Genius Sword Immortal

Chapter 70: Long Wan'er's father


At this time, Long Xian, who had just been knocked unconscious by Luo Lei, had just woken up. When he heard Ye Feng saying "pay with your life", he was so frightened that he peed his pants and his face became as pale as a corpse.

"Brother, I was wrong!"

Long Xian cried and began to beg for mercy. Although he was timid, he was not an idiot. Seeing that his fellow disciples from the Divine Fist Sect had disappeared, he didn't know what had happened.

"Where did you go wrong?"

Ye Feng approached step by step and asked coldly.

"Little Qian should never have drugged Wan'er and lured her out alone... I really don't know, she is your woman, Daxia..."

Long Xian was covered in cold sweat, looking at Long Wan'er leaning obediently and docilely on Ye Feng's arms, he said it naturally.

When Long Wan'er heard this, she wanted to jump out and slap him hundreds of times. Who is this masked man's woman? It's a pity that the medicine in her body is now taking effect, so she has to suppress it with all her strength, otherwise she may become unconscious immediately and may push Ye Feng down on the spot.

She didn't know where Luo Lei and Luo Li found the medicine. It was so strong that Long Wan'er cursed the two of them eighteen hundred times in her heart. Of course, those two guys were already dead at this time, so no matter how much they scolded them, it would be useless.

Under such circumstances, her whole body felt weak and she could only let Ye Feng take advantage of her. We can only wait for a suitable opportunity, break out all of a sudden, and escape from his clutches...

"Really? Then you heard me clearly."

Ye Feng sneered: "In the morning, a girl in Lin'an was forced to jump from the hotel to her death. Do you still remember?"


Long Xian was stunned when he heard this. How could this masked man know about what happened in the morning

Long Wan'er also suddenly showed disgust. This boy Long Xian actually caused such a thing in the secular world again

"Today I will eliminate harm for the people!"

Ye Feng's zhenqi surged, and the red zhenqi sword suddenly appeared in his hand, pointing at Long Xian three meters away!

"Please... no, hero, spare my life! Wan'er, save me, save me!"

When Long Xian saw the sword, his face turned pale with fright, and the space between his legs suddenly became wet!

"When we were in that hotel, the girl must have thought of you and begged for mercy, but did you forgive her?"

Ye Feng snorted coldly.

Do unto others, do not impose on others! Long Xian was indifferent when he saw others begging for mercy, so Ye Feng also let him taste what this kind of despair feels like.

Without saying much, Ye Feng raised his hand and waved, and a red light flashed by!

Soon, a third body fell from the cliff.

"Be honest and be my hostage. Is there anyone from your Long family on the platform in front?"

After dealing with Long Xian, Ye Feng grabbed Long Wan'er's neck, returned to the original path, and walked towards the mountain platform.

"Ahem... yes..."

Long Wan'er was choked by him and had difficulty breathing. She instantly understood that Ye Feng was not interested in her, but just wanted to use her as a hostage.

But what's the use of taking her as a hostage

Of course she didn't know that Ye Feng just wanted to enter the ancient tomb ruins through that platform. Regardless of the image of the masked man or Ye Feng's true face, if he appeared in front of the Long family, the other party would never let him pass, and Ye Feng had the only option.

"That's good."

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction and led Long Wan'er forward step by step.

Poor Long Wan'er was now suffering from drug effects all over her body, her pretty face was red, especially being held hostage by Ye Feng, she actually had a faint feeling of comfort, which made her so embarrassed and angry that she almost wanted to commit suicide.

Ye Feng didn't have any sympathy for her at all. This girl was not his woman. On the contrary, she was an enemy. He would not be merciful to his enemies.

As the two gradually approached the mountain platform, they finally caught the attention of some of them.

On the platform, there were about seventeen or eight people gathered together in twos and threes, discussing something with each other. It was obvious at a glance that they were all members of the martial arts community. When they saw Ye Feng holding Long Wan'er hostage along the way, the expressions of a group of five or six people immediately changed.


A middle-aged man with a bookish air raised his sword eyebrows and frowned as he came forward, walking very fast!

Ye Feng took a look and saw that the middle-aged man was about thirty years old. He was wearing a light white robe and a simple scabbard hanging on his waist. He had an elegant aura about him, which almost made him think that This guy is a hidden swordsman in the world of immortality.


Long Wan'er struggled to say a word and kept winking at the middle-aged man.

Is the elegant man Long Wan'er's father

Ye Feng was wary and threatened when he opened his mouth: "Whoever you are, get out of my way or I will strangle her to death! I am just passing by. When I leave this place, I will give you an intact daughter."

"What a boy, how dare you be so bold!"

The elegant man's eyes flashed coldly, his sword eyebrows raised, and a generous hand grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist, as if he wanted to take action.

"Indifferent, wait a minute."

Seeing this, an old man behind him quickly reached out and whispered a few words into the elegant man's ear.

Ye Feng frowned slightly. If he had cultivated for ten years, he would be able to hear what the other party said, but unfortunately he couldn't do it now.

"Your name is Mo Jiuge?"

After listening to the old man's words, the elegant man seemed to think it was reasonable. He nodded and looked at Ye Feng's masked face, and said solemnly: "If you dare to hurt my daughter, I, Long Moran, will definitely take your life even if I travel to the ends of the world!"

"Do not worry."

Ye Feng laughed solemnly and continued to hold Long Wan'er's neck and move forward. When he was less than five meters away from Long Wan'er's father, he suddenly exerted force!

He picked up Long Wan'er with one hand, and then used the Shadow Wizard with all his strength, and a series of afterimages flickered on the platform! In just an instant, Ye Feng led Long Wan'er through the entire mountain platform and rushed into the woods on the opposite side.

This sudden scene made Long Moran and others stunned. Is this kid so fast? By the time they reacted, Ye Feng and Long Wan'er had already disappeared!

"Hahaha, indifferent little monster, I didn't expect that you would be defeated one day."

A loud laugh came from the side, but it was the elder of the Divine Fist Sect, who disliked each other with the Long family, who spoke sarcastically. He didn't know that Luo Li and Luo Lei he brought wanted to attack Long Wan'er, but they had already been killed by Ye Feng. Otherwise, they would probably be even more furious than Long Moran.


Long Moran snorted and ignored the other party. Instead, he frowned slightly: "You guys go check down below and see what happened to that boy Long Xian. I'll go after Wan'er."

As soon as he finished speaking, he used his Qinggong movement and jumped towards the place where Ye Feng disappeared like a swallow startling a pond. He could tell that Long Wan'er was in a very bad situation right now. The blushing look on his cheeks must not be ruined for the rest of his life by some inexplicable person...