Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 33: Winter vacation training (medium)


The classroom was filled with the noisy gossip of the students. No one noticed the small crown on Jiang Yubai's left index finger. Jiang Yubai seemed to be attending a grand ceremony. His crown was a circle of finely cut white paper, and his throne was a row of wooden chairs with sponge cushions.

Lin Zhixia had just organized a simple grand ceremony for him. His heart surged, like the roaring waves, the waves rolled him to the top of the mountain, making him stand at the place closest to the sky. He was excited and silent, and once again fell into a state of speechlessness.

Jiang Yubai suddenly understood why Duan Qiyan rushed out of the classroom before - sometimes, a young man may not know how to face reality.

Jiang Yubai's coat was attached to a hat. He simply stood the hat up to cover his hair and his face. He put the palm of his right hand on the index finger of his left hand, protecting his crown tightly.

Lin Zhixia watched his every move and wrote in the "Human Observation Diary": "Jiang Yubai is indeed my best friend. He is always willing to accept my scenario settings. Whether it is "Exploring the Universe" or today's coronation ceremony, it can attract his attention..."

As she wrote, she asked him, "Jiang Yubai, have you ever seen a real crown?"

"Yes," Jiang Yubai thought for a moment and added, "I have seen crowns of European royal families in museums and private collections."

"What does it look like?" Lin Zhixia tilted her head to look at him.

He recalled carefully and described: "All of them are gems, of various colors, and each gem is about this size..." He compared the size and named a specific place: "The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England, on the second floor of the Jewelry Collection Hall, there is a large number of crowns inlaid with red, yellow, blue, green and purple gems."

Lin Zhixia exclaimed: "I have only seen antiques in books."

She closed her notebook and continued, "Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom was born in 1819 and reigned for 64 years. She and her husband, Prince Albert, promoted the first World Expo, the London World Expo of 1851, which showcased the scientific and technological achievements of various countries in the 19th century. According to the "Report on the Evaluation of the 1851 World Industrial Exhibition", China exhibited exquisite silk, lacquerware, porcelain, and plant wax at the first World Expo and won medals. One of the organizers of this World Expo was the first director of the museum you just mentioned."

Jiang Yubai nodded and agreed: "You remember it very clearly."

Lin Zhixia revealed: "I want to visit museums all over the world."

"I have a Tibetan collection at home," Jiang Yubai said generously, "You can come to my house again when you have time."

Lin Zhixia immediately agreed: "Okay!"

After she finished speaking, she asked hesitantly, "Jiang Yubai, is your private collection at home like a museum?"

When Lin Zhixia was making a crown for Jiang Yubai, she cut a piece of white paper. Jiang Yubai picked up the remaining part of the white paper. He used a ruler to draw a rectangle on the paper and wrote a line of words in the center of the rectangle: Lin Zhixia's museum pass. Issued on January 7, 2006. Issued by Jiang Yubai.

He handed this "pass" to Lin Zhixia.

"Thank you, Jiang Yubai," Lin Zhixia clenched the edge of the ticket with both hands, "Now that I have this, can I officially visit your private collection?"

Jiang Yubai admitted: "Yes."

In fact, what he was thinking was that maybe in the future they could visit museums around the world together. It was not until this moment that Jiang Yubai put down the hat covering his head and appeared calmly in the sight of his classmates.

Right in front of the classroom, Teacher Zhai came back with a stack of test papers. He locked the test papers in the drawer of the desk and said to the students, "You have to take the test every day. You must listen carefully in class and don't be distracted. I hope everyone can get good grades!"

The desk was about one meter wide, with a Lenovo computer on it. Teacher Zhai bent down and tapped the computer keyboard, found Teacher Zhang's course PPT, and then invited Teacher Zhang to the podium.

Mr. Zhang is in charge of the topic of "Geometry". He can mix multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank and calculation questions together, and explain the rules of previous competitions from the simple to the complex. He pays attention to the classroom atmosphere and occasionally asks questions to students.

A real contest question from last year was projected on the big screen, and Teacher Zhang asked: "Think about it, how do you prove that the two line segments af and ec are parallel?"

Jin Baihui from Class 18 raised her hand immediately.

Teacher Zhang called her name, and she stood up and answered: "Ceva theorem and its converse theorem."

"That's right!" Teacher Zhang said, "This problem looks difficult, but in reality, it is very simple. The Ceva theorem we just talked about is enough. I will draw the auxiliary lines and you will understand it."

Teacher Zhang was diligently drawing auxiliary lines, while Lin Zhixia was also reading a book she brought called "Geometric Topology". She began to think about the value of the Gaussian curvature constant when the Ricci flow converged. She had read the relationship between entropy and Euler characteristic in a paper by Russian mathematician Perelman. As early as 2003, Perelman proved the Poincare conjecture, but Perelman did not directly use the Ricci flow of three-dimensional manifolds...

Lin Zhixia was immersed in the world of differential geometry. Wan Chunlei caught a glimpse of the book in Lin Zhixia's hand, gasped, and asked her: "What are you reading?"

Lin Zhixia turned back to the title page: "Geometric Topology."

Teacher Zhang was explaining the solution of triangles on the podium, while Lin Zhixia was reading Geometric Topology. The contrast between them was very strong, and Wan Chunlei felt a huge shock. The differential equations in Lin Zhixia's book were densely packed, and Wan Chunlei didn't dare to turn her head to look in Lin Zhixia's direction.

Wan Chunlei couldn't help but test Lin Zhixia: "Your book is full of algebraic expressions, Lin Zhixia, are you thinking while you read it?"

Lin Zhixia said to herself: "I am recalling the proof of Perelman's Poincare conjecture on three-dimensional manifolds. There is one thing I don't understand. After I get home at noon today, I will call the doctoral student in the mathematics department."

"Professor Shen gave you the phone number of the Ph.D. student in the Department of Mathematics?" Jiang Yubai paused as he was taking notes.

"Professor Shen is out on an overseas expedition and hasn't come back yet. Sister Zhu Chan has helped me several times," Lin Zhixia said honestly. "Zhu Chan gave me the phone numbers of the PhD sisters in the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Physics, and the Department of Computer Science."

Jiang Yubai casually asked her, "What do Zhu Chan usually talk to you about? Ocean physics?"

Lin Zhixia recalled her conversation with Zhu Chan, with a bewildered expression on her face: "Sister Zhu Chan often asked me what my mother ate when she was pregnant with me and how many hours she slept every day. I was so confused. Adults' behavior is generally specific and directed, so what was her motivation?"

Jiang Yubai was also confused.

Lin Zhixia guessed: "She wouldn't want someone similar to me..."

"A kid similar to you." Jiang Yubai helped her complete the sentence.

Lin Zhixia held up the book to cover her face: "Sister Zhu Chan doesn't know, I'm afraid of the dark, ghosts and injections."

Shen Fuxuan, who was sitting in the row in front of her, turned around and asked her, "Are you afraid of the exam, Lin Zhixia?"

Before Lin Zhixia could say anything, Jiang Yubai concluded, "For her, the exam is just a game."

All the little movements of the students in the lecture hall could not escape the teacher's eyes. On the six-foot podium, Teacher Zhang tactfully reminded: "Students, listen carefully in class, keep quiet, and don't whisper under the teacher's nose. Our students in Class 17 should pay more attention to their quality."

Lin Zhixia and all the students around her shut up at the same time. They remained silent and successfully passed the morning training.

During the training period, teachers taught quickly, assigned a lot of homework, students were under great competition and had a heavy academic burden. The lunch break was only two hours a day, and many students did not have time to go home. They could only go to the cafeteria of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School to have lunch, and then lie on the table in the classroom to rest for a while.

Lin Zhixia's home was very close to the school. She took the bus home, ate lunch made by her mother, and slept soundly on her bed. After waking up, she rushed to the Provincial No. 1 Middle School in high spirits to participate in the afternoon training.

At 1:40 in the afternoon, Lin Zhixia stepped into the classroom. The teachers hadn't shown up yet, and there was a lot of noise everywhere. A circle of students gathered around the podium. Duan Qiyan stood on the podium with a red face and a thick neck, shouting, "I didn't do this!"

A classmate from Class 18 said: "Jin Baihui saw you in the classroom..."

Duan Qiyan cursed, "You believe everything Jin Baihui says. Who is Jin Baihui to you? Change your name to Jin and become her lackey. The lock of the podium drawer was pried open and the test papers were read. How could I do such a stupid thing? In which exam did I not rank first in the Normal School Elementary School? Do I need to peek at the test papers?"

Duan Qiyan's few words made Lin Zhixia understand what had happened.

This morning, Teacher Zhai put a stack of test papers in the drawer of the podium and locked it. Teacher Zhai adheres to the principle of "knowledge of the day, digest it on the same day". Every evening, he holds a 90-minute test and publishes the test results the next morning - this is terrible news for most students.

So, at noon today, a daring student pried open the iron lock of the drawer and stole the exam papers.

After Jin Baihui's identification, Duan Qiyan became the object of everyone's suspicion.

Lin Zhixia ran to the podium and spoke up for Duan Qiyan: "I am Lin Zhixia, the monitor of Class 17. Duan Qiyan is my classmate. I have known him for a semester. I don't believe he would do such a thing as picking the lock and stealing the test paper. This lock is broken, and the teacher may cancel the exam. We in Class 17 are never afraid of exams, and there is no need to pick the lock."

Several students from Class 17 gathered together and stood behind Lin Zhixia. Those who confronted her included the monitor of Class 18 and three boys from other schools.

The monitor of Class 18 said, "Jin Baihui from our class just said that she saw Duan Qiyan squatting here furtively..." The monitor drew a circle on the ground with his toes: "Duan Qiyan took advantage of the fact that no one was watching at noon and squatted here to pick the lock."

Jin Baihui, who was doing her homework, was involved in this complicated dispute. Jin Baihui's seat was in the first row of the lecture hall, and she could not help but hear the conversation on the podium. She held a pen in her right hand and a workbook in her left hand, and walked quickly to the monitor of Class 18, sternly accusing him, "It's 12:30 in the afternoon, and everyone in the classroom is sleeping. Duan Qiyan is hiding behind the desk. What is he busy with?"

"I brought a USB drive," Duan Qiyan hastily explained, "I wanted to copy Teacher Zhang's PPT back home. I have a computer at home. Look carefully, the host is under the cabinet, I have to squat down to insert the USB drive? There are a row of interfaces on the host, I can't see which one is the USB interface, I searched for a long time before I found it!"

Jin Baihui didn't believe his words. She raised her arm and pointed the tip of her pen at Duan Qiyan: "Last January, right after you finished your exam, you deliberately picked a fight with Lin Zhixia in the corridor..."

Lin Zhixia interrupted, "But, last year's incident doesn't seem to have anything to do with today's incident."

Jin Baihui said, "Duan Qiyan is not a down-to-earth person. I will tell the teacher when he comes."

Jin Baihui stepped one foot on the edge of the podium. She was sure that Duan Qiyan was the mastermind. There was no video surveillance in the lecture hall, and the testimony of the witnesses would become crucial evidence.

What's more, Jin Baihui often gets good grades, ranking second in the grade. Generally speaking, teachers believe the testimonies of good students more.

Although the classroom was equipped with radiators, Duan Qiyan felt cold from head to toe. The snow in the middle of winter passed through the window and drifted into his heart, making him feel angry and depressed, and his mind was a little dazed.

Duan Qiyan raised his leg and kicked the desk: "Jin Baihui, what qualifications do you have to wrongly accuse me? Everyone knows that I am the most down-to-earth person. I will definitely do what I promised to others. I will sue the teacher and say that you threw dirty water on me."

Jin Baihui's eyebrows twisted into a "川" shape. She stepped onto the podium and looked up at Duan Qiyan: "If you didn't steal the test paper, then who stole it?"

"Anyway, it's impossible that he is a classmate from Class 17." Lin Zhixia said confidently.

Her elementary school classmate Zhou Bufeng liked to steal things. Based on her observation of Zhou Bufeng's daily habits, she believed that there was no one like Zhou Bufeng in Class 17.

Behind Lin Zhixia, the students of Class 17 responded one after another: "It's not us! We in Class 17 will never pick a lock."

Gradually, more and more students came into the classroom. Jiang Yubai and Shen Fuxuan also came. When they saw Lin Zhixia was surrounded by a group of people, they immediately rushed to the podium. Jiang Yubai squeezed into the crowd and asked what happened. He gently pulled Lin Zhixia's sleeve and wanted to take her to the back row.

Lin Zhixia said to Jiang Yubai: "I am the monitor of Class 17, and Duan Qiyan is a classmate of Class 17. I cannot escape. I have to find the real thief and seek justice for Duan Qiyan. This is the duty of the monitor."

Jiang Yubai reminded her: "Team Leader Lin, there are no surveillance cameras in the classroom. You can only use your IQ of 174 to think of a solution."

"What method? If I can help you, just tell me," Shen Fuxuan looked at Duan Qiyan with pity, "Duan Qiyan was so frightened by Jin Baihui that his face turned pale."