Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 177: The extremely talented Tan Qianche


In February 2003, on the first day of school for the Provincial No. 1 High School Competition Class, Wei Ruoxing ran into Tan Qianche at the door of the boys' dormitory.

The weather was not good that day, with a gray drizzle. Wei Ruoxing held an umbrella in her left hand and a suitcase in her right hand. Through the drizzle, she and Tan Qianche stared at each other for a long while.

"Hello." Wei Ruoxing greeted.

Tan Qianche was wearing the winter uniform of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School. He was about 1.86 meters tall, with a slightly dark complexion and long legs. Every move he made exuded a sunny and cheerful aura, dispelling the cold and haze of the winter rain.

He walked towards Wei Ruoxing and saw the name tag on the suitcase, so he asked, "Are you Wei Ruoxing, the new transfer student?"

There was only one path in front of the dormitory building that had not accumulated water. Tan Qianche stepped over the canals. Wei Ruoxing glanced down and said, "I'm from Class 18. I transferred from Jiangming No. 1 Middle School."

"Jiangming No. 1 Middle School?" Tan Qianche commented fairly, "That school is not bad. The fact that you were able to transfer to our class shows that you are not bad either."

Wei Ruoxing wanted to outdo him for no reason: "I won first prize in a provincial competition."

Tan Qianche smiled and said, "Very good, first prize."

That was the only thing he said to praise her.

As a transfer student, Wei Ruoxing had just arrived and didn't know the way. The road was slippery on rainy days, and the wheels of her suitcase were completely broken. She couldn't find the girls' dormitory, and was too shy to ask for help. Students were coming and going on campus. She stopped outside the boys' dormitory for a while, and unexpectedly ran into the monitor of Class 18, Tan Qianche.

Tan Qianche carried her suitcase into the girls' dormitory building.

She didn't know how to repay him, so she took out two candies from her pocket and put them into his palm. He looked at her back as she turned away, unwrapped the candy, and tasted a piece of sour and sweet lemon candy.

Wei Ruoxing is not a native of the provincial capital.

At the end of last year, her parents' jobs changed and the whole family moved to the provincial capital, so her parents handled the transfer procedures for Wei Ruoxing. She left the familiar environment she grew up in and suddenly came to a completely unfamiliar city and entered a class that had already been integrated, which made her somewhat worried.

That year, Wei Ruoxing just turned sixteen.

She had a hard time at the Provincial No. 1 Middle School. She was not used to the boarding school life, nor could she fit into the social circle of the Grade 18 class. She also suffered great academic pressure. The teaching method of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School was quite special, and the competition coaches followed the principle of "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude". They thought Wei Ruoxing was a good seedling, so they assigned her heavy study tasks.

Wei Ruoxing always believed that he could complete his homework on time, and as long as he worked a little harder he would meet the teacher's requirements.

So, she studied late into the night in her dorm, working hard. However, she often felt sleepy during the day, couldn't concentrate at night, didn't do her homework well, and her test scores kept falling, gradually falling from the upper middle of the class to the lower middle.

When Wei Ruoxing's parents learned about their daughter's condition, they were naturally worried - their daughter had never caused the elders in the family to worry about her grades since she was a child. The parents called the class teacher and described Wei Ruoxing's problems in detail. The class teacher also took it seriously and repeatedly interviewed Wei Ruoxing, often calling Wei Ruoxing to the corridor to chat during evening self-study classes.

The head teacher is a female teacher who is over 40 years old. She cares about every student, including the new transfer student Wei Ruoxing.

The head teacher's words enlightened Wei Ruoxing: "Can you go home on weekends? If you have difficulty learning, find a tutor to help you sort out the knowledge points for the competition. I had a student in the last term who won the national silver medal and was also the top scorer in the science subject of the college entrance examination. I will tell you his learning experience - what is an exam? An exam is a sampling survey, which selects a few samples from a large number of test points to investigate your mastery. If you want to get a high score, you must first fill in the gaps and become familiar with and proficient in all the knowledge points... You are a smart student, do you understand what I mean?"

Wei Ruoxing quickly said that she understood.

Her parents arranged a tutor for her, and she also wanted to find a student with good grades in school to tutor her. After careful consideration, she chose Tan Qianche.

At that time, Tan Qianche was firmly ranked first in the school. He had good grades, a cheerful personality, a positive attitude, and was the monitor of Class 18 of Senior 1. He took the lead in helping his classmates study, which would definitely play a good role in building the class atmosphere and promoting the excellent spirit of "helping others" - this was exactly what Wei Ruoxing envisioned.

She heard that Tan Qianche liked to play video games, so she spent more than a thousand yuan to buy a small game console. She took advantage of the weekend when the dormitory management was not strict, and she secretly brought the game console into school.

That day happened to be Tan Qianche’s birthday.

Wei Ruoxing invited Tan Qianche downstairs. They sat side by side on a bench in the garden of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School, with light pink hibiscus flowers blooming on their shoulders. The breeze blew and the petals fell, dyeing her pure white skirt pink - just like her white and pink cheeks at the moment.

"Tan Qianche." She suddenly called him.

Tan Qianche looked sideways at her with interest.

Wei Ruoxing held the game console in both hands. She was clearly here to study and become his disciple, but she was so nervous that she had nothing to say. She could only call his name again: "Tan Qianche."

Tan Qianche suddenly moved an inch closer to her, scaring her so much that she screamed "Ah!", while he sat there laughing heartily. She was so angry that her face turned red and she cursed, "Are you kidding me?"

"Didn't you tease me first?" Tan Qianche leaned lazily against the back of his chair. "Since I sat down, you called my name four times."

He tilted his head slightly, and the curve from his chin to his neck was absolutely perfect.

Tan Qianche is handsome and has excellent grades. People nickname him "The God from Class 18 of Senior High School". This nickname is too embarrassing as it neither rhymes nor has any meaning.

So, Wei Ruoxing composed a jingle for Tan Qianche: "Tan Qianche, Grade 18, passed every subject with full marks, easily won the Olympic championship, extremely talented and ambitious."

She wrote the jingle in her Chinese notebook, and it was discovered by her deskmate and classmates in the front row. It eventually spread throughout the grade and even reached nearby schools.

Thinking of that jingle, Tan Qianche found it funny.

The evening wind disturbed the sunset glow in the sky, and he looked at her in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Wei Ruoxing put her legs together, hugged a box tightly, and said as if she had made a great decision: "Happy birthday, squad leader, I'll give you a game console, which costs more than a thousand yuan. It's not expensive, nor cheap. Just keep it."

"No more?" Tan Qianche asked her.

Wei Ruoxing was as if facing a formidable enemy: "What else do you want?"

Tan Qianche approached her again. However, this time, his movements were very slow. He took a deep breath and asked her, "What shampoo do you use? It smells so good."

"Do you want to use it too?" Wei Ruoxing stuffed the game console into his chest. "Okay, I'll get you another bottle of shampoo."

Tan Qianche didn't understand what he meant. "What exactly do you want to talk to me about? Can you just tell me? It's so tiring to keep guessing."

Wei Ruoxing turned slowly. She sat face to face with Tan Qianche, the distance between them no more than ten centimeters. She could clearly see Tan Qianche's dark brown eyes, his high nose bridge, and the faint smile on his lips. She was very alert and asked solemnly, "Can I become your disciple?"

Tan Qianche put his left elbow on the back of the chair and unwrapped the game console with his right hand. He untied the game console skillfully and said, "Okay, I'll accept this apprenticeship gift. It's a small gift but it's a big token of my affection."

"Is this considered light?" Wei Ruoxing was skeptical.

Tan Qianche lied to her in all seriousness: "You are from another place, you don't understand. We respect teachers here, and the more expensive the gift is, the better. More than a thousand yuan is barely acceptable."

"What kind of gifts do people around you give to become their apprentices?" Wei Ruoxing hoped he could give real-life examples.

He said with ease: "Gifts cannot be given casually. It depends on the teacher's level."

Wei Ruoxing was unnoticed to be led into a new topic by him: "What is your level?"

"Me?" He suddenly sat up straight. "What level do you expect me to be?"

Wei Ruoxing took out a report card from her schoolbag - this was her monthly exam results from last month. Her total score ranked 41st in the competition class, but there were only about sixty students in the competition class.

After reading her grades in various subjects, Tan Qianche couldn't help but hiss and asked, "You look quite smart, how come you got such a terrible score. Did you do it on purpose, or are you really incompetent? You're not stupid, are you?"

Wei Ruoxing didn't say a word.

Tan Qianche rolled up his report card into a tube. With such a bad score, he would feel dizzy if he looked at it for one more second.

"You don't have to teach me," Wei Ruoxing said softly, "Let me learn by myself, monitor."

Tan Qianche was slightly stunned.

Wei Ruoxing had already stood up with her schoolbag.

She was covered in the sunset glow, so bright and beautiful that nothing could compare to her, and so proud that no one could blaspheme against her: "I used to be in the top ten in my grade at Jiangming No. 1 Middle School, and in the top 20 in the city in the high school entrance examination. I won the first prize in the provincial competition. I'm not stupid, but I just haven't adapted to life here yet. You don't have to teach me! I don't need it. See you at the monthly exam next month."

Her voice was very soft, and one could even say that she spoke in a coquettish tone. Even though she was challenging Tan Qianche, Tan Qianche didn't take it seriously. He raised the game console in his hand and asked, "What about the apprenticeship gift you spent a huge amount of money on?"

"For you!" she said loudly.

He laughed and said, "I can't take your things for free!"

She was still sulking: "I'm not giving it away for free!"

"What is that?"

“It’s a birthday present!”

She said in a roaring tone, "Happy birthday!"

Tan Qianche laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his back.

He sat under a hibiscus tree in full bloom, and the small game console was also stained with pink petals. He took out a dark handkerchief he carried with him, gently wiped the screen of the game console, pressed the power button, and created a new female player character named "Xingxing".

The console allows players to choose the appearance of their character.

Tan Qianche chose a hairy monster that looked like the Lion King of Africa.

From that day on, Tan Qianche would take half an hour every day to play the game "Stars" on the video game console. Since Tan Qianche was a popular figure in the whole grade, his every move was watched by others. Soon, his deskmate discovered his secret.

My deskmate was a big mouth. He spread the word everywhere: "There is only one female player in Tan Qianche's game console. She looks like a Lion King and her name is Xingxing!"

Wei Ruoxing felt uneasy when he heard the rumors.

In late May, the first grade held a "big cleaning" activity, and Wei Ruoxing and Tan Qianche were assigned to clean the biology laboratory building. Wei Ruoxing set off with a broom and dustpan, but Tan Qianche followed behind her empty-handed. Even the labor committee member couldn't stand it and criticized Tan Qianche, saying, "Brother Che, you are much stronger than Wei Ruoxing. Wei Ruoxing has thin arms and legs, and she doesn't have the strength to work..."

Tan Qianche grabbed Wei Ruoxing's sleeve and complained to her: "The labor committee member said that you don't have the energy to work."

Wei Ruoxing said, "When I work, I am really strong."

She swept the floor on the spot as if she was eager to prove herself. The labor committee member was dumbfounded, and Tan Qianche smiled. He took the broom from Wei Ruoxing, carried it on his shoulders, and led her to the biological laboratory building.

There is a bamboo forest behind the biology laboratory building.

Every spring, the Provincial No. 1 Middle School would have students dissect small animals such as rabbits, mice, and frogs as an extension experiment for the "Biology" course. It was said that some unruly students would secretly bury the animal carcasses in the bamboo forest behind the biology laboratory building - Wei Ruoxing did not believe this rumor.

She held a broom tightly, sweeping the courtyard covered with fallen leaves while questioning Tan Qianche: "Class monitor, I have something to tell you. Is the Lion King in your game console called 'Stars'? Did you deliberately let your deskmate see 'Stars'?"

Tan Qianche refused to admit it: "How could I have that?"

Wei Ruoxing was extremely angry: "You obviously have it!"

Tan Qianche started a verbal fight with her: "No."

"You have!"



After repeating this for more than a dozen times, Tan Qianche suddenly asked, "Is there one?"

Wei Ruoxing answered subconsciously: "No!"

Tan Qianche spread his hands, and Wei Ruoxing was about to explode. She threw the broom to the ground: "Just because you have good grades, can you look down on others? Just because you always get the first place in the grade, can you look down on others' efforts? Do you know how many people are not as lucky as you? Just because you despise me, can you tease me every day?"

Before she finished speaking, her eyes were filled with tears.

Tan Qianche was stunned.

He really didn't expect things to develop to this point.

It was also the first time in his life that he played a trick on someone.

He had no idea that girls could not resist his teasing.

He wanted to apologize, but couldn't - didn't that prove that he was wrong? Was he truly remorseful? Frankly, not much.

Tan Qianche took out the handkerchief he carried with him again. He handed it to Wei Ruoxing. She was a little surprised by the clean and soft fabric. Then he said, "I don't look down on you. I teased you because..."

He took a step forward and looked her straight in the eye: "I like you, can't you see that? My deskmate can see it too."

Everything was quiet.

The floating clouds gradually stopped.

There were dense green bamboos nearby and far away, shadows interlaced everywhere, and the sunlight was quiet. Tan Qianche said to himself, "You take a rest, I'll sweep the floor."

Tan Qianche rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arms. The labor committee member was right. Tan Qianche was indeed very strong. His arm muscles were firm and the veins were obvious. Wei Ruoxing squatted beside him and peeked at him. He said, "If you want to see, come and see. Can you do it openly? I'm not stopping you from seeing it."

Wei Ruoxing remained unmoved.

She still felt that Tan Qianche was playing a joke on her.

Tan Qianche said, "I will only show you in the whole school."

Wei Ruoxing raised her head and met his gaze… The cloud shadows, sky light, and bamboo leaves were all in his eyes.

He approached her slowly like capturing a small animal, knelt on one knee in front of her, and looked her in the face. The silence continued to lengthen, and the atmosphere became more ambiguous. He asked again: "Are you interested in me?"

He pinched his fingers: "Just a little bit will do."

Wei Ruoxing managed to pull off a rare comeback. She turned her head and said, "Not even a little bit."

Tan Qianche was not discouraged. He asked, "What kind of boys do you like?"

Wei Ruoxing sneered: "Gentle, considerate, high emotional intelligence, and knows how to respect people!"

All of the above characteristics are almost the antonyms of Tan Qianche - especially the last point, which is completely contrary to Tan Qianche. Tan Qianche's catchphrase is: "You are too stupid, I can't teach you."

In Class 18 of Senior 1, many students had suffered humiliation in one way or another when they asked Tan Qianche questions. Wei Ruoxing was not the first, and certainly not the last.

She told Tan Qianche: "I have been unhappy with you for a long time, how could I be interested in you?"

Tan Qianche sat on the tiles beside the flower bed, deep in thought. He held the broom with both hands, his temperament was still attractive, as if the broom was not a broom, but a scepter of a kingdom.

He was rejected for his love, but he still held the power, so he asked calmly, "Are you cold?"

Before she finished speaking, a gust of cold wind blew, causing Wei Ruoxing to shiver. Tan Qianche then told her a ghost story about the Biological Laboratory Building - it was said that countless babies, rabbits, and mice had died here, and tens of thousands of souls gathered together, whispering a sentence...

Having said this, Tan Qianche motioned Wei Ruoxing to come closer.

Wei Ruoxing came close to him, and he took out a paper rose from his pocket like a magic trick, gently put it to her ear, and said again: "Wei Ruoxing is smart and beautiful."

Wei Ruoxing's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, so fast that it seemed to jump out of her throat. Tan Qianche observed her expression and finally smiled sincerely: "You like me too."

He said to himself, "You like it too."

Wei Ruoxing punched him in the chest, signaling him to shut up. He kept talking, talking like a chatterbox who had never spoken before. Wei Ruoxing's cheeks were redder than the roses beside his ears. He smiled again and said, "I still have your apprenticeship gift. Am I your boyfriend or your coach now?"

Wei Ruoxing said stubbornly: "Neither."

Tan Qianche was also a very easy-going person: "Okay, if it's not, then it's not." But then he asked: "Can you give me a kiss?"

Wei Ruoxing turned her back to him and buried her head in sweeping the floor: "You're dreaming."

Tan Qianche said: "Just a kiss? I can savor it for the rest of my life."

"Don't lie to me," Wei Ruoxing said disapprovingly, "In two or three years, you will have completely forgotten it."

Tan Qianche shook his head: "I will never forget what I don't want to forget in this lifetime..." This was a little sad for no reason, but he then joked: "You don't understand, do you?"

Wei Ruoxing threw away the broom. She plucked the rose from her ear and loosened one finger. Tan Qianche thought she was going to throw the flower away. He stood beside her to receive the flower. She stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the side of his face. She was very brave and gentle. The bamboo leaves in the yard cheered in the wind.

The relationship between Tan Qianche and Wei Ruoxing was thus determined.

Tan Qianche fulfilled his promise. He devoted all his efforts to teach Wei Ruoxing, guiding her to switch from mathematics competition to physics competition—physics was Tan Qianche's strong point.

Wei Ruoxing was indeed a very good talent. After she found the right study method, she made rapid progress. In addition, her family was very well-off. Her parents spent a lot of money to hire tutors for her in various subjects, especially paying attention to cultivating her English ability. She gradually became the top player at the provincial No. 1 Middle School.

Wei Ruoxing always went to the city where the competition was held with Tan Qianche, even if they could not participate in the competition at the same time. The relationship between them was both teacher and friend, more passionate than that of a couple, and quite innocent. They agreed to work together to be admitted to the best universities in the country, and return to the provincial capital to teach in the future, and become an enviable couple who love each other and grow old together.

When he was eighteen, Wei Ruoxing started thinking about the phrase "growing old together".

She wanted to experience the long life slowly with Tan Qianche. Perhaps with his company, forty years would be just a passing cloud, and eighty years would be just a flick of a finger. When they were old and frail, he could still take out a rose from his pocket to make her laugh.

Tan Qianche said solemnly: "Isn't this easy? I promise you now."

"You must keep your word." Wei Ruoxing reminded.

Tan Qianche asked her back: "When have I ever failed to keep my count?"

Wei Ruoxing said nothing.

It was the end of 2004. A long-awaited heavy snow fell in the provincial capital. The campus of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School was covered with thick new snow, and the teaching buildings and dormitory areas seemed to be covered with a layer of white cream.

Wei Ruoxing was very happy. She took Tan Qianche for a walk in the snow. Tan Qianche didn't want to go, so Wei Ruoxing said, "I saw a sentence in my QQ space a few days ago."

The campus was quiet and peaceful under the moonlight. Tan Qianche took Wei Ruoxing's hand. He was not wearing gloves, and neither was she. The winter wind made their joints cold, and the two held hands even tighter.

Tan Qianche asked her: "Aren't all the QQ spaces filled with non-mainstream stuff?"

Wei Ruoxing sighed: "It's quite non-mainstream, I don't know where it came from, but I just like that sentence."

"What did you say?" Tan Qianche asked her.

She let go of his hand and stood on tiptoe to touch the top of his head. She caught a few white snowflakes and was as happy as a child: "I told you not to laugh at me. The saying is - frost and snow on a hundred heads is also considered white hair."

As expected, Tan Qianche was unmoved: "So unfashionable and pretentious."

Wei Ruoxing said awkwardly: "If I could write poetry, I would write it myself."

Tan Qianche then said, "But I like it."

Wei Ruoxing took his arm and he said, "I like you if you like me."

"You have no self." Wei Ruoxing criticized him.

He said, “My own definition is myself.” He pointed to the sky and said, “In the next ten years, I will achieve earth-shaking achievements.”

"You can do it before you turn 28?" Wei Ruoxing was a little bit unbelieving.

Tan Qianche suddenly became modest: "Probably."

Wei Ruoxing asked again: "If you have achieved great success at the age of 28, but I am still unknown, what should I do?"

The winter wind made Tan Qianche dizzy. He said without hesitation: "Come to my laboratory and help me. I will hire you as a researcher. We will work together as a couple. You will be the new generation of Marie Curie."

Wei Ruoxing did not respond to him.

She pulled her scarf higher, covering half of her face. The frost and snow in the howling north wind gradually blocked her vision.

As winter turns to spring and the temperature warms up, the Provincial No. 1 Middle School organized a province-wide high school subject friendly competition as a warm-up activity for this spring.

Tan Qianche and Wei Ruoxing are both top contestants in the Provincial No. 1 High School, so naturally they want to win glory for the school in such a small competition.

All students in the high school department of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School who passed the preliminary examination can participate in this competition. Therefore, this in-school selection competition has attracted the attention of many top students.

In Class 18, everyone was betting on who would get first place between Tan Qianche and Wei Ruoxing - the vast majority of students bet on Tan Qianche, while a very small number thought that Wei Ruoxing would win because there was a chance that Tan Qianche would deliberately make mistakes in a few questions to give his girlfriend the championship.

Tan Qianche's deskmate said, "The probability of Baiji dinosaurs being resurrected is higher than the probability of Tan Qianche deliberately making mistakes! Tan Qianche and I have been deskmates for so long, don't I understand?"

Facts proved my deskmate's guess.

Tan Qianche once again ranked first in the overall ranking.

Everyone was used to it - including Wei Ruoxing. She didn't take this competition seriously at all.

The day after the results were announced, Wei Ruoxing didn't take a nap. She washed a box of grapes and took two dragon fruits to the classroom to eat with Tan Qianche. She arrived at the classroom half an hour early, and Tan Qianche was already sitting in the back seat.

Wei Ruoxing wanted to give him a wake-up call. She deliberately went around to the back door of the classroom. Just as she was about to enter the classroom from the back door, she heard Tan Qianche's deskmate ask, "Is Wei Ruoxing a good student you have personally trained, Teacher Tan?"

Tan Qianche said: "That's for sure."

"Yes," another person echoed, "When Wei Ruoxing first transferred here, his grades were so bad. It's all thanks to our Brother Che's guidance, right, Brother Che?"

Tan Qianche did not refute. He also said: "My girlfriend's talent is a little lacking. She is not smart, she is stupid."

My deskmate asked again: "You two will both be physics teachers in the future. Will her poor level hinder you?"

"That's impossible," Tan Qianche said impatiently, "If I write a few more papers and put them all under her name, her academic reputation will improve, right? We'll work it out when the time comes."

Someone else asked, "Will Wei Ruoxing surpass you?"

Tan Qianche was surprised and said, "You are dreaming."

Tan Qianche's voice was very pleasant. However, at this moment, every word he said was like a knife cutting through Wei Ruoxing's heart. She had to admit a fact - in Tan Qianche's eyes, she was always a stupid and pitiful person with a dull mind. He liked her, but he didn't appreciate her. He admired her, but he didn't respect her.

Wei Ruoxing's hands felt sore and the dragon fruit fell to the ground, but she didn't pick it up.

She ran back to the dormitory crying, crying as she ran, and even retching in the toilet. She would not have ended up like this if she had dated any other boy in the school, except Tan Qianche, who was a child of destiny and had never suffered any setbacks. He looked at losers like ants, and watched successful people like his future self.

He was already a very powerful person, but he still admired the strong. He couldn't be blamed for that. Who didn't admire the strong? Wei Ruoxing herself was no exception. But she wanted his whole heart, not to be favored and pitied by him like a defeated general.

Wei Ruoxing stayed in the dormitory for the whole day and thought for the whole day.

The next morning, she called her parents and decided to study in the United States. She couldn't stay in the same university with Tan Qianche, she wanted to change the environment and make a sprint. Without his help, she could fly high.

Wei Ruoxing's family conditions are very good. When her parents heard that she wanted to study abroad, they were 100% in favor and immediately helped her make plans. She had already won a very prestigious physics award, and her English foundation was very good, so she easily stood out among the applicants.

After the dust settled, Wei Ruoxing told Tan Qianche his decision.

They confronted each other in the corridor on the top floor of the teaching building. Tan Qianche didn't believe it at first. After listening to her several times, he still couldn't accept the reality and asked her again and again: "Are you going to dump me?"

She replied, "I don't want to be dumped by you."

Tan Qianche laughed in anger: "Of course you don't want to be dumped by me. Who else can teach you well except me?"

Wei Ruoxing's face turned pale. Her thousands of words turned into one sentence: "You are too proud."

"Does my pride annoy you?" Tan Qianche was so crazy that he lost all his composure. "Or are you attracted to some loser?"

He held Wei Ruoxing's wrist tightly, the morning breeze messed up her hair, she tried to persuade him kindly, "I can't stand you always looking down on me, saying I'm stupid in front of my classmates. I've told you a thousand times that I'm not stupid, it's you who are too smart. You are smart and proud, how can I compare to you? I'm dying just chasing you, let go... let go!"

During the argument, Wei Ruoxing said something cruel: "You have been praised since you were a child. You always get full marks in exams. Your classmates dare not mess with you. Your teachers praise you every day. You are a genius. If you have never experienced setbacks, you will never understand me! You and I are from two different worlds!"

After hearing her last words, Tan Qianche seemed to have an epiphany.

He let her go and said with a smile: "Go away, the farther the better."

Wei Ruoxing stopped in his tracks instead.

Tan Qianche cursed her politely: "Get lost."

Before turning around, Wei Ruoxing had a blank expression on his face.

After turning around, she burst into tears.

Her pockets still contained the handkerchief, roses, and couple pens that Tan Qianche had given her. She loved these things very much, but she also wanted to throw them all away without leaving a single one.

Her parents were waiting for her outside the school gate.

The black Audi stopped at the roadside, and Wei Ruoxing got into the car while wiping her tears. Seeing her crying so hard, her mother asked her, "Xingxing, what's wrong? You are going to the United States to attend college, and you can't bear to leave your classmates and teachers?"

She admitted: "I'm so reluctant..."

Her mother comforted her: "Well, it's not like we won't see each other anymore. You will come back to China someday, and we can meet again."

"No," she murmured to herself, "It's impossible for us to meet again, there is no future..."

There is no future.

Her relationship with Tan Qianche, which lasted for more than two years, ended in the early summer when the sky was clear.

Whenever she thought back to that day while studying in the United States, she always felt that there were countless ways to retain him and countless ways to have a frank conversation, but neither of them adopted them. In the first year, she felt uncomfortable whenever she thought of Tan Qianche. The experience of studying in a foreign country was extremely difficult, but she did not dare to relax for a moment.

Even though Tan Qianche was so hurtful, she still couldn't forget the tenderness they had spent together, and she believed that when he said to her, "I want to marry you and live with you forever," his love came from the bottom of his heart... However, when she heard about Tan Qianche's colorful university life, she began to doubt that her first love was just a dream.

Fate, fate, in the end, there is no destiny.

The author has something to say: The prequel is over, the following extra chapters won't be so bitter qaq Oh, I cried, I cried for my senior sister again


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