Gentle Beast

Chapter 13


The air is filled with a vaguely sweet scent, coming from a distance, mixed with a trace of the fishy smell of the sea waves, ethereal and subtle, very different from the scent of a wolf female in heat.

Holden turned his toes, and his green eyes looked at the corner of the cabin, behind a pile of antelope skins.

"Patriarch..." The wolf orc twitched his nose and sniffed again, but he still didn't smell anything.

Holden acted as if he hadn't heard of it, and walked towards the direction where the antelope skins were piled up.

The cowhide boots stepped on the solid wood floor, heavy and dull.

Boom, boom, boom—

Ji Xiaoou's whole body was stiff, all his thoughts stretched into a straight line, and he couldn't think normally.

What the hell is the heat smell?

Why didn't she smell anything?

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, she raised her sleeves, put her nose up and sniffed lightly, trying to confirm if it was the smell emanating from her body. But no, she smelled nothing except the scent of laundry detergent left on the clothes.

Is he a dog nose

Holden stopped in front of a pile of antelope skins, looked sideways, the tip of his tongue swept across his lips, and his eyes fixed on a certain place.

The aroma is very sweet, like some kind of jam that has been tightly sealed.

The sweet fragrance overflowed gradually, and he could almost imagine a female trembling and helpless.

However, in the next moment, his eyebrows were furrowed into a ball.

The scent disappeared suddenly, replaced by the salty sea waves, which caught Holden by surprise.

He gasped in disappointment, and when he concentrated on smelling it again, the smell of a female in heat was gone.

There were chaotic footsteps outside the cabin door, and a wolf orc stood at the end of the stairs and hurriedly reported: "Patriarch, the deck of the bow cabin is leaking!"

The gully between Holden's brows was even deeper, he put away Qisi, stepped on his boots and walked back, "What's going on?"

The orc said: "The specific reason has not been found out yet... But... I just went to the observation room to check it. The place where the leopard was originally held is empty, and I can't find it inside or outside..."

Holden walked up to the last step. Hearing this, a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes, "Immediately seal off the entire ship. Be sure to find him for me."

The door of the cabin was finally closed, blocking the moonlight from the outside world and the panic outside.

Ji Xiaoou hid behind the antelope skin, but still didn't dare to come out.

She reached out and touched her forehead, only to realize that she was sweating coldly in winter.

The smell of heat... Does it refer to her

She knows that animals in nature have a fixed estrus period, which is manifested physiologically as ovulation, which means that they are ready to mate with the opposite sex.

Counting the days, it happened to be her ovulation period recently.

But doesn't this phenomenon only happen to animals

Do women also have estrous signals when they ovulate

Ji Xiaoou had dizzy headaches for a while, how could she control the ovulation period

She gritted her teeth, going out now is undoubtedly a moving target, she must do something to save herself.

The wolf orc just left after smelling the sea water, that is to say, as long as there are other smells to hide her, is it all right

The bow cabin leaked, and the orcs woke up from their dreams and rushed to repair it.

The rest followed Holden and checked every corner of the ship, looking for the whereabouts of the leopards.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ji Xiaoou replaced the catnip sachet on his waist and stuffed it with pepper, schisandra and other spices.

She walked out of the cabin lightly, probably because Holden had already checked that there were no orcs on this deck.

Ji Xiaoou recalled their conversation just now, was that leopard really the little leopard she knew

It escaped from the observation room, where is it now

"There seems to be something moving here—"

"Did you smell something?"

"Go and have a look!"

A conversation suddenly came from the corner in front of him, Ji Xiaoou's mind froze, and he looked around reflexively.

On either side are rooms that look like orc restrooms. The footsteps of the orcs were coming this way, Ji Xiaoou didn't have time to escape to other places, he pushed open a door in a panic, dodged in sideways, and quickly closed the door.

Almost at the same time, two wolf orcs turned into this aisle and stopped in front of this door.

"Strange, nothing."

"I heard footsteps just now..."

"Is it the sound of the patriarch passing by?"

"Maybe, look elsewhere."

The two orcs murmured at the door, held up torches to illuminate everywhere, and left from the door after a while.

Ji Xiaoou hid inside the door, with cold sweat dripping down his back, only then did he realize that his legs were limp.

She began to be belatedly frightened, regretting that she had boarded the boat rashly.

The noses and ears of the orcs here are more sensitive than the other. I can't hide here for long. How can I escape from the ship

Her backpack has not yet been found, and the whereabouts of the little leopard are also unknown. Are they going to be arrested by them

Ji Xiaoou sat behind the door and calmed down, until his mood stabilized a little, then he supported the table beside him, ready to stand up.

Suddenly, her fingertips touched something hard, and she slightly slid her fingertips to make sure it was the touch of a rivet.

Ji Xiaoou's eyes lit up, his eyes shining brightly in the darkness, he turned around quickly, and took this thing in his hands.

Looking at the thin moonlight outside the window, it is rose red, with rivets, and shoulders, it is her MCM backpack.

The zipper was always open. I don’t know if the orcs here can’t use zippers or what. The backpack was wide open, and it was filled with animal bones, hemp rope and other messy things.

These orcs are really using her backpack as a grocery bag...

Ji Xiaoou rummaged around and finally found her compass, flashlight and cell phone at the bottom.

Half of the big stone in her heart was put down, and at least she got her backpack back!

It's just that she didn't expect such a coincidence that the room she randomly entered in a hurry happened to be the room where the backpack was placed.

For convenience, Ji Xiaoou put the backpack into the space, leaving only a flashlight, took two dry batteries from the space and replaced them, and threw the used up batteries into the corner of the space.

Put your thumb on the switch, push it lightly, and a beam of bright white light shoots out from it immediately.

Ji Xiaoou finally saw the true face of this room. The room was not big, with simple furnishings. There was an animal skin on the bed, and bows, arrows, stone axes, short spears and other tools were hung on the bedside.

Ji Xiaoou moved the flashlight away, and was about to look elsewhere, when suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a black shadow shaking by the window.

As soon as she froze, she immediately stared at the place defensively, and saw that black shadow jump out of the window with a "plop" and land at Ji Xiaoou's feet.

Ji Xiaoou took two steps back reflexively, looking at the lump defensively.


"Uh, uh..."

A familiar voice sounded, Ji Xiaoou's eyes opened wide, he raised the flashlight in disbelief, and shone on it.

Sure enough, the creature in front of her was none other than her lost little leopard.

It stood opposite, with its head raised, and a low voice released from its throat. Its pupils were indifferent, and there was a cold light that had not yet been withdrawn.

He opened his mouth, his teeth sharp.

The floor behind it spread mottled blood, which dripped on the solid wood floor, turning a dull ocher red in a short while.

Ji Xiaoou followed the bloodstains and looked at his hind limbs, and saw that the original injured wound had burst and the gauze was soaked in blood. He probably could also feel the pain, so when he landed, he slightly curled up his injured hind limb to cushion it.

Ji Xiaoou stared at it blankly, his fingers trembled, and he almost couldn't hold the flashlight.

Its eyes were ferocious, and she saw the plundering of wild beasts from its eyes.

Ji Xiaoou suddenly stopped his strides, flinching a little for the first time.

She wasn't sure if the killing intent in its eyes was aimed at her, or at some other orc

The moment Renn landed, he saw a flash of white light.

At the end of the light beam, a thinly dressed girl stood at the door of the room with a bewildered expression on her face. The moment she saw him, she subconsciously took a step back.

Like her reaction when she first met him.

Ren's eyes were dark, his tongue pressed against his upper jaw and slowly swept across his teeth. Excessive blood loss made him a little confused, and he made no effort to hide his animal nature.

Why is she on this boat too? Was caught by the wolf tribe

Ren turned his eyes and looked around, an ordinary room.

When he came to this ship, the wolf clan on board was drinking and celebrating on the deck. They had obtained enough animal skins to protect the females of their clan through the winter.

In order to obtain the internal situation of the wolf clan, he deliberately exposed traces, pretended to be captured by them, and locked him in the observation room.

To his disappointment, there was no useful information in the observation room except for those poor herbivorous species.

The Wolf Clan seemed to know nothing about why he had become smaller.

Ren is in a bad mood. This body is too weak, its attack power is low, its speed is slow, its teeth and claws are not sharp enough, and it is useless except for its agility.

He just opened the door of the observation room, and he attracted the attention of the wolf orcs. In order to divert their attention, he had to destroy the bulkhead of the bow cabin, but the wound was torn during the escape, and the smell of blood would soon reveal his whereabouts.

Ren looked at the motionless girl on the opposite side. He thought she would be afraid, shrink back, and run away. Unexpectedly, she just slowly squatted in front of him, stretched out her delicate white fingers, and carefully touched him, soaked in blood. Looking at him with dark eyes, scared and a little worried, "Does it hurt?"

Ren shrank his body inertially.

Seeing this, Ji Xiaoou pursed the corners of his mouth and smiled softly, his eyes curled up, and soon he put away his fleeting smile, and said with a straight face: "You are still running around because you are afraid of pain? Know how dangerous it is here ?"

Ren stared at the girl's fingertips, his pupils dimmed.

Ji Xiaoou was about to say something, but suddenly, there was a commotion in the quiet corridor, and then, the heavy and dull footsteps stopped at the door of the room.

Before Ji Xiaoou could react, with a "bang", a huge force kicked the door open.

Outside the door, Holden folded his long legs, folded his arms and leaned against the door frame, squinting his eyes, looking at the girl opposite him like a prey.