Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 84: Curse


It was windy and rainy today, the sky was dim and unclear, the lights were on in several teaching buildings on the university campus, raindrops were flying obliquely in the dim light, the air was moist and cool, and it actually had the artistic conception of the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

Lin Zeqiu's hair and clothes were soaked by the rain. He was carrying two suitcases and walking quickly ahead. His father called him, "Qiuqiu, don't worry. Qiuqiu, come back. Dad will help you with your luggage."

Lin Zhixia shouted, "Brother! I can help you carry your things too!"

Lin Zeqiu turned around and glanced at her: "A gust of wind can blow you away."

Lin Zhixia hugged her mother's arms with both hands: "No, I'm standing very steadily."

Lin Zeqiu looked at her coldly: "You are clinging to your mother very steadily."

"I didn't pester my mother." Lin Zhixia argued stubbornly.

Lin Zeqiu couldn't help but ask her: "Do you think you look like a college student?"

Lin Zhixia let go of her mother's arm and said calmly, "No one is perfect. Everyone has shortcomings. One of my shortcomings is that I still like to act like a spoiled child at the age of fifteen. I am not mature enough, but I don't hinder others, so I don't plan to correct it."

Lin Zeqiu realized that his tone just now was a bit fierce, which aroused his sister's rebellious psychology. He didn't want to argue with her anymore, so he just gave in: "As long as you are happy."

Lin Zhixia took her mother's arm again: "Mom, do you find me annoying?"

Mom said softly, "Silly child, how could your parents find you annoying? You and your sister are both in college now, but in your eyes, you haven't grown up yet. You are still the same as when you were a child."

Dad continued: "Our Xia Xia is only fifteen years old. She hasn't grown up yet. She just went to school a little early..."

The father always felt proud when he looked at his children. His ancestors had never produced a scholar in the past 18 generations, but his son and daughter were admitted to famous universities. This news had spread in their hometown a long time ago. Everyone said that the old Lin family's ancestral graves were full of smoke. His relatives and friends called to ask for advice on his educational methods.

What kind of parenting methods did he have? He barely disciplined the children.

When Lin Zhixia was less than three years old, she knew more words than her father. At the age of four, Lin Zhixia could read classical Chinese and tell stories to her father.

The father recalled the appearance of his daughter and son when they were young, with a smile on his face, and he was cheerful to everyone. He held an umbrella in his hand, with the handle tilted towards Lin Zeqiu, to protect his son from the wind and rain. He also said: "Qiuqiu is 18 years old, and is going to college. Qiuqiu has grown up."

Lin Zeqiu's fingers were bruised by the heavy object. He stopped, wiped his face, and said, "You and mom wait another four years, and I will be able to make money, more than 100,000 yuan a year, and buy us a big house with a big living room and a long sofa in the living room..."

He half lowered his head and talked incessantly.

Lin Zhixia looked up at him, and when she heard him express his simple wish, her heart suddenly felt sour and bitter. She thought of her home in the provincial capital, the walls and floors that were damp during the rainy season, the old water pipes wrapped with waterproof tape, and the power system that was prone to tripping in the summer.

"I'll be responsible for buying the house!" Lin Zhixia suddenly announced.

Her mother smiled and asked her, "How old are you? Your brother is an adult after all."

Lin Zhixia said without hesitation: "In three years, I will be an adult. I have applied for early graduation. After I graduate from college in 2012, I may go to Cambridge to study for a doctorate. Cambridge has a quantum computing experimental group. The professors in that group conduct research in mathematics, physics, chemistry... Interdisciplinary studies, which is the direction I want. I will finish my doctorate before my brother graduates from university."

After Lin Zhixia finished speaking, Lin Zeqiu was stunned. He stood still at the door of the boys' dormitory.

The damp cotton T-shirt stuck to his back, and he felt a lump in his stomach, and his whole body was uncomfortable. He took a deep breath, picked up the suitcase and ran up a few stairs. Lin Zhixia was still praising him: "Wow, brother has a really good physique, he will definitely get full marks in the college physical examination."

The dormitory building was bustling with people, and busy parents could be seen everywhere. They actively took care of their sons, but Lin Zeqiu's situation was the opposite - he didn't let his parents help him pack. He made his bed skillfully and peeled two apples for his parents to eat. He didn't give any to Lin Zhixia because Lin Zhixia was not interested in apples.

Seeing how independent he was, his parents soon felt relieved.

That evening, Mom and Dad and Lin Zhixia said goodbye to Lin Zeqiu and set off on their journey home. Mom and Dad also sent Lin Zhixia to the gate of her university and waved goodbye to her outside the school.

She was like a bird that had left its nest for a long time, remembering the shelter given by her parents but unable to fly back to her old nest. She stood there quietly, waiting until her parents were far away, before turning around and stepping into the university gate.

The rain was getting lighter, and water drops were sliding down from the eaves, dripping into the puddles, creating ripples. Looking at this scene, Lin Zhixia remembered that when she was nine years old, she had a fever after receiving the hepatitis B vaccine. Her parents took her to the hospital overnight. She was on the hospital bed with an IV drip, and the only sound in her ears was the patter of the night rain.

Lin Zeqiu came to Beijing and lived very close to Lin Zhixia. He would ask Lin Zhixia out every week, meet her, and treat her to a meal at a nearby snack bar.

Lin Zhixia had already achieved financial freedom. She could live comfortably just by relying on the scholarship.

Lin Zeqiu's college living expenses were paid by his parents, 1,000 yuan a month, directly into his bank card. His daily expenses were very small, except for buying books and eating, there was almost nothing else to spend. He didn't play games, didn't buy new clothes, and didn't fall in love - although there were several girls in their school who were chasing him very hard.

Lin Zeqiu couldn't help but worry, "Is anyone harassing you at school?"

Lin Zhixia was eating a grilled chicken wing. She answered vaguely: "What harassment?"

Lin Zeqiu thought of the bold and straightforward speech of his female classmate. He frowned tightly and asked, "Is there anyone who insists that you be his boyfriend?"

Lin Zhixia wiped her mouth: "Boyfriend?"

Lin Zeqiu clenched the Coke bottle tightly: "I made a slip of the tongue."

"Haha, I'm afraid it wasn't a slip of the tongue," Lin Zhixia exposed him mercilessly, "Is there a girl in your school chasing you and wants you to be her boyfriend? Brother, you are eighteen years old, and you will be nineteen soon. You can have a relationship."

Lin Zeqiu said, "What a waste of time."

His cold and stubborn tone could not stop Lin Zhixia's curiosity: "Do you know why girls like you? Do you believe in love? Do you think the consciousness of two people can match each other?"

Lin Zeqiu avoided the topic: "Don't talk about these useless things. Spend more time on your experiment. Didn't you say that you want to finish your undergraduate studies within three years?"

"Yes," Lin Zhixia leaned back in her chair, "I've been very busy lately, going to the lab almost every day."

Lin Zeqiu started his old-fashioned preaching again: "That's right, you should study more in school..."

He spoke a long string of words, and Lin Zhixia listened absent-mindedly. She knew that young men and women would have some budding feelings and an ignorant yearning for "soul mates", and even she herself could not escape this curse - why was this

Lin Zhixia wanted to find someone to discuss this issue with her, and Jiang Yubai seemed to be the best candidate. He was gentle and patient, knowledgeable, tolerant, clear-minded and agile, and he was Lin Zhixia's favorite person to chat with.

One night in late October, when Lin Zhixia and Jiang Yubai were chatting via QQ video, Lin Zhixia suddenly asked him without any preparation: "If someone likes you, do you know why she likes you? Do you believe in love? Do you think the consciousness of two people can match each other?"

Why does she like you

Do you believe in love

Do your consciousnesses match each other

A ray of light seemed to be stimulated on the desktop computer screen. The light fell into Jiang Yubai's eyes, and his thoughts were blown into chaos, as if he had experienced an unprecedented cosmic explosion.

He picked up the glass and took a sip of yogurt.

He acted very calm.

In the past few months, Jiang Yubai's tutor summarized the interview questions, answering strategies and psychological tactics of Cambridge for him. The tutor had taught in Europe for many years and was familiar with the interview process of Cambridge and Oxford. He not only expanded Jiang Yubai's thinking, but also taught him a set of methods to treat people.

Jiang Yubai knew that Lin Zhixia was asking for his opinion and waiting for his answer. She didn't have any romantic thoughts or inclinations to talk about love. He couldn't let her discover... his current state of mind.

Jiang Yubai showed a serious attitude for the interview. He raised his head, looked at the screen, and answered fluently: "The following is my personal understanding. If I like you, 'like' is a verb, expressing my wish..."

"What wish?" Lin Zhixia interrupted.

Jiang Yubai said: "I want to stay with you."

Lin Zhixia held her face with both hands: "We are together now, we are good friends."

"Yes," Jiang Yubai agreed, "We are indeed friends."

Before Jiang Yubai opened his mouth, he had prepared himself mentally. He should avoid talking about his feelings towards Lin Zhixia. The more he talked about the topic of "love", the easier it would be to expose himself. He knew nothing about "love" itself, and was just blindly walking on the road of love with his courage.

Lin Zhixia didn't notice his psychological changes. She analyzed the meaning and possibility of "soulmate" with him from a philosophical perspective. Perhaps it was her illusion, but tonight he looked at her with extra concentration, and her thinking speed slowed down, almost melting in his gaze.

She had only spoken halfway about "soulmates" when she forgot what she was going to say.

She then asked about Jiang Yubai's interview.

Jiang Yubai said that he would probably attend the interview in December this year.

The elimination rate in interviews was high, and he was not 100% sure.

"I have a feeling you'll pass," Lin Zhixia told him, "I plan to apply for a PhD at Cambridge, and we can spend two years there together."