Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 69: Travel Notes (Part 2)


Jiang Yubai thought that Lin Zhixia would walk along the central axis with him, but Lin Zhixia led him to turn to the left. She introduced: "Look over there... That's the Wuying Hall. Since April 21 last year, the Wuying Hall has become the calligraphy and painting gallery of the Forbidden City."

Jiang Yubai has his own role positioning - he is a tourist who knows nothing about the Forbidden City. Today, he was lucky enough to find a serious and responsible tour guide like Lin Zhixia.

He strictly followed the instructions and asked many questions. He asked when the Wuying Hall was built, what it was used for, where the calligraphy and paintings came from, whether he could take photos, etc.

After Jiang Yubai finished speaking, Lin Zhixia turned to look at him.

Her eyes were full of smiles, and she said in a cheerful tone: "Ming Dynasty Emperor Zhu Di began to build the Forbidden City in 1415 AD. The Wuying Hall, like other palaces, was completed around 1420 AD. At that time, the emperor summoned ministers in the Wuying Hall, and later moved to the Wenhua Hall. As for calligraphy and paintings, they were basically tributes from ministers. If you want to take pictures, of course you can, but you can't use the flash."

Jiang Yubai found a digital camera. He hung the strap of the camera around his neck, and after thinking for a few seconds, he asked her, "Can I take a picture of you?"

Lin Zhixia agreed firmly: "Of course."

Jiang Yubai didn't say anything, just looked at her.

She blinked and looked away: "Let's take a photo together."

Jiang Yubai held the camera tightly: "Can you take a few more pictures?"

Lin Zhixia whispered, "Okay." She grabbed Jiang Yubai's schoolbag strap and pulled him into the gate of Wuying Palace.

There were other tourists around admiring calligraphy and paintings. Lin Zhixia's voice became even softer: "Look at this painting, it's called 'Zen Painting Scroll'. It was created by Kuncan during the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. Kuncan was about fifty years old when he painted this."

Jiang Yubai pretended to think: "Why is there the word 'Zen' in the title of this painting?"

"Because..." Lin Zhixia couldn't answer.

The author Kuncan wrote in the painting: "The Confucian philosophy, Zen, and the fun of painting are all understood in this", but Lin Zhixia couldn't understand it at all. It was definitely not because she didn't have wisdom, but because she didn't know how to appreciate calligraphy and painting.

Jiang Yubai's question stumped Lin Zhixia, who felt a little embarrassed. She stretched out her two index fingers, touched them together several times, and suddenly asked him, "Do you see the Zen clue?"

Jiang Yubai nodded.

Lin Zhixia immediately urged him: "Tell me quickly, I want to hear it."

Jiang Yubai said: "Zen is a Buddhist term."

"That's right," Lin Zhixia agreed, "It implies a lot of truths."

Jiang Yubai seemed unfathomable: "These principles cannot be spoken directly."

Lin Zhixia tilted her head: "Your tone sounds so mature."

In Jiang Yubai's opinion, "mature and steady" are all positive words. He wants to continue to show his mature side in front of Lin Zhixia.

So, he racked his brains to come up with a long script for calligraphy and painting appreciation. But then he thought again, the role he played today was Lin Zhixia's tourist, who knew nothing about calligraphy and painting and antiques, so he should faithfully abide by his character setting.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yubai changed his words and said, "Take me to see other calligraphy and paintings."

Lin Zhixia led him to the front of the "Mozui Miscellaneous Painting Album".

The painting showed lotus roots, lotus pods, a pond, and the author's inscription. Jiang Yubai watched it for a moment and asked, "Do you like lotus roots?"

Lin Zhixia chuckled. She easily saw through his inner world: "When you were looking at the painting, were you still thinking about me?"

Jiang Yubai remained silent. He put his hands in his trouser pockets, raised his head slightly, and looked at a painting hanging on the wall. He tried to abandon all distractions and immerse himself in the cultural ocean of the Ming and Qing dynasties, but he failed. He would always think of Lin Zhixia's name intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Zhixia held Jiang Yubai's schoolbag strap tightly and never let go. She shook her wrist deliberately, and Jiang Yubai could feel her pulling force. He couldn't help but say, "You seem very happy."

Lin Zhixia admitted openly: "Yes, I am very happy."

Jiang Yubai asked her: "What are you happy about?"

Lin Zhixia took a step to his side, and the distance between them was only ten centimeters.

She originally thought that Jiang Yubai would dodge in a panic, or raise a hand to block her, repeatedly emphasizing things like "boundaries, pay attention to boundaries", but he didn't. He just stood there quietly, muttering to himself: "If you are happy, I am happy too."

Lin Zhixia thought she understood a lot of philosophy. But she suddenly realized that she couldn't even figure out her own situation... It was as if a flower suddenly blossomed in her heart, and she couldn't help but slow down her breathing.

After Jiang Yubai finished speaking, he turned to look at Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia sighed: "I understand what 'painting interest' is. The interest in painting is to be moved by the scene."

Jiang Yubai said without hesitation: "In junior high school, when we take classical Chinese classes, we always have phrases like 'the scene evokes emotion, and the scene changes with emotion'."

Lin Zhixia replied calmly: "That's right."

She and Jiang Yubai stayed in Wuying Palace for more than ten minutes, then left and continued walking outside.

Jiang Yubai walked in front of Lin Zhixia, who was having fun dragging his schoolbag strap. But she didn't expect that Jiang Yubai's sense of direction was not very good, and he brought Lin Zhixia back to their starting point - the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City.

Seeing the familiar gate, Jiang Yubai was a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I remembered the wrong direction."

Lin Zhixia asked him curiously: "Will you get lost in your own home?"

Jiang Yubai said: "I got lost when I was a kid."

Lin Zhixia laughed. She said, "It's okay, we can go visit the Meridian Gate Exhibition Hall."

She pointed to a sign and imitated the tone of a staff member, saying, "Today's theme of the Meridian Gate Pavilion is Cartier Treasure Art. A total of 346 exquisite Cartier treasures are on display. [1] Are you interested in learning more?"

Jiang Yubai said: "What a coincidence, Cartier..."

Lin Zhixia asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yubai opened his schoolbag, took out a box, and handed it to Lin Zhixia. He said, "This is a gift for your fourteenth birthday."

It was a Cartier women's mechanical watch with a dial diameter of 33 mm, a sapphire mirror, a rose gold case, and a dark leather strap. It looked very simple and beautiful.

Jiang Yubai noticed that Lin Zhixia never had a watch. Although she had a mobile phone now, it was still a Nokia nine-square keypad model, which was not as convenient as a watch on her wrist.

Lin Zhixia held the box tightly and stood there for more than ten seconds without saying anything. Jiang Yubai asked her in a low voice: "Don't you like it?"

Lin Zhixia shook her head. She murmured to herself, "It's too expensive."

Jiang Yubai had thrown away the receipt a long time ago. But he remembered the price of the watch. He told her honestly: "This year's gift is not as expensive as the spaceship model."

Lin Zhixia was shocked: "Is the spaceship model so valuable? It's more expensive than the robot we made?"

Jiang Yubai nodded: "The spaceship is custom-made, and an expedited fee was charged."

Jiang Yubai stood in front of her. They both stood in the shadow of the city tower. The autumn sky was particularly high and far, like another ink landscape painting. Lin Zhixia looked into the distance, calmed down for a moment, and declined: "No, I can't accept it."

In early September this year, Lin Zhixia gave Jiang Yubai a handmade music box. Jiang Yubai receives Lin Zhixia's handmade crafts every year, and Jiang Yubai believes that his return gift is not more precious than what Lin Zhixia gave him.

Jiang Yubai said, "The gift you gave me is purely handmade and limited to one piece worldwide. My math teacher has seen the competition notes you gave me. He said that if the notes can be published, they will definitely be a bestseller. I was just about to ask for your opinion. Are you willing to publish a competition coaching book?"

Lin Zhixia hesitated: "But, that was written specifically for you..."

"Okay," Jiang Yubai responded to her, "The royalties from that book alone are almost as much as this watch."

"Really?" Lin Zhixia asked suspiciously.

Jiang Yubai looked into her eyes: "Really? When have I ever lied to you?"

Today was a sunny day with clear sky. Lin Zhixia stood under the towering city wall, her mind was a beat slower than usual. She recognized Jiang Yubai's eye color and thought to herself that the sun and the stars were in his eyes.

Lin Zhixia held the box with her left hand, and Jiang Yubai simply took out the watch.

He lowered his head, looking focused, and put the watch on her personally. His fingertips inevitably touched her wrist. At that moment, her heart trembled slightly, and she finally understood why Jiang Yubai always mentioned the word "boundary".

Lin Zhixia wanted to smile heartily and pat Jiang Yubai on the shoulder like a buddy - but she couldn't do it. In fact, her voice was soft and light: "Thank you... Thank you."

Jiang Yubai said happily: "You don't have to be polite to me."

The noise of the tour group was heard nearby, and more and more tourists were entering the exhibition hall. Lin Zhixia led Jiang Yubai straight to the Wenhua Hall. She looked down from time to time and glanced at her watch. The dial was shining, and her mind was filled with thousands of thoughts.

Lin Zhixia remembered that the last time she visited Jiang Yubai's home, she planned to deeply analyze her own thoughts. Later, because she had a lot of things to do at school, she put the work of "self-analysis" on hold.

She took a deep breath. To distract herself, she said without warning, "On July 15 last year, the Palace Museum opened the Wenhua Hall to the public as a ceramic exhibition hall."

Jiang Yubai said: "You even remember the opening date."

"Yes," Lin Zhixia said confidently, "This is how I remember it!"

Jiang Yubai praised her: "Very smart."

The ceramic antiques exhibited in the Wenhua Hall are all fine pieces, several of which can be described as "exquisitely crafted".

Lin Zhixia observed closely a cultural relic called "Blue and White Underglaze Red Brush Holder with the Word of Praise for the Holy Lord and His Wise Ministers". The calligraphy on the holder was extremely beautiful, and every stroke showed its elegance. She said: "This is something from the reign of Emperor Kangxi."

Jiang Yubai commented: "The craftsmanship is exquisite."

Lin Zhixia took Jiang Yubai to see the enameled porcelain.

Some enamel vases have brighter colors, and the blooming flowers are gathered together, blooming in a riot of color.

For example, a piece called “Red Ground Enamel Peony Pattern Cup” has patterns of peonies, chrysanthemums and orchids[2], and the craftsman’s brushstrokes are still delicate and vivid.

Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai walked around the Wenhua Hall, stopped from time to time, and then went around the Wenyuan Pavilion before walking towards the central axis from the side door.

There were many tourists near the central axis, including tour groups from various countries. Lin Zhixia spotted the Japanese and Australian groups, and she listened attentively to Japanese and Australian English for a while, as if she was doing a listening exercise.

Passing through the Zhonghe Hall and Baohe Hall, Lin Zhixia saw a Danbi stone. It is said that it is the largest Danbi stone in the Forbidden City and is called the "Cloud Dragon Stone Sculpture".

Lin Zhixia said to herself: "This stone was transported from Yunnan by more than 10,000 migrant workers and more than 6,000 soldiers."

Jiang Yubai understood. He handed the camera to Lin Zhixia, who first took a photo of the Danbi Stone, then turned around and took a photo of Jiang Yubai. He was caught off guard and only heard Lin Zhixia's laughter. She asked, "Is today the first time I've taken a photo of you alone in my camera?"

Jiang Yubai was not sure: "It seems so."

"Don't delete it," Lin Zhixia told him, "Send me the photos when you get home."

Jiang Yubai nodded.

Lin Zhixia smiled and said, "I will save the photos in my laptop."

"You remember what I look like," Jiang Yubai asked her, "Why do you still want to save the photo?"

Lin Zhixia described it vaguely: "It's a different feeling. What's in your head and what you see with your eyes... Do you understand?"

Jiang Yubai pretended that he understood. Just as he couldn't imagine Lin Zhixia's memory pattern, he suspected that Lin Zhixia didn't know the thinking structure of ordinary people. As an ordinary person, he should consider Lin Zhixia more.

Jiang Yubai believes that smart people like Lin Zhixia are rare, while ordinary people like himself are everywhere.

He followed the tourist persona of the day and asked, "Guide Lin, where are we going next?"

"Let's go to the harem!" Lin Zhixia said happily, "Come with me to see where the emperor's wives live."

When talking about "the emperor's wives", Lin Zhixia seemed particularly excited.

They went to Kunning Palace first, and then went around to the Six East Palaces.

Chengqian Palace in the East Six Palaces is the Bronze Museum, and Zhongcui Palace is the Jade Museum. Lin Zhixia was obsessed with the living rooms of the emperor's wives, and unknowingly started talking to Jiang Yubai about the concubines of the Qing Dynasty.

Lin Zhixia tested him: "Do you envy the emperors of ancient times? They had many wives and owned all the beauties in the world."

Jiang Yubai said calmly: "I'm not envious."

Inside Chengqian Palace, the footsteps of tourists came one after another. Lin Zhixia took a step lightly, stepped carefully on the floor, and said, "I thought most boys would envy the emperor."

"The emperor must have a lot of children..." Jiang Yubai stopped talking here. He originally wanted to say that the emperor was shouldering a mission, being monitored by civil and military officials all day long, summoning concubines in the harem, like a controlled machine, but he couldn't talk about these things in front of Lin Zhixia.

His father told Jiang Yubai "a few things boys should know", and since then, Jiang Yubai has a more diverse perspective on things. He is not as naive as he was when he was a child, but he still pays attention to maintaining his image.

He expressed it tactfully but honestly: "I can't understand the emperor. If it were me, one queen would be enough."

Lin Zhixia patted his shoulder like a buddy: "Good emperor."

Jiang Yubai smiled: "The Qing Dynasty is different from the modern times."

Partly distracted by the bronze exhibits, he asked casually, "Do you want to be queen?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he froze on the spot.

Jiang Yubai had just assumed that he was the emperor and only wanted one queen, and now he asked Lin Zhixia this question, which indeed caused a lot of ambiguity. He saw a huge bronze furnace and even wanted to squat in the furnace to calm down.

Fortunately, Lin Zhixia didn't notice his mistake. She said seriously, "I don't want to be a queen. I want to be an empress."

"Very good," Jiang Yubai praised, "You are worthy of being the Captain Lin Zhixia."

Lin Zhixia analyzed with him: "In ancient times, when you became a queen, you had to put the emperor first in everything you did. You had no freedom at all. You had to be careful when talking to the emperor. It was not fair at all. The modern royal family... I heard that the rules of the Japanese royal family are very strict. Crown Princess Masako suffered from depression. She only had the opportunity to return to her parents' home to visit her relatives in the ninth year of her marriage to the royal family."

Jiang Yubai responded as he read the introduction of the bronze ware: "You are right."

Lin Zhixia was silent for a few seconds. She looked at his slightly red ears and asked, "Why are you shy again? Did I say something wrong?"

Jiang Yubai lied: "This palace is a bit hot."

"Really?" Lin Zhixia exposed him, "Will the temperature of a palace that preserves cultural relics continue to rise?"

Jiang Yubai did not answer.

Lin Zhixia reviewed the conversation again and immediately found the key point.

She rolled up Jiang Yubai's schoolbag strap into a donut shape. Then, she said bluntly: "You play the emperor, I play the queen, and we review history together. Is that what you mean?"

Jiang Yubai denied it repeatedly: "No, no, you think too much, let's go to the next palace."

"No, no..." Lin Zhixia repeated his words and reminded him, "In junior high school Chinese class, our teacher taught us that double negation equals affirmation."

Jiang Yubai was unable to defend himself.

He gave up.

He was sure that in some cases, he could not compete with Lin Zhixia.

What shocked him the most was that Lin Zhixia said calmly: "You choose an emperor, and I will play your queen. Don't choose Guangxu, his wives are all more miserable than the other."

During the year Jiang Yubai was studying at the International High School, the teacher organized everyone to perform a play. The teacher took a clip from Shakespeare's "Richard II". Jiang Yubai was responsible for playing "Richard II", with only three lines, a relaxed role. A Chinese girl from the next class who was of Burmese nationality played his queen.

At that time, Jiang Yubai was calm, but now, he felt that the situation was very different.

He stopped her righteously, "This is not good."

Lin Zhixia tilted her head.

Jiang Yubai said: "That kind of relationship is not like that between a tour guide and a tourist, where you can just play around with it."

Lin Zhixia put her hands behind her back.

"I'm not finding fault with you," Jiang Yubai paved the way for her, "I know you trust me and are willing to play games with me, just like when we were little."

"I understand," Lin Zhixia continued, "You mean, we are grown up now and we should pay attention to the boundaries."

"Yes." Jiang Yubai sighed. He and Lin Zhixia walked out of Chengqian Palace, and he said again: "You are indeed very smart."

There is a part of the East Six Palaces that is not open to the public. Lin Zhixia has already seen the open part, so she is full of curiosity about the unopened area. She walked to a secluded corridor and found a courtyard with closed doors and windows. The courtyard door is made of pure wood. Due to its age, the wood has faded and is covered with a thin layer of light white ash.

The gap in the door is about ten centimeters wide, through which you can see the scenery in the courtyard.

Lin Zhixia bent down and moved closer to the crack in the door.

Jiang Yubai asked her: "What did you see?"

"No one has been to this place for many years," Lin Zhixia described. "There are two big trees inside, with thick fallen leaves on the ground. Behind the big trees is a house with black windows. I don't know what's inside."

The wind was cold and gloomy here, so Jiang Yubai suggested, "Then don't watch it."

"Yeah!" Lin Zhixia agreed obediently.

She secretly asked him: "Is this a cold palace?"

Jiang Yubai has never paid attention to the history of the harem.

In his impression, there would be a sign hanging in the cold palace with the words "cold palace" written on it.

Lin Zhixia told him: "As long as the emperor is tired of a concubine, the place where the concubine lives will be the cold palace."

Jiang Yubai commented: "The harem system is quite complicated."

Lin Zhixia said: "The emperor may not remember all of his wives, and the wives he forgets will always live in the cold palace."

Jiang Yubai stepped over a fallen leaf and walked to Lin Zhixia's side: "I remembered our script "Changes."

Lin Zhixia smiled. She and Jiang Yubai wandered around for a while and then went to the back garden. Here, Lin Zhixia asked a passing scenic spot staff to take a few photos of Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai.

It was 2:50 in the afternoon, ten minutes before 3:00. Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai had not eaten lunch, but they were thinking about other things and forgot about lunch for a moment.

When Lin Zhixia realized what was happening, the feeling of hunger was like a flood, sweeping away all her thoughts. She suggested, "Shall we go out for dinner?"

"Okay, I'll call the driver." Jiang Yubai took out his cell phone.