Genius Strategy Theory [Holographic]

Chapter 86


Subscribe to the full article to unlock more poses! Momo, come out for dinner? —Zhang Qi.

"I'll go sort out the materials for the other trumpets first, and then come back after having dinner." Hong Guoguo looked at Su Mo, "Brother, what time will you be there tonight?"

"elder brother?"

"Later." Su Mo: "I have something to go out for."


At the entrance of the community.

Zhang Qi was talking to the security guard at the door when he saw Su Mo running over in the distance. "Brother Liu, tell him next time that Xiao Mo is here."

Security guard Liu: "Okay, I'll go drink with you some other time."

Su Mo slowed down his pace, panting slightly as he walked in front of Zhang Qi, "Brother Qi, why didn't you tell me earlier that you were coming back?"

"Didn't you just come back this afternoon? I asked you out for dinner right after I finished my work." Zhang Qi said with a smile, "Isn't there a hovercraft in the community? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Su Mo: "The hovercraft has been repaired. Let's go. I'll treat you to a meal."

The two of them booked a table at a Chinese restaurant near the community.

As soon as he arrived, Zhang Qi started talking about work. He was an optical computer worker. After graduation, he refused to go to the research institute of his elders at home to study. Instead, he started a business with his friends. His recent project is to cooperate with Cangqiong Group to provide technical support for the development of new loaders. Because of this, he has been flying around in recent years and has hardly come back.

"It's been two months since Tian Huan was launched. The loader has been completed, and the project has been turned into operation."

Zhang Qi said: "Just take a few days off, we'll be busy again soon. I heard you got an F-class loader, how is it, can you play games?"

"It's fun." Su Mo paused for a moment, "Thank you, Brother Qi."

"Replace the special energy drink with juice." Zhang Qi told the waiter, and then said, "Is the holographic game interesting?"

Su Mo said: "It's not bad, they are all the same old games, some of the mechanics are very similar to computer games."

Zhang Qi looked at the boy in front of him. Su Mo had grown taller after not seeing him for a few years, but he looked thinner than other boys of the same age. Su Mo had very white skin and blue veins were clearly visible on his hands. His physical condition had a great impact on his body. He looked small and quiet. Sitting next to him, he looked like a younger brother who was ten years younger.

This kid is 18 years old. He speaks carefully and politely, behaves gentlemanly and measuredly, and seems to be close to everyone, but in fact he has put on a thick shell. In the early years, he was fine. He read a lot of books and was smart. He liked to rush around in the field of machines and won many awards. He was held in the palm of the hand by the old men in the community. He was praised wherever he went. He was a little genius loved by everyone.

When the child was 13 years old, he secretly got on a machine and had an accident. He was rushed to the hospital and stayed in the hospital for more than half a year. After he came out, he became much quieter. Although he still won awards and achieved many achievements in the field, that kind of vigorous and energetic spirit was never seen again.

This child is really good, so good that everyone likes him, and so good that he is impeccable.

But he doesn't look like an 18-year-old child at all. It would be better if he was more energetic.

"So simple?" Zhang Qi said mysteriously with a natural look, "Do you know why Tianhuan is called a new mode exploration game?"

Su Mo raised his eyes slightly: "What do you mean?"

"I heard that it's been two months since the server was launched, and the real game system hasn't been completely unlocked yet." Zhang Qi noticed Su Mo's gaze: "Although we are working with Tianhuan to develop the loader, the game content is completely deduced by the top mastermind, and even the contracted game company only provides the basic framework."

Su Mo Weidun, he has been playing Tianhuan for several days. According to his understanding, the current game mode is no different from ordinary holographic online games.

It is also possible that he is in the novice area and has no idea what the world is like after level 40. At least now he has not been exposed to the so-called "exploration" gameplay.

After hearing what Zhang Qi said, he suddenly became interested. "Keeping the game secret? Hasn't the server been launched?"

Zhang Qi said: "Do you know what the Supreme Mastermind Deduction is?"

"Humans have left the stage of program operation, and the game is completely deduced by artificial intelligence. Momo, do you know what this means?"

"I don't know." Su Mo's eyes were unnatural for a moment, but he quickly calmed down: "Players are people, and the environment is intelligence."

Zhang Qi laughed a few times when he heard this: "Children should not be too smart. Thinking too much can easily cause hair loss. I don't know about this either, but Yu Zhen really cares about this. He looks aloof, but he has been very interested in the research of intelligence over the years. As soon as the loader project is finished, he will take a long vacation to visit Tianhuan."

Su Mo felt that Yu Zhen's name sounded familiar, and asked, "Is he the friend you mentioned working with last time?"

"Yes, he took over this project of Cangqiong Group." Zhang Qi explained: "He knows a little about you. The F-class loader was implemented under his suggestion."

Su Mo was slightly moved: "Thank you, Brother Qi."

"What are you thanking me for? You can't play games too much. You should rest more." Zhang Qi added, "I'm worried about this. When you were a kid, you were sent to the hospital for playing a maze game all night. You can't be so unrestrained now that you're in good health..."

The two chatted about life for a while. Zhang Qi asked about Su Mo's studies and asked him if he wanted to go to the company to play.

The time spent chatting passed quickly. Zhang Qi went home for a rare visit and made an appointment with his friends to go clubbing. Su Mo did not go with them and went home after dinner.

After returning home, he stayed in the laboratory for a while. When he came online again, he received Hong Guoguo's voice message for help.

"Help! I'm stuck in the wild!"

Su Mo paused slightly, and immediately led a group of people to check the location. They found that Hong Guoguo's location was in the monster spawning area outside the sect's residence, two teleportation points away.

"What's going on?" Su Mo teleported immediately.

The place where Hong Guoguo was trapped was not far away. As soon as Su Mo arrived, he saw Hong Guoguo climbing on a tree. There were four or five people surrounding him. The leading warrior was the one who never left. The configuration was 1 warrior, 3 swordsmen and 1 doctor.

Su Mo: “…”

This happened to be a rare no-fly zone in the wilderness of Tianhuan. In addition, the teammates brought by Bulibuqi were all high-burst melee fighters, and there was no ranged fighter at all. Only Hong Guoguo, who climbed up the tree, was able to escape.

"Aren't you quite safe here?" Su Mo changed his position to observe the situation more conveniently. "It's quite good. Why don't you stay up there? They can't hit you anyway."

"It's not safe at all." Hong Guoguo: "They are calling for help. They are planning to find two ranged fighters to attack me."

Su Mo smiled and said, "Then what are you afraid of? You are two levels higher than them."

"If I were a swordsman, I would go down and fight them right now." Hong Guoguo: "What kind of hero is it to bully a healer? But I'm not one of them. If I go down, I'll be dead."

Hong Guoguo has seven or eight trumpets in the novice area, which are usually used to collect materials and bring them to high-level areas for resale. Every time he collects a batch of materials, he upgrades and delivers them with the trumpet. He had just waited for a long time to go online, so he wanted to find a safe place to dump the materials. Just after he finished trading with other trumpets and was about to return to the city, he was blocked by Bulibuqi.

"If I hadn't been so lucky with my high equipment that I was able to dodge twice..." Hong Guoguo was still complaining, "Brother, are you listening?"

Su Mo responded, "Yes, it's ok, just continue talking, they haven't arrived yet."

Hong Guoguo: "... Save me."

"Well, I'm thinking of a way." Su Mo looked around. This place was indeed hidden. He had never been here during his missions, and he didn't know how Hong Guoguo was discovered. He spent some time looking at the location, found a hidden place to stand, and asked again: "Do you have enough range in the tree? Do you have control?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Hong Guoguo.

The healing capacity of Yulingju's healing system is not as good as that of the physician, but the control is definitely more than that of the physician. However, each control is linked to the summoned beast, and the control ability is limited.

Hong Guoguo couldn't see where it was, so she had to ask, "Brother, how are you going to save me?"

The forest at night is a bit gloomy, and the whistling evening breeze carries an indescribable chill.

The next second, a nimble rabbit jumped out from the bushes. It rushed directly towards one of the swordsmen with a clear purpose, and its swift attack caught everyone off guard.

"Doctor Lian Kong." A clear and calm instruction appeared in the voice channel.

Hong Guoguo reacted immediately, and the summoned beast interrupted the enemy doctor's healing bar as soon as it landed.

"Shit, someone is attacking us by surprise."

"It's the Summoner!! The Summoner is here to save him."

"Where's the Summoner!?"

“I didn’t see it!”

The five members of Zhutian's team immediately fell into panic. The doctor was controlled by the healer on the tree, and a swordsman was entangled by the spiritual rabbit. Bulibuqi saw this and wanted to chop off the summoned beast that controlled the doctor, but was suddenly stunned by a lone wolf in front of him.

Never give up: "Fuck!"

"I've been accused! Save him first, don't let him die."

Seeing this, the other two swordsmen went to deal with the Spirit Rabbit. The flexible rabbit had just upgraded its skills and activated its hidden skills, which greatly improved its combat effectiveness. The health bar of the swordsman who was entangled by him quickly dropped to half. At this time, the majestic white tiger jumped out swiftly and cooperated with the Spirit Rabbit to bite the half-blood swordsman.

The White Tiger and the Spirit Rabbit cooperated and killed one of the swordsmen with lightning speed.

"Where's the wet nurse? Milk!"

"What are you talking about! I'm being controlled."

"Use the control release!"

"I was released but was charged again!"

"Clear the summoned beasts first and fight the white tiger."

The two swordsmen hurriedly killed the white tiger. When they were about to attack the spiritual rabbit, they were slowed down and saw another summoned beast, the wind eagle, coming towards them.

Hong Guoguo stood on the tree and saw the situation below clearly. There were only summoned beasts and the Spirit Heart Rabbit on the scene, but they beat Zhutian's team into pieces. He knew the operation was very good, but when he really watched him use the lone wolf to control the warriors and use the white tiger, spirit heart rabbit and wind eagle to grind the blood bar, he was shocked in another way.

"Gone, gone?" Hong Guoguo was stunned. The three swordsmen below were all gone.

Once the swordsman died, the other summoned beasts focused their fire on the medic, leaving the team with only one person left.

"Brother, the doctor is dead!" Hong Guoguo immediately handed the control to Bulibusi. At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the distance. He looked at the small map abruptly, only to see dense light spots coming towards him. There were many light spots, at least two teams of people.

"They're coming... um."

Before Hong Guoguo could finish his words, he saw a dark shadow rushing towards him. A young man nimbly jumped down from the opposite hillside, grabbed Hong Guoguo from the tree, and rolled into the bushes behind him. The two of them climbed down from the tree together and slid down the steep slope.

At the same time, the rabbit slapped the warrior Bulibuqi in the face, and the warrior fell down with a wail. The cunning rabbit flicked its ears and chased down the steep slope. After it left, three groups of people came in a grand manner. When the players with the Zhutian Guild logo rushed over, they only saw five corpses on the ground, and no summoners or healers were seen at all.

"Where are the people!" players.

The one lying on the ground said in frustration: "He ran away again!"

On the other side, Su Mo and Hong Guoguo slid down and fell directly under the cliff of the foggy sea.

The terrain here is complex, the trees are tall, and there is an endless sea of forest as far as the eye can see.

Hong Guoguo touched her butt and got up from the ground. "Where is this?"

"Still in the foggy forest." Su Mo opened the small map and said in confusion: "Strange."

Hong Guoguo asked: "What's wrong?"

This is indeed the fog sea forest outside the main city. The fog sea forest area is a wild monster map with various leveling points and main quests. The location where Hong Guoguo was blocked just now is a remote corner of a main road outside the main city. When he checked the terrain, he climbed up the high slope and paid attention to the situation on both sides of the main road. Logically, if they walked along the slope on the south side of the tree, they should be able to get back to the main road because there is a flat land there.

"It seems that we can't climb up here." Hong Guoguo looked up. The slope in front of them was very steep and high. He didn't know how they got here. "Are we stuck in the crack of the map? There is no way to go in the crack. Let's use the teleportation talisman... Hmm???"

Su Mo tilted his head to look at him.

Hong Guoguo was dumbfounded, "The teleportation talisman doesn't work."

Su Mo reminded: "You can look at the map."

Hong Guoguo then opened the map and found that they were in a place called 'Mist Sea Cave'. "Cave??? I've worn out the map of the Mist Sea Forest by training my trumpet, but I've never heard of a cave! This place doesn't look like a cave."

Su Mo hesitated for a moment, then pushed aside the bushes and walked inside.

There are so many trees here, and the road is not a path, and it doesn’t look like anyone has walked on it.

Not long after walking, he pulled aside weeds that were taller than a man and saw a pitch-black hole.

"This?" Su Mo turned around, "This is the cave you are looking for."

Hong Guoguo: "... I don't need to find a cave, the key is how do we get out of here."

He walked to Su Mo's side, and was suddenly hit by the cold wind from the cave. The hairs on his body stood up. "What kind of place is this? It's so gloomy."

"You'll know if you go in and take a look." Su Mo walked away.

At this moment, a golden prompt suddenly popped up above their heads.

Announcement to all players: Hong Guoguo dropped into the Fog Sea Cave on the 14th, and the progress of Apocalypse has been corrected by 93%. Welcome, brave players.

[Player Unrestrained Behavior (Qingyuan Temple · Formation) requests to join the team]

Su Mo paused and just confirmed to join the team.

A cold and unrestrained voice sounded in the voice channel, "Where are you?"

Just as Su Mo was about to speak, the golden font in front of him suddenly changed and then turned into a prompt box.

The difficulty of the Fog Sea Cave is ★★★★★. Do you want to call your friends

Su Mo said: "The trading platform sells one Evergreen Wood for 60 gold, and we sell fish for 40."

The Lingxin Rabbit rubbed against him, its soft ears slightly wrapping around his legs.

Changqingmu can only be dropped by the hidden boss in the landscape painting. Su Mo searched for a long time and found the button to apply to join the group. There were four people in the group, and he made it five.

The team voice is on, and the professional configuration in the team is Fengting Mountain Warrior, Qingyuan Temple Taoist, Lishan Sword School Physical Sword and the team leader Hong Guoguo No. 14, who is a Yulingju healer.

Seeing this, the warrior said, "Isn't this enough damage? The summoner is useless. Let's get someone else to fight."

The author has something to say: Vacation·Mr. Yu·Leveling online√

Twenty-five: I'm so pissed off!!

: I definitely won’t charge you for the training fees, and I’ll treat Brother Zhen to more meals.

Brother Zhen: OK (the plan is passed)


More updates in the evening!!

I'm about to start playing college mode, hahahaha. (Happy)


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-18 18:30:32~2021-09-19 18:03:09~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Luo Nue's blood is 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Baiqiarou, Xiaolinchiyouyu, Jiuwanwuqianyi, bright, Yanmo, fmhxy, 2318 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: He Yiqingxi 220 bottles; Tan Wuxin 195 bottles; Meow who kissed a whale 95 bottles; A Galaxy Y Starman 90 bottles; Li Luoluo 68 bottles; Su 64 bottles; fmhxy 56 bottles; Jiang Wu 52 bottles; Fengshenger, The Whole World Owes Me a Wang Huizhen, Maomao, zzzzkkkkk, Yu Wanzi 50 bottles; youniverse 40 bottles; Moxia Liunian 34 bottles; Xixi Guanxiang, Big Cat Beans, Gongzi Qi, Zichen, Salty Fish Zi, Huang Liuli, Pingyu 30 bottles; Tian, Ning Xinruozi 26 bottles; Warm Little Fur Ball, Magic Sakura 24 bottles; Luo Nuexue, Xiao Fuzi, Mo Jing, Mi, Akagi, Yeyuan, Xianyue, ... , Orange Night, Blueberry Carrot, Shallow Three Years Old, Vangaro, Instant Noodles with Ham, Xiao?, Future, Ninety-five Thousand One, Yanqi Liangjian 20 bottles; Chunni 18 bottles; Yuanming, Mu Weishu, Mo Wan 15 bottles; Evening Breeze Helps Me 14 bottles; Azi 13 bottles; Walked Three Centimeters, Mamy, It's Xiangxiang~, Qingqing, Chapter Five, Song Jingzhe, Eight Rhymes Yaoyin, Work Hard Today, Lettuce, Louying, :-), 26406876, May, Poiu, Qinghuan, ゛Not Ended, Fat Bamboo, Jiufeng, Fat Fish, Mao Maoyu Loves Fish, One Qingmeizi, meow meow meow, dyeing, kkx8858, Junzhi, fighting for the crossing, conch, fanjin, Qingfengjun, don't hate for too long, 14754782, Xiyun, Yifengsu, niki, Beigong Liye, Ningyue, Doudou, Suzi, Tata, Xingkong Shuli, Luoritian, 45785666, Huanlizi, Jinse, Xianxin, Yanmo, I am the general attacker, Qingluo, 19156600, whale, no trace, Taibai, 2318, the wind sings and the bell moves, I live longer than the author, coriander, kiss my good wife ankh sauce, where is my head? ! 、灕歌、向礀、姜蓉辣酱、少郁慕、乌拉哇啦、星星一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪一闪5 bottles; 3 bottles for Gugugugu, 38732899, Strange Rain on the Road, You Ghost, Xiyu Luoli, Luoluoli, Mood Silent; 2 bottles for Jiuxi, Mengling Xinyi, Yanwen, Moyan, Xianqingzhi; 1 bottle for Yannian, Mengmengda Xiaokui, Ajuan, Mingyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!