Genius Strategy Theory [Holographic]

Chapter 10


Hong Guoguo turned her head and shouted over there, "Open the box and let's publish the book."

The Taoist priest was standing right in front of the box. "Could it be that a downgraded boss really appeared?"

Hong Guoguo walked over with a normal expression, "No, although this kind of box is prone to contain junk, it can occasionally contain good materials. Summoner, would you like to open it? This box may also contain Evergreen Wood."

Su Mo's eyes moved slightly. This Hong Guoguo was deliberately doing him a favor.

He didn't show it on his face, and asked in a natural tone, "Just open it, right?"

The swordsman waved his hand, "Big Boss, you can open it as you like."

The box was as high as a man's knee and its design was very simple. As Su Mo opened the box, he saw a flash of red light passing before his eyes, which was extremely dazzling in the copy environment dominated by black and white tones.

[Congratulations to the player for triggering the guardian angel [Stone Soul]]

Sumo blinked.

Swordsman: “…”

Hong Guoguo: “…Fuck!”

The Taoist girl was stunned in place, and saw the red light transformed into a huge stone monster standing high up. "Wow, did we trigger a hidden boss? A guardian god has appeared!!"

Hong Guoguo: "It's over."

Su Mo was puzzled: "Huh?"

Taoist priest: “Eh?”

The swordsman stepped back in fear, "Sister, what kind of guardian angel is this? This is the legendary monster that causes a level drop!!"

The guardian boss is also called the downgrade boss in the Tianhuan game.

A special boss that is transformed based on the dungeon boss. This boss will inherit the basic skills of the original dungeon boss, but all of its stats will become 120% of the original. In short, it is difficult to fight, and will cause level drops upon death. It can be said to be a nightmare for ordinary players.

Su Mo looked up at this behemoth that was several times larger than the previous boss. Apart from anything else, its appearance was several times cooler than before, and it also had a red light, and the color tone was different from the dungeon environment.

The swordsman said, "It's over, it's over. How are the four of us going to fight?"

"Be optimistic." Hong Guoguo looked a little unhappy. "At most, you'll drop 2 levels. At worst, you can die twice and get out."

The Taoist girl asked in confusion: "Didn't you say that you can't give it away if you can't beat it?"

"That's not the case. Wouldn't that mean that players who haven't defeated it will be stuck here forever?" The swordsman explained, "This kind of boss must be defeated. If you can't defeat it, you will be kicked out of the dungeon after dying twice. The boss's level drop mechanism is calculated by the number of times it is defeated, not by a percentage. One death means one level loss, so I just told you, either defeat it or lose two levels."

If you die in the wild, you will lose a fixed percentage of experience each time you die, which is 30% of your current level.

However, the level-down mechanism for the guardian gods in the dungeon is very unreasonable. You will lose a level every time you die. Guardians often appear in high-level dungeons. A group of people will die twice and then start the upgrade journey the next day.

Su Mo paused after hearing this: "Does this boss drop any rewards?"

"To get a boss, we have to clear the level, and the rewards are random. There's a high chance that a low-level boss will get garbage." Hong Guoguo: "According to official data, the probability of getting a boss like this is 0.1%, and Tianhuan has been open for so long, and the level-down boss of Shanshuihua has not been triggered by players. And I'm wearing all lucky gear, so the chance of getting this boss should be lower than 0.1%. This is outrageous. Four people can get a guardian."

Ultimately, this is a thankless boss.

After a while, three of the four people in the group were in low spirits.

No one can stand working so hard to level up, only to die in a dungeon and be reborn before liberation.

"Let's give it a try. If we don't fight, it's useless. So let the summoner fight the monster." Hong Guoguo decided to struggle. "Momo, are you okay?"

Su Mo was suddenly called out, and his hand on the operating system panel paused, "I have never fought a stone soul."

The swordsman hurriedly said: "We haven't fought before. Boss, your operation of pulling the monster just now was great. It's all thanks to you!"

Su Mo nodded, "Then wait a moment, I will change into two new equipments."

The two pieces of equipment that just came out are just right for changing, which should make the fight smoother. After he changed his equipment, he suddenly thought of something and looked at the Taoist priest next to him, "Oh, by the way, what plug-in did you just mention?"

Taoist priest: "Ah? Is it a damage reminder plug-in?"

Su Mo didn't know what plug-in it was, so he said directly: "The one you use."

The Taoist girl responded, "That's an auxiliary plug-in for playing the game. You have to download it. There is an official plug-in recommendation in the system settings. My master said that I just need to download all the plug-ins, and they will be useful in the future."

"Okay." Su Mo followed her reminder and found the plug-in location. "Thank you."

The Taoist priest was flattered: "You're welcome!"

Swordsman: “?”

Hong Guoguo was dumbfounded and blurted out: "Fuck, wait a minute brother, you didn't use the plug-in when you killed the monster just now!? Damn, how did you avoid the damage?"

"Before using the big move, the boss will have status reminders and facing movements." Su Mo glanced at other plug-ins, and finally downloaded the damage reminder first, and closed the system panel, "I'll see who is dodging."

Hong Guoguo was stunned: "Pulling monsters too?"

Su Mo: "The boss has a skill range. The position of the ink marks overlaps with the range of its small skills. It is not difficult to guess if you observe carefully."

Hong Guoguo: "... Then you interrupt the monster's casting at the end."

"I saw that the swordsman had a skill that interrupted it before, so I tried using the lone wolf's stun. I failed about five or six times, but it succeeded the last time." Su Mo looked at them in confusion, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

The swordsman's steps were unsteady, "No, I believe you are really a novice."

Su Mo glanced at the others, and felt that the players who played the holographic game seemed to be making a fuss. After he was ready, he looked at Hong Guoguo and pointed at the behemoth on the other side: "You just said that the skills of the guardian boss inherit the skills of the original boss, right? Will the damage range change?"

"No." Hong Guoguo came back to her senses, "The boss's skills will become more powerful, but the range will not change."

Su Mo nodded: "Then do you want to try my method?"

Hong Guoguo: "What?"

Su Mo released the Spirit Rabbit, stretched his body slightly, looked at the location on the small map and said, "The coordinates should be 1030 west, 140 south. There may be a deviation of 5-10. You can try to output from this coordinate."

The swordsman and the Taoist priest stood there in a daze.

Su Mo: “Any questions?”

Hong Guoguo: “…No.”

He looked at the coordinates on the map with a complicated expression, "Wait for us for a moment, we need to check the coordinates."


System players Hong Guoguo No. 14, Cheese Bobo, I Love You Not Just for Two or Three Days, and Momo alarmed the guardian of landscape painting, and [Stone Soul] descended into the wonderland of landscape painting.

The world's prodigal son never turns back: the patron saint of landscape painting?

The World is Dark and Windy: This is too unlucky.

World Witty Lily: Wait? There shouldn't be any system announcement when the Guardian Angel is triggered.

The world's naughty kids are especially naughty: a system announcement will appear when it is triggered for the first time, and the guardian of the landscape painting challenge seems to be triggered for the first time.

In the copy, Su Mo touched the Wanxiang Palace skill, and a prompt for the flash skill popped up.

You have used [Palace of Universal Things] and gained the positive attribute [Luck], which lasts for 24 hours.

Okay, he shouldn't have expected anything from this skill.

The three people who adjusted their coordinates stood at the position indicated by Momo, looking at the person standing at the feet of the boss in front of them in a panic. The swordsman was a little worried: "I can't output from this position, it's beyond my skill range."

Taoist priest: "I'm just in a good position, but I'll be out of range in two steps."

Hong Guoguo looked at the healing skill that was lit up in the skill bar, and then looked at the range scale displayed in the auxiliary plug-in. This position was exactly the maximum distance for healing. It couldn't be such a coincidence. How should she fight that person

After a while, the summoner standing at the boss' feet pulled out his fishing rod.

The Spirit Rabbit rushed out and attacked the monster directly. The Stone Soul's skill damage was much stronger than the original boss. The first big move directly hit half of the Spirit Rabbit's health bar, while the summoner calmly summoned the Lone Wolf and the Wind Eagle, and controlled the boss in an orderly manner with the same rhythm as before.

The Taoist said: "I don't think I lost any blood with that big move just now..."

Swordsman: "Neither do I."

Hong Guoguo glanced at the two people around him. He lost blood. He just took a step forward after replenishing blood. This coordinate location is too remote, almost cutting off the ability of melee professions to output, but maximizing the ability of long-range professions. When fighting before, he noticed that the summoner had been lingering around here. He originally thought that the summoner walked away because he was afraid of death. Now thinking back, maybe the summoner had already noticed the problem at that time.

If the main tank can turn the direction correctly, this place will be the blind spot of the boss's skills.

The Stone Soul's health continued to drop. It was hitting very slowly, but more steadily than ever before.

Although the summoner's health has always been unhealthy, his stun interruption skill has a 70% success rate. In addition, he is stable in pulling monsters, so Hong Guoguo almost only needs to heal him, and the pressure on treatment is greatly reduced.

This summoner is very flexible and very strong.

Hong Guoguo has been playing the healing system of Yulingju for so long, and this is the first time she has encountered such a special summoner.

When the Stone Soul's health reaches 50%, the ultimate skill is triggered, causing the entire screen to lose health.

"Be careful!" Hong Guoguo couldn't help but shout out.

The summoner took a quick step forward and jumped directly over the center of the boss's ultimate move, leaving only 2% of his health bar. Hong Guoguo was shocked, thinking that the summoner was going to die, but he actually dodged it.

"Give me treatment." Su Mo said, "We should be able to survive, don't panic."

Hong Guoguo calmed his mind and the blood recovery became more stable.

Finally, after about 20 minutes of grinding, the summoner's health bar was at 1%, and the stone soul boss was successfully defeated.

The Taoist girl was stunned: "Passed? Is it that easy?"

The swordsman was even more confused: "You are too strong. I only have one ranged skill, and I didn't expect you could beat this."

Su Mo stood there, breathing slightly. It was the first time in all the days he had played Tian Huan that he had focused so hard on beating a boss. Moreover, this was different from his usual light-computer games, as it required the use of both the body and consciousness. As far as he could remember, he had not experienced such intense exercise for many years.

Due to his physical condition, he has never been able to do high-intensity exercise. Even on weekdays, he is only allowed to do mild exercise. But at this moment, he is very excited, and the load brought by high-intensity exercise can be said to be completely gone. When the boss died, he felt a sense of relief after being out of battle.

I didn't feel tired or exhausted, but instead felt a thrill that I had never experienced before and couldn't describe.

So this is the feeling of holography... Su Mo opened his hands. He kind of liked this feeling.

"Boss!" The Taoist girl's voice suddenly rang out, "Open the box quickly!"

Su Mo came to his senses and after they reminded him, he found that there were two more boxes in the package.

Hong Guoguo: "This is the first pass of the landscape painting stone soul. In addition to the regular rewards, there is also a first pass reward."

Su Mo opened the box and a system reminder popped up.

Congratulations on obtaining [Evergreen Wood][Dragon Spring Water][Spirit Flower Water][Primary Animal Catching Net]

Congratulations on your first pass through Stone Soul and receiving the special reward [Scarlet Poison Heart]

He was a little surprised that this skill of Wanxiang Palace didn't seem to be completely useless.

"This first-time reward is really good! I actually got a high-level animal-catching net!" said the swordsman.

The Taoist girl said excitedly: "I am a purple weapon, available at level 40, with good attributes. What did you get, big brother?"

"An item, I don't understand it." Su Mo sent the [Scarlet Poison Heart] to the channel. This item did not have any description and was a prohibited item for trading, leaving everyone confused.

The swordsman scratched his head and said, "It's very valuable, keep it."

"Yeah." Su Mo was already satisfied. At least he got the special props to upgrade the skills of Lingxin Rabbit and saved a lot of money.

At this time, Hong Guoguo, who was standing far away, said nothing. While everyone was not paying attention, he quickly ran to the NPC who was leaving the dungeon and disappeared in front of everyone in a flash. The authority of the dungeon leader was transferred to the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest saw this and said: "Ah? There are still some props in the bag that have not been distributed. Why did the leader leave?"

Su Mo put away a few props and looked at his two confused teammates. "Oh, he took two special props. He must have run away with the money, right?"

Swordsman: “????”


Outside the dungeon, Hong Guoguo was running passionately. He unexpectedly got a guardian god in the next low-level landscape painting challenge dungeon, and he also completed it for the first time. Combined with the previous materials, he earned three or four hundred gold in this dungeon.

Blood money, okay?!

There were only five or six people outside the copy at this time. Hong Guoguo ran to the tree under the copy entrance and planned to teleport back to the city. Before he could stand firmly, a talisman suddenly fell from the sky, and a Taoist priest who came from nowhere gave him a talisman to immobilize him.

"Hold him, don't let him run away!"

"Fuck, you just kicked me. You're just tired of living."

Hong Guoguo tilted his head and saw a familiar-looking warrior standing not far outside the dungeon, with the ID "Never Leave, Never Abandon" on his head. It was the scumbag warrior who was kicked out by him.

"…" What kind of hatred or grudge is this? Are you so arrogant? You're actually waiting for him at the door!

There were several people standing next to the warrior, one of whom was a high-level swordsman, and the yellow mark was particularly obvious, indicating that he was a member of the Zhutian Gang. Seeing this, the swordsman sneered and said, "Then blow him up. I'm just in a rage, so I'll kill him a few levels lower first."

"He just defeated the stone monster for the first time. He must have had some materials on him. I gave them all to him."

"That's great, don't let him get away."

Hong Guoguo: “…”

Damn, this warrior actually knows Zhutian’s people.

"Boss, he ran away!" The soldier saw Hong Guoguo break free from the immobilization and run away.


Hong Guoguo had nowhere to go but to run in the direction of the landscape painting. He had just run a few steps when he saw three people coming out of the landscape painting copy. When he saw the summoner, he hurriedly shouted, "Help...Help!!"

Su Mo heard the sound and looked sideways. Seeing Hong Guoguo running towards him, he looked a little surprised. "Is he a person with poor sense of direction? He can't even run?"

The Taoist girl said weakly: "Boss, I think I heard him shouting for help."