Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 80: Foresee


There is a screaming groundhog in Jiang Shaoqi's heart.

His wife was still gazing at him with loving eyes.

He turned slightly, glanced at Jiang Yubai, and then looked at the piano case, hoping that Jiang Yubai could understand his deep meaning.

Jiang Yubai was his nephew, and he had inherited the genes of his family. He must be a smart kid who was very good at reading people's expressions. As long as Jiang Yubai picked up the piano case and handed it to him, there would be room for his wedding to go around.

However, Jiang Yubai sat upright in his seat and did not notice Jiang Shaoqi's inner anxiety.

The lights were on Jiang Shaoqi's head, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his palms. He tried to pretend to be calm and delivered his wedding speech. The bride Jessica looked at him lovingly from beginning to end. He knew that next, the MC would let them exchange rings and kiss in public.

Jiang Shaoqi wanted to skip the "exchanging rings" step and directly kiss his wife in public.

However, no matter how he winked at the emcee, the emcee just went ahead with the process: "Mr. Jiang Shaoqi, Ms. Jessica Yeung, today is the starting point of your happy marriage. Your fate started even earlier. Jessica met Jiang Shaoqi for the first time at a concert twelve years ago..."

Jiang Shaoqi's arm was held by his wife.

If he wanted to pick up the ring himself, he had to let go of his wife's hand first.

In public, at a solemn wedding, Jiang Shaoqi let go of his wife's hand - this kind of behavior is definitely not something he could do.

Jiang Shaoqi had a stiff smile on his lips. His mind was blank, and he didn't know how to deal with the next situation. It didn't matter if he was embarrassed alone, but he was afraid that he would bring Jessica into disgrace as well.

Jiang Shaoqi looked a little dazed.

Jiang Yubai noticed his uncle's abnormality. He was just wondering when Lin Zhixia asked, "When your family holds a wedding, will you hide the ring in a place where it is not easy to be found?"

"What?" Jiang Yubai didn't understand.

Lin Zhixia told him: "Three minutes ago, I saw your uncle put a diamond ring in the violin case."

Jiang Yubai was so shocked that he was speechless.

Lin Zhixia was absolutely certain: "Really, I remember every scene clearly."

Yesterday morning, Jiang Shaoqi did not leave the ring when he was rehearsing in the auditorium. Jiang Yubai guessed that his uncle had let him down. He finally understood why his uncle had been staring at him just now, because his uncle hoped that he could give the ring to him.

Jiang Yubai asked in a low voice: "How is uncle going to smooth things over?"

Lin Zhixia held her chin with both hands and responded, "Uncle took the wedding ring out of the violin case and put it on Jessica's hand. Jessica is the soulmate he has been looking for for many years, his forever beloved wife, and his inseparable other half of life. Oh, and add this sentence, without music, there would be no past for him, and without Jessica, there would be no future for him."

Time waits for no one, Jiang Yubai immediately stood up from his seat. He walked to where the violin case was, picked it up, and walked up the glass steps step by step. The surrounding light was dim, and he did not attract the attention of the crowd. Most of the guests were watching the bride and groom.

Jessica is a Singaporean Chinese who speaks fluent Chinese, but some of her relatives grew up in the United States and only understand English. Therefore, the emcee on stage will first speak in Chinese and then translate it into English - this buys Jiang Yubai enough time.

When the emcee said, "Please ask the bride and groom to exchange rings..." Jiang Yubai pretended to be a best man and walked slowly to Jiang Shaoqi's side. He lowered his head slightly and presented the violin case with both hands.

Jiang Shaoqi was deeply moved.

His love for his nephew was really not in vain!

Jiang Shaoqi stepped slightly to the side, and Jiang Yubai quietly repeated Lin Zhixia's words.

Jiang Shaoqi was stunned. He took out a diamond ring from the violin case, and the delicately cut pink diamond sparkled.

The MC was very experienced. He improvised and asked on behalf of the audience: "Hey, why did the groom take out the ring from the violin case?"

After Jiang Yubai left the stage, Jiang Shaoqi picked up the microphone and began to perform on the spot: "I am a violinist. Violin was my only pursuit in life until I met you."

Jessica looked at him.

He paused before saying, "You are the soulmate I have been searching for for years, the wife I will always love, and the inseparable other half of my life."

Her eyes were filled with tears, reflecting the dim light.

He said emotionally: "Twelve years ago, we met at a concert. Music brought us together. I am grateful to the violin. Without music, there would be no me in the past. Without you, there would be no me in the future. Jessica, thank you for marrying me."

Jessica blinked, tears welling up in her eyes. She revealed a shocking secret: "I have liked you for twelve years..."

Jiang Shaoqi put the ring on her ring finger. She clenched his fingers and looked up to kiss him. There was a long and warm applause in the audience. Jessica's parents were very satisfied with their son-in-law.

Lin Zhixia clapped vigorously in the audience: "That's great!"

Jiang Yubai sighed: "Thanks to you."

Lin Zhixia clapped her hands and replied, "It's a small matter. I'm glad your uncle's wedding is not affected."

Jiang Yubai turned around again and said to his parents, "Thanks to Lin Zhixia."

There were several silver lamps on the table, emitting soft light. The light cast a shadow on the side of my mother's face. Her tone was still gentle: "Thank you very much. Thank your friend for us."

Jiang Yubai frowned. Lin Zhixia responded directly: "You're welcome. Thank you for your hospitality. The food today is super delicious."

Lin Zeqiu covered his forehead. He obviously didn't want Lin Zhixia to continue talking, but Lin Zhixia spoke sincerely: "The weddings I attended before were all open-air. The groom's parents would slaughter pigs and sheep in the yard and give the guests red eggs and brown sugar buns... Have you ever eaten brown sugar buns?"

Jiang Yubai had indeed never eaten it. He asked, "What is that?"

Lin Zhixia explained: "Literally, steamed buns made with brown sugar."

"Can you do it?" Jiang Yubai asked again.

"I can learn." Lin Zhixia said confidently.

Jiang Yubai praised: "You learn things quickly."

Lin Zhixia suddenly said modestly: "No."

Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai kept chatting. Neither of their families interrupted them.

The waiter started serving the dishes in batches again, and Lin Zhixia got the strawberry cake she had been longing for. She took one bite and said, "The strawberry cake is so delicious."

Jiang Yubai revealed: "I prepared a box of strawberry milk cake for you, you can take it back... and eat it in the evening."

Even though his parents were sitting next to Jiang Yubai, he did not hide his relationship with Lin Zhixia. He believed that he and Lin Zhixia maintained the boundaries of friendship.

The long wedding banquet ended at around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Zhixia received a gift, said hello to Jiang Yubai, then held her brother's hand and left the auditorium.

Jiang Yubai, his parents, grandparents, and father walked into the side door of the auditorium.

The side door led to a spacious lounge, where Jiang Shaoqi and his wife Jessica settled down. Jiang Shaoqi held a plate of cake and fed Jessica a bite. When he saw his relatives, he quickly put the cake on the table and shouted, "Dad, Mom, Big Brother, Big Sister-in-law..."

Jiang Yubai stood in front of the French window. Jiang Shaoqi walked behind him again and asked him, "Xiao Jiang, how did you know I left the ring in the violin case? Did I have good eyesight and let you guess it?"

Jessica was talking to her parents and didn't pay attention to Jiang Yubai and Jiang Shaoqi.

Jiang Yubai looked around and said, "Lin Zhixia has a strong memory. She saw your actions. She reminded me that your ring was left behind."

Jiang Shaoqi praised repeatedly: "Xiao Lin is a little genius. Not only is he smart, but he is also so helpful. He is just like your uncle. By the way, if it weren't for her today, I would have been so embarrassed."

Jiang Yubai echoed: "That's right."

Jiang Shaoqi said with a smile: "Xiao Jiang, your uncle is a broad-minded person. I sent a wedding invitation to my opponent, but of course I didn't expect him to come..."

Disputes will arise in any circle of interests, and the same is true for the music circle that Jiang Shaoqi is in. Jiang Shaoqi has a sworn enemy whom he has known for many years. That person often comments on Jiang Shaoqi's piano skills in public, saying that Jiang Shaoqi only has trivial skills and is not worthy of being in a high-class place.

Jiang Shaoqi crossed his arms and said fearfully, "If I make a fool of myself, he will laugh at me for years and even write a column in the newspaper to mock me."

"You didn't embarrass yourself," Jiang Yubai analyzed objectively, "Most of the guests were quite touched, including Jessica's parents."

Jiang Shaoqi corrected: "Don't call her Jessica, she is your aunt."

Jiang Yubai asked again: "Doesn't she have a Chinese name?"

"Yes," Jiang Shaoqi introduced, "Her Chinese name is Yang 嬟. I sometimes forget how to write this character 嬟."

Jiang Yubai kindly reminded: "Don't let her know your educational level."

Jiang Shaoqi glanced at his nephew reproachfully: "My education level is really no different from your father and your grandfather."

Jiang Yubai remained silent.

Jiang Shaoqi put his arm around his shoulders and said sincerely, "Thank you, Xiao Jiang and Xiao Lin. You responded quickly and helped me a lot. Although Jessica doesn't care about it, I can't let her embarrass herself in public. I feel relieved when I put the ring on her hand."

"Why did you..." Jiang Yubai asked politely, "You used to like practicing the piano so much, but then you suddenly shifted the focus of your life?"

Jiang Shaoqi thought about his nephew's question seriously. After a long while, he finally said, "It's not a shift in focus. I still practice the piano every day. Xiao Jiang, you don't have to beat around the bush with your uncle. You just want to ask me why I fell in love, right?"

"Yes." Jiang Yubai replied briefly.

Jiang Shaoqi smiled and said, "You will understand when you grow up."

The sky outside the window was boundless, with clouds floating in the vast blue sky. Jiang Shaoqi looked into the distance and said to himself, "You don't have to wait too long... In a few years, you will understand."

Jiang Yubai said, "In a few years, I should be able to work in a company."

Jiang Shaoqi recalled the past: "Did your father talk to you about work? During the summer vacation when your father was 18 years old... he was thrown into the company by your grandfather for internship. At that time, our family opened a new factory in the south, and your father had just become an adult. He had a lot to learn. He was busy from morning to night. I was glad that he was ten years older than me. I didn't expect that it would be your turn so soon. Xiao Jiang, uncle has only one thing to say, cherish your relaxed life now."

Jiang Yubai talked to his uncle about his career plan. The uncle and nephew had a good chat. His uncle also asked Jiang Yubai if he had ever made any investments. Jiang Yubai suddenly remembered the "Lin Jiang" robot he and Lin Zhixia had collaborated on.

For Jiang Yubai, his college entrance examination will be in mid-May this year.

To apply for an undergraduate degree at a British university, you need to have an IELTS score and an A-level score - the former is an international English proficiency test, and the latter is equivalent to the British college entrance examination. The full score of IELTS is 9 points, and Jiang Yubai scored 8.5, which is considered acceptable, but he does not expect a full score.

Since January this year, Jiang Yubai has been studying for the college entrance examination and has no time to play with robots. He sent "Lin Jiang" to Lin Zhixia's home and agreed to make "Lin Jiang" again during the summer vacation. However, before the winter vacation was over, Lin Zhixia showed Jiang Yubai a walking Lin Jiang during a QQ video chat.

Lin Zhixia closed the bedroom door tightly. Her room was a mess, with a pile of tool boxes on the floor. She pushed all the furniture to the corner, leaving a space for the robot to move forward step by step on the floor.

The robot has a camera on its face, and the video is transmitted to a computer. Lin Zhixia sent a screenshot of the desktop, along with a copy of the "Operation Guide for Making Lin Jiang". She said happily, "Look, the basic functions of the robot have been realized! The codes of several modules need to be adjusted, and the data analysis speed is slow. I plan to connect to a cloud server cluster."

Jiang Yubai opened the "Operation Guide for Making Lin Jiang" and read it patiently for a few seconds. He whispered, "It feels like I'm reading a paper."

"Maybe it's because..." Lin Zhixia came up with a reason, "I wrote this using latex."

Latex is a document typesetting system that is very popular in the academic community. Lin Zhixia always uses Latex when writing documents.

Jiang Yubai rarely uses latex. He avoided the topic and said, "You have completed the basic functions of the robot. We will continue to work on it during the summer vacation."

Lin Zhixia hesitated: "Jiang Yubai..."

Across the computer screen, Jiang Yubai's heartstrings tightened: "What's wrong?"

Lin Zhixia said in one go: "I can't play with you this summer. I received an email from Professor Gu. I will go to Los Angeles, USA for a meeting in July, and visit Cambridge, UK and Munich, Germany with seniors in August. I have the opportunity to visit their laboratories, and I am looking forward to it. There are many smart students in Professor Gu's group. Some of them have published three papers in half a year, but I haven't had any papers published yet..."

Before Jiang Yubai even got to Cambridge, Lin Zhixia was already preparing to go abroad. Jiang Yubai was one month older than Lin Zhixia... Fortunately, Jiang Yubai had long been accustomed to this gap, and he could even comfort Lin Zhixia: "Your senior has studied a few years longer than you. After a while, you will be able to catch up."

Lin Zhixia was burning with fighting spirit: "I will work hard with you."

Jiang Yubai smiled. He imitated her usual tone and replied, "Okay, okay."

Lin Zhixia blushed: "Why do you always imitate me?"

Jiang Yubai didn't know the exact answer.