Genius Strategy Theory [Holographic]

Chapter 11


Hong Guoguo led a group of people and rushed towards Su Mo and others in a vigorous manner.

The swordsman and the Taoist priest had never seen such a scene before. Seeing Su Mo take a step back, they also took a few steps back.

"Help!" Hong Guoguo ran closer, and her voice became clearer: "Brother, brother, save me."

The landscape painting copy is located halfway up the mountain. The surrounding terrain is quite complex, with many strange rocks and trees.

Su Mo and his men were standing in a relatively high position, while Hong Guoguo hid everywhere along the hillside, barely avoiding the attacks under the cover of rocks.

"Save me first, brother." Hong Guoguo managed to avoid the talisman chasing from behind, and his health bar was slightly reduced. "I have thousands of gold materials on me, I can't lose them here!!"

Su Mo's eyes moved slightly.

The swordsman also saw the situation clearly: "Fuck, it's that idiot who is trying to get into trouble with us, why is he so sensitive and blocking us?"

After all, they were still people who had fought against the guardian god through thick and thin. Seeing Hong Guoguo in such a mess, the Taoist girl softened her heart and asked, "The leader's position is not easy to climb. Should we save him?"

The swordsman and the Taoist priest looked at the summoner beside them, but the summoner remained calm and said in a calm tone: "It's not impossible to save him."

He said slowly: "But my rabbit is out of feed, so I may not be able to beat it."

Upon hearing this, the Taoist girl immediately shouted, "Brother Captain, the boss said his rabbits are out of feed."

Hong Guoguo's health bar was only half left. She climbed up the hill with difficulty and fell in front of Su Mo: "I have it, I have it!"

Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked, "What about those ten bags of high-quality feed?"

Hong Guoguo: “…”

A pack of high-level feed costs 10 gold, so 10 packs equals 100 gold.

Su Mo: "What do you say?"

Hong Guoguo gritted her teeth and said, "... OK!"


The soldier led his teammates up the hillside and found that there were still a few people standing on top. He shouted to his teammates: "These people are in the same group as Hong Guoguo, let's kill them together."

The Taoist girl was stunned: "Is it so unreasonable?"

The swordsman with him saw the summoner standing next to Hong Guoguo, and then saw the man pull out a familiar fishing rod. The curse words that were about to come out of his mouth immediately came out, "Damn! It's you!"

Su Mo suddenly remembered who this person was and said in surprise: "It's you, what a coincidence?"

The level 35 swordsman shouted, "What a coincidence! I've been looking for you for a long time!"

The swordsman was one of the managers of the Zhutian faction who was training new members. His ID was "Ni Jian". He had gone to the wild monster area to clear the area but was buried instead. He searched the wild monster area with all his might but couldn't find the summoner and the formation master. He was very angry at this moment. When he saw the summoner and Hong Guoguo together, he went up to chop them without saying a word.

Hong Guoguo's health was worrying. After finally healing herself, she saw the swordsman running towards her. "Damn, you guys still have a personal grudge!"

Su Mo summoned the Spirit Heart Rabbit, "It shouldn't count, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he released the lone wolf to stun the swordsman, and then asked the spirit rabbit to attack the warrior. Bulibuqi brought four teammates. Except for the level 35 swordsman who was a bit threatening, the levels of the others were about the same as them, but their output was obviously not enough. The Taoist priest was a novice, the swordsman was a melee fighter, and Hong Guoguo was a healer. In the end, only Su Mo could barely fight.

"Is your health full?" Su Mo asked Ling Xintu to help Hong Guoguo block the attack, and then said, "Once your health is full, we will run away."

Hong Guoguo: " fight?"

He has even been promised a life insurance fee! 100 gold!

"What else?" Su Mo said in a natural tone: "I'm just saying I'll keep you alive. You run first and I'll cover you."

Hong Guoguo: “…???”

The situation changed rapidly, and Bulibuqi quickly led his men up the slope. At this moment, Hong Guoguo, who was originally standing on the slope, turned around and ran with the other two teammates. The few people who were originally gathered together went their separate ways, and only the summoner was left at the end.

Bulibuqi was stunned for a moment, and shouted in the team channel: "Damn, they scattered and ran away."

"Attack the summoner first!" The level 35 swordsman held his breath, "Don't let him get away!"

There were many players running quests in the forest outside the main city. There were many ways for novices to level up, mostly by killing wild monsters and completing quests. It was past ten o'clock in the evening, which was the time when nightlife was the most abundant. The players running quests in the forest were originally communicating with other quest NPCs, but suddenly they heard the sound of shouting and fighting. They looked into the forest and saw a person running in the front, and four or five people following behind him.

World: Is anyone in the woods

My Favorite in the World Cheese Peach: There seems to be a fight in the grove, and Zhutian is chasing someone.

The Prodigal Son of the World Never Looks Back: I saw it, it seems like he is chasing a summoner.

World Fortune: Is it so exciting

The player running in the front moved very fast, easily widening the distance between him and the player behind him, and even had time to use the summoned beast to control the player behind him. The lone wolf of the Yulingju summoner attacked very quickly, and with one pounce, it stunned the player in the front for three seconds. Once the skill was adjusted, it would stun the next person.

Not only that, the summoner also has another low-level summon, the Wind Eagle, whose attacks come with a slowing effect.

Yu Zhen was still doing the quest. The leveling up of the formation master was not that fast. After finishing the quests at the sect's base, he could only continue to run the side quests. He was doing the quests slowly, but the 25,000 in the team kept talking.

"My goodness, this is too intense."

"This swordsman is too weak. He dares to chase people like this? It's so funny. I feel relieved."

Yu Zhen listened to Erwanwu becoming more and more excited in the team's voice chat, and was about to block his voice chat, but suddenly heard his next sentence.

"Oh my god, he's almost catching up! Take one more, awesome, Jedi countdown." Twenty-five thousand, "This operation is awesome! Summoner is awesome."


Yu Zhen paused, turned off the 25,000 voice message, and opened the world channel that had been blocked for a long time.

The World is Dark and Windy: Absolutely, absolutely!

World Cheese Peach I Love the Most: Summoner blocked the ID, right? Who is this person? Is this the smurf of some big boss

Little Waves of the World: Bringing the Spirit Rabbit... Could it be the novice from the strange news in the Novice Village a few days ago

World Cheese Peach My Favorite: You call this a novice? The one who can play summoner like this must be a big shot's smurf.

The players in the forest saw the summoner using skills with ease, while the group behind him couldn't catch up no matter what. The swordsman following behind him was unwilling to give up, and tried to break free and move forward several times, but was slowed down by the Wind Eagle and couldn't even touch anyone with the tip of his sword.

The profession in the game Tianhuan is absolutely balanced, and the summoner profession is definitely not weak, but there are very few players who can play the summoner well.

The current vanguard echelon is level 70, and there are also top professional summoners among them, but Yu Zhen does not think that Momo is someone's trumpet. The current record of summoned beasts that can be controlled by top summoners is 7 in a single game set by "Spark Silver Tree". Ordinary players can control 4 types, which is already the top, but in the summoner's skill map, there are as many as 15 types of summoned beasts.

Yu Zhen didn't see the scene, but he remembered that when he was partnering with the summoner in the wild monster area not long ago, Momo's operation was very bold and confident, and he dared to take risks, especially his confident performance when multitasking and operating the summoned beasts, he was very comfortable.

Momo has an ease that ordinary players don't have.

World Kitty: You've been chasing me for ten minutes, right? Why don't you give up

World's Prodigal Son Never Returns: How did this summoner add points? The speed is ridiculously high!

World 999: Why do I feel like I’m walking the dog…

Little Waves of the World: Actually, I feel the same way, but I don’t dare to say it out loud.

The chaotic chase was accompanied by other players watching. Finally, when they reached the main city gate, the summoner slowed down. The swordsman's eyes lit up and he rushed forward to strike him with a sword, but a line of red words popped up in front of him.

You have entered the main city area and cannot enter killing mode. Please be aware.

Su Mo looked at the people behind him and smiled slightly, "Thank you for your hard work. See you later."

After saying that, he walked slowly to the teleportation area, selected the sect’s headquarters in Yulingju, and teleported away.

Swordsman: “…”

The sect's base was also a safe zone. As soon as Su Mo teleported back to Yulingju, he saw Hong Guoguo and two other teammates waiting for him at the door. He looked at Hong Guoguo unexpectedly and smiled, "You didn't run away?"

Hong Guoguo: "... I still have some sense of contract, okay?"

Hong Guoguo requests to trade with you.

Su Mo clicked to agree, and saw 12 high-level spirit beast materials on the trading bar, in addition to 60 gold.

"Too much?" he asked.

"Not much, the dividends for the landscape painting materials are 50 gold each, and you gave me 60 gold. I also gave them both a share." After distributing the materials, Hong Guoguo said with a pained heart, "50 gold each, and I also lost money on feed. I lost a lot today, but thank you all the same, otherwise I might not be able to keep the materials on me."

210 gold for 4 people. Excluding the materials they should get from the battle, the materials that Hong Guoguo took away are only about 120 gold at most.

Moreover, the agreed amount of rations was 10, but this person gave two more at the end.

Hong Guoguo didn't mention the materials explicitly, but the dividend was indeed too much.

Su Mo's eyes paused slightly, and he suddenly felt that Hong Guoguo was a very interesting person. He was indeed bad, but not completely bad. He was greedy for small profits but also generous, which was a bit contradictory.

The swordsman laughed: "Wouldn't it be better to distribute the dividends earlier? Why did you run away?"

Hong Guoguo was embarrassed: "Don't mention it, I'm just greedy for money, and since you newbies don't know anything about the business, and I don't know you, I want to steal some money."

He said: "The game is just a matter of a few dozen star coins. There are more bad people in reality. Be thankful that you will not run into a bad guy like me next time. He will kill you, rob you, and then starve you."

"It's a peaceful time now, and you can't defeat anyone with just one healer." The Taoist girl smiled softly: "Don't bring so many things with you next time. If they knew you brought so many, they would definitely chase you and beat you up."

Hong Guoguo: "Sister, I'm a businessman. I have to carry materials with me to set up a stall and make money."

"Who would have known that the person who never left me and knew Zhu Tian would be so fragile that he would find someone to block me." He sighed and said, "If I hadn't come to this crappy place to grind my trumpet and save materials, I wouldn't have come. There are novice protections for players below level 40, and it's troublesome for big characters to enter the novice area! You can come to me if you want to buy materials in the future. I'll give you a 99% discount. It can't be any less!"

Swordsman: "Only 99? It turns out that there is no dishonesty in business."

Hong Guoguo glanced at him and said, "Well, I have to support my family too."

A few people gathered together to talk about it, and Hong Guoguo told them how to avoid being cheated in transactions.

Su Mo listened for a while, then went to the skill master to learn skills. As soon as he put the materials on and activated them, he saw that the Lingxin Rabbit, which was still in its infancy, had grown a lot bigger.

[Spiritual Rabbit·Special Skill (Passive Skill): Physical and Magical Star Shift]

[Skill introduction: The special passive skill of Yulingju activated by the Spirit Rabbit. In this state, the player's physical attack power and spell attack power add 10% to each other. This state cannot be cleared or upgraded.]

Seeing that Su Mo didn't say anything, Hong Guoguo asked, "Boss, how are your skills going? Are you upgrading the skills of the Spirit Heart Rabbit?"

Su Mo frowned slightly, calculating the skill benefits at the current stage, and asked casually: "Is there a difference between the pet's passive skills and active skills?"

"Of course! Generally speaking, a pet's active skill is a big move, and its passive skill is a permanent state." Hong Guoguo said: "You can only activate one pet during a battle. The activated pet can use its big move, but the passive skills are different."

Spirit pets are standard pets for players. Players can have up to 4 spirit pets, but can only carry one into battle. Whichever pet you carry can use its active skills in battle. But passive skills are different. Passive skills are directly added to the character without restrictions. That is to say, when a player has four pets, he can use 1 active skill and 3 passive skills in battle, or only 4 passive skills.

"That's about it. Active skills are powerful, but you can only bring one. Passive skills are statuses, and you can bring as many as you have pets with." Hong Guoguo said, "Generally speaking, active skills are better in battle. One more ultimate skill means one more opportunity, while many passive skills are useless because they change randomly based on the sect. Sometimes you are a summoner and you will also learn healing skills. Even though it's awesome to have four, it's extremely difficult to learn four statuses that suit you."

The swordsman asked, "Have you figured out the passive skill, sir?"

"Yeah." Su Mo closed the skill page, "Fortunately, it works."

He has a hidden state that is only visible to himself, and the attribute panel has also been improved accordingly. This skill is not useless, and it is very useful for summoners.

Summoners use summoned beasts as a means of attack, and the attributes of summoned beasts are linked to the summoner himself. There are 15 summoned beasts in the sect map, some are magic and some are physical. In order to increase the attack, normally only one type should be stacked to maximize the benefits. Su Mo originally planned to do this, but the appearance of this passive state gave him a new possibility.

Perhaps he could try practicing both physical and magical skills.

The Lingxin rabbit, which had grown a size larger, was eating high-quality food. Its soft ears were shaking, and it looked very satisfied.

Su Mo couldn't help but rub its head. This little thing gave him a surprise.

When the swordsman heard Su Mo's tone, he thought it was just an ordinary skill. He didn't want to ask any more questions to hurt the other person's feelings, so he said, "Let's add each other as friends, so that we can look after each other when we reach level 40." After that, he sent friend requests to everyone else.

Su Mo accepted the friend requests from other people, and suddenly saw a pop-up new friend email message from Hong Guoguo next to him.

Boss, this is what I mean. Do you still need food? Or do you need materials to upgrade your pet's skills

Su Mo raised his eyebrows slightly and replied: "Why? Doing business with me?"

Hong Guoguo: Hehe, it’s like this. You also know that I have materials worth thousands of gold, and I have also offended Zhutian’s group of lunatics... I will provide you with rations, and you can help me level up. Ensure that I reach level 40, and the price is negotiable.

Sumo: Don’t you have many small accounts? Can’t you trade directly to other accounts

There are indeed few big players in the novice area, and there is also a level limit of 40 for big players, but he remembered that the trading platform did not say that there were trading restrictions for players below level 40.

Where did the small account come from? Oh, you have seen my other account, right? That is a younger brother who works in my shop. He occasionally logs in to help me deal with materials.

There are special materials in my batch of goods. Special materials have trading protection. They can only be traded normally when they reach level 40. I will follow you to complete the task. You can also bring a bound nurse. When you reach level 40, I will leave immediately and will never entangle you! Do you think 4 rations a day is okay

Hong Guoguo wanted to cry but had no tears. He had trained five or six trumpets in the Novice Village and usually dealt with materials with his younger brothers in the store. However, these materials could not be sold on the trumpets. There were too few players who came to the Novice area. The real commercial area was in the main city of the advanced map. He had to put them all on one account and then upgrade them out of the Novice area.

And these special materials on his ship are even more troublesome.

Because of the game's official control, he has to upgrade to level 40 before he can freely trade special materials.

In addition, the younger brothers in his shop are all part-time workers. They are good at dealing in materials, so if they fight in the wild, each one will be faster than the other, and then he will just give away all his fortune.

Su Mo glanced at the Lingxin rabbit at his feet and saw that it had already eaten a bag of high-quality rations that he had just obtained.

He replied: Not really.

Hong Guoguo:

Su Mo calmly replied: My rabbit has a big appetite, so why don’t you just fend for yourself