Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 75: Nash equilibrium


There are twelve people participating in this game of Werewolf.

Ji Bohan brought a deck of Werewolf cards. He showed the cards and introduced the rules of the game to everyone.

Ji Bohan said that Werewolf is a round-based game, with each round divided into "day" and "night". Each player must speak during the day and describe his or her identity in words. Then, everyone must vote and kill the most suspicious player.

Based on the results of the card draw, players will be divided into two camps - the good camp and the werewolf camp.

There are eight people in the good camp - four villagers and four gods. Among the gods, there is a witch, a guard, a prophet and a hunter.

In the good camp, villagers have no special skills. Witches can revive a player or kill a player. Guards can protect a player from being killed every night. Hunters will shoot another player after they die. And the prophet can check the true camp of a player every night.

The opposing werewolf camp includes three ordinary wolves and a wolf king. They can kill anyone at night. The wolf king can even bite a player to death at will before committing suicide.

"How do we determine the winner?" Jiang Yubai raised his hand and asked.

Ji Bohan said solemnly: "If all four villagers die, or all four gods die, the werewolves will win. If all the werewolves die, the good guys will win."

"I understand!" Lin Zhixia was the first to express her opinion.

Ji Bohan asked again: "Senior, do you understand?"

Yang Shuwen was confused by what he heard.

Just as Yang Shuwen was about to say that he didn't understand, Tan Qianche burst into laughter: "Such a simple rule, there is no way we can't understand it, right, Yang Shuwen?"

Yang Shuwen responded awkwardly: "Hahahaha, yes."

"Okay!" Lin Zhixia clapped her hands, "Let's draw the cards quickly."

Ji Bohan asked the monitor of his class to be the referee of this game. The monitor took on the role of referee. He randomly distributed twelve cards to many players and put a number plate on each of them.

Twelve players sat around the stove. The flames in the furnace crackled, and occasionally a few sparks flew out, dispelling the chill of late autumn.

The squad leader held a kebab in his hand and paced back and forth: "It's getting dark, it's the first night, good people, close your eyes. Guards, who are you going to guard tonight? Okay, guards, please close your eyes... Werewolves can open their eyes now, who are you going to kill?"

After the squad leader finished speaking, Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai opened their eyes at the same time.

Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai sat next to each other. They confirmed each other's companions, and then looked around and found that Lin Zhixia's roommate Feng Yuan was the wolf king, and Yang Shuwen was the other wolf.

The moment Jiang Yubai saw Yang Shuwen, he felt that this game would be very difficult, because Yang Shuwen's eyes were blank and innocent, full of the confusion of doing evil for the first time.

Yang Shuwen pursed his lips and pointed his finger at Tan Qianche.

He wants to kill Tan Qianche.

The reason is simple—Tan Qianche is very smart. He is in the good camp, and saving his life will cause endless trouble.

Lin Zhixia nodded to show her agreement.

Unfortunately, Tan Qianche became a sitting duck. On the first night of the game, he was bitten to death by a pack of ferocious wolves.

The squad leader witnessed Tan Qianche's demise. He sighed silently in his heart and said, "The night is not over yet, werewolves please close your eyes, and prophets please open your eyes."

Yuan Wei is Lin Zhixia's roommate and the holder of the "Prophet" card. When she heard the monitor's voice, she immediately opened her eyes wide and glanced at the other players suspiciously. She checked Ji Bohan's identity, and the monitor made a gesture to her, proving that Ji Bohan belonged to the good camp.

Among the twelve players present, Ji Bohan had the most gaming experience. Ji Bohan and Yuan Wei were on the same side, which made Yuan Wei feel that she had a sure win. She smiled with a determination to win.

The monitor continued, "Prophet, please close your eyes, witch, please open your eyes. Someone died last night. Witch, you have one chance to save someone, and one chance to kill someone."

Ji Bohan's girlfriend happened to draw the witch card. She nodded and saved Tan Qianche on the spot.

The squad leader raised the mutton skewer high. While chewing the delicious mutton, he said in a loud voice: "It's dawn. No one died last night. Now let's start the election for sheriff. The voting coefficient of ordinary players is 1, and the voting coefficient of sheriff is 1.5... Anyone want to run for sheriff?"

Ji Bohan, Ji Bohan's girlfriend, Tan Qianche, Jiang Yubai, Feng Yuan, Yuan Wei and others all raised their hands.

Lin Zhixia sat quietly on the chair, happily eating grilled chicken wings. She raised her head slightly and met Ji Bohan's scrutinizing gaze. She blinked her eyes, acting innocent and harmless.

According to the order of the number plates, Ji Bohan was the first speaker.

Ji Bohan frowned and said seriously: "I am a prophet. Last night, I checked Lin Zhixia and found that she is a wolf. Tonight I will check players number seven and eight. If number seven is a good person, he will be given the position of sheriff."

Player number seven is none other than Senior Yang Shuwen.

Lin Zhixia was bitten to death by Ji Bohan and his identity as a werewolf was revealed, and Yang Shuwen was also included in the list of suspects.

Lin Zhixia's heart was filled with alarm bells, and she couldn't help but think: Ji Bohan is indeed a senior player. How could he see through my cover-up? Did my facial expression betray me

Lin Zhixia had many plans, but she still didn't stop eating the chicken legs. The roasted chicken legs were so delicious that they reminded her of the braised chicken legs her mother made. She bit off a small piece of chicken and didn't seem to be affected by Ji Bohan.

Next, it was Tan Qianche's turn to speak.

Tan Qianche thought for a moment and said, "I'm a novice. This is my first time playing this game. From the perspective of Nash equilibrium, a wolf running for sheriff will gain more. The wolf pack will definitely elect their accomplices as sheriffs. If Lin Zhixia is a wolf, why didn't she run for election? Lin Zhixia is good at math and speaking, right? If she runs for election, she will have a better chance of winning."

The more Tan Qianche analyzed, the more he felt that what he said made sense.

In order to cover up the real prophet, Tan Qianche lied: "Everyone, I am the prophet. I checked number 10 last night. Number 10 is a good person and is very likely a witch... By the way, someone died last night. The dead person is most likely a werewolf. The werewolf committed suicide at the beginning, so that the witch can no longer save people. Werewolves, this move of yours is too vicious."

When he said this, Feng Yuan's mouth twitched.

Tan Qianche's senses were very sharp. He caught the changes in Feng Yuan's facial expressions. He immediately said, "Feng Yuan, your face moved. Are you nervous? I suspect you are a wolf. You are a mathematics student and have studied game theory. You must know that if a sheriff emerges from a wolf pack, your chances of winning will increase. You are running for sheriff. You are too suspicious. I suggest that everyone vote you out in the first round."

Feng Yuan's breathing was almost stagnant.

She didn't expect Tan Qianche to have such a sharp vision.

As a wolf, she might not survive the first round.

Tan Qianche finished his speech. He curled his lips and smiled, full of confidence.

At this time, Jiang Yubai pretended to be fair and impartial, and speculated in a steady voice: "Player No. 1 Ji Bohan is not a prophet. Ji Bohan said that he has played Werewolf many times. He also said that a prophet should give a reason when checking a person. You just heard that Ji Bohan only said two sentences, and none of his suspects participated in the sheriff election..."

Jiang Yubai's target was Ji Bohan.

Ji Bohan remained calm in the face of danger and leaned quietly against the back of his chair.

Jiang Yubai looked at Ji Bohan and said calmly, "You don't give any reason and believe that number seven can take over your job. Number four is a werewolf. Were you chosen by the wolf pack to be the sheriff? The wolf pack can tell who is a good guy and who is a bad guy. I suggest that the real prophet test your identity tonight."

Afterwards, Jiang Yubai analyzed Tan Qianche's remarks. He said that the positions of Tan Qianche and Feng Yuan were both questionable. Finally, he claimed to be a hunter. If the prophet did not check Ji Bohan, Jiang Yubai would take Ji Bohan away after his death.

Jiang Yubai's logic is clear and well-organized.

He also drew a clear line between himself and Feng Yuan.

Ji Bohan’s girlfriend thinks that Jiang Yubai and Tan Qianche are not good people.

The first thing Ji Bohan’s girlfriend said was: “Jiang Yubai’s logic is so smooth. Why are Tan Qianche and Jiang Yubai targeting Ji Bohan?” She paused before saying: “Someone died last night…” She subconsciously glanced at Tan Qianche.

Lin Zhixia noticed her look.

Lin Zhixia finished eating the chicken wings and took a napkin to wipe her hands. While she was wiping her hands, Feng Yuan also made a statement. Feng Yuan's performance was quite standard, neither like a good guy nor a werewolf.

After Feng Yuan, Yuan Wei, the last player to run for sheriff, made an impassioned speech: "Ji Bohan is a good person, and his girlfriend is also a good person. I'm not lying to you, I'm really a prophet. I checked Ji Bohan last night..."

Yuan Wei said a lot. She believed that Tan Qianche and Feng Yuan were the most likely to be in collusion. She also suspected that the person who came back to life last night was Tan Qianche. Tan Qianche and Feng Yuan were probably ordinary wolves. Tan Qianche claimed to be a prophet and sacrificed a wolf teammate to confirm his fake identity.

Yuan Wei repeatedly emphasized that the guards must protect her tonight and she would check Tan Qianche.

After this round of elections, everyone voted.

To Yuan Wei's surprise, Tan Qianche was elected with a high vote and became the police chief.

Yuan Wei was completely confused.

Feng Yuan, however, showed a happy smile.

Then, Feng Yuan blew himself up without hesitation: "I am the Wolf King! I want to commit suicide and take her away!"

Feng Yuan extended his index finger and pointed at Ji Bohan's girlfriend.

The wolf king's self-destruction is equivalent to automatic withdrawal from the competition.

Before the Wolf King retires, he can bite any player to death.

Ji Bohan's girlfriend was forced to leave.

Unfortunately, the good guys lost a witch.

Feng Yuan chose to self-destruct and quit the game without consulting any of her wolf teammates. She killed the witch, which meant that her three wolf teammates had to find the real prophet, hunter, and guard as soon as possible.

The situation on the field became tense, and the squad leader spoke in a deep voice: "The sheriff election is over, and the second night has arrived."

In this round of killing game, Lin Zhixia pointed at Yuan Wei without hesitation.

Yang Shuwen wanted to stop Lin Zhixia. He shook his head vigorously and gestured silently - tonight, Yuan Wei would be protected by the guards, and the werewolves would not be able to bite Yuan Wei to death.

Jiang Yubai hesitated a little. He clenched his left hand and did not express his opinion.

The squad leader urged, "You still have ten seconds to discuss."

Lin Zhixia grabbed Jiang Yubai's wrist. She looked at him for three seconds, and he followed her advice. There were only three members left in the wolf team. Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai reached an agreement, and Yang Shuwen's objection was invalid, so the wolf pack began to attack Yuan Wei.

That night in the game, the cold and suspicious guardian chose to protect himself.

In the cold autumn wind, the monitor announced with a sigh: "Alas, Yuan Wei is gone."