Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 38: School anniversary ceremony


On the first day of school in September, the "school anniversary gift" became the most concerned issue for the students in Grade 2 (Class 17).

The preparations for the skit were in full swing. The classmates all agreed that the main members of the cast must have a certain appearance. According to the latest news that Shen Fuxuan had heard, the junior high school anniversary event would be held at the provincial theater. At that time, several cameras would be pointed at the stage to film the performers on the stage in real time.

The images captured by the camera will be projected onto the large screen behind the stage, so that the audience sitting in the back row can also see everything clearly.

Han Peng suggested: "Let's let Jiang Yubai play the male lead! Jiang Yubai has the best looks. If he plays the male lead, I guarantee that no one will be distracted when the camera is rolling."

Duan Qiyan sneered: "Who said Jiang Yubai has the best looks?"

Duan Qiyan’s subtext is: I look better than Jiang Yubai.

However, Tang Tingting, the cultural and arts committee member, once again refuted Duan Qiyan's opinion: "I also think that Jiang Yubai should be the male lead. Although Jiang Yubai is younger than us, he is the most conspicuous in the crowd, do you understand?"


Is Jiang Yubai also worthy of the adjective "conspicuous"

Duan Qiyan complained in his heart while glancing at Jiang Yubai.

Duan Qiyan not only wants to be the leading actor, but also wants to be known as the "Zhao Benshan of Provincial No. 1 Middle School". If his classmates nominate Jiang Yubai as the leading actor, Duan Qiyan will only become a foil - this is a situation that Duan Qiyan does not want to see no matter what.

Jiang Yubai is Duan Qiyan’s imaginary enemy.

Jiang Yubai himself was completely out of the hot casting atmosphere. He unscrewed the thermos and calmly poured out half a cup of water. He slowly leaned back on the chair and drank the water gracefully, as if the person being discussed was not him.

Duan Qiyan challenged him mercilessly: "Jiang Yubai, have you ever performed in a skit or a drama?"

Jiang Yubai cleverly replied: "I can start honing my acting skills from today."

Duan Qiyan sneered coldly. He raised the corners of his lips slightly, put his hands on his hips, and burst out with a strong aura, and introduced to everyone: "I once played an important role in the cultural and art festival of the Normal School Attached Primary School, and the teachers and students of the whole school gave rave reviews."

Tang Tingting exposed him on the spot: "Duan Qiyan played the pony in "Little Pony Crossing the River"."

“Hahahahahahahahahaha…” Shen Fuxuan really couldn't hold back his laughter and he squatted on the ground, unable to stand up.

Duan Qiyan's face was pale and red, and Tang Tingting was still adding details: "Duan Qiyan didn't show his face. He was wearing a horse head. The horse head was made of paper shells and covered Duan Qiyan's head. If the host hadn't called Duan Qiyan's name during the announcement, we wouldn't have known that he was playing the horse."

Shen Fuxuan barely held onto the table and slowly stood up: "Duan Qiyan, even if you have performed skits, your face is covered by a horse head and no one in the audience can see your expression, which is equivalent to you not having honed your acting skills. You are not as good as Jiang Yubai, at least Jiang Yubai has a humble attitude."

Duan Qiyan was choked by him and was speechless.

Lin Zhixia asked casually: "Shen Fuxuan, do you want to join the cast?"

"Being an actor is so boring," Shen Fuxuan slammed the table, "I want to be a director, I want to be the chief director, the chief director who directs the whole show."

Shen Fuxuan served as both the "deputy monitor" and the "math class representative". He had very good grades and a very high prestige. He often helped his classmates solve problems. In addition, his mother was the principal of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School, so generally no one in the class opposed Shen Fuxuan's views.

Shen Fuxuan naturally became the team leader of the director team.

He specifically asked Jiang Yubai to be the male lead.

Lin Zhixia immediately sought Jiang Yubai's opinion: "Are you willing to be the male lead, Jiang Yubai? If you don't want to, just tell me directly, I can arrange you to another group, don't let yourself down."

Jiang Yubai closed the lid of the water cup. He reached into the drawer and touched the garden wooden box that Lin Zhixia gave him.

In that garden, Captain Lin Zhixia's belief was preserved. Jiang Yubai seemed to have touched the entity of his belief and said with great determination, "I do."

Even though Jiang Yubai didn't hesitate at all, Lin Zhixia was still a little worried.

Jiang Yubai is the best-looking boy in the class and has a high level of comprehension. However, the male protagonists of skits are usually funny comedians. Lin Zhixia thinks that Jiang Yubai is more suitable for roles such as "Leader of the Legion", "Prince Charming", and "Jedi Knight".

After some thought, Lin Zhixia couldn't help but ask, "Can I play the leading female role?"

The whole class was silent.

Lin Zhixia was a little panicked, but on the surface she remained calm and resolute: "If no one objects, I will be the heroine."

Shen Fuxuan spread his hands and said, "I thought you would become a screenwriter. The soul of a skit is the script. If you don't care about the script, what will happen to the script?"


Shen Fuxuan expressed the thoughts of his classmates.

Lin Zhixia has written several essays that received full marks. She quotes classics, is well-informed, and her writing materials are rich and concise, covering the civilization and history of ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad. She is the favorite student of her Chinese teacher.

Lin Zhixia doesn’t write scripts…

Who can take on this important task

Seeing that the class discussion had reached a deadlock, Wan Chunlei volunteered, "I'll write the script!"

The classmates' eyes all fell on Wan Chunlei. Wan Chunlei smoothed her coat and said with a general's demeanor: "I am the third place winner of the elementary school group in the fourth city-wide elementary and middle school Go competition. I do things logically. How about I write the script? Do you trust me?"

"I can trust you." Lin Zhixia nodded.

After Lin Zhixia spoke, other students echoed her.

Wan Chunlei became the leader of the writing team without any effort. The quality of this show was entirely determined by Wan Chunlei, and she immediately felt a great responsibility. She selected seven classmates to assist her.

That afternoon, Wan Chunlei borrowed a small classroom to hold a script meeting.

In addition to the eight students in the screenwriting group, Jiang Yubai, Lin Zhixia and Shen Fuxuan were also present at the script meeting.

Eleven students gathered together, holding up blank draft papers, and thought hard.

Wan Chunlei clenched her fists, supporting her chin with her fists, like a statue in deep thought. She murmured to herself, "What are you going to act? What do you want to act?"

Shen Fuxuan smiled and said, "The Three Defeats of the White Bone Demon in Journey to the West."

Jiang Yubai said seriously: "The burning of Red Cliff in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

Shen Fuxuan smiled even more: "Wow, Jiang Yubai, do you want to play Red Cliff in Romance of the Three Kingdoms? How do you allocate the roles? You are Zhou Yu, and Lin Zhixia is Xiao Qiao?"

Jiang Yubai plays Zhou Yu and Lin Zhixia plays Xiao Qiao - this assumption makes Jiang Yubai feel embarrassed. He knows that Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao are a couple. And he is still a junior high school student, so he should not be involved in adult matters. In addition, he and Lin Zhixia are good friends, so he cannot play Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao.

Lin Zhixia was different from Jiang Yubai. She didn't even consider the aspect of "Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao were husband and wife".

She just calmly analyzed: "According to the Zizhi Tongjian, the Battle of Chibi resulted in heavy casualties. When Cao Cao was fleeing, the road was muddy and the wind was strong, making it difficult for the army to move forward. Cao Cao asked some sick and weak soldiers to carry grass on their backs and lie on the ground. The cavalry's horses' hooves trampled directly over those soldiers, killing many of them."

The scene described by Lin Zhixia shocked the entire screenwriter team.

"We can't stage the Battle of Red Cliffs," Wan Chunlei said firmly. "Teacher Zhang said that the school anniversary should be lively and joyful. We shouldn't do something like this where there are countless deaths and injuries."

Another student in the screenwriting group asked, "What else can we play? Granny Liu from Dream of the Red Chamber entering the Grand View Garden?"

Wan Chunlei commented: "Grandma Liu's visit to the Grand View Garden is warm, plain and interesting. But what does it have to do with the centenary celebration of our Provincial No. 1 Middle School?"

The screenwriters fell silent again.

Lin Zhixia held her face in her hands and looked at her classmates quietly. Since she had joined the acting team, she would not take over the work of the screenwriter team.

Jiang Yubai lacks the insight that Lin Zhixia has.

Jiang Yubai directly suggested: "The predecessor of Provincial No. 1 Middle School was a school in 1906. We set up two scenes. The first scene is in 1906, and the second scene is in 2006. Our skit compares the changes over the past 100 years and promotes the school motto of 'learning extensively and thinking carefully, cultivating morality and enlightening virtue'."

The motto of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School is "Broad learning and prudent thinking, self-cultivation and enlightenment of virtue", which combines famous quotes from "The Book of Rites: The Doctrine of the Mean" and "The Book of Rites: The Great Learning".

Jiang Yubai had just finished speaking when Shen Fuxuan exclaimed, "Your idea is quite good. It not only highlights the theme of the centennial celebration, but also reminds the audience of the school motto. Teacher Zhang will definitely like it."

In the brightly lit small classroom, Lin Zhixia put her hands on the table and suddenly stood up: "Jiang Yubai's method is very good, I support it."

Most of the students in the screenwriting group held the same view. They couldn't think of a better idea at the moment, so they voted unanimously to pass Jiang Yubai's proposal.

Wan Chunlei was busy preparing the script, which she named "Changes" and divided into two parts: 1906 and 2006.

The students in the screenwriting team worked overtime and produced the first version of "Changes" within two days.

Wan Chunlei focused on "girls' opportunities to study".

Through two dramatic scenes, she restored history and reality. In 1906, at the end of the Qing Dynasty, boys and girls were not allowed to attend the same school, and girls' schools were scarce. In 2006, the Provincial No. 1 Middle School enrolled both boys and girls, and the nine-year compulsory education was exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees. Female students could actively speak in class, and female teachers could teach and educate students on the podium. The century-old history has promoted social progress and also promoted the innovation and development of education.

The script "Changes" promotes the spirit of "reviewing school history and loving learning."

The eight students in the screenwriting group were all very confident in "Changes". They proofread each other, confirmed the version, and sent the electronic manuscript to Shen Fuxuan.

Shen Fuxuan took a group of friends to the copy shop at the school gate, printed out 36 copies of "Changes", and then gave them to every student in the Grade 2 (Class 17).

After receiving the script, everyone read it over and over again, and said that the screenwriters wrote it well, brilliantly, smoothly, and with high intentions, and that it would definitely win the "First Prize for School Anniversary Program."

The class teacher, Mr. Zhang, also liked this script very much. Although this script did not meet his requirements of "lively and festive", he saw the spiritual culture behind the lines and was very pleased. He encouraged everyone to bring their enthusiasm for learning and perform the high morale of the competition class.

Teacher Zhang's high praise made the actors, directors and props team of Class 17 eager to start rehearsals.

The junior high school of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School has an art building with two rehearsal halls. As the school's centenary celebration is approaching, it is difficult to find a rehearsal hall. The second grade (seventeenth) class can only use one rehearsal hall at noon on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

This means that every Tuesday and Wednesday, Lin Zhixia can't go home for lunch or nap. At first, she was a little unhappy, but then she thought that she was the monitor of Class 17 and the heroine of "Changes". It was reasonable for her to mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole class and take every rehearsal seriously.

The eight students in the screenwriting team stayed up for four consecutive nights for the script. In comparison, Lin Zhixia didn't have to work hard at all. Lin Zhixia should cheer up and live up to the expectations of the whole class!

Lin Zhixia only took a few seconds to convince herself. She told her mother at home: "Mom, mom, our school will hold a centenary celebration at the end of September, and our class has prepared a skit..."

She clutched her mother's apron with her fingers and tilted her head slightly. "Maybe it's not a skit, but more like a drama. Mom, I'm the heroine of the drama. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, I can't go home to eat and sleep. I have to rehearse at school. Other students in the class will rehearse with me."

When Lin Zhixia first entered junior high school, her mother often worried that she was too young and would be bullied in class. As a result, Lin Zhixia not only became the class monitor, but also had many friends. She and her classmates prepared the show together, which didn't sound like a bad thing, so her mother agreed and asked her, "Xia Xia, how long do you want to rehearse?"

Lin Zhixia told the truth: "We rehearsed for two weeks in a row, from noon on Tuesday and Wednesday to 2 pm."

The mother felt sorry for her daughter: "Xia Xia, are you tired?"

Lin Zhixia shook her head: "Xia Xia is not tired."

Mom asked again: "What do you want to eat for lunch, Xia Xia?"

Lin Zhixia leaned on her mother and acted coquettishly: "Xia Xia can have lunch in the school cafeteria."

"Is the food in the cafeteria delicious?" Mom touched her head. "I'll ride my bike to your school and bring you lunch at noon, shall I?"

Before Lin Zhixia could answer, Lin Zeqiu suddenly appeared behind her. Lin Zeqiu must have heard the conversation between Lin Zhixia and her mother, so he declared in a bad attitude: "Lin Zhixia will be spoiled sooner or later."

"No way," Lin Zhixia turned to look at him, "I don't want my mom to bring me food either. I want to eat lunch in the school cafeteria!"

Lin Zeqiu took out a box of strawberry yogurt from the refrigerator. Before he opened the lid, he noticed Lin Zhixia's pure eyes. In this family, as long as he ate anything related to strawberries, he had to accept Lin Zhixia's gaze—unless she also had strawberries in her hands.

He could only stuff the strawberry yogurt into Lin Zhixia's hand and found a box of yellow peach yogurt. He quickly opened the lid and took a sip when he suddenly thought of something and his face suddenly changed. He grabbed Lin Zhixia and pulled her into his bedroom.

Lin Zhixia held the strawberry yogurt in both hands. Before she could taste the strawberry, her brother asked her seriously, "Lin Zhixia, let me ask you, you are the heroine of the drama, who is the hero of the drama?"

Lin Zhixia guessed what her brother was going to say. She thought he was so old-fashioned and long-winded. She simply said, "Our class teacher, Mr. Zhang, agreed to let us perform this play. The dean of the second grade has already helped us review the script. Why do you still care about who the male lead is? There is no emotional scene between me and the male lead."

My brother's face turned even worse.

A gloom seemed to press down on his brows. He held a cup of yellow peach yogurt in his hand, took two steps out of the narrow bedroom, and then said, "You are only eleven years old. Do you understand what a love story is? What TV series have you watched at home?"

"There are usually romance scenes in TV series. Why can't I watch them?" Lin Zhixia didn't feel ashamed at all.

She searched her memory and added, "Brother, when you were watching TV, you didn't seem to deliberately avoid the emotional scenes between the male and female protagonists. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you, brother."

Lin Zhixia's move of "diverting trouble away" did not affect Lin Zeqiu.

Lin Zeqiu guessed something. His sister refused to tell him who the male lead was, so he suspected that Jiang Yubai was the male lead of the play. Thinking deeper, Lin Zhixia said that she didn't have any love scenes, so was that true

Even if their Grade 2 (17) class chose fairy tales suitable for all ages such as "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Snow White" and "Beauty and the Beast", there will be an ending scene where the prince and princess live happily ever after.

Lin Zeqiu originally thought that Lin Zhixia was spotted by the coaches of the high school competition class, and her academic focus was completely on high school and university knowledge. She had to participate in the Olympic competitions in mathematics, physics, and information. How could she have the time and energy to take care of her "best friend" in junior high school

He didn't expect that Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai would be connected through a school anniversary program.

It was his mistake.

After thinking it over, he still had many concerns.

He simply said hello to his parents and said he would accompany Lin Zhixia to rehearse. He also said that Lin Zhixia might not be used to eating in the school cafeteria, and with him as her brother, Lin Zhixia would be more adaptable.

Mom and Dad both praised him for being considerate and thoughtful, and called him a gentle and good brother.

In September this year, Lin Zeqiu was promoted to the third year of junior high school.

He was still the top student in the gifted class and the best in the third grade. He gave up the competition class and never took the exam again.

But he still often heard news about the competition classes.

His sister Lin Zhixia not only dominated the second grade of junior high school, but also went to the high school department and swept the competition teams in three subjects. For a while, Lin Zeqiu felt that all his classmates were secretly talking about his sister.

Several girls from the competition class even ran to the door of Lin Zeqiu's class, specifically wanting to take a look at him. Lin Zeqiu was good-looking, and he was used to other students stealing glances at him. However, the competition class seemed to have a different way of thinking - the girls from the competition class came to him because they admired his sister.

They pointed at Lin Zeqiu and said, "This is Lin Zhixia's brother! Lin Zhixia's biological brother!"

One of the girls casually asked, "What's Lin Zhixia's brother's name?"

Another girl said, "I don't know. It's not important."

After saying the above three sentences, the girls left. Lin Zeqiu stood alone at the door, his tall shadow falling on the floor, covering a piece of white tiles. How much he yearned for the competition class back then, how much he disliked the word "competition" later.

There is no doubt that Lin Zhixia's existence has cast a shadow on Lin Zeqiu's junior high school life. But he has never complained to Lin Zhixia. He tried his best to ignore the voices of the outside world and insisted on going to and from school with Lin Zhixia every day. He believed that being a brother to this extent was almost his limit.

The school anniversary program of Grade 2 (Class 17) allowed Lin Zeqiu to further expand his limits.

At noon on Tuesday, Lin Zeqiu bought a fried chicken burger in the cafeteria. In order to save time, he wolfed down his lunch without caring about his image and went straight to the rehearsal hall of the junior high school art building.

The security guard of the Art Building stopped Lin Zeqiu and asked him which class he was from. He lied that he was a student of Grade 2 (Class 17) and was about to play the leading role in a play. The security guard saw that he was indeed good-looking and had the demeanor of a leading actor, so he casually glanced at his student card and allowed him to enter the Art Building.

Lin Zeqiu studied at the Provincial No. 1 Middle School for more than two years, but he had never been near the art building. He was too lazy to even take a look at the school anniversary program his class was rehearsing, let alone participate in it in person.

And now, he was like a lonely ghost, wandering in front of the door of the rehearsal hall.

Lin Zeqiu hesitated for a few seconds, and Lin Zhixia saw him at a glance.

Lin Zhixia waved at him: "Brother, brother!"

She introduced him to the audience without hesitation, "He is my brother, his name is Lin Zeqiu, and he is in the third grade of our school. Brother! Do you want to watch us rehearse? Just come in, brother, you are the first audience member of "Changes"."

Things had developed to this point, and Lin Zeqiu had no way to retreat. He strode into the room with a tall and slender figure, attracting countless eyes. The girls in the second grade of junior high school exclaimed slightly. He ignored everyone's comments, found a chair and sat down by himself.

In the rehearsal room, Shen Fuxuan shouted loudly: "Squad Leader Lin's brother came to watch our rehearsal. This is a sign of trust in us. Everyone, don't be distracted and continue to follow the script of "Changes"!"

In the crew of "Changes", all the actors' costumes and accessories were provided by Jiang Yubai. Jiang Yubai's mother runs a clothing business and has clothing brand chain stores in major cities across the country. In recent years, she has even expanded into the Southeast Asian market.

Although Jiang Yubai was not a member of the props group, he prepared almost all the necessities and provided them to the whole class for free. The students in the props group did not have to worry about the expenses of the class fees. They only needed to properly preserve the props and arrange the background reasonably.

Jiang Yubai took away the male lead position and thus became Duan Qiyan's number one enemy. However, within the crew of "Changes", Jiang Yubai tried his best to help his classmates, and Duan Qiyan could not find any fault with Jiang Yubai. Later, Duan Qiyan secretly believed that Jiang Yubai was indeed the best choice for the male lead.

Jiang Yubai's role is very important. He plays two roles. In the "Changes·1906" stage, Jiang Yubai is a new youth who cuts his braids and changes clothes, advocating "personal liberation and education reform". In the plot of "Changes·2006", Jiang Yubai is an ordinary student who accidentally walks into the school history memorial hall. He and several other actors trace the development process of the school over the past 100 years, and see the changes of "big events" from "little people".

As the chief director, Shen Fuxuan spoke just a few words to help Jiang Yubai get into the role.

Then, Shen Fuxuan raised the loudspeaker and shouted with enthusiasm: "Let's start from the first measure of the first act and do it again! Duan Qiyan, I must criticize you by name, don't forget the words again!"

Duan Qiyan quickly flipped through the script and shouted, "I won't forget the lines again!"

The first act officially begins.

Jiang Yubai came into the audience's sight. He recited a series of lines, introduced the background of the times, and described his inner confusion.

At this time, Lin Zhixia made a brilliant appearance.

She wore a silver hairpin, a silk coat, and carried a bamboo basket in her hand. She was dressed like a young lady from the late Qing Dynasty.

Lin Zeqiu's eyes were fixed on his sister.

Lin Zeqiu watched helplessly as Lin Zhixia grabbed Jiang Yubai's sleeve. What Lin Zeqiu could not accept the most was that Lin Zhixia softly addressed Jiang Yubai as "this young master."

This young man

What the hell is this feudal dregs

Lin Zeqiu slammed the table and said, "Can such a program be included in the school celebration? The selection of the second grade will definitely eliminate you. There are 18 classes in the second grade, and only 7 classes can be selected for the school celebration. You are still immersed in the world view of 1906..."

The afternoon sun was very bright, and the frames of the glass windows were projected onto the wooden floor. In the huge rehearsal hall, the second-year students stared at Lin Zeqiu in amazement.

Lin Zhixia said, "Brother, please watch the entire plot before you comment. We are not immersed in 1906. The focus of our play is the establishment and inheritance of the school, the changes and development of the times, and the reform and significance of education."

In front of classmates, Lin Zhixia acted like a class monitor and spoke to Lin Zeqiu in a businesslike tone.

However, in Lin Zeqiu's eyes, Lin Zhixia has been a "mother-clinging spirit" since she was a child. She is a spoiled girl who won't let go of her mother. She is timid, spoiled, has a bad temper, and is not easy to mess with. This is the first time that Lin Zeqiu has seen her being used as an opinion model by a group of peers.

In short, Lin Zhixia calmed the situation down.

She continued acting calmly.

She plays a girl from a wealthy family, who longs to go to school but is frustrated and has no ambitions, so she can only silently envy the only son of her wealthy neighbor.

Jiang Yubai is the only son of that wealthy businessman.

Duan Qiyan is Jiang Yubai's teacher. For this reason, he deliberately wore round glasses without lenses and the same long gown that scholars in the late Qing Dynasty had to wear.

The cultural and arts committee member Tang Tingting is Duan Qiyan’s wife in the play.

Of course, Tang Tingting and Duan Qiyan have no contact or emotional scenes. They are a dramatic couple who lack eye contact.

Duan Qiyan saw Lin Zhixia, walked slowly towards him, and said to her, "You are a woman, don't come to the boys' school again."

Lin Zhixia's cheeks flushed, her eyes filled with tears, and she answered very well: "Teacher Duan..."

In the Ming Dynasty, "Jiao Xi" was a special title for teachers in the Hanlin Academy. In the late Qing Dynasty, schools were established all over the country, and teachers in new-style schools were also called "Jiao Xi" - this is the information Wan Chunlei specially looked up.

Therefore, Lin Zhixia calling Duan Qiyan "Teacher Duan" should be regarded as restoring part of history, Wan Chunlei thought very proudly.

Wan Chunlei clearly saw the expression on Lin Zhixia's face and couldn't help but admire her: "Lin Zhixia is such a good actress. She is so talented. She showed all the expressions of the heroine that I imagined when I was writing the script. She gave me everything I wanted."

Shen Fuxuan talked to Wan Chunlei and said, "Yes, Lin Zhixia performed the best." He paused and said, "Jiang Yubai lacked some skills."

More than just a little bit off.

Jiang Yubai stood beside Duan Qiyan like a wooden stake. He had a good appearance but his acting skills were terrible.

Jiang Yubai had almost no lines to speak. He recited the lines as if he was reciting a book in a morning reading class.

What about his feelings? What about his understanding

He plays the role of the male lead, so he can't just memorize the lines!

"Is it my fault?" Wan Chunlei began to doubt herself. "Jiang Yubai is such a smart student, why can't he feel the deep meaning of the lines? Could it be that our script is not well written?"

Shen Fuxuan touched his chin and said, "Jiang Yubai plays the role of a wealthy businessman's son, so he should act like himself. No one in the class has a richer family than him. If he can't act well, others will do even worse."

Wan Chunlei agreed: "Yes, he is so rich!"

Shen Fuxuan raised the horn: "Stop!"

All the actors stopped moving.

In the center of the rehearsal room, Lin Zhixia put down the bamboo basket and rushed to Jiang Yubai. She stood there motionless, looking at him without any deviation. All the noise around them gradually faded away, the clouds moved with the wind, and everything was quiet, as if there were only the two of them in the world.

Lin Zhixia said, "Jiang Yubai, you can think of "Changes in 1906" as a time and space branch of "Exploring the Universe". I know you are not used to memorizing lines written by others, nor are you used to reacting according to the framework set by others. The background of the times in 1906 is quite depressing to your personality. How about this, you are the protagonist of the "Exploring the Universe" sub-plot, and we traveled to 1906, acting out the script like acting out a comic, do you think it's okay?"

Jiang Yubai noticed that Lin Zhixia's hairpin was crooked. He raised his hand and prepared to straighten her hairpin, when suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Lin Zeqiu from the corner of his eye.

Jiang Yubai turned his head slightly and looked at where Lin Zeqiu was. Lin Zeqiu gave him a cold and ruthless look of terror.

Jiang Yubai was immediately inspired to be competitive. He whispered, "Okay."

Lin Zhixia thought that her words inspired Jiang Yubai.

She happily circled around Jiang Yubai: "Jiang Yubai, Jiang Yubai, let's continue rehearsing."

She made an "OK" gesture to Shen Fuxuan.

Shen Fuxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Many students in the director group stood in position, and Shen Fuxuan made unified arrangements: "Okay, let's start again, the first act and the first section of "Changes"!"

This time, Jiang Yubai seemed to be a different person. He successfully played the arrogance and recklessness of a rich kid. Even though he was a young man with advanced ideas in 1906, he could not escape the limitations of the times. In this scene of "Changes", he supported women's education, but he opposed coeducation and even more opposed abandoning tradition.

Sports committee member Cao Wu played the role of a butcher in the late Qing Dynasty.

Cao Wu, wearing a gray-blue short-sleeved shirt and holding a piece of fake plastic pork in his left hand, walked around to Duan Qiyan and said, "Teacher Duan, when did you accept a female student? If this female student enters the school, will the male students still have the heart to study?"

Jiang Yubai replied with a guilty conscience: "It is true that boys and girls should not go to the same school."

Teacher Duan said: "It is like committing evil."

Duan Jiaoshi's wife Tang Tingting just came out from the inner room. Tang Tingting had bound feet and walked slowly, saying in a pretentious tone: "Hey, where did you come from, girl? You're going to a school full of boys. Will you be able to get married in the future?"

Tang Tingting played the role very well. Tang Tingting raised her eyebrows and gently held the door frame, although she was madly spitting on her role in her heart: whether she can get married or not, what does it have to do with you? Are you so idle that you care about others

Tang Tingting and Lin Zhixia's eyes met. Lin Zhixia was still defending pitifully: "Teachers are people, students are people..."

At this point, according to the plot setting of "Changes", Lin Zhixia should have burst into tears on the spot and timidly cried about how difficult her life was in 1906.

But she thought for a moment and changed her lines temporarily.

She held her head high and faced the butcher, the teacher, and the rich young man: "Teacher Duan, have you read the Infinite Life Sutra? The sutra says - 'Good and evil change, and are born from pursuit. Different paths will lead to endless reunion.' Teacher Duan knows a lot of words and has read a lot, but do you really understand what is good and evil? Do you understand what is the path and what is the pursuit? You say I am doing evil, but I feel that I am very kind and have infinite merits!"

"Stop! Stop now!" Shen Fuxuan interrupted, "Lin Zhixia, how can you change your own lines?"

Lin Zhixia held the bamboo basket, her face slightly red: "The original lines were a little weak."

Before Wan Chunlei could say anything, Lin Zeqiu, who was watching from the sidelines, said, "Hey, didn't Lin Zhixia do a good job in her adaptation? In her version, the heroine didn't cry anymore. Who would want to watch a nagging, crying girl on a centennial school celebration show?"

Shen Fuxuan was about to retort when Wan Chunlei stopped him.

Wan Chunlei thought for a moment and agreed very much: "Yes! Squad Leader Lin's brother is right! Cao Wu, Jiang Yubai, Duan Qiyan, and Tang Tingting are already stupid enough. If there is not even one smart person in the 1906 scene, the audience will find it too tragic. The 1906 scene of "Changes" should play a connecting role and lead to the innovation in 2006. Lin Zhixia should put forward the most advanced ideas in 1906."

Shen Fuxuan nodded.

Wan Chunlei clapped her hands, "Lin Zhixia, just follow your feelings! You are the eldest daughter of an official family! You should have an overwhelming pride! An advanced intuition! The courage to accept education! You are the strongest and the smartest! You should compete with men! A hundred years later, your name will appear in the school archives, and tens of thousands of students will regard you as a role model!"

"Okay!" Lin Zhixia agreed immediately.

Wan Chunlei asked again: "Lin Zhixia! Can you remember the lines you changed? The lines of others don't need to be changed. They are stubborn characters anyway."

"Of course I can remember it!" Lin Zhixia showed her talent in front of her classmates in Grade 2 (Class 17) for the first time.

Lin Zhixia told her classmates: "I will never forget the things I want to remember."

Everyone except Jiang Yubai and Lin Zeqiu mistakenly believed that Lin Zhixia just had a better memory, a little better than ordinary people.

However, Lin Zhixia's performance surprised them. She remembered the lines she had revised clearly, word for word. She could also remind others when they forgot their lines.

Lin Zhixia's brainpower is beyond the script.

For this play "Changes", all the students in Grade 2 (Class 17) rehearsed for two weeks. They passed the selection of Grade 2 and were successfully selected to be included in the program of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School's school anniversary.

On the day of the 100th anniversary of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School, all the students in the props group and the actors got up early. They arrived at the Provincial Grand Theater at 7:30, and the teacher led them backstage. This was Lin Zhixia's first time to participate in a large-scale art performance, and she was also the leading actress. She followed closely behind Jiang Yubai and slightly pulled his sleeve.

Jiang Yubai seemed to sense something and comforted her: "Lin Zhixia, don't worry, you will definitely be able to act well."

Lin Zhixia smiled. She nodded gently and responded to him: "Yeah!"