Genius Strategy Theory [Holographic]

Chapter 27


Su Mo paused when he saw this, "Excuse me."

The man paused for a moment after hearing this, closed the door after Su Mo entered, and guided him forward.

Su Mo's thoughts quickly passed through his mind. He seemed to have never seen this person at Grandma Cheng's house.

His heart paused, and he remembered where he had seen this man before. It was outside the office of Director Liu of Capital University. The man was wearing a suit and tie, which was a little different from the shirt and white pants he wears now. But the aura on his body was hard to forget.

Who is he to Grandma Cheng

Grandma Cheng's home was still the same as she remembered. When she walked through the entrance, she saw Grandma Cheng sitting on the sofa covered with a blanket. When she saw Su Mo coming, she quickly stretched out her hand to greet him: "Xiao Mo, you're here? Come to Grandma."

Su Mo nodded slightly to the man beside him, "Good morning, grandma, how are you?"

"Much better." Grandma Cheng pulled Su Mo to sit down and looked at him from left to right. "You look better than before, and you've grown taller and more handsome. You were only this tall before. Don't stay in the lab all the time. Walk around more to relax. It's good for your health."

Su Mo answered, and handed the gift in his hand to the old man, "I brought some tea leaves, and you asked me for a little robot that can play chess with you, so I brought it here too."

Grandma Cheng was delighted to hear that. She couldn't wait to open the sandalwood box. When she saw the doll-like little robot inside, she couldn't help showing it off to the man next to her. After she was done, she said, "Look at this. Grandma only mentioned it a few times, but you really did it?"

The man's eyes fell on Su Mo.

Su Mo paused for a moment and explained, "I bought too many parts when I replaced parts for Lele before. It's not difficult to make an intelligent machine for playing chess. I put two sets of intelligent systems in it that can be replaced. It will automatically update the chess record information on the Star Network, and also import the chess records from several ancient books that you liked before. The commands are controlled by voice."

"That's so convenient." Grandma Cheng was very happy. She suddenly remembered halfway through her sentence, "Look, I forgot to introduce you. This is my grandson Yu Zhen. He happened to be on vacation this time, and when he heard that I wanted to come back and live here, he followed me back."

Su Mo paused and called out politely, "Brother."

He knew that Yu Zhen, Zhang Qi's good friend, was the general manager of the Tianhuan Loader Project, a collaboration between Cangqiong Group and the First Research Institute. He was on vacation recently, but he didn't expect that he had met him before, let alone that he would be Grandma Cheng's grandson.

"I know you." Yu Zhen's eyes fell on the boy, and his sharp eyebrows and eyes were restrained a lot, replaced by an admiring look: "Before going to Capital University, Director Liu recommended you, but in the end you did not accept the invitation to come to the institute."

Su Mo: "Sorry, it's my own fault."

Yu Zhen nodded: "No need to apologize, it was just too sudden for us."

Grandma Cheng was surprised that the two younger generations knew each other, and she talked to Su Mo for a long time. At noon, they stayed at Grandma Cheng's house for lunch. The cook was Yu Zhen. Su Mo wanted to help but was stopped by Grandma Cheng, "He is a good cook, just let your brother do it."

Seeing Yu Zhen leave, Grandma Cheng couldn't help but tell Su Mo about her grandson, saying that he had been busy with work for several years and had not returned home. "He became more mature after he turned 20, and listened to his father and joined the group. But he was self-centered and would not return home until the project was completed. This time, he finally agreed to take a long vacation and came here with me."

Su Mo responded: "Brother Zhen always looks very stable."

"No way. He started hanging out with his uncle when he was fifteen and traveled to several star systems. Later, I asked his father and found out that he had been hanging out with his uncle's mercenary group without telling his family." Grandma Cheng began to sigh. "When he was seventeen, he almost lost his life. He only told me all this later. The child looks quiet, but he actually has a lot of ideas of his own. No one can stop him from doing whatever he wants. Didn't he become more stable after coming back? He couldn't suppress his blood when he first came back, and his father scolded him several times."

Yu Zhen looked very serious, but he couldn't hide the sharpness in his eyes and brows. That feeling was different from that of someone who sat in the office for a long time.

Su Mo was a little surprised. He didn't expect Yu Zhen to still be young and full of vigor. He praised, "Very impressive."

Grandma Cheng paused for a moment and patted Su Mo's hand gently. "I heard you've been playing games recently? If you want to play something, you can tell your brother Zhen. He knows a lot of people who make games. He's been playing games at home these days."

Lunch was quickly ready, and the three of them ate around the table. To Su Mo's surprise, Yu Zhen's food was delicious. Nowadays, most edible ingredients are made through intelligent processing, and the taste of most dishes is textbook-like and impeccable. But Yu Zhen's dishes were different, with a special flavor and a heavier taste, which Su Mo had never tasted before.

Lele always prepares food scientifically, using less oil, less salt and less sugar, and does not allow for excessive intake of seasonings. He even cooks once every two days. In Lele's eyes, food made from recipes is never as reasonable as food with nutritional supplements.

Unable to hold back for a moment, Su Mo ate a few more bites and drank two glasses of juice because of the spiciness.

"Is it too spicy?" Yu Zhen paused. He knew Su Mo's physical condition, so the ingredients and seasonings this time were in accordance with medical standards.

Su Mo shook his head: "Just right."

Yu Zhen looked at Grandma Cheng. He had asked the guest about her taste.

Grandma Cheng picked up some food for Su Mo and said with a smile, "Little Mo loved spicy food when he was little. When he came to our house for dinner, the old man always liked to make him some spicy food to satisfy his craving. His robot at home doesn't make spicy food for him, so he has to eat spicy food when he comes here."

Su Mo nodded: "Thank you, grandma."

Yu Zhen's eyes fell on the boy opposite him. He obviously didn't like spicy food, but he always liked to eat a few pieces and drink juice despite the spiciness.

After dinner, the robot cleared the table and a chessboard was placed in the living room.

Yu Zhen went back to the house to get a book. When he came out, he saw the boy taking medicine in the restaurant. He had the standard pills in his backpack. He stood in the restaurant with his back to the living room and drank the medicine with warm water. He knew Su Mo's situation. There were only a few patients with F-level physique in the entire Star Alliance. In order to make the loader, he had specially consulted professional doctors to inquire about the medical standards. He even hid a special needle for emergency use in the loader he developed.

Patients with this type of special disease cannot live without medicine for their entire lives, and how long they can live depends entirely on their own efforts.

That's what the doctor he consulted said at the time, but when he actually saw the boy taking the medicine, the feeling of listening and seeing it with his own eyes was different.

When he opened the door in the morning and saw Su Mo coming in, he was a little surprised. At first, it was because the boy's voice sounded familiar, like the summoner he met recently in the game. But after thinking about it, he thought too much. Nowadays, the voice and appearance of the Star Alliance can be easily changed, and even he himself adjusted his appearance and voice when playing games.

The feeling is different from Su Mo. The former is full of vigor and vitality, while the latter is reserved and introverted.

The voices may be similar, but the personalities are unique.

The boy looked younger and whiter than in the photo of his grandmother. His weight probably did not reach the standard for teenagers, and his complexion and lip color were also sub-healthy. But the only unexpected thing was that the boy's back was straight and his body posture was standard. Just standing there, he looked like a thriving and straight poplar.

He intuitively seems to be a very optimistic boy, and in fact he is.

Yu Zhen stood at the door for a while, and saw Su Mo walking towards the living room after taking the medicine. He walked over after about two minutes, and saw Su Mo debugging the robot, while his grandmother was eager to play chess, and asked a question or two from time to time, like an old child.

The afternoon passed quickly. Sumo's robot was very smart. Grandma Cheng, who was very good at chess, lost twice and started to argue with the robot, playing one game after another with it. In the evening, Grandma Cheng planned to invite Sumo to dinner, but Sumo refused because he had something to do at home. Grandma Cheng was very sorry and asked the child to come to her house for dinner more often when he was free.

Grandma Cheng was not in a good condition to walk, so she hurriedly said, "Yu Zhen, please send Xiao Mo off."

Su Mo quickly refused: "It's not far, no need."

Yu Zhen picked up the coat on the sofa and said, "Let's go. I'll take you there."

Their homes were not far from each other, so Yu Zhen simply sent Su Mo to the building where he lived. When he was about to leave, Su Mo brought up another matter.

Su Mo: "Thank you for the loader, Brother Zhen. It was you who suggested that Brother Qi and I get the loader. Thank you."

Yu Zhen was a little surprised: "Are you the F-level patient Zhang Qi was talking about?"

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Didn't Brother Qi say that?"

"He didn't tell me about his friends. He's very protective of you." Yu Zhen nodded slightly: "How is Tianhuan playing? Are you used to the holographic mode? This should be your first time to play a holographic game."

Su Mo said: "I've adapted to it, so I'll just play around for a bit. Thank you anyway."

"You're welcome." Yu Zhen, "If you have any problems with the loader, you can come to me. I'll be here all the time."

"Okay, thank you." Su Mo said goodbye politely: "Then I'll go up first, thank you Brother Zhen."

Yu Zhen saw Su Mo go upstairs and left. When he got home, he saw Grandma Cheng still playing chess, so he said, "You played for a long time today, you should take a rest."

Grandma Cheng asked, "What do you think of Xiao Mo?"

"He's a very polite person." Yu Zhen walked over and turned off the robot. When he was about to put it away, he heard Grandma Cheng sigh.

Grandma Cheng: "The child used to be more lively, taller and thinner. He always liked to come home and play chess with me or your grandfather. His parents passed away very early. After the accident in the star exploration, he was brought here by his uncle and basically lived alone. There was only a nanny robot to take care of him."

Yu Zhen paused after hearing this. He looked at Su Mo, not expecting him to be an orphan. "Didn't you apply for adoption?"

"The child didn't want to. He was smart and opinionated since he was young." Grandma Cheng said with some heartache, "When he first came here, he was about seven or eight years old. He was only as tall as the table. He was taken around by his uncle to meet people. He wasn't really his uncle, but just his father's comrade-in-arms. When I first met him, the child was eating nutritious meals made by robots. The soup was bland and he couldn't grow meat after eating it. Later, the child was likable. People in the community liked him and often invited him to their homes for dinner. The child would bring small things as a thank you gift. He gave handmade crafts and small toys..."

I grew up in the community under the watchful eyes of others, ate at hundreds of houses, and now live alone.

"No one taught him, but he lived a very sensible life." Grandma Cheng patted Yu Zhen's shoulder, "The major that child studied is somewhat related to your industry. If you meet him in the future, take good care of him."


In the game, there is only one hour left in the 24-hour countdown of the Desert Inn.

Hong Guoguo went online early today, living up to the trust of the two bosses before they went offline last night. He spent some time walking around the two floors of the inn countless times. Not to mention finding clues, even the waiter didn't go upstairs during the day. Various discussion posts on the forum were spread like crazy, and the final rewards and challenge mode of the Desert Inn aroused the curiosity of many players.

This kind of limited-time event that challenges the entire server is the second time since Apocalypse, but the Desert Inn is just the beginning. Shortly after the end of its first level, several small-scale activities appeared across the server.

There's also an event going on in Jackdaw Wasteland, a race in the wasteland? That's outrageous.

Damn, don’t lose to the main brain. I almost got tricked last time. I’m really annoyed by its arrogant attitude.

That's right, I've never seen a game with such a great planner. Did you read the previous announcement? It also said that players are welcome to fight against the game. I think it's just playing tricks on us.

Didn't you see other people complaining? In the inn, several players were not prepared at all, thinking they would just go in when they encountered something strange. After all, they didn't jump to invite friends, so they thought that no matter how difficult it was, it would be the same kind of puzzle activities as before. As a result, as soon as they clicked to confirm their participation, the penalty condition was reduced by three levels? How can this be tolerated? Isn't it just tricking the pigs into killing

This is not the first time. My friend was also cheated when he was doing a strange story. He even lost a level in an ordinary strange story. The NPC played a language trap on him. It was amazing.

Shit, does that mean I have to think things through every time I encounter something strange in the future

"Alas, everyone is so angry, but no one has come up with any solutions." Hong Guoguo left the forum disappointedly after reading it. Looking at the furnishings in the inn, she fell into a new round of boredom. "I've been bored all day."

Qingfeng was in high spirits the whole day, and started to live broadcast the layout of the third and fourth floors with the viewers in the live broadcast room. After all, it was a limited open area, and many netizens were curious about the upper floors of the Desert Inn. Some people who liked the scenery asked Qingfeng to walk around a few more times for easy recording. "Don't think about it. There is an old saying. Oh, yes, a boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridgehead... Have you settled your accounts today? When you have almost settled them, the big brothers will go online."

Live room fans: Can you two paddle a little harder? !

"We tried our best." Qingfeng walked to the window and opened it, "Let us show you the scenery of the desert, the scenery on the third floor of the Desert Inn..." He stopped talking suddenly.

Hong Guoguo said weakly: "It's all sand, what's so good about it?"

Qingfeng's tone changed: "Fruit... come and take a look."

Hong Guoguo walked over and said, "What? I'm not interested in seeing the scenery with a man... What the hell is this!"

Opening the window, there was no starry sky outside the desert inn as usual, but a dark black sky. It was not yet night, but it was like a dark cloud covering the city. Hong Guoguo took a breath of cold air and suddenly saw the ancient clock standing horizontally in the dark cloud, and then it made an old and unpleasant turning sound.

It was a countdown, and the time schedule was exactly the same as their countdown for staying overnight, except that their countdown had been advanced by an hour without them noticing, and now there were only 10 minutes left before the start of the second level.

The second level of Desert Inn is about to open, and now we are entering emergency recruitment.

There are 90 players who have obtained accommodation rights, 75 of whom are online and 15 are offline. Online players have been recruited, and players who are not online will be deprived of accommodation rights and lose their eligibility for the event when the countdown ends.

"What's going on?" Hong Guoguo rushed to open the door, but it seemed to be welded shut and couldn't be moved at all. He took a few steps back in horror, "Fengzi, this door can't be opened."

"Shit? What's going on? I'm still playing a dungeon."

"It's poisonous. Didn't it say it would last for 24 hours? It's not even that time yet!"

Through the door, Hong Guoguo heard the voices of players in other rooms. It seemed that all the online players who were active outside were forcibly teleported here and locked in the room.

"The mastermind is playing tricks! Wasn't there still more than an hour left?!" Qingfeng was shocked when he heard this. "What the hell is going on? The mission description says it. Can the game even change the mission description?"

[Desert Inn: Late at night, there seemed to be some strange noises (Hint: A new challenge will be opened 24 hours after the first level. Please pay attention to the time and follow the task prompts) Countdown: 00:09:18]

Hong Guoguo flipped open the task description and read it carefully twice before finally realizing something was wrong. "A new challenge will start 24 hours after the first level. Fengzi, the mastermind is playing tricks on us! The countdown on the task list is a lie!"

"After 24 hours of the first level, they still said that the task prompts were the main thing. Minus the 1 hour we spent on the first level, the actual countdown to the start of the task is actually 23 hours!" Hong Guoguo was dumbfounded. "Which idiot wrote this task copywriting? It's so nonsense and he's playing this game!?"

Suddenly, the window that had just been opened by the breeze slammed shut.

The doors and windows were closed, and the two of them were completely trapped in the room.

Please prepare to rest, players

Rest? How to rest!

Hong Guoguo and Qingfeng looked at each other, and finally looked at the only bed in the room.

"I'm thinking about a question." Hong Guoguo was silent for a moment: "It's less than 6 minutes. What if they don't catch up?"

Qingfeng questioned himself and the other party: "So when they went offline yesterday, why didn't we create a group or ask for contact information?"

The very anxious viewers in the live broadcast room:

The two were silent for a while, looking at the task prompts in front of them, and decided to lie down on the bed to save their lives.

"This bed is too outrageous. How are the five people from the other team going to sleep on it?" Qingfeng lay down on it.

Hong Guoguo: "Just sleep sideways. It's OK for five people to lie sideways together, but their legs will be too long."

The time countdown is 1 minute.

Hong Guoguo looked at the bed curtains and said, "Fengzi, I'm a little desperate, but fortunately, my money is in the warehouse."

"It's just a few levels down, right? Don't panic. We're not at the maximum level anyway, so we can gain experience points anyway." Qingfeng remained calm and comforted them. "By the way, do we need to cover ourselves with a blanket when we rest?"

Hong Guoguo: "I just cover myself with a blanket when I sleep."

Qingfeng kicked the quilt up at the end of the bed. Just as the two of them covered themselves with it, the candlelight in the room flickered a few times and a cold wind blew past.

Hong Guoguo: "What? Playing a horror theme?"

Qingfeng: "What are you afraid of? People nicknamed me the little prince of horror movies."

The candlelight dimmed a little, and the whole room suddenly became dim.

Hong Guoguo: “…”

Qingfeng: "That's too much, can't you afford to have fun like this?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the candlelight in the room suddenly went out.

Qingfeng: “Oh.”

Hong Guoguo: "Shut up!"

The author has something to say: Qingfeng: The master brain is also capable of eavesdropping, is it so smart

Hong Guoguo: ... Isn't the main brain the intelligence? (fist hardened)


The second level is not scary, don't worry~


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-09 17:50:57~2021-08-10 16:24:34~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: Akagi 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: ; 42041717 2 ; renaissance, Song Zhi Xiao Shu Ya, Dui Xian Chuan Pan Ting Deng Xiang Xiao 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Chen 140 bottles; Qi Ran 102 bottles; Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Jin Meng 70 bottles; Zi Tong Yo 66 bottles; Han Pi Dao Jia Le, Nian Yu 60 bottles; Feng Ye~* 52 bottles; 30357828, 2019 50 bottles; Yi Shi Yan Hua, Han Shang, Zui Meng Zhi Fu, 52837637, Du Chen 40 bottles; Little Star 33 bottles; 6768 30 bottles; Shi Yun., Yi Xin 22 bottles; Jing Zhu, Hua Luo Yi Meng, Wang Yan, 18-20 Years Old The Noisiest Vocal, Wang Jia Xin, xx, He Gu, Mi, Not The Best In The World? , it's so short and you don't update it--_-, Yufeiyu, Nanshan Youmu, Strawberry Flavor, Zhuoxi, 42041717, Hongling 20 bottles; 39682049 18 bottles; Buddhist readers never urge for updates 16 bottles; Qingyi 15 bottles; o_o 13 bottles; Xuanxu, Xike Jianhansu 12 bottles; Liyu 11 bottles; kursa, wood, 46013393, bamboo maple leaf, exciting, subjective immobility, lalamao, Chifengfengfengzi, Songzhi Xiaoshuya, puppet, a green plum, rain, sleepy, 46740388, tough guy Lin Xiyue, insufficient nutrient solution, Motu Yuming, Xixixixixi, the back of the source's head, Qingtu, Weichen Xingfeng 10 bottles; Bihua 8 bottles; schlaf, struggle ~ Sao Nian!, 6 bottles of Ciyuanshe; Ruonaheying, Luwan, 39291161, Qingxin Guayu, slowly, Jiuqi, Runan, violet., Xiuzhu Yanxue, Ye Youling 5 bottles; Yuexia Duzhu, 20417193 3 bottles; Yono, Purple Star Shadow, 38724015, Picky and Poor, Cloudy, Jinyu 2 bottles; You Ghost, Pickled Pepper Bamboo Shoots, Yungui, 20224259, 35672320, Qing Yueyue, Xiao Wenyeah, Jingzhi, Qingfeng Bright Moon, ly Xiaoyi, Orange Yellow Orange Green, Xizhou, 35907439, 39117337, 53291700, Is That You, Little Cutie, One-Eyed Eagle, Star Morning, Entertainment, Yao Mumu, Kakamilala, 13984970, Flying Deer 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!