Genius Girlfriend

Chapter 96: First contract


Five digits!

Five figures is a lot of money.

Lin Zhixia was already moved.

She was about to agree when she remembered that her teaching assistant said that this software could be sold for six figures.

Lin Zhixia mustered up her courage and bargained: "Last month, we were hacked and the backend of the program crashed. I worked for a month straight, modifying the code every day to check for loopholes and fill in the gaps. My information security management solution... is very special and incorporates some mathematical techniques. If you want to buy out my copyright, a six-figure price is more reasonable."

After Lin Zhixia finished speaking, the whole place fell silent.

The two managers from the Internet company discussed in a low voice for a moment, but they did not reject Lin Zhixia. They only said that they would discuss it with Lin Zhixia in detail after class.

Lin Zhixia was about to participate in a business negotiation. She was a little nervous, fearing that she would ask for too high a price and ruin the deal.

She stood on the podium pretending to be calm, waiting for comments from the teacher and teaching assistants. The teacher and teaching assistants praised her and wished her success in selling the copyright of the software.

Then, following the scoring process, the teacher began to ask in detail about the group's division of labor and cooperation.

The teacher of the software engineering course was named Wang Zihuan. Teacher Wang had very high grading standards and was very strict with his students. Even though Lin Zhixia's software was recognized by the technical staff of the Internet company, Teacher Wang did not show any leniency.

Teacher Wang asked directly: "I heard from the teaching assistant that your group cooperation encountered some problems, is that right?"

Lin Zhixia admitted: "Yes."

Teacher Wang said earnestly: "Children, you should not only learn technology, but also learn how to cooperate with others."

Luo Ying immediately explained: "Teacher, He Shangqing didn't reply to our messages and didn't attend the group meeting. We wanted to cooperate with him, but he didn't give others a chance."

In front of so many people, Luo Ying did not hesitate to expose the secrets of others, which He Shangqing had never expected. Then, Teacher Wang asked him targeted questions. Teacher Wang asked him what codes he had written, what work he had completed, and what technical difficulties he had overcome.

He Shangqing hesitated and said, "I wrote the user login and registration..."

"Is there only this one module?" Teacher Wang asked again.

The teaching assistant added with a smile: "Just this one small module, He Shangqing dragged it for more than three months."

Teacher Wang looked at He Shangqing and asked, "What did you learn in our course?"

Teacher Wang held a "Personal Evaluation Sheet" in his hand. He wrote a "d" in the "Technical Practice" column for He Shangqing.

He Shangqing caught a glimpse of the teacher's handwriting. He knew that if he confessed, he would fail. In desperation, he pressed his hands against his trouser seams, raised his head and chest, and explained: "Lin Zhixia changed my code... She is not satisfied with my work."

Lin Zhixia was well prepared.

She responded: "Teacher, He Shangqing's code is very short, only forty lines in total. The code is wrong and cannot be run directly. He has never come to me or discussed technical issues with me. I have already reported the situation to the teaching assistant."

He Shangqing retorted: "I have studied for more than three months..."

Teacher Wang interrupted and said, "It's almost time. You can go back first. Next group, please hurry up and demonstrate the program on stage."

Lin Zhixia walked down the stage briskly, not taking He Shangqing seriously at all. She found a seat and sat down, then sent a text message to Jiang Yubai, asking him how to sell the software at a high price.

Jiang Yubai replied immediately: "What is your ideal price?"

Lin Zhixia: “One hundred thousand.”

Jiang Yubai: "Don't express your opinion yet, wait for the other party to make an offer. If they offer more than 100,000, then consider the next step."

Lin Zhixia: "Their offer is over 100,000, so I'm going to agree to it."

Jiang Yubai: "First ask clearly whether they want a buyout license. After we discuss the details, read the contract carefully."

Lin Zhixia: "Okay, do you have any other tips to share with me?"

Jiang Yubai held the phone, his fingertips resting on the screen. After a few seconds, he sent a message: "I will send the skirt and shoes to your school this Saturday. Try them on to see if they fit."

Lin Zhixia suddenly realized that the skirt and shoes were ready!

She was looking forward to it and quickly responded to him: "Okay, okay! See you at the school gate at 8 o'clock on Saturday morning!"

Jiang Yubai also said: "See you there."

Lin Zhixia's eyes sparkled with a smile. She flipped through their chat history over and over again, reading it word by word in her mind, imagining his demeanor and expression as he typed... Luo Ying suddenly asked her, "Who are you chatting with? Why are you so happy?"

Lin Zhixia answered without any reservation: "Jiang Yubai."

Luo Ying propped her cheek with one hand: "You and Jiang Yubai are almost sixteen years old, right?"

"Yes," Lin Zhixia said truthfully, "In two or three months, he and I will both be sixteen years old."

Lin Zhixia and Luo Ying’s conversation didn’t last long before the melodious bell for the end of get out of class rang throughout the corridor.

A manager from an Internet company called Lin Zhixia's name.

Lin Zhixia ran over. Before she could stand still, the other party quoted her a price: "We have read your software report and found your technology to be excellent. The price we are negotiating is 240,000. Can you accept it?"

Two hundred and forty thousand

Lin Zhixia was slightly stunned.

The manager thought he had said too little. He turned around and talked to Teacher Wang. The teaching assistant also joined in and said, "Lin Zhixia is a student of the School of Mathematics. Our school's mathematics and physics majors rank first in the country, better than the university next door. The algorithm that Lin Zhixia came up with is relatively novel. If we organize it, we may be able to apply for a national patent. The subsequent development is quite good."

The manager was worried that Lin Zhixia would raise the price. In order to lower the price, he could only say: "Lin Zhixia upgraded a chain hash algorithm, which saved the program's computational effort. Her system architecture is still the traditional method. Considering the stability of her system, it is not as good as our intern's work."

Lin Zhixia remembered Jiang Yubai's instructions and immediately asked, "Excuse me, do you want a buyout license?"

Lin Zhixia only said this, but the manager looked hesitant. He went out to make a phone call and came back a few minutes later. This time, he restrained his smile and said very formally: "Lin Zhixia, I won't argue with you. To be honest, I have negotiated with my superiors, and we can only offer 400,000 at most. That's it. It really can't be higher. What we value is your database algorithm and your information security algorithm. The software itself is not within our scope of investigation..."

The last sentence is actually a lie.

Lin Zhixia's software themes, designs and creativity are all things that the company attaches great importance to.

Lin Zhixia didn't think about it. She jumped in front of the manager and said, "Four hundred thousand? One price, no regrets?"

The manager smiled gently: "Will you regret it?"

Lin Zhixia was about to answer when Jiang Yubai's instructions flashed through her mind again. She imitated Jiang Yubai's attitude and said politely, "Thank you for your approval. Let's discuss the details after I finish reading the contract."

The manager said yes repeatedly.

That afternoon, the manager rushed to the school with several colleagues, the printed contract, and the lawyer from the company's legal department. They couldn't wait to find Lin Zhixia and discuss every clause in the contract with her.

After Lin Zhixia confirmed the contents of the contract, she called Jiang Yubai again. She could recite the legal terms, but she knew almost nothing about real business—real business was hidden in reality and originated from the interactions between people, and she lacked relevant experience.

Jiang Yubai answered her call quickly. Since the Internet company bought the copyright of the entire software, Jiang Yubai asked Lin Zhixia to write the contribution of the team members into the contract and distribute the copyright fee according to each person's contribution percentage.

Except for He Shangqing, all other team members were present.

Lin Zhixia calculated that the background of the software was basically written by her alone. She wrote 80% of the Apple and Android apps. The rest of the work was given to senior Luo Ying. The other three seniors only wrote the front-end of the web version - Lin Zhixia also corrected a lot of errors for them.

Lin Zhixia said honestly: "Senior Luo Ying did more than 20% and the three of you together did 10%."

The three seniors didn't expect that they could get a share of the money. They knew their actual workload, so they didn't say anything and acquiesced to Lin Zhixia's distribution method, and even felt a little grateful to her.

Luo Ying said, "I'll give you my 20%. I'm not short of money."

"No," Lin Zhixia said firmly, "I want to give you 30 percent."

Luo Ying smiled brightly: "If it weren't for you, I would have scored at most 80 points in this course. You helped me get a high score and you want to give me money. I feel bad. You are still my junior, several years younger than me. How about this, you give me 10%, just a token of your appreciation. A hundred thousand dollars makes no difference to me."

Luo Ying said in a calm tone, "Hundreds of thousands make no difference to me," shocking everyone present.

The Internet company's lawyer asked, "Have you discussed how to change it?"

Luo Ying answered first, "I am willing to give up all my shares and let Lin Zhixia take 90%. As for the other three people, let them take 10%."

Lin Zhixia gently advised her: "Senior sister, you don't want a penny? You have worked hard for three months..."

Luo Ying gently put her arm around her shoulders: "I know how hard you work. Have you slept well these days? You got dark circles under your eyes last month. The 400,000 yuan copyright fee is all your hard-earned money. Compared to you, I'm not tired at all. I just did it for the score. I just said that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even get 90 points. You have been my programming teacher for three months, I can't not show some appreciation."

Lin Zhixia wanted to say a few more words, but Luo Ying's attitude was unusually firm.

The deep friendship between Lin Zhixia and Luo Ying impressed the other three seniors in the software group - however, they could not give up their shares completely, so they only agreed to give Lin Zhixia 10,000 yuan.

Therefore, the final terms of the contract clearly stated: Lin Zhixia received RMB 370,000, and the other three seniors received RMB 10,000 each, totaling RMB 400,000 in copyright fees, which was bought out in one go.

Lin Zhixia looked at the contract, her heart filled with emotions, and she signed her name solemnly.

A few days later, Lin Zhixia received a text message notifying her that RMB 370,000 had been deposited into her account. She was so excited that she almost fell off her chair. After nearly a minute, she calmed down, picked up her schoolbag, and went out happily.

Lin Zeqiu has been under a heavy study burden recently. The final exams of their school are scheduled for late June, and Lin Zeqiu has been studying hard but still cannot cover all the knowledge points.

Lin Zeqiu was sitting in the library in a daze when his phone suddenly started vibrating and the screen displayed three words: "Mom-clinging". He answered the phone, walked out of the study room, and asked, "Lin Zhixia, what's up?"

Lin Zhixia urged impatiently: "Brother, come out quickly, I'll be waiting for you at the gate of your school, I have a gift for you."

Lin Zeqiu felt strange.

Today is not an important holiday, nor is it his birthday. Why did Lin Zhixia give him a gift? Is it a secret code

Lin Zeqiu clutched his cell phone and ran to the school gate at the fastest speed in his life. When he saw Lin Zhixia standing outside the door in good health, he slowed down again.

He walked slowly towards Lin Zhixia.

Lin Zhixia held a box in both hands: "A new phone! For you! It's 2011, the era of smart phones has arrived, and my brother is still using Nokia, which is too inconvenient. You can use your smart phone to download software, look up words, and make memos..."

Lin Zeqiu asked her: "How much is this?"

"Four thousand yuan." Lin Zhixia said.

Lin Zeqiu's fingers grasped the packaging box. He lowered his head and asked her in a hoarse voice: "Where did you get so much money? Let me ask you."

Lin Zhixia said confidently: "I earned the money myself. I sold the software I made. You can see the news on our school's official website."

Lin Zeqiu didn't reply for a long time.

Lin Zhixia waved to him and said, "Brother, I have other things to do. I'm leaving now. You can continue to review for the exam!"

Lin Zeqiu called out to her: "Lin Zhixia!"

Lin Zhixia turned her head: "What are you doing?"

Lin Zeqiu sighed. He walked closer and touched her head. His palm was very warm and gently rested on the top of her hair. He said, "Don't be too tired, don't always think about making money. I'll take care of the housework, you just focus on your research."

My brother can actually say such things!

It must be because the gift was well given!

Back then, Lin Zhixia gave her brother an Easter egg, and her brother gave her little penguin a bath that night.

Lin Zhixia suddenly realized and continued, "Brother, after I got the money, I immediately went to the mall and bought you a mobile phone. I know you are reluctant to spend money on yourself, but you deserve all the good things. Brother, when I make a lot of money, I will let you and mom and dad live a good life."

Lin Zhixia's series of sweet words made Lin Zeqiu turn his head slightly away. He pretended to be indifferent: "What are you talking about all of a sudden? Study hard and don't think about those nonsense."

Lin Zhixia pointed out in surprise: "Your eyes are a little red. Are you moved to tears by me? Brother, it turns out that you are so easily moved."

Lin Zeqiu sneered coldly: "How is that possible?"

He turned around and said, "Okay, you have something to do, right? Let's talk some other time. I'll go find you for dinner."

Lin Zhixia smiled and replied: "Okay! Bye!"

After parting with Lin Zeqiu, Lin Zhixia called Jiang Yubai and asked him to come out and play.

Jiang Yubai and Lin Zhixia haven't seen each other for more than a month. Jiang Yubai originally planned to go to Lin Zhixia's school this Saturday to deliver her custom-made clothes and take a walk and chat with her.

And now, Lin Zhixia invited him out in advance, and he just happened to come to bring her clothes.

The first thing Lin Zhixia said when she saw him was: "Jiang Yubai, I have good news for you."

Jiang Yubai and Lin Zhixia sat on a bench by the roadside. The warm breeze of early summer brushed her hair and the bright sunlight shone into her eyes. She slowly leaned close to his ear and whispered to him, "I've made money and want to buy you a gift, but I don't know what you need."

Jiang Yubai was about to speak when Lin Zhixia sighed softly. The air flowed across his ear tip, like a soft feather scraping his skin. His breathing was disordered, but his words were still calm: "You don't have to spend money on me. You have given me many gifts..."

"Do you like them all?" Lin Zhixia asked him.

"Yes," he admitted frankly.

He picked up two gift boxes and handed the custom-made clothes to her: "Your skirt and shoes."

Lin Zhixia hugged the bag tightly: "I'll go back to the dormitory to try it on."

Jiang Yubai said: "If it doesn't fit, they will modify it."

It was the first time that Lin Zhixia received a tailor-made dress and shoes, and she had no idea what the standard of “fit” was.

She carried the gift box back to the dormitory, opened the bag, and marveled at the fabric and workmanship of the skirt - the material was very fine and light, and the inside of the chest was already made into underwear. She squatted on the ground and observed the skirt for ten minutes before taking off her clothes and putting on the skirt.

Just at this time, Deng Shasha and Feng Yuan came back from outside. As soon as they entered the dormitory, they met Lin Zhixia. Deng Shasha was shocked and murmured to herself: "Oh my God, the fairy has descended on our dormitory."