai likes this sentence very much.

He and Lin Zhixia have known each other for more than ten years and are each other's best friend, partner, and lover. He named his daughter "Changying", implicitly expressing his wish to work hand in hand with her. Although he does not have a daughter yet, he can imagine it. He held Lin Zhixia's hand firmly and seemed to feel her pulse beating.

She said nothing and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Outside the car window, the night was flowing, pedestrians were bustling on both sides of the wide streets, skyscrapers were lined up, and the lights of thousands of houses were shining brightly. Lin Zhixia felt comfortable and calm. She gently touched the back of Jiang Yubai's hand, and finally intertwined her fingers with his. Even if they didn't talk out loud, their affectionate feelings were beyond words.

Jiang Yubai and Lin Zhixia returned to the Jiang family manor, making a special trip to visit their cousin who was about to turn one month old.

My cousin was just one month old, still a tiny baby. She lay on a bed with a guardrail, sleeping peacefully. Lin Zhixia stood in the distance watching her, not daring to take a step forward, for fear of disturbing her sweet dream.

"So cute." Lin Zhixia commented from the bottom of her heart.

Jiang Yubai hooked his fingers around hers. The room was dimly lit and silent. She turned to look at him, her eyes clear and sparkling. She said in a very soft voice, "In a few years, we'll have a baby too."

"As cute as you." Jiang Yubai predicted.

He took Lin Zhixia out of the room. His uncle and aunt were chatting outside the door.

The uncle's face was filled with the joy of being a father for the first time. He put his arm around Jiang Yubai's shoulders and selflessly taught his nephew the secret of "how to be a good father". He also advised: "Set a date early. Your aunt and I are looking forward to your wedding."

Jiang Yubai took advantage of the situation and discussed the wedding arrangements with Lin Zhixia in detail that night. Lin Zhixia and her family all liked islands, so Jiang Yubai decided to hold the wedding in Hainan. He opened a perpetual calendar and turned to the page of August 2018, and Lin Zhixia immediately came over.

The halo of the lamp spread out, and her thick eyelashes blinked twice, like the wings of a black butterfly. She held her chin with her left hand and pointed her finger at the perpetual calendar with her right hand: "August 24th is a good day for traveling and getting married. This day is a good one. After the wedding, I can celebrate your birthday in a few days."

Jiang Yubai circled "August 24" with a red pen and wrote next to it: "Jiang Yubai and Lin Zhixia's wedding."

Lin Zhixia suddenly felt inspired and called him in a delicate voice, "Husband."

Jiang Yubai had never heard her use this tone. He was distracted for a moment, his handwriting was long and drawn out, but his expression remained calm: "Which relatives and friends do you want to invite? Make a list, and I'll send out the invitations."

Lin Zhixia just smiled and said, "Hubby, look at me."

Jiang Yubai was unmoved: "Finish the work first."

Jiang Yubai knew that the more Lin Zhixia reacted to the word "husband", the more interesting it was to her. She had always been like this since she was a child, very curious and eager to explore. When she was a child, she would keep calling "Little Jiang Zong, Little Jiang Zong", and now, she was saying, "Husband?"

Jiang Yubai closed the perpetual calendar, opened a work notebook, looked through the project plan for next year, and said, "In late August, we will take a half-month holiday."

Jiang Yubai held his temper and waited for Lin Zhixia to come and bother him.

Sure enough, Lin Zhixia pushed his notebook away and moved her chair closer to him.

Before she could utter a word, he grasped her wrist, bent down slightly, and kissed her lips smoothly, sucking her lip honey to quench his thirst. He also repeated her nickname in a very gentle voice. Lin Zhixia's heart suddenly boiled, waves rolled, and the burning heat melted her ears.

Jiang Yubai and Lin Zhixia decided on the wedding date and notified their families.

Lin Zhixia's parents were happy for their daughter, but also worried and reluctant. For this reason, the Lin family held a family meeting to discuss the details of the wedding.

Mom sat on the sofa in the living room, holding Lin Zhixia's hand and said, "Xia Xia will only be 24 years old next year, and she will get married..."

Lin Zeqiu interrupted, "Jiang Yubai can't wait to get married."

Dad seemed to have changed sides: "Qiuqiu, your sister and brother-in-law have a good relationship. Don't always find fault with your brother-in-law. It's not easy for him either. He is a very sensible child."

Lin Zeqiu looked at his father without saying a word. His father was still chattering, "After Xia Xia and Xiao Jiang got married, they lived in the community across the street, not far from us. Xia Xia would come home every week, and your mother and I were satisfied."

My mother suddenly said, "Qiuqiu, you are a few years older than your sister. Your sister is about to get married, but you still don't have a girlfriend? Are there any suitable girls in the company? Otherwise, I will introduce a girl to you."

Lin Zeqiu was eating an apple. He almost choked on the fruit pulp. He quickly looked at Lin Zhixia, signaling his sister to say a few words to help him out - with his sister's language ability, it would be a simple matter to fool his parents.

However, Lin Zhixia took a sip of strawberry yogurt and looked at Lin Zeqiu quietly. Lin Zeqiu knew that this sister was not reliable at all, so he could only bring out the company's hard rules: "Our company does not allow office romances. If you don't believe me, ask Lin Zhixia."

Lin Zhixia nodded: "Brother is right."

"What about your classmates?" Mom asked, "Do your friends or your sister know any single girls? You should ask them, Qiuqiu, and ask them to introduce you to some."

Lin Zeqiu wiped his hair. He had short black hair, which was black and thick. He was handsome, 1.87 meters tall, had a good job and education, was honest, and had a very outstanding sister. With these conditions for choosing a spouse, he should be fine. Why can't he find a girlfriend? Mom sighed and said, "I'm not rushing you. Your father and I are not in a hurry to have grandchildren. Your sister has started a family, and I'm afraid you will be lonely in the future."

"Being married doesn't necessarily mean you won't be lonely," Lin Zeqiu retorted, "When I have nothing to do, I go out to drink with friends, play ball, watch games, and it's very enjoyable. Once you get married, you will be bound and it will be troublesome."

Lin Zeqiu leaned back on the sofa, stretched out his legs, and rested his arms on the back of his head. His lazy and leisurely demeanor and his attitude of giving up on marriage without any hope at all made his father worried.

Dad asked him, "Qiu, you are in your twenties now, and you still only play with boys?"

Lin Zhixia winked at Lin Zeqiu, but Lin Zeqiu's reaction was not as fast as Lin Zhixia's. He didn't understand what his father said for a moment, so he answered truthfully: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Dad put down the teacup in his hand: "When Dad was your age, Xia Xia could already help with soy sauce."

Lin Zhixia pointed out a mistake: "I didn't do any soy sauce."

Dad was stunned for a moment, and Lin Zhixia spoke up for her brother again: "Lin Zeqiu is an adult, let him choose what kind of life he wants to live. No matter what, I stand on my brother's side."

Lin Zeqiu stretched out a hand with his palm facing up, and Lin Zhixia high-fived him. The two siblings had a perfect understanding.

Mom and Dad stopped urging Lin Zeqiu to find a girlfriend. As parents, they didn't want to upset their son, nor did they want to argue with their daughter. In addition, their son and daughter were very busy at work, and the family rarely had time to get together and chat, so they had to put their relationship issues aside for the time being.

Dad took the initiative to ask about Lin Zhixia's situation in school. He heard that Lin Zhixia was the deputy leader of the joint research group of four schools. The scientific research tasks were particularly heavy, and she also had her own foundation project. He didn't know if she could handle it.

"I can do it," Lin Zhixia described to her parents. "I work in the lab, and before I know it, the morning has passed. After lunch, I continue working in the afternoon. Day after day, time flies by. Because I am doing what I like, I don't feel tired."

Mom peeled open an orange and ate a slice of the flesh herself. After confirming that the orange was sweet, she handed it to Lin Zhixia: "Xia Xia, listen to your mother and take it easy at school. Don't get too tired. Your health is the most important thing. Mom and Dad both love you."

"Yeah," Lin Zhixia said vaguely while eating an orange, "I know."

Oranges have a mellow taste, sweet with a hint of fragrance, this is the taste of home.

Since the establishment of the "Four-school Joint Research Group", Lin Zhixia's research progress has accelerated a lot. Her colleagues are all national elites, and the students under the elites have their own strengths. After a short period of adjustment, everyone's cooperation has become smoother.

Lin Zhixia and Tan Qianche are both core members of the research group. Their research groups have attracted much attention, and invisible competitive pressure has fallen on the two groups of students. Although Lin Zhixia is still gentle to her students, Tan Qianche emphasizes the "goals and plans of graduate students" every week and has also prepared a "weekly self-evaluation form" for the students.

Tan Qianche reminded Lin Zhixia of her Indian senior schoolmate in Cambridge countless times. According to Lin Zhixia's personal experience, the strict teaching style of the Indian senior schoolmate could also successfully motivate some students. She had no right to interfere with Tan Qianche's teaching methods, and Tan Qianche often held group meetings with her.

At present, the focus of their joint research group of four universities is to develop quantum chips, which is an extremely difficult and complex problem. Lin Zhixia's ideas are also very bold. She completely overturned the previous operation mode of quantum bits and proposed a novel reform method. A small number of colleagues in the group disagreed with her, but Tan Qianche and Gu Likai were quite supportive.

In order to make a prototype of the chip as quickly as possible, Tan Qianche subdivided the tasks, assigned them to his students, and continued to motivate them.

The week before the winter break, Tan Qianche spoke at a joint meeting of the two groups: "There are some things that your teacher Lin won't say, so I'll say them for her. Your teacher Lin's quantum technology company has created a new graph theory that combines classical computers and quantum algorithms, greatly improving the security of network information transmission. The government and companies have cooperated with her. However, this does not mean that a real quantum computer has been released..."

He looked at Xu Lingbo, as if he was telling him specifically: "Quantum computers have three core requirements: algorithms, coding, and chips. Chips are the top priority and are currently under development. If you go home during the winter break this year, you will miss this opportunity to participate."

The atmosphere in the huge conference room was extremely tense, but Tan Qianche smiled and said, "Let me give you an example. A went home, but B did not. A was relaxing and playing at home, while B was learning new knowledge and attending academic conferences. After a month of winter vacation, how big is the gap between A and B?"

The whole audience was silent.

Tan Qianche added: "This year, don't go home, stay in the lab and work."

He stood at the end of the long table, holding the table with both hands, and asked, "Who is in favor and who is against?"

Xu Lingbo whispered: "Teacher Tan is not a human being for exploiting students."

However, Tan Qianche's next words were: "1,000 yuan per person for labor, I'll pay for it."

Tan Qianche is a professor who is being cultivated by the school. He has many projects and earns a lot of money. As early as the end of last year, he changed to a Mercedes-Benz car and wore a Lange watch on his wrist, which made him look like a successful person.

Fang Yiwen dared to sabotage him in public. She raised her hand and said, "Teacher, your assumption just now is wrong."

Tan Qianche asked her, "What's wrong?"

Fang Yiwen stood up and explained: "If A who went home to play was Teacher Lin Zhixia, and B who stayed in the laboratory was Xu Lingbo, after the winter vacation, A would still be much better than B, what do you think?"

Instead of getting angry, Tan Qianche laughed even more happily: "This fully proves that you can't go home during the winter vacation. You have to catch up with Teacher Lin's level. Teacher Lin finished her undergraduate studies in three years. During the three winter and summer vacations, she never went home. You should learn from her."

"Wait a minute," Lin Zhixia interrupted him, "Students, you are all adults and can make your own choice. It is completely voluntary whether to stay in school or not. Teacher Tan will give each of you 1,000 yuan for labor, and I will add another 1,000 yuan. If any student wants to go home for the Spring Festival, you can do so. Don't feel psychologically pressured. Just send me an email tonight to let me know whether you will stay in school or not."

The Spring Festival is an annual traditional festival.

In Lin Zhixia's imagination, the perfect Spring Festival is a round table and a pot of dango hotpot. The table is filled with beef and mutton rolls, fish balls and shrimp dumplings, scallops and crab sticks, mushrooms and vegetables. The steaming white mist is floating everywhere. Dad, mom, brother and Jiang Yubai are sitting around the table. Their family is having a lively meal together. The TV is playing the Spring Festival Gala, and colorful fireworks are blooming in the night sky.

Lin Zhixia put herself in other people's shoes and thought that her students would also go home.

However, that evening, Lin Zhixia received an email showing that none of the 24 people in Lin Zhixia and Tan Qianche's group, including Xu Lingbo, went home for the New Year. They all chose to stay in school and continue their experiments. Because each of them received 2,000 yuan in labor fees, Lin Zhixia and Tan Qianche were widely praised on the school forum and were praised as "good mentors with conscience and willing to spend money", which surprised Lin Zhixia a little.

She repeatedly confirmed the wishes of the students in this group, and they were all very determined, as if they were deeply influenced by Tan Qianche's words.

Lin Zhixia thought for a long time and asked the students about their schedules on New Year's Eve. Then, she ordered a New Year's Eve dinner in the school's luxurious cafeteria and paid nearly 2,000 yuan. She sent the New Year's Eve dinner menu to the research group's WeChat group, and the students cheered as if they were celebrating the Spring Festival.

A few minutes later, Xu Lingbo sent her a private message: "Happy Chinese New Year in advance!"

Lin Zhixia replied immediately: "I wish you happiness too! Come on!"

Xu Lingbo is writing his thesis frantically.

From October last year to now, he has experienced the most tiring period of his life. Every day when he opened his eyes, he would think about the paper and experimental methods in his head - thinking about it when taking a shower, eating, and thinking about it all the time. He finally understood the deep meaning of the topic that Lin Zhixia gave him a year ago, which papers can be connected to each other, and which arguments can be further improved. While he was feeling that he finally had real gains, he secretly hated himself for not opening up earlier, wasting many opportunities for no reason, and suffering many humiliations.

He posted a message on WeChat Moments: "I wasted 25 years of my life."

He forgot to block Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia was the first person to reply to him. She said: "Nothing is wasted. Everything you have experienced has made you who you are today..."

Xu Lingbo's eyes were filled with tears, but Lin Zhixia's next words were: "Finish the paper and send it to me as soon as possible."

Xu Lingbo wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and quickly added Lin Zhixia to the list of "don't let him see my circle of friends".

The author has something to say: I'm sorry! The wedding is still not finished! I'll release one chapter first! Everyone please watch first, I will continue with the wedding, Xia Xia baby's wedding, this mother can't calm down for a long time (tears streaming down her face)


Before the next chapter is updated, all comments with more than 15 words and 2 points will receive red envelopes, thank you!


The previous article has added more than 24,000 words. Readers who feel that the plot of Chapter 171 is not connected, please start reading from Chapter 168 (first turn to the page before Chapter 168, then turn to the next page, and then refresh. If you still can't connect with Chapter 168, you have to refresh from Chapter 167 qaq)


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-14 00:06:08 ~ 2020-10-22 04:03:16~

Thanks to the little angels who threw rockets: 1 Hyacinth;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: 2 Qiuqiu; 1 lifelong love Guo Degang and 1 Saint;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Yuqing Sanxiashui 3; Stars from Mount Everest 2; 17223705, Yingyingtaotao, Lingdang, SummerMo, The Gate of All Things, Wangzaijun, —nly, I Love Dada, Xiaoyatou, Peanut Butter, Christine, Xiaolin is incomprehensible. 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Meijiao Niao 100 bottles; nvember?. 77 bottles; Lifelong Love Guo Degang 58 bottles; Xiaoliwo 50 bottles; Yuntuan 36 bottles; Button 35 bottles; "★", Tuanzi Bufen, Lululi 30 bottles; Mi 25 bottles; enkki, asdfghjkl, cesium, Lingling Qixuanshang, a little yellow Li, missu2, Wang Man 20 bottles; Did you go to bed early today, Lianyi, Shili 15 bottles; Don't think of any nickname 14 bottles; verly 12 bottles; Xiuxiuda, Li Xiaohe's Strawberry Milk, Juejue, Shuse Shanse, vlture, Xingxingxixing, Lu Xiaoting, Xinle samlk, Lucky biscuits, red has three, heart each, want to eat something, Sauron's woman, mum mum, hope that the son will add prosperous son, autistic students, 39038066, Lan Ting Xu, Ye Jin Mulanxing, antnia513, ah this 10 bottles; wood eleven 9 bottles; mud butterfly, vanil, day by day 4748 bottles; face does not eat face 6 bottles; there is a pimple cat, mandrill Qingda, time sound fish fish fish, cloud dance, Xiao Jiu, 24713284, Ling Qi 5 bottles; 亖月二十亖, 28028510, goose goose goose, alfalfa persimmon 4 bottles; sissi, hya, time seven, Xiaoxiao aunt 3 bottles; deer, Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Yubai, fat pig loves meat, wood, unreasonable unreasonable unreasonable! , sugar, lipl! 2 bottles; Yi Ye La Qiu, Vernica, Shan~jiang~, Huan, Mountain Colors Are Empty, Mu Yun Chun Shu, Little Radish Eating Rabbit, Ling Bo Xiao Xiao Xiao, Nian Ya, Gua Gua, Bu Xing, Bella Gemma, Spring Breeze Kiss Me Like Eggs, Reirei Reirei, 33219540, Wei Yang Xia 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!