Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 2: A battered self-esteem


Jiang Yubai did not allow Lin Zhixia to call him "Mr. Jiang".

He said that Lin Zhixia's behavior violated the "rule of friendly coexistence among classmates."

He repeatedly stated that mutual respect is the basis for friendly coexistence among classmates.

Lin Zhixia showed a bewildered expression: "Is it disrespectful for me to call you Mr. Jiang? Why?"

Jiang Yubai liked to hear Lin Zhixia say "why" - obviously, this meant that Lin Zhixia also wanted to ask him questions. He explained in a dignified manner: "You and I are classmates. You call me Mr. Jiang, are you my employee? Have I paid you a salary? My name is Jiang Yubai, you should call me Jiang Yubai."

Lin Zhixia nodded: "Jiang Yubai."

Jiang Yubai sat up straight, more dignified and steady: "Lin Zhixia."

Lin Zhixia shouted again: "Jiang Yubai!"

Jiang Yubai responded again: "Lin Zhixia."

Lin Zhixia used a breathy voice and squeezed out a voice from her throat: "Jiang Yubai..."

Jiang Yubai lowered his voice: "Lin Zhixia..."

Lin Zhixia laughed so happily, "Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang is so white!"

Jiang Yubai said: "Psycho."

"You don't respect me!" Lin Zhixia turned the tables, "You violated the rules of friendly coexistence with your deskmate!"

Jiang Yubai couldn't argue with Lin Zhixia. His ears turned red. He took out his math notebook again and looked through the operations on complex numbers. He looked at line after line of examples, pretending to be immersed in math and not hearing Lin Zhixia's voice.

The strange thing is that Lin Zhixia really kept silent and remained silent.

She is reading a book too.

Jiang Yubai turned his head quietly. He found that the book in Lin Zhixia's hand was called "Quantum Mechanics of Atomic and Molecular Research". She just opened a page, and the whole page was full of dense formulas. The derivation of a single formula covered half of the paper.

Lin Zhixia took notes in the book with a pencil. Her notes were also weird, messy, disorganized, and probably not even in Chinese.

Jiang Yubai asked her: "Are you writing in Chinese?"

"This is a language I created," Lin Zhixia answered honestly, "Do you want to learn it? Do you want me to teach you? This language is a basic language based on physics. It cannot be used for communication. It is just to simplify my learning process."

A self-created language

What is that

Jiang Yubai suffered another blow.

In the past, Jiang Yubai firmly believed that he was a smart child. But now, his belief is a little shaken.

Jiang Yubai was holding a stack of draft paper, his knuckles turning white. He calmly refused, "No, I don't want to learn. I don't like to simplify the learning process. I like complicated things, you don't understand."

Lin Zhixia was very confused: "Why?"

Finally, Jiang Yubai heard Lin Zhixia ask "why" again.

Jiang Yubai's answer was unfathomable: "If I can solve all your problems, I should be a grown-up."

"Many adults are weird," Lin Zhixia said confidently, holding up the book. "Adults can't accept us finding out they made a mistake, because that would make them lose face. Face is more important than the truth. I hate this kind of adults."

Jiang Yubai echoed, "There are also many children who will deliberately act stupid in front of adults."

Lin Zhixia agreed: "Yes! You clearly know, but you pretend not to know. You clearly don't know, but you pretend to know."

After that, she approached Jiang Yubai and said, "What about you? Jiang Yubai, do you know anything about physics? Have you studied molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons?"

The sky outside the window is clear and the clouds are like cotton wool.

The summer heat was just beginning to fade, and the autumn was getting stronger. On such a beautiful sunny day, Jiang Yubai felt like he was in an icy cave. He didn't want to admit that he knew nothing about physics. He didn't understand where Lin Zhixia learned so many strange terms... Were they all taught by the teachers in school? Has the education in China become so strong

Jiang Yubai regretted that he had wasted three precious years in Singapore.

He half lowered his head and remained silent for a long time.

This class is English class.

The English teacher is a young female teacher who just graduated from university. Her last name is Zheng, and the students in the class call her "Miss Zheng". Today, Teacher Zheng is going to teach a situational dialogue in the class. The background is in the park. Each group will randomly select a pair of classmates to present on stage.

Teacher Zheng said: "My dear students, today are gonna learn how to ask for directions and how to give directions."

Then, she explained, "Dear students, today, the teacher will teach you how to ask for directions and how to give directions to others. The background of our story takes place in a park. I will first teach you a few sentence patterns, and we will read this text following the recorder. In each large group, I will select a pair of classmates and ask them to present to the whole class. Don't fall asleep in class, listen carefully."

Teacher Zheng grabbed the chalk and wrote the sentence pattern on the blackboard.

There are eight commonly tested words and four common sentence patterns in the entire text.

Most of the students in the class were listening attentively. Jiang Yubai was absent-minded, and Lin Zhixia looked out the window. She found a sparrow perched on a branch, jumping around. The locust tree was in bloom, and the flowers were still blooming. The sparrows were running between the petals and leaves. She couldn't help but wonder, what is the difference between the sparrow, the locust tree, and the world I see

Lin Zhixia thought: Yes, I know that the world I see is not what it really looks like - my eyes can only recognize a limited number of colors, my sense of smell is even worse than that of a mouse, and my ears cannot hear infrasound and ultrasound. However, those things exist objectively. In this vast universe, my consciousness...

She tilted her head and began to think about "consciousness".

"You're distracted." Jiang Yubai reminded her.

Lin Zhixia nodded: "Yes, I am distracted."

Jiang Yubai immediately asked her: "What are you thinking about?"

Lin Zhixia lay on the table and suggested: "Close your eyes and I will tell you."

She was very young, with a tender voice, watery eyes like a little rabbit, and thick eyelashes that had cast shadows on her eyes. Her proposal had no deterrent effect, and Jiang Yubai actually chose to obey.

He closed his eyes in this English class and heard Lin Zhixia say slowly: "Have you ever thought about where you came from? When you close your eyes, can you feel your true self? I often wonder, I am me, then who am I? This question has troubled me for a long time, I don't understand."

Jiang Yubai was confused by her. He could only stammer, "You... that's you, a different you."

He talked so much with Lin Zhixia that he really attracted the attention of Teacher Zheng.

Teacher Zheng wiped her hands with a towel. The nails of her ten fingers were painted bright pink. She stretched out a finger and pointed it at Jiang Yubai: "Oh? Classmate, you are the new transfer student in our class. It's just right that you and your deskmate come up and show us how to ask for directions in the park. I saw that you were a little sleepy just now, right?"


Jiang Yubai was not sleepy.

At this moment, he is more sober than ever.

Because, his home court has come.

He stood up steadily, walked in front, and accepted the attention of the whole class.

Lin Zhixia followed behind Jiang Yubai and was keenly aware that Jiang Yubai had bad intentions because he looked back at her twice, more nervous than a soldier on the battlefield, as if he was afraid that she would escape.

Lin Zhixia didn't understand the situation and thought Jiang Yubai didn't speak English very well, so she hoped that she could save him.

Oh, so that's how it is! Lin Zhixia thought she had found the crux of the problem.

Lin Zhixia didn't wait for Jiang Yubai to speak, and asked, "Excuse me? Sorry, I've turned around a little and could you tell me if there's an underground station nearby?"

Teacher Zheng translated for everyone: "Huh? Not bad, our classmate Lin Zhixia said a phrase, ia little turned around, which means I'm lost. Lin Zhixia said she was lost and asked Jiang Yubai to tell her if there was a subway station nearby."

Jiang Yubai replied: "You can seeare basically the cornerth going down until you reach the traffic lights and then make a right, you will know where your destination is."

Lin Zhixia smiled and said: "man minutes ago I walked across the park but I could not find anyoo help me..."

"Alright, alright," interrupted Teacher Zheng. "Why are you two still acting like you're acting out a play? But Lin Zhixia used a phrase. Everyone should pay attention. Walk across the park and walk through the park both mean that a person walks through the park. So, what is the difference between the two prepositions across and through, when used in the context of the park? Does anyone know?"

Jiang Yubai raised his hand.

Teacher Zheng agreed: "Jiang Yubai, you go ahead."

Jiang Yubai answered seriously: "We used across as a preposition to explain that Lin Zhixia went straight through the park without looking at the scenery. Generally, through is more commonly used."

"Yes," Teacher Zheng nodded repeatedly, "Okay, go back to your seats."

Jiang Yubai had a one-on-one English teacher since he was four years old. His first teacher was British. Later, his mother hired three Americans. The four foreign teachers formed an English teaching and research group to teach Jiang Yubai.

So, how is Jiang Yubai doing in English? He thinks it's just average. The combined education of American and British teachers made him occasionally confuse the expressions of American and British English.

He thought Lin Zhixia's accent was good. Not perfect, but okay.

He asked Lin Zhixia: "How did you learn your pronunciation?"

Lin Zhixia answered as a matter of course: "Me? I learned by following the tape recorder."

"Tape recorder?" Jiang Yubai was surprised.

He tried to hold it in, but couldn't hold it in any longer: "Impossible. Don't lie to me."

Lin Zhixia scratched her head. "Really? Why would I lie to you? I learn foreign languages by buying books from bookstores, listening to tapes at home, and watching videos online. Anything I've read, as long as I want to remember it, I will never forget it, never."

I will never forget it, I will never forget it.

Jiang Yubai exclaimed: "Are you a genius?"

Lin Zhixia held her face with one hand and whispered to him, "When I was seven, my mother took me to have my IQ tested at the City Center Hospital for free. They were doing a promotion at the time, so it was free. My IQ that year was 174... The doctor said that this number will continue to rise. What's your IQ? Am I smarter than you?"

Jiang Yubai picked up a stack of draft paper and covered his face with it.

The students around him all turned around and stared blankly at what Jiang Yubai was doing.

Jiang Yubai responded calmly: "I'm fine."