Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 92: CQE


Lin Zhixia flew towards the podium like a gust of wind.

Just as the security guard was about to stop her, Teacher Gu stepped forward and said, "She is my student and can represent our group."

Another student nearby said, "Teacher Gu, Lin Zhixia is still a sophomore undergraduate student... If you don't let me teach, I have been studying with Tan Qianche for more than two months."

Teacher Gu waved his hand, signaling the student to keep quiet. He handed the microphone to Lin Zhixia and whispered, "Go, get on stage."

Lin Zhixia held the microphone and walked up the stairs.

The lights focused on her head. She stood in front of the PPT screen, straightened her body, and introduced herself: "Thank you, it's a sincere pleasure. My name is Zhixia Lin and I am from the Superconducting Circuits and Quantum Input Group."

Next, she planned the content of this speech: "we will begin with a brief introduction the group research, followed by an introduction the workm workprinceton university has proven that can bihe spin qubits with circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture [1]. will demonstrate a superconducting circuit performed with josephson junctions using circuit quantum electrodynamics architecturescontrol the quantum coherenceperforming the qubit state tomography... ."

Yang Shuwen had traveled abroad with Lin Zhixia before, and he had seen Lin Zhixia's foreign language skills. But he did not expect that Lin Zhixia could fluently summarize the recent work content of the entire team without any preparation.

Yang Shuwen gasped: "Lin Zhixia's English pronunciation is so clear, words are linked together, stress is placed on the syllables, it feels like I'm listening to a tape."

Wei Ruoxing sincerely praised: "She used polite and formal words, and her attitude was also good."

Yang Shuwen listened for a while, feeling excited and overwhelmed: "Lin Zhixia memorized Tan Qianche's paper. She remembered it clearly."

"She didn't memorize the paper," Wei Ruoxing said firmly, "She understood it."

Yang Shuwen clenched his hands: "It's amazing, she is really amazing."

"The future is limitless." Wei Ruoxing echoed.

Wei Ruoxing and Yang Shuwen sat in the same row. They stared at Lin Zhixia intently and listened to her brief description of the experiment.

The reporter held the camera and pointed it at Lin Zhixia. The teacher and students looked at Lin Zhixia with concentration and calmness. In such a formal occasion, Lin Zhixia was extremely alert and explained the contents of each page of the PPT.

She was speaking very smoothly until she saw the second to last PPT.

On the second-to-last PPT, there are only four line graphs, no formulas, and no text explanations.

The title of this PPT is “future work”, which means “future work”.

Generally speaking, lab reports for science and engineering will include a "future work" module, where the author will look forward to future development routes. However, Tan Qianche did not mention "future work" in his paper, nor did he talk about it with anyone else. The content of this PPT was completely new and unfamiliar, and had nothing to do with the previous article. Tan Qianche's fellow students were all stunned.

what to do

Lin Zhixia raised the microphone.

There was silence in the lecture hall.

The awkward silence was lengthening.

A foreign boy sitting in the third row suddenly raised his hand. Lin Zhixia thought he could explain the line chart on the PPT.

However, this foreign boy made the situation worse.

He asked bluntly: "Excuse me, would it be possible for you to explain a little bit more about how to set the experiment parameters?"

What this sentence means is, could you explain how to set the experimental parameters

Yang Shuwen's face changed: "The four line graphs on the PPT have no names or ranges. Who knows how Tan Qianche did his new experiment?"

Wei Ruoxing revealed: "That foreign boy is a classmate of ours. He asks a lot of questions and likes to argue. He can embarrass young lecturers."

Yang Shuwen hated this kind of student the most in his life. He could only pin his hopes on Lin Zhixia: "Hey, can Lin Zhixia come up with it?"

"It's too difficult." Wei Ruoxing said.

Wei Ruoxing had one thing she didn't say - she couldn't even guess the experimental parameters of those pictures, so how could she force Lin Zhixia to have an epiphany? Lin Zhixia was only fifteen years old, and she should grow up slowly under the guidance of her mentor.

Lin Zhixia was stumped by the foreign boy's question. The books and journals she had read over the past decade, the experiments and projects she had experienced, all left real images in her mind, and those images exploded in an instant, making her thoughts chaotic, as if she was blinded by a puff of white smoke.

She changed direction and faced the other side of the PPT.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered that before going on stage, she glanced at the order of today's students. The next student to give a speech will talk about artificial intelligence... Lin Zhixia suddenly understood.

Lin Zhixia assumed several sets of input data and calculated it again in her mind. Sure enough, the trend of the line graph matched. She immediately announced that the four line graphs on the PPT were the simulation training results of "quantum deep learning".

She explained on the spot how to use image trends to infer the parameter types and parameter ranges of "quantum deep learning".

Lin Zhixia summarized the algorithm from the simplest to the most complex, combining it with Tan Qianche's work content. Her voice never stopped, because no one in the audience disturbed her, and everyone was a loyal listener.

After the speech, the audience burst into warm applause, especially from her seniors. Yang Shuwen smiled and felt proud of it. She told the students around her, "That's Lin Zhixia. Lin Zhixia is in the same group with me. She is the youngest, smartest and most promising person in our group."

Wei Ruoxing was about to join in the conversation when a teacher she knew stood up. The teacher asked Lin Zhixia a few questions, and Lin Zhixia answered them easily. After she finished answering, she smiled at everyone, and her smile was sweet and beautiful.

At noon that day, the "North American Academic Exchange Conference" came to an end.

Lin Zhixia followed Gu Likai, Yang Shuwen and others out of the lecture hall.

The sunshine outside is bright and abundant, and everywhere you look, there is clear blue sky and white clouds.

Gu Likai walked in front with his hands behind his back. His hair was gray, and he was tall and thin, but a little hunched. He took a few steps slowly and suddenly said, "Tan Qianche has a project that he has been working on for several years, but has not completed. Lin Zhixia, I will give his project to you."

Lin Zhixia hesitated: "Is this okay?"

"Okay," Teacher Gu said, "You have studied experiments and theories for more than a year. Previously, I trained you according to the standards of a doctoral student, which narrowed your path. You are more resilient than your senior brother Tan..."

Lin Zhixia said to herself, "Isn't Senior Brother Tan's resilience good enough?"

Teacher Gu smiled and personally revealed his apprentice's past: "Your senior brother Tan came to my laboratory in his first year of undergraduate studies. He was eighteen years old that year, had an impatient temper and lacked patience. He probably didn't tell you that he also blew up the laboratory."

Tan Qianche blew up the laboratory!

Lin Zhixia was so surprised.

Teacher Gu did not elaborate. He simply summarized the content of the topic and asked Lin Zhixia to write a proposal report for the paper within a week and send it to his email address.

At today's North American Academic Exchange Conference, Lin Zhixia saved the entire group that Tan Qianche was in and left a deep impression on international friends. Yang Shuwen was particularly grateful to Lin Zhixia and took the initiative to plead for Lin Zhixia: "Teacher Gu, one week is too tight, please give our junior sister Lin a little more time..."

Teacher Gu told him: "One week is too tight for you, but it's just right for Lin Zhixia."

Yang Shuwen was hit by an arrow in the heart.

Lin Zhixia did not refuse. She accepted this arduous task and even took time out to go to the hospital to inquire about the progress of Tan Qianche's research project.

While lying on the bed receiving an IV drip, Tan Qianche told Lin Zhixia about his research results.

Lin Zhixia asked in surprise: "So, you have already written one-third of it. Are you willing to give this topic to me?"

"I'm stuck at one-third of the way through," Tan Qianche said weakly, "I gave up on this project a long time ago."

Lin Zhixia sat beside his bed and added, "I still have my own research tasks. I'm not sure if I can finish so many things. I want to proceed step by step. I just learned how to break a big framework into several small goals."

Tan Qianche said, "You don't need it."

He tilted his head, his eyes were deep, and he spoke calmly: "You are still young, you have plenty of time, don't set your goal to publish papers, set your goals to content and results. It's not too late for you to sharpen your sword for ten years."

Lin Zhixia blinked.

The light in the ward was extremely dim, and the bed sheets and quilt covers were pure white without a speck of dust. Tan Qianche lay motionless, looking exhausted, with his short black hair scattered across his forehead. A mere cold, for him, was like a serious illness that drained his bones and marrow.

He closed his eyes and said slowly, "You were very anxious for a while last year. Don't think I'm better than you. When I was 18, I didn't know as much as you do now. I studied for eight years to get to where I am today. You only studied for one year, and you want to surpass me. Aren't you too naive? After all, I am also an outstanding alumnus of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School Archives."

There was no one around except the two of them.

Lin Zhixia spoke out her true feelings: "When can I..."

Before she finished her sentence, Tan Qianche had already guessed what she meant.

Tan Qianche's throat became dry and he laughed hoarsely: "Soon, soon. I estimate that within six years, you will be able to make a great contribution that will shake the world."

Lin Zhixia hesitated to speak.

What she actually wanted to ask was why Tan Qianche hadn’t made any earth-shaking contributions in six years

Tan Qianche looked into her eyes and read her inner thoughts. He said, "You won't be as useless as me. I stayed in the dormitory alone, and occasionally I felt a little self-loathing, so I went out to have fun. The more fun I had, the more I hated myself, forming an endless loop in the program, and in the end I got nothing. You are still young, don't learn from me. In the next six years, you should focus on academics and don't let anyone interfere with you. You are born to do scientific research, God has given you a job, and your talent cannot be wasted."

The last sentence seemed to be addressed to Lin Zhixia, but also to himself.

Lin Zhixia remembered the widely circulated rhyme of the Provincial No. 1 Middle School. She recited: "Tan Qianche, Grade 18, passed every subject with full marks, easily won the Olympic championship, extremely talented and ambitious..."

Before she finished reading, Tan Qianche interrupted and said, "That's all in the past. High school is too far away from me."

"It's a pity," Lin Zhixia said frankly, "You are a very smart person. However, academics are not the whole meaning of life. Experience and knowledge are more important."

Tan Qianche raised his right hand and covered his eyes with the back of his hand: "When we first met, you said I was not a good person. Now, what kind of person do you think I am?"

"He's not a good person." Lin Zhixia commented consistently.

Tan Qianche laughed quietly, and as he laughed, the back of his hand was stained with tears. He revealed: "The jingle you just said was made up by your senior sister Wei. Don't mention jingles in front of her, don't make her angry."

He closed his eyes tightly, thinking of Wei Ruoxing. His complex and wonderful feelings were like the yellow sand on the beach, which looked fresh and solid, but turned into dirty residue when stepped on.

Lin Zhixia had a very busy March this year.

She has to complete three things every day: write some papers, do group software, and consolidate professional courses.

Senior Wei Ruoxing has already left. She followed her mentor to the United States to continue her studies.

The good news is that the group that senior Wei Ruoxing is in is willing to cooperate with Lin Zhixia, and they have made great achievements in the field of "quantum artificial intelligence."

In addition, Sister Nagano Ayaka from the University of Tokyo also frequently contacts Lin Zhixia and sends her emails every month.

Lin Zhixia suddenly realized that she had her own international academic network.

It's incredible.

At first, she just wanted to get to know more doctoral students.

In comparison, undergraduate seniors are somewhat inferior.

For example, senior He Shangqing who is in his third year.

He Shangqing and Lin Zhixia were in the same "software engineering" group. Last month, they had a quarrel in a coffee shop, and Jiang Yubai threatened He Shangqing with a recorder, which frightened He Shangqing so much that he ran away on the spot.

Lin Zhixia thought that He Shangqing would mend his ways, just like his three roommates.

Unfortunately, Lin Zhixia was wrong.

He Shangqing was very bold. He no longer attended group meetings and did not reply to Lin Zhixia's messages.

Lin Zhixia was furious and wrote a very long email to the teaching assistant of "Software Engineering". She also went to the School of Physics to look for someone. As soon as He Shangqing finished the class and took a step out of the classroom, Lin Zhixia called him: "He Shangqing!"

Lin Zhixia's tone was extremely fierce.

He Shangqing carried his schoolbag and completely ignored her, ignoring her completely.

Lin Zhixia asked, "Why didn't you attend the group meeting and reply to our messages? Are you going to drop the software engineering course?"

He Shangqing stretched lazily: "I have said everything I wanted to say. You recorded it, listen to it a few times. You can hand the recorder to the teacher, or I can drop out of school."

He Shangqing is about 1.9 meters tall, which is really too tall.

Lin Zhixia raised her head and looked at him for two seconds.

Two seconds later, Lin Zhixia smiled and said, "You are threatening me again. I have told you before that I hate it most when people threaten me. You have chosen quantum computing and quantum information science this semester... The teaching assistants for these two courses are my colleagues."

"Can you make me fail the exam?" He Shangqing was angry and amused.

Lin Zhixia said, "No, I will tell them about your situation and let them give you the privilege of being in a group when they divide the groups."

Quantum computing teachers are very busy, and undergraduate students' homework is usually graded by teaching assistants. If you offend a teaching assistant, you will basically suffer a lot - He Shangqing knows this clearly. So, his attitude took a 180-degree turn.

He no longer opposed Lin Zhixia.

He actively participated in group activities, agreed to everything, and was willing to learn everything, but he just didn't write a line of code. He was sure that Lin Zhixia could make the entire program perfect, and he didn't want to do extra useless work.

At the same time, Lin Zhixia was still concentrating on studying.

She was really too busy. She usually contacted Jiang Yubai and only sent him a few text messages, such as "Good morning", "Time to go to bed, good night", "Have you had lunch?", etc.

At first, Jiang Yubai's answer was also very simple.

Later, he often wrote a long paragraph, successfully inducing Lin Zhixia. Lin Zhixia couldn't help but call him and ask him what he was doing recently. When she heard that he was involved in the investment field, she was very surprised: "You started investing at the age of fifteen?"

Jiang Yubai added: "Invest under the supervision of your parents."

Lin Zhixia was very curious: "How much is your capital?"

Jiang Yubai kept his mouth shut: "Not much."

Lin Zhixia insisted on asking for a number: "How many digits is it?"

Jiang Yubai changed the subject: "In two months, our school will hold a high school graduation dance. Can you attend?"

Lin Zhixia stopped pursuing the investment amount. She began to think about the "prom" issue. She pondered, "Should I wear a dress for the prom? I need to buy a suitable dress. What color tie will you wear?"

"Deep red," Jiang Yubai said, "or light red, the color of strawberries."

Lin Zhixia didn't expect that he was still thinking about Strawberry at the high school graduation party.

Lin Zhixia has watched several European and American youth campus movies. In those movies, the male and female protagonists attach great importance to high school graduation parties.

Jiang Yubai was attending an international high school. Lin Zhixia felt that the customs of international high schools were similar to those of European and American schools, so she had to prepare well. She said seriously, "Okay, I'll go buy a light red dress."

Jiang Yubai lowered his voice. His voice was very pleasant and magnetic, as if it had been polished by sandpaper. In a single breath, it penetrated her mind. He asked her, "Can I help you prepare a skirt and shoes?"

"Okay... okay." Lin Zhixia agreed.

Through the phone, she heard him laugh.

He asked again: "When can I pick you up from school?"

"Why did you pick me up?" Lin Zhixia was a beat slow to react.

Jiang Yubai's Adam's apple rolled. He said, "Come to my house to measure your size and make clothes."

Lin Zhixia thought thoughtfully: "Is it the kind of expensive, high-end custom-made handmade skirt and shoes?"

Jiang Yubai said sincerely: "The skirt and shoes are not expensive. They are just your foil."