Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 74: Werewolf


Jiang Shaoqi fell into a passionate love.

For three whole months, Jiang Shaoqi had not touched the violin. He traveled around the world with Jessica. He gave his first kiss and first night to Jessica. In Jiang Shaoqi's opinion, he was already Jessica's, his heart and soul belonged to her, and it didn't matter whether they got married or not.

Jessica insisted on having a wedding, and Jiang Shaoqi certainly didn't object. They set a wedding date and solemnly met with both sets of parents. They stayed in Singapore for half a month, then returned to Beijing and moved into the mansion of Jiang Shaoqi's father.

It was not until this time that Jiang Shaoqi remembered his nephew.

He hasn't contacted his nephew for a long time.

As the best uncle in the world, Jiang Shaoqi wanted to make it up to Jiang Yubai. When he learned that Jiang Yubai was about to take the IELTS test, he immediately jumped out and said, "My dear nephew, uncle will send you to take the IELTS."

Jiang Yubai said coldly: "Thank you, I have a driver."

Jiang Shaoqi put his arm around Jiang Yubai's shoulders and said, "Xiao Jiang, uncle is traveling outside and bought you a lot of gifts. Jessica also asked about your academic performance. We all care about you very much."

"Uncle," Jiang Yubai said after he made his new discovery, "you are talking about Jessica every three sentences now."

Jiang Shaoqi immediately corrected his nephew: "Xiao Jiang, she is your aunt, don't call her by her full name, just call her aunt."

Afterwards, Jiang Shaoqi described his and Jessica's travel experiences with great interest. They prayed in temples in Chiang Rai, Thailand, walked around the Taj Mahal in India, and visited every blue-roofed church on the Greek island of Santorini... Jiang Shaoqi described his future wife like this: "She is the bow and I am the string. There is a shadow of her in my music."

Once upon a time, Jiang Shaoqi was a person who boasted all the time.

And now, Jiang Shaoqi has become a man who mentions his wife all the time.

Jiang Yubai felt a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Yubai even suspected that his family genes contained the element of being "easily blinded by love."

Fortunately, Jiang Yubai is different from his father and uncle. Jiang Yubai will never be blinded by love. He hopes that when he grows up, he will be a calm, self-controlled, mature and rational man, and make steady progress step by step to achieve career success and win Lin Zhixia's recognition.

Jiang Yubai was clearly aware of this - he sincerely hoped for Lin Zhixia's praise and encouragement.

On the day of the IELTS written test, Jiang Yubai sent a text message to Lin Zhixia: "I'm going to take the IELTS."

Lin Zhixia replied immediately: "Okay, okay! You are the best!"

Jiang Yubai was very happy. He wrote furiously in the IELTS exam room, and his thoughts flowed freely. The boy sitting next to him was in a daze the whole time. Later, the boy simply adjusted his sitting position and watched Jiang Yubai write his composition.

The pencil in Jiang Yubai's hand seemed to have life, a soul was born in this huge examination room. The tip of the pencil rubbed against the answer sheet, making a "swish" sound - this was the cry of the strong, representing the strength close to full marks.

Jiang Yubai had practiced writing English characters. His handwriting was neat, even, and smooth. The candidate sitting next to him glanced at him and was amazed. Jiang Yubai had just finished writing the last word.

Over the years, Jiang Yubai has never stopped taking English classes.

The money spent on hiring a tutor was not wasted.

Jiang Yubai sat up straight, put the pen cap on, and thought to himself: It's stable.

After the IELTS written test, Jiang Yubai walked out of the classroom and happened to run into several of his high school alumni. Many of his classmates had signed up for today's test. Someone asked Jiang Yubai how he did, and Jiang Yubai said modestly, "Not bad."

Beijing had already entered autumn. On such a clear, frost-filled, windy autumn day, Jiang Yubai's mood was as bright and open as the sky. He exchanged a few pleasantries with his classmates, took out his cell phone from his schoolbag, and sent a text message to Lin Zhixia: "I have finished my IELTS test, and I did very well."

He waited for a few minutes, and Lin Zhixia replied with a long paragraph: "Great, I knew you would do well in the exam. You are the best! You are always so well-planned and can achieve your goals. You took the exam for nearly three hours, are you tired? You can take a rest first. Eat more delicious food in the evening..."

Jiang Yubai was more concerned about Lin Zhixia: "Are you tired recently?"

Lin Zhixia said that in recent days, the school has launched an investigation into the laboratory accident. Senior Yang Shuwen in their group took the main responsibility, and Tan Qianche and another senior took the secondary responsibility. The school also reimbursed Lin Zhixia's medical expenses. She felt that her foot was almost healed, and she wanted to go back to work in the laboratory.

Jiang Yubai knew that Lin Zhixia was destined to do scientific research. He supported her decision, but repeatedly told her to be careful.

She happily agreed, "Okay! See you next month!"

Jiang Yubai also said: "See you next month."

After Lin Zhixia recovered from her foot injury, she continued to run around campus all day long as usual. She attended classes on time, was diligent in thinking, and often went to the laboratory to study with teachers and seniors, constantly absorbing knowledge. She was able to score high in exams and shine in group cooperation, fully demonstrating her extraordinary mental agility.

Lin Zhixia got to know all the seniors in the quantum computing group. At first, they treated her like a child, but later, most of them were quite polite to her, with a few exceptions, such as Senior Yang Shuwen.

After the explosion in the lab, Yang Shuwen was in a state of panic and thought he would be expelled. However, the school treated him leniently and did not make any cruel decisions, not even asking him to pay compensation.

He decided to devote himself completely and light the torch of scientific research.

He became the most hardworking student. He ate, lived and slept in the laboratory, worked until 11 pm every day, and got up at 5 am to work. Even Tan Qianche looked at him with admiration.

Even so, Yang Shuwen's progress is still not as fast as Lin Zhixia's.

If Yang Shuwen runs into Lin Zhixia, he will most likely take a detour.

He adhered to the principle of "mind your own business" and lived in peace with Lin Zhixia.

However, one day in late November, Yang Shuwen heard that Lin Zhixia had come up with an innovative idea and sent the first draft of her paper to Professor Gu Likai for review.

Yang Shuwen found Tan Qianche and had a chat with him. He had deep self-doubt and couldn't help but sigh: "I saw a sentence on the forum that suits me very well - 'The greatest contribution I can make to the academic world is to quit the academic world', don't you think so?"

Tan Qianche had just returned to the laboratory from outside. He had a natural fragrance and said in a light tone: "I have wanted to tell you for a long time, don't always compare yourself with others, compare yourself more with yourself."

Yang Shuwen murmured to himself: "Lin Zhixia..."

Tan Qianche tried to divert his attention: "My paper citations are much higher than Lin Zhixia's. Stop staring at her and stare at me."

They mentioned the three words "Lin Zhixia". Lin Zhixia, who was not far away, heard their voices, came out of the operating room, and sneaked behind them.

She heard Tan Qianche say: "Pressure is a good thing, it pushes you forward, but you can't let the pressure ride on your neck. You are too nervous, you need to relax, you are an alumnus of Peking University..."

Yang Shuwen said, "Only undergraduates are considered alumni, not masters or doctors."

"You may have spent more time in school than undergraduates." Lin Zhixia interrupted.

Yang Shuwen wiped a cold sweat off his forehead: "I just want to graduate early. Hey, Lin Zhixia, don't talk to me. I get scared when I see you."

Lin Zhixia didn't understand where his fear came from.

Lin Zhixia wrote down what she saw and heard in the laboratory and sent it to Jiang Yubai. Jiang Yubai replied to Lin Zhixia by text message, saying that they could bring Yang Shuwen along when they went on an autumn outing the day after tomorrow.

Jiang Yubai believes that Yang Shuwen is the culprit of the last explosion. Yang Shuwen must adjust his mentality and stop blowing up the laboratory and threatening Lin Zhixia's life. For this reason, Jiang Yubai is willing to sacrifice his personal time to personally untie Yang Shuwen's knot.

Jiang Yubai had figured out how to rebuild his self-esteem when he was nine years old. He would pass on his way of thinking to Yang Shuwen.

He said to Lin Zhixia, "The day of the autumn outing is Sunday, you can invite a few more doctoral students."

Lin Zhixia first consulted the class monitor and the league secretary. When they heard that a doctoral student had joined, they responded positively. The class monitor even called the quantum computing laboratory and sincerely invited those top seniors to participate in the autumn outing.

The squad leader invited Tan Qianche by accident.

Tan Qianche kindly took Yang Shuwen with him.

Yang Shuwen accepted Tan Qianche's invitation like a shy young wife.

The outdoor temperature was low at the end of November, but it could not stop the enthusiasm of young people. Lin Zhixia's classmates and their friends gathered together in a barbecue restaurant near Shangzhuang Reservoir. Everyone was talking and laughing, and it was very lively.

A few days ago, the reservoir was filled with rain. Willow trees on the bank were drooping, branches were falling, and the air was filled with autumn mist after the rain. From a distance, the lush reeds were surging in the wind, as vast and boundless as smoke. The silhouettes of willow trees, reeds, and flying birds were reflected on the water, interweaving a profound scene.

The secretary of the Youth League branch in Lin Zhixia's class suddenly stood up.

The secretary of the Youth League branch turned his back to the reservoir and greeted everyone: "Seniors in the quantum computing group, friends from other schools, hello, my name is Ji Bohan..." He said vaguely as if he was exhaling, "I am the secretary of the Youth League branch of this class."

As soon as Ji Bohan finished speaking, Lin Zhixia applauded and cheered for him: "Secretary Ji! Secretary Ji!"

Led by Lin Zhixia, her three roommates followed suit and shouted, "Secretary Ji!"

These are some of Ji Bohan’s few supporters.

Ji Bohan cherished this opportunity to speak publicly. He cleared his throat and suggested, "All the students in our class, please introduce yourself... Who are the students from other schools that you are bringing with you today?"

In order to set an example for the public, Ji Bohan held his girlfriend's hand and said, "This is my relative, from Renmin University, she studies insurance."

Lin Zhixia's roommate Yuan Wei asked loudly, "How many years have you been dating?"

The classmates all laughed. Ji Bohan and his girlfriend raised their hands to cover their mouths to hide the embarrassment on their faces. Ji Bohan rubbed his chin and admitted: "We started dating in the second year of high school. I was the top student in the science class, and she was the top student in the liberal arts class."

Ji Bohan’s girlfriend said rather embarrassedly: “I didn’t do well in the college entrance examination. I wanted to go to Guanghua School of Management…”

Ji Bohan quickly said, "Blame me, blame me. I called your house the night before the college entrance examination."

Their first love appearance attracted Tan Qianche's attention. Tan Qianche held a can of beer and lowered his head to set up a barbecue stall.

Tan Qianche didn't speak, and the several seniors from the quantum computing group who were present today didn't speak either. As a result, the atmosphere was inexplicably stagnant.

Lin Zhixia stood up bravely. She said, "I brought my best friend, Jiang Yubai!"

Jiang Yubai stood next to Lin Zhixia and introduced himself briefly: "I am Jiang Yubai, a sophomore in high school..."

Before Jiang Yubai finished speaking, Ji Bohan interrupted and asked, "How old are you?"

"He is the same age as me." Lin Zhixia answered proudly.

Jiang Yubai is taller than many undergraduates. Jiang Yubai's looks and temperament are the best in the audience, and senior Tan Qianche can't compare to him. He was born to be the center of attention.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Jiang Yubai, but he didn't care at all. He sat next to the barbecue grill and called out, "Lin Zhixia, come over here. It's warmer here."

Lin Zhixia dragged a small stool over.

The classmates started chatting in groups of three or five. Someone walked up to Tan Qianche and deliberately approached the seniors in the quantum computing group. All the seniors gave their contact information, but Tan Qianche refused again and again.

Yang Shuwen asked him quietly, "Hey? Tan Qianche, you are... a playboy, you are so extravagant, you don't give it to a girl who asks you for your phone number?"

Tan Qianche took a sip of beer, feeling slightly tipsy. “Who said I was a playboy? I have comforted so many lonely girls. The International Humanitarian Organization should give me an award.”

Yang Shuwen did not comment and shook his head.

The owner of the barbecue restaurant heard that they were college students and treated them well. They ordered vegetables, lamb, beef, sausages, chicken wings and other ingredients, and the owner also gave them sweet potatoes and green peppers as gifts.

The students sat in several circles and grilled their own food. The aroma of food wafted everywhere, and the tender beef and mutton were grilled to a sizzling sound, emitting wisps of white smoke, which quickly dissipated and the smell became stronger and stronger.

The barbecue stove had been used for many years and was covered with a layer of mottled rust. Ji Bohan held a pair of pliers and gently scraped the edge of the stove, scraping away the rust dust. He smiled and said, "It's just like the stove at my house."

Lin Zhixia said, "I also have a stove at home, and I light a fire at home every winter."

Yuan Wei said: "Oh, my family used to have a heated kang..."

Jiang Yubai couldn't join in on the topic. He silently picked up a plate, picked up a few grilled dishes, sprinkled some seasoning on them, and handed the plate of food to Lin Zhixia.

Ji Bohan's girlfriend pouted and said, "Bohan, look at them."

Jiang Yubai tried to smooth things over, "I'm not hungry, so I just picked up a plate of food."

"Don't you want to eat anything?" Lin Zhixia asked him quietly.

He immediately said, "I'm just about to eat."

In fact. Before going out today, Jiang Yubai had a lunch in advance. When he heard that the barbecue would be held outdoors, he couldn't accept it - Jiang Yubai's mild mysophobia did not allow him to eat barbecue outdoors in the dust. But he didn't want Lin Zhixia to think he was picky. He calmly picked up a bunch of sweet potatoes.

In the cold and bleak autumn wind, Jiang Yubai took a small bite of the sweet potato, chewing it slowly and not too fast. He ate the sweet potato like truffle caviar. Ji Bohan watched his movements and suddenly suggested: "Let's play Werewolf."

Lin Zhixia's roommate Feng Yuan had never played Werewolf before. Feng Yuan immediately agreed, "Okay, let's play Werewolf."

Ji Bohan stood up and shouted, "Anyone want to play Werewolf?"

Tan Qianche responded: "Take me with you!"

Yang Shuwen said with gritted teeth: "I'll come too!"

Lin Zhixia shouted excitedly: "I want to play too! I want to play too!"