Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 19: Composition and lyrics


Lin Zeqiu patiently played catapult with Lin Zhixia for half a day. He did not go to the basketball court the whole weekend. He stayed at home, saying that he was studying.

However, Lin Zhixia knew that Lin Zeqiu wanted to accompany her through a period of anxiety.

Before going to school on Monday, Lin Zhixia finished her breakfast, stood in front of Lin Zeqiu, and shouted to him: "Brother!"

Lin Zeqiu was as if facing a formidable enemy: "What are you doing?"

Lin Zhixia praised: "You are a good brother!"

After saying that, she picked up her schoolbag and rushed out of the house quickly.

This morning, the first and second classes for the fourth grade of Experimental Primary School were all changed to self-study classes.

There was a round electronic clock hanging on the wall of the classroom. Lin Zhixia sat upright, looking up at the clock frequently, recording the current time in her mind.

It is now 7:59 in the morning Beijing time. In just one minute, Lin Zhixia will follow her class teacher to the school clinic for an injection.

So scary.

Lin Zhixia took a deep breath.

"Lin Zhixia," Jiang Yubai asked her, "are you shaking?"

"I didn't." Lin Zhixia answered stubbornly.

Jiang Yubai frowned slightly: "You are not feeling well, so don't get the injection."

As soon as he finished speaking, the class bell rang suddenly, and the shrill sound broke the silence of the corridor.

Teacher Wu, the homeroom teacher, stood outside the door and shouted to the students in the classroom, "Students who need to get the hepatitis B vaccine, please come out and line up. We are the first batch of fourth graders to get the injection. Everyone, please don't dawdle and keep quiet. Teacher Wu will take you to the school clinic."

Lin Zhixia plucked up her courage and stood up.

She took the first step hesitantly.

Jiang Yubai called her again: "Lin Zhixia, you don't have to go."

"No!" Lin Zhixia vowed, "I want to defeat myself! I want to be the superman described by Nietzsche, and the dasein described by Heidegger!"

Jiang Yubai didn't know what "dasein" was. He still thought of a way to comfort Lin Zhixia. He said to Lin Zhixia: "Even if you are not afraid of injections, you have other fears. No one can be a superman."

Jiang Yubai's words were full of philosophy, and Lin Zhixia was stunned. No matter how reasonable Jiang Yubai's words were, she didn't want to show her weakest side in front of Jiang Yubai.

Lin Zhixia turned around resolutely, followed the students in the front row, and joined the class team.

The crowd was like a mighty army, marching towards the school clinic of Experimental Primary School.

The school clinic of Experimental Primary School was neatly decorated, with a sign saying "Hepatitis B Vaccination" at the door. Standing in the hall of the school clinic, Lin Zhixia smelled a faint smell of alcohol.

Doctors and nurses were wearing masks and sitting in their offices. The doors of the offices were wide open so that all the students could see what was going on inside.

Teacher Wu called out the names of the students according to their numbers. The class monitor Dong Sunqi's number was first, and Teacher Wu read out loudly: "No. 1, Dong Sunqi!"

Dong Sunqi jumped in front of Teacher Wu: "Teacher, I'm ready!"

Teacher Wu said calmly, "Okay, go in and get your injection."

Dong Sunqi took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and exposed his entire arm. Many classmates cast their attention to him, which made him want to show off and display the unique style that a class monitor should have.

The nurse was very close to him. He closed his eyes tightly and clenched his right fist.

When the needle pierced his skin, Dong Sunqi's face twisted. He hissed in a suppressed voice. He waited for a while, and finally the nurse handed him a cotton swab.

The nurse said to him, "Press the wound with a cotton swab and throw it away later."

"Okay!" Dong Sunqi agreed.

He walked out the door in disheveled clothes, with a resolute expression on his face, like a soldier who had just won a battle. A classmate outside the door asked him, "Squad leader, does the injection hurt?"

Finally someone asked the question!

This question was exactly what Dong Sunqi wanted!

Dong Sunqi sighed and shook his head slightly: "I am the squad leader, I can't cry out in pain."

Dong Sunqi's deskmate Wei Rongjie asked excitedly: "How much does it hurt? Tell me about it!"

"My arm is numb," Dong Sunqi looked into the distance, "It hurts so much, it hurts deep into my bones. Hey, I told you, I'm the monitor, no matter how painful the injection is, I can't scream. Oh, by the way, the people from Class 2 are coming soon, you guys, don't scream! Don't let those guys from Class 2 look down on the students from Class 1."

When he spoke, Lin Zhixia happened to be standing beside him.

Lin Zhixia listened to every word of Dong Sunqi's description.

Lin Zhixia gradually felt panicked.

Her face grew paler and paler.

When she heard: "Number 4, Lin Zhixia!" she walked slowly into the doctor's office.

Lin Zhixia remembered what Jiang Yubai and Lin Zeqiu had said to her—close your eyes and don't be afraid.

She held out a hand and the nurse rolled up her sleeves.

Lin Zhixia turned her head to look to the side. The alcohol cotton made her skin cool. As expected, her whole arm was numb... Seeing that she was pretty and cute, the nurse comforted her gently: "It's okay, little friend, it won't hurt much."

Lin Zhixia gave her left hand to the nurse, and placed her right hand on her thigh, with her five fingers tightly gripping the fabric of her pants.

She should have taken the time to answer the nurse's question. However, she was on high alert and felt the sharp needle piercing her skin, damaging the epidermis and dermis, and reaching deep into her flesh.

The liquid was injected slowly and my arm felt extremely sore and swollen.

It really hurts.

Why is the pain so clear and intense

Lin Zhixia was very confused.

Lin Zhixia hates injections.

Time is passing by every second.

How long does it take to complete a tube of vaccine

Lin Zhixia's eyes were filled with tears and her cheeks were red. She gritted her teeth and held back her tears, thus preventing herself from crying out loud.

She remembered Jiang Yubai's words - everyone has a fear that is difficult to overcome. This is not shameful in itself, just like her brother is afraid of insects and Jiang Yubai hates dust. She should face the reality bravely and live up to her brother and Jiang Yubai's expectations.

At this time, the nurse told her: "Okay, kid, the vaccination is done. Just press the wound gently with a cotton swab, and when the bleeding stops, you can throw the cotton ball away. Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Lin Zhixia nodded gently, pretending to be strong and calm, but with a hint of tears in her voice: "I don't feel bad anymore, thank you sister."

The anxiety subsided in a trance, and finally, after completely unloading the psychological burden, Lin Zhixia left the school infirmary lightly.

She sat on a chair at the door and waited until the whole class had finished their injections. Then Teacher Wu counted the number of students and led the students of Grade 4 (1) back to the classroom.

Lin Zhixia was in a good mood. She jumped and ran to her seat.

Jiang Yubai waited for her for a whole class. He asked her impatiently, "Have you had the injection?"

"I've fought before!" Lin Zhixia held her chin with one hand, "There's nothing to be afraid of."

Jiang Yubai observed her face carefully: "Your eyes are red."

Lin Zhixia lacked confidence: "I didn't."

In front of Lin Zhixia, Jiang Yubai opened the notebook of the "Exploring the Universe" comic series.

Since comic serialization has long been strictly prohibited by Teacher Wu, no student in the class dares to participate in this game today.

The original characters of the comic "Exploring the Universe" were only Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai. The initial plot was that the two of them wandered together on the Orion constellation. Now, everything seems to have returned to the starting point.

The war between Earth and Orion ended quietly. The Legion fell apart, and both the good guys and the bad guys disappeared. This demise came unexpectedly, from the bustling and noisy to the deserted and deserted, it happened in just half a day.

Lin Zhixia was inspired and said, "Jiang Yubai, have you updated the comics again? If Teacher Wu finds out, you might have to write a 1,000-word self-criticism."

Jiang Yubai was still very brave when he heard the "1,000-word self-criticism" and insisted on opening the comic. He sat up straight, lowered his voice, and introduced to Lin Zhixia: "During the self-study class just now, I added the ending to "Exploring the Universe."

After saying that, he turned his head and glanced around.

The students nearby didn't notice Jiang Yubai and Lin Zhixia's actions, and Jiang Yubai felt very satisfied. Just like the underground party members' contact during the war, Jiang Yubai quickly handed over the notebook to Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia turned to the last page of the notebook.

She was the only student in the class who witnessed the ending together with Jiang Yubai.

In the final chapter of the comic series "Exploring the Universe", the bases of the Earth Corps and the Orion Corps were destroyed, and the former civilized world collapsed. Jiang Yubai and all his companions boarded the spaceship. They wandered in the vast space, and Lin Zhixia was the eternal navigator of the spaceship.

"Am I the eternal spaceship navigator?" Lin Zhixia asked blankly.

Jiang Yubai was keen to answer Lin Zhixia's questions. He explained carefully: "In the last chapter of "Exploring the Universe", you overcome your fears and triumph over difficulties..."

Lin Zhixia pondered for a moment and began to analyze the mood of the comic: "I think that in this comic, the three words 'Lin Zhixia' represent hope. 'Lin Zhixia', as the navigator of the spacecraft, leads everyone to find hope for survival."

"You can understand it that way." Jiang Yubai responded concisely.

In fact, Jiang Yubai did not deliberately create a "representative of hope". He really let his imagination run wild, imagining that all the students in Grade 4 (1) went together to explore the universe - they settled down in Orion in the north of the Milky Way, established civilization, and developed the economy.

At this time, Lin Zhixia raised a new question: "In the comic book "Exploring the Universe", will Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai be together forever? Will they always explore the universe together?"

"They will never be separated." Jiang Yubai said firmly.

Lin Zhixia looked at him: "Then, this comic has no ending. Our future is unknown."

Jiang Yubai agreed: "You can add more plot points to make the ending richer."

"Jiang Yubai," Lin Zhixia suddenly said, "You spent an entire class drawing a comic just to give me an ending?"

Her questions always hit the nail on the head.

Her gaze was so intense that Jiang Yubai blushed.

The sky outside the window became bluer, white clouds floated like cotton wool, and the sunlight penetrated a clean glass window and fell in front of Jiang Yubai's eyes. With this ray of light, he looked at Lin Zhixia for two seconds and insisted, "I drew it casually."

Lin Zhixia laughed out loud, “Hahahahaha,” “Thank you! Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Yubai!”

Jiang Yubai answered solemnly and steadily: "You're welcome, Linlinlinlinzhixia."

Lin Zhixia held a pen in her right hand and a ruler in her left hand, tapping the rhythm lightly on the desk.

She composed a piece of music on the spot and also wrote lyrics for it: "Jiang Jiang Jiang, Jiang Jiang Jiang, I have a classmate named Jiang Yubai. He is not afraid of the teacher's orders and dares to draw. His works are wonderful! I wish him a lot of ideas and freedom! I am looking forward to his next work..."

She has a small voice and sings softly.

Under the clear sky, her eyes were shining and smiling, and the light and cheerful melody was the best accompaniment.

Jiang Yubai tore off a page of draft paper and wrote quickly.

He recorded Lin Zhixia's composition and added two syllables. While writing the five-line score, he asked her, "Lin Zhixia, have you ever studied music?"

Lin Zhixia answered honestly: "I haven't learned it."

"Why do you know how to compose music?" Jiang Yubai asked.

Lin Zhixia tilted her head and looked at him: "Does that count as composing? I just made it up."

She came closer to him: "Wow, you are writing music."

Jiang Yubai paused with his pen tip.

The opportunity has come.

Lin Zhixia had indeed never studied music.

As she said, the song just now was made up by her. Jiang Yubai finally found Lin Zhixia's blind spot in knowledge! It was worth it that he had studied piano for four years and practiced every day. His diligence and hard work made today's comeback.

Jiang Yubai suppressed his excitement and asked knowingly, "Lin Zhixia, can you read musical notation?"

Whenever Lin Zhixia answered: I don’t understand, Jiang Yubai would immediately say: It’s very simple, I’ll teach you.

Jiang Yubai and Lin Zhixia have been deskmates for four months. Jiang Yubai occasionally dreams of a scene in which Lin Zhixia complains to him in the classroom: "This course is so difficult, I don't understand it. Jiang Yubai, please, can you teach me?"

Every time, Jiang Yubai in the dream is always willing to help others.

Today, the dream came true.

Jiang Yubai said nothing and waited quietly for Lin Zhixia's reply.

He knew that it was not easy to admit for the first time that "I don't know anything". For a genius like Lin Zhixia with an IQ of over 174, it was even more impossible to face his own shortcomings calmly.

The next second, Lin Zhixia suddenly realized: "I understand, so this is what the five-line notation means."

At this time, Gan Shuli in the front row turned around and asked Lin Zhixia to borrow a bottle of pen ink.

Lin Zhixia handed the ink bottle to Gan Shuli and said excitedly, "I'm so happy! I learned the five-line notation today!"

Gan Shuli asked in surprise: "How did you learn it?"

Lin Zhixia picked up Jiang Yubai's draft paper: "By observing Jiang Yubai's manuscript."

Jiang Yubai's handwriting was very sloppy. He also used some symbols that only he knew. In Gan Shuli's opinion, that thing was not a manuscript at all, but a messy scribble.

Gan Shuli felt suffocated: "You... Can you learn it like this, Lin Zhixia?"

Lin Zhixia was immersed in the joy of sudden enlightenment and did not notice the complicated expressions of Gan Shuli and Jiang Yubai for the time being - especially Jiang Yubai, who was holding a ballpoint pen with increasingly stiff fingers.

He was mentally prepared to be "Teacher Jiang"... He was ready to selflessly offer detailed and rich music theory knowledge. Unfortunately, Lin Zhixia didn't even give him a chance to speak.

He asked doubtfully, "Lin Zhixia, can you really understand?"

"I've seen musical notation before," Lin Zhixia explained, "but I never thought about it. When I thought about it today, I suddenly understood. Thanks to you, Jiang Yubai."

Jiang Yubai did not want to receive this honor.

Lin Zhixia said to him again: "Jiang Yubai, you are very quick to react. You can memorize the music score directly! I find that you seem to be quite smart!"

Although it was not until today that Lin Zhixia officially praised Jiang Yubai's wisdom, and even used the subjunctive particle "as if", Jiang Yubai still couldn't help but feel a little happy.

The harmonious relationship between classmates lasted for the whole class.

During the third class, the head teacher, Mr. Wu, walked into the fourth grade (one) classroom holding a stack of report cards.

She announced good news to her classmates: "The results of last week's fourth-grade baseline test are out. Our class did well this time, and the highest score in the grade is Lin Zhixia."

Teacher Wu put down the report card and looked at Lin Zhixia: "Not bad, Lin Zhixia, you got first place in the grade again, and you brought honor to our class. Let's applaud her!"

Class monitor Dong Sunqi led the applause, and the whole class burst into warm applause.

"In this baseline test, Lin Zhixia scored full marks in Chinese, math, and English, and even got an extra point for her English composition. We should all learn from her." Teacher Wu wiped the blackboard eraser clean, looking remarkably calm and composed.

All the students in the class were in a similar state. They looked normal, neither sad nor happy. They had been through too much and had long been numb.

Class monitor Dong Sunqi walked up to the podium, picked up a stack of report cards, and distributed them to the group leaders. The group leaders then handed the report cards to every student.

Jiang Yubai remembered the bet he made with Lin Zhixia.

When he got his report card, he saw that he had scored 99 in Chinese, 99 in math, and 100 in English, ranking second in the grade in terms of total score.

For every exam in Experimental Primary School, the examiners are required to write comments for each student.

On Jiang Yubai's report card, the examiners of Chinese, math and English all gave him pertinent and brief praise.

He lowered his head in thought and put the transcript on the table.

Lin Zhixia immediately placed her report card in front of Jiang Yubai.

"Look," she said to him, "I got 5 extra points for my English composition."

Jiang Yubai discovered that the comments given to Lin Zhixia by the examiners… were filled with an indescribable enthusiasm, especially the English teacher. The English teacher ignored his solemn status as an examiner and drew a cute smiley face for Lin Zhixia.

Cute smiling face

Jiang Yubai's comment only had two lines of words and a cold period.

Jiang Yubai felt confused.

There are four foreign teachers and an English teaching and research group in his home.

He is fluent in English and French.

Why did he lose to Lin Zhixia again

Lin Zhixia held her face with both hands, turned her head, and looked at Jiang Yubai intently.

Her eyes were innocent, and she kindly reminded him, "Hurry up, Jiang Yubai, call me Teacher Lin."

After the baseline test last week, Jiang Yubai and Lin Zhixia made a bet on who would be the first in the grade. The loser had to call the winner "teacher" to show respect.

Jiang Yubai was wondering why Lin Zhixia's English composition got extra points.

He asked in a low voice: "Lin Zhixia, have you finished your English test? Weren't you in a daze during the test?"

"Of course I finished it," Lin Zhixia told him honestly, "I finished it a few minutes after the exam started. Then I started to daydream."

Jiang Yubai said nothing.

Lin Zhixia said quietly: "The topic of this English test is to describe the campus environment. In addition to describing the environment, I also improvised a sonnet. But, to be honest, my writing is average..."

English sonnets, like ancient Chinese poems, pay attention to rhyme and wording, have a long history, and are very strict in rhythm.

Famous British writers such as Shakespeare, Keats and Shelley have left many beautiful sonnets for future generations, which are worthy of repeated appreciation by every reader who loves poetry in the world.

Jiang Yubai really didn't expect that Lin Zhixia could actually improvise an English sonnet.

No matter how well she wrote, she was able to strictly rhyme and follow the rhythm of the sonnet in a short period of time, and her ability to use language was excellent.

Lin Zhixia was still urging him: "Jiang Yubai, Jiang Yubai, hurry up and call me Teacher Lin."

Jiang Yubai spread out a math homework, covered his face with it, and called her in a muffled voice: "Teacher Lin." He only called her this once and refused to say another word.

Lin Zhixia thought his reaction was very funny. He was such an interesting person! He should be recorded in the "Human Observation Diary"!

She quickly took out her notebook, but her head was a little dizzy and her arm, which had received the injection, still hurt a little.

Teacher Wu adopted a relaxed and free policy of "hands-off" towards Lin Zhixia.

However, even so, Lin Zhixia did not dare to sleep on the desk during Chinese class, as that would attract the attention of the whole class.

She simply moved closer to the wall and leaned against the window with her head tilted, like a sleepy kitten.

She closed her eyes for less than two minutes when Jiang Yubai said to her, "Lin Zhixia, your face is very red."

Lin Zhixia asked dazedly, "Is there?"

Jiang Yubai handed her a stainless steel water cup—it was his cup. He reminded her: "You may have a fever."

Lin Zhixia held the cup with both hands and pressed her forehead against the cup. After feeling it for a moment, she said, "My forehead is so hot, and your cup is so cold."

She said to herself, "How do you estimate body temperature without a thermometer? I have a good way. Record your pulse... how many beats per minute. The faster the pulse beats, the higher the body temperature rises. I... estimate that my current temperature range is 37.6 to 38.7 degrees. There is a large error in the calculation result. Why? Because my head is so dizzy... I can't calculate anymore."

Jiang Yubai did not raise his hand. He directly interrupted the class of Mr. Wu, the head teacher.

He stood up and spoke: "Teacher Wu, Lin Zhixia has a high fever. She should go to the hospital."