Genius Strategy Theory [Holographic]

Chapter 25


As soon as these words were spoken, the other three people at the table fell silent.

At this time, a huge countdown appeared in the air inside the inn, and the voice of the main brain made the final announcement.

Countdown to the event start—


The sound of the countdown was like a death sentence, and other teams around were already in a commotion. All the players' eyes changed instantly, and the previously peaceful inn became a battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke. They looked around and tested, patrolling for suitable targets.

Hong Guoguo broke out in cold sweat in such a tense atmosphere. He glanced at the teams around him and noticed that the teams closest to them were looking at them, with weapons in their hands, ready to attack, as if all the damage would fall on them in the next second.

"Brother, your joke scared me." Hong Guoguo swallowed hard, "I'm not young anymore, and my heart isn't very good."

"I was kidding." Su Mo replied, "I just said it wrong. To be exact, there are only 4 minutes and 26 seconds left."

twenty three

Qingfeng stepped back nervously: "Brother, it's only an hour. It won't be too late to log off and eat after we finish the fight. You won't starve to death if you don't eat, but you will die if you don't fight."

"Really." Su Mo explained to them very seriously, "I don't have to log off. My family will cut off my holographic port, and then I won't be able to control it."

After these words were spoken, Hong Guoguo and Qingfeng were stunned.

Hong Guoguo was stunned: "Brother, you are actually a minor?"

"?" Su Mo: "I'm not. I'm over 18."

Qingfeng covered his face and said, "What kind of outrageous parent is this? He cuts off the internet when he disagrees with me..."


"Damn it, it's 10! Brother." Hong Guoguo stepped back nervously and squeezed behind Su Mo. "We will die. If they rush over, we will die immediately..."

Qingfeng cursed, "Guozi, you stepped on my foot!"

Hong Guoguo shrank her head and said, "I'm scared. Please make room for me so I can get closer to Big Brother."

Qingfeng: "What are you afraid of as a healer? Just heal yourself."

"Is this a matter of adding blood?!" Hong Guoguo: "With so many people, I can deal with one move from each of them."


The time jumped to the last three seconds, and the players were ready to take action. Players from two teams had surrounded the tea table where Su Mo and others were, staring at them hungrily.


The mastermind's voice was somewhat cheerful: "I wish you all success."

In an instant, all other players in the Desert Inn turned into attackable red names, and the sound and light effects of various skills suddenly appeared, and a noisy sound exploded. Yu Zhen grabbed Qingfeng and pushed him onto the table, and the formation master's unique defense formation suddenly unfolded, "Open the props!"

The defensive formation absorbed all attacks from the surrounding area, but cracks appeared in just 1 second.

Qingfeng stepped onto the table and hurriedly took out the props from the package. Just as he pulled it out, it suddenly fell to the ground. A huge umbrella-shaped shield appeared above the four people's heads. The powerful defense pushed away all the players around and successfully protected the tea table before Yu Zhen's formation was broken.

Hong Guoguo was so frightened that her legs went limp. "I was scared to death."

Su Mo looked at the unfolded umbrella and said in surprise: "This prop is not bad."

Qingfeng was a little proud: "Of course, it can prevent all damage for half an hour."

Hong Guoguo looked at him enviously: "What is this prop called?"

"It can only be used in strange scenes." Qingfeng said, "You won't be hurt after using it, but you can't use any skills or move. Awesome."

Hong Guoguo: "… This is the first time I think going to jail is not bad."

The surrounding players thought that they were suddenly separated by this prop, and saw that all attacks were absorbed by the umbrella cover. They reluctantly gave up the prey in front of them and turned to fight for the tea seats next to them. The entire inn became a chaotic battlefield with 220 people coexisting. Each tea seat was covered with red light effects, which would turn green when successfully occupied by a team.

Su Mo glanced at the remaining time on the item and said, "I'll log off to have a meal. See you later."

"Don't log off completely, go into offline mode." Yu Zhen reminded in time: "Quitting completely may result in you being kicked out of the Qiwen event."

"Okay." Su Mo stopped his hand from exiting the device, searched for a long time and turned on the offline mode. Then he turned into flying smoke and logged off without looking back.

"My brother is so cruel." Hong Guoguo looked at the completely grayed-out avatars in the team, "So my brother is really underage?"

"You are stupid!" Qingfeng glanced at him. "Tianhuan has a prevention system for minors. If big brother was really a minor, he would have been kicked off the line long ago."

Hong Guoguo: “!” Yes.

The team suddenly became quiet. The half-hour confinement made it impossible for them to do anything.

Yu Zhen sat at the table, holding the teapot that had survived the disaster and poured himself a cup of tea, and said simply, "Wait."

He opened his private voice chat and sent a message to Erwanwu.

Hong Guoguo looked at her boss, then at the war outside, and finally picked up the teacup on the ground, "Brother Xing, pour me a cup, I want to drink some tea to calm my nerves."

"I'll have a drink too." Qingfeng pulled out a bench and sat down.

The three of them drank tea with their own thoughts. The battle outside the prison became more and more intense, and the prison became the only pure land in this battlefield. Various flying skills hit their umbrellas. Although they were clearly participating in the battle, they felt an indescribable thrill.

After drinking a cup of tea, Hong Guoguo's mood calmed down. He was just looking for someone to talk to to ease his mood when he saw Qingfeng next to him raising his hand as if fiddling with something. He was stunned for a moment: "Fengzi, what are you doing?"


Su Mo logged off at the last minute. As soon as he took off the loader, he saw Lele coming out of the kitchen with a nutrient solution. After drinking the nutrient solution, he took the medicine under Lele's watchful eyes. He rested for ten minutes before being allowed to play the game. When he logged on again, he heard Qingfeng's slightly excited voice in the voice channel -

"Brothers, the warriors are charging! Fierce attack followed by wild knife, good, successful hit, awesome!"

"The competition at table 2 has become fierce. Now the doctor in white pants has taken the high position. He successfully healed the swordsman. The swordsman is still dead, so we can still fight!"

"What a show of defending the ring. The warrior attacked and controlled the field, the doctor assisted the swordsman, and they successfully defended table 2 even though they had already lost two teammates!!!"

Su Mo: “… ?”

What is this doing

The warrior at table No. 2 is really awesome, he can withstand all this.

I'm so worried about the anchor. You'll just have to wait until the props time is over, okay

Qingfeng's son is also full of energy today, which makes me very happy.

My friend was also at this event, and I felt very complicated when I saw the host drinking tea and watching the show.

Yu Zhen, who was drinking tea nearby, noticed that Su Mo was online, "Here?"

Su Mo walked over and sat down next to him: "What are you doing?"

Hong Guoguo said: "Qingfeng said that waiting around was too annoying, so he wanted to do a live broadcast to relieve stress."

Yu Zhen poured him a cup of tea.

"Thank you." Su Mo glanced at the field. Just 25 minutes had passed, and the situation on the field had changed dramatically. The full team originally on the second floor came down and directly took the position, engaging in a fierce battle with the team on the first floor. Almost all the players who were sitting around them in the teahouse before going offline were gone, and were replaced by unfamiliar faces.

The team in the Desert Inn is very sensitive to changes on the field.

"See, the team inside the hood has become 4 people again."

"The one who just came online is a summoner. He's so damn lucky. Where did he get the item?"

"Still a low level one. Keep an eye on them. The item time is so long."

The remaining number of people is 146, and the number of overnight accommodation places is 35/20

There were only 30 teams left on the field. The scattered teams from the Desert Inn were basically defeated. The entire inn was in a mess except for the tea table. Su Mo noticed that the other people's eyes were focused on them again. The competition in the field became more cautious. It should be that the previous competition was too fierce. The teams that grabbed the tea table had calmed down and rested, as if waiting for the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

Su Mo scanned the surroundings and asked, "There are three teams."

"How much can you control?" Yu Zhen asked.

Su Mo thought for a moment, "Five people at most. The place here is too small, which is good for us but also bad for the other side."

Yu Zhen paused: "What are your plans?"

Su Mo: "No."

Hong Guoguo listened to their conversations, her eyes scanning the remaining time of [Drawing a Circle as Prison], and suddenly became worried about the next half hour, "Brother, I'm just a small fry, can you protect me when the time comes?"

"No need for protection." Su Mo looked at him, "Isn't running away your strong point?"

Hong Guoguo: "Ah? Escape... escape?"

"Brother, you're online!" Qingfeng, who was immersed in the live broadcast, finally came back to his senses, "Wait, I turned off the live broadcast."

What is the anchor doing!!!

[Depth Charge] x10, play! Keep playing for me!

You are the only one broadcasting this event on the entire network, won’t you make money from this wave of traffic

"Aren't you worried about exposing our strategy?" Qingfeng looked at Su Mo, "Brother, there is only 1 minute left for the props. What should we do now?" He raised his hand to turn off the live broadcast, but suddenly heard the words of the eldest brother in the team.

Su Mo said: "Strategy, give them the position."

Qingfeng: “?”

Live broadcast room: ? ?

Just when everyone was confused, the time of [Drawing the Prison] was reset to zero. The huge umbrella cover dissipated instantly, immediately attracting the attention of all the players around, especially the three closest players, who moved almost the moment the defensive effect of [Drawing the Prison] disappeared. The three teams acted at the same time, and the skills they had accumulated for a long time rushed towards the tea table.

At this moment, the four people who were originally sitting and drinking tea suddenly dispersed.

The four people moved smoothly and ran away in different directions in a completely orderly manner. The entire teahouse was empty in an instant.

The skill missed instantly, and the team closest to it rushed forward without hesitation. When they were about to seize the seat, a fight broke out. Originally, only three teams were planning to take the initiative, but when they saw the tea table suddenly vacated, the other teams who were watching also moved. The outbreak was sudden, and the originally mutually restrained battle situation was instantly disrupted.

Su Mo stepped on the tea table and used his light skills to jump onto the lantern in the air. He then used the force to reach out and grab the fence on the second floor, hanging in the air. He looked down at the battle situation below and saw the positions of the other three teammates. "Hide well, don't get hit by skills."

Hong Guoguo hid under the counter of the bounty board and asked through voice: "We have been guarding the position for half an hour and they are giving it up just like that!"

"Let go." Su Mo said simply: "Have you seen the other teams around? There are three teams on the left that are fully staffed, but they have fully joined the battle. Do you know why?"

Hong Guoguo: "... Can't win?"

"Have you calculated? It only takes ten seconds to occupy the teahouse." Su Mo said, "They are waiting. First, they use time to wear down the team that is recklessly seeking victory, and then use the competition to wear down the team that is fighting. In the end, the team that succeeds in staying will either be exhausted or have used up all the life-saving props on them. Then we can sit back and reap the benefits."

Qing Feng understood: "Oh! You plan to wait until they are tired of fighting before we attack, right?"

Hong Guoguo: "So we are hiding now...?"

Yu Zhen interjected at the right time: "Don't fall asleep."

Hong Guoguo: "... When it comes to running away, I still have professional ethics."

Qingfeng suddenly got excited: "Then should I continue the live broadcast?"

Su Mo: "Whatever you like."

Time passed by, and as time ran out, more and more teams could not hold back, and fierce competition broke out again in the last 20 minutes. Some teams that occupied the teahouses could not withstand the sudden and fierce attack, and 15 minutes before the end of the challenge, nearly 8 teams were eliminated, leaving only 27 teams in the field.

Su Mo's gaze rested on the three teams farthest away, they were moving.

After 10 minutes, only 25 teams were left.

There are nearly six teahouses and the fight for seats has not stopped.

At 8 minutes, the three teams moved, and Su Mo determined their targets.

5 minutes into the countdown, Su Mo suddenly said in the voice chat: "Hong Guoguo, find a good position for yourself."

Hong Guoguo was startled and just as she popped her head out from under the counter, she saw a figure leaping down from the air. Then a huge bear stomped right in the middle of their original tea seat. The bear's mockery directly disrupted the team sitting in their seats.

In mid-air, two summoning totems were instantly activated, along with a superimposed damage-increasing formation.

The Moon Cat fell from the sky and cast a group chaos behind the Bear. Two strong controls fell down, catching everyone off guard.

Su Mo approached the teahouse swiftly, followed by the Spirit Rabbit, who rushed forward and attacked fiercely. The Lone Wolf grabbed the healer in the other team and stunned him for 3 seconds. He commanded: "Qingfeng, kill the healer instantly."

"Come on!" Qingfeng rushed into the crowd with a sword in hand, and his health dropped by half.

Hong Guoguo received a big plus with fear and couldn't help but said, "Brother!!! Can you turn on the damage reduction and then rush into the crowd!"

Qingfeng: "Forget it, forget it, open it right away."

Hong Guoguo: “…”

Although there were only three people fighting, they had the momentum of two teams. Especially the summoner's control, which made them completely unable to move. Even if they surrendered, the summoner could summon another summoned beast to control them in the next second.


"Don't let them take your spot!"

"Go big, clear out the Moon Cat first."

"I can't clear it, the damn summoner summoned again!"

With the cooperation of Lone Wolf, Qingfeng successfully sneak attacked and killed the opponent's doctor. Su Mo saw the opportunity and said, "Qingfeng, I will cover you and grab the position."

The four people remaining at the tea table had completely left their seats, and the outermost circle of light turned red again.

Qingfeng quickly broke through the crowd and grabbed a seat. As soon as he sat down, he was beaten by the soldier next to him.

"Holy crap!" He looked closely and wondered, isn't this the super fierce warrior he encountered during the commentary just now? !

Yu Zhen cast a defensive formation on Qing Feng, "Grab!"

Su Mo raised his hand and was about to take control, but the fighting Spirit Rabbit suddenly stopped. At this moment, a prompt suddenly popped up in front of him.

—Your pet egg is about to hatch, please take good care of it.

Su Mo: “…”

"not good… "

Hong Guoguo: "What's wrong with that? Brother, don't say half the words!"

Su Mo was speechless: "My rabbit is about to give birth."

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-08 17:43:15~2021-08-09 15:26:03~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Feimao, Lingbeicheng, Xiangmiao, haohao208, Jiuye Little Angel, renaissance, Shen Yuanjie, 46013393, xy, junie, Yizhiyang, rm7012, 42860222 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: I only regret that you were born at the wrong time 160 bottles; Mengzhen Hongxiu 110 bottles; I haven't thought of a name yet, Li Zhu, Xiandeng, 32234715 100 bottles; Lan Xitou 80 bottles; Yuanxi 72 bottles; Dada is a short little Jun 53 bottles; Qinshui, haohao208, wuli shark fin, little brat, =-=, Xie Su 50 bottles; Fat Cat, 42543094 45 bottles; Gu Zihuan, Fanhe, yar, what to eat today, Guaguda, Cunning fox 40 bottles; Qingyan 37 bottles; Baiyang 34 bottles; I want a dragon cat, Gumeng Qingci, Manman, Xing'er, Tingyu 30 bottles; Moyan Qingxiao 27 bottles; gzq15 25 bottles; Qie Guangxi, ftwin, Xixi Xiaozuo, Chan, Qiao Nanqiaobei, Xia Youjie and I are in love! ! , Аhactar, is it really not a scam, good night, late stage of laziness﹏, lady, my CP is always happy, Turquoise Star Stone, isn't it the best in the world? , 1234567, Wujiu, angsky, flowers bloom without remembering years, wiltonpoker, long, Suisui adults, Qisan, Maokeng, tat, Yeyuan 20 bottles; Hanzheng, Mendeleev 19 bottles; Sanmu 18 bottles; rpheus, Su Wanluo 16 bottles; Nian Gao, Liushang 15 bottles; Qingzhu 14 bottles; Xiaochen will never be depressed! , Li Yu 13 bottles; Luoyue Oh, Banxia 12 bottles; Yizhiyang, Xiaoran, Nini is my cub 11 bottles; xx, fuji's little fairy, book box c, Chizi, Yan Zhenqing, go to see the rebel, Sheng Xiyu, conscience hurts, 35515822, Suye, Liumuxiang, Qingyun, Yisuoyanyu, Luo Ritian, Diandian, Fuyi, Chenqi, shallow memory, Yuntu, Qingyueyue, Xiangmiao, Jiang Cheng, happy to go to school, eat vegetables but not coriander, big, rice, hungry, Liuhuo, Xiaoqian, 46013393, Ziyan, meow meow meow, qwq_virus, Beiming has fish--, Su Su, San San Si, Qing Ming, 32912934, Qianyue 10 bottles; Yuelingshu 9 bottles; Miaomiao, li., Son of Winged Angel, Dongfang Ziyue 6 bottles; Captain's Experience Book, Pond Object, Alaskan Malamute, To Xia Mu, hua, I don't fucking know how to swear, ●v●, Drunk Tonight, Wild, Sui Shui Han, Guozi Ge, Nanmu, Tu Mi Wu, Want to Eat Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs, Liuli, Mao Shi Mao, Yixiaoyuan 5 bottles; 39117337, Lui Lui, Wan Fengyun Yin ~ Jiang Wanyin, Lotus Paste Orange Stuffing, 26504475, Civet 4 bottles; Wanglu, Tang Ling Xuanye, Yu Yu, Yao Mumu, 28875230 3 bottles; I am just a silly, Miss Chuuya, 23333223, how to save my dark circles, wifi, 35672320, 45195409, ak short distance, harmony, picky and poor 2 bottles; Bobohu, Siping, Yanying, Gentleman is still, Qian Mengli, Clumsy Star, Brother Zhan loves you, 49143577, Fly, Fall, Guo Xingxing, Diversion, Serena, Xiaolan classmate's small account~, you ghost, Songxian Kanesada, Yi*fish, The prosperity of the world is empty, Qiansan, Ziyu, Noodles, Majesty, Jingnian Nian Ya, Starry Sky, Talk and Laugh, Kakamilala, Acacia, Jiang Yanqi,. , Claws~Meow~, Ly Xiaoyi, Afei~, One-eyed Eagle, (?>

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!