Gentle Beast

Chapter 15


"Is there a map? Give me the map of this area." Ji Xiaoou stood at the bow and said to the helmsman.

Hearing the words, Fra, the helmsman, quickly took out the map of the sea area from the bow cabin and handed it to Ji Xiaoou.

Ji Xiaoou pinched the map of the sea area, his fingertips trembling slightly, forcing himself to calm down and observe the situation of the map intently.

This was the first time for her to observe a sea map. Before that, she was just an ordinary high school science student.

She asked Fra, the helmsman, about their current approximate location, and compared the distribution of the sea area map, she confirmed that they were only two kilometers away from the reef area in front of them.

She looked up at the mast, the brig.

Try to recall, the physics teacher once said that the speed of this kind of ship is about 10-15 knots, one knot is equivalent to 1.8 kilometers per hour, that is to say...

Ji Xiaoou quickly calculated in his mind and found that they only had 5-7 minutes to avoid the reef area.

Ji Xiaoou took a deep breath, reached into his coat, and took out the compass from the space under the cover of the coat.

Because the compass is small, it doesn't attract much attention.

The helmsman, Fra, was crying, his facial features huddled together, more like an uncivilized wolf, and urged: "Female, what can you do? Tell me quickly."

At the same time, the wolf orcs behind became more and more anxious, and echoed impatiently:

"That is, if we cannot safely avoid the reef area, we will throw you and that leopard into the water."

"Why are you still dawdling? Maybe you have nothing to do, just to deceive our patriarch and delay the time!"

"Stupid female, if you dare to tease us..."

Holden stood not far away, leaning his back against the wall, crossed his legs, and looked at Ji Xiaoou leisurely.

He was unmoved by the tribe's yelling at the girl.

When the girl was negotiating terms with him just now, he thought for a while before agreeing to her request.

Fora was the most experienced helmsman on the whole ship, even he was helpless, and the other clansmen on the ship were even more helpless.

Since the female says there is a way, let her try it.

It's best if you succeed, if you don't...

Holden raised his hand, touched the three bloodstains on the side of his face scratched by sharp claws, grinned, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

To his surprise, the girl was calmer than expected.

In order to facilitate directions, Ji Xiaoou temporarily drew a dial map for Fola, which clearly marked the direction of the "1-12" time period, and quickly taught him how to identify it.

"At ten o'clock, drive three hundred meters." Ji Xiaoou said clearly.

The ship gradually sailed into the reef area, and Fra looked at the white misty front, calmed down, and followed suit.

After 300 meters, Ji Xiaoou said again: "One o'clock direction, drive 500 meters."

The familiar feeling came, and Frau felt happy, knowing that they had avoided the first reef.

It's a pity that it didn't take long for us to be happy, and we ushered in the second reef.

The girl's orderly voice ordered:

"At nine o'clock, drive five hundred meters."

"At twelve o'clock, go straight for two hundred meters."

"Keep going straight..."

The life of the entire ship is in the hands of the girl.

Not only Holden looked at her, but all the orcs on board looked at her.

The girl's eyebrows were lowered, her eyes were quiet, and her white skin was covered with a layer of lustrous light under the reflection of the flames.

The slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and the shadows cast on the rigorous and meticulous map of the sea area, like the leaves of bald cypress, dense and dense.

The night wind wrapped her voice and sent it to the ears of every orc on the deck.

Including the sweet and greasy fragrance on her body.

Of course, at this time no orc dared to move the slightest bit of charming thoughts.

Although the smell is really tempting.

Ji Xiaoou stared at the reef points marked on the map, her voice was calm, only she knew how nervous she was.

While observing the map, she stared at the compass tightly, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on both palms.

She has only been exposed to these things in textbooks, and never imagined that one day she would personally guide the helmsman to sail the boat.

The feeling of practice is not good at all.

After all, she herself is also on this boat, and if something goes wrong and the hull hits a rock, she will explain it here.

In just two hours, it was longer than a century.

When Ji Xiaoou commanded the helmsman to avoid the last rock and successfully sailed out of the rocky area, he felt his hands and feet go limp, and slowly slid on the ground against the side of the boat.

She raised her hand and touched her forehead, sweating coldly.

The fog ahead gradually dissipated, revealing a clear night sky, a round of crescent moon hidden behind the rolling mountains in the distance, like eyes that are about to get drunk.

Fraser let go of the rudder, jumped joyfully to the rear of the deck, raised her neck and shouted celebration with the clansmen.


"We escaped—"


Ji Xiaoou rubbed her ears, the wolf howled one after another, her eardrums couldn't take it anymore.

After sitting for a while, she tried to stand up, probably because she was too nervous just now, she tried twice but failed.

Just as she was climbing the side of the boat and was about to try for the third time, suddenly, a pair of heavy boots appeared in her sight.

Ji Xiaoou followed the leather boots and looked up, with his head raised high, he saw Holden's face.

There was a huge difference in height between the two, not to mention this angle, Ji Xiaoou's neck felt sore, and he simply lowered his head not to look at him, his dark eyes rolled around, as if he was looking for something.

Seeing that she didn't intend to talk to him, Holden bent his knees and squatted in front of the girl, keeping her eye level.

"What method did you use just now?" The tone was full of interest.

Ji Xiaoou turned his gaze back and met Holden's deep green eyes.

In a short while, he tilted his head and answered the wrong question: "I'm leaving early tomorrow morning, you haven't forgotten what you promised me, have you?"

"Of course." Holden pursed his lips, looking very talkative.

However, in the next second, he changed his tone and said: "I can let you go, but you took my things, which I bought in exchange for food. There is also that immature leopard, which destroyed My cabin, I can't just leave it at that."

The "something" that Holden said in exchange for food refers to Ji Xiaoou's backpack.

Ji Xiaoou pursed her pink lips tightly, and looked at Holden with black and white eyes.

She has long known that the wolves are cunning, and it is extremely risky to make a deal with them.

"What do you want?"

"You stay and go back to the race with me." Holden didn't beat around the bush. "I won't pursue these matters any longer."


Seeing her silence, Holden raised his eyebrows slightly, "I don't want to? The treatment of females in our clan is very good, at least better than that of the leopard clan."

Holden sees her with a leopard cub, so he regards her as "the female of the leopard clan" by default.

"Little poor, the Leopard Clan is the most ignorant of pity and tenderness. The leader of the Leopard Clan is cruel and violent, and he is defeated by me. You are so weak, and you will only be bullied when you go back to the Leopard Clan. Why don't you go back to the Wolf Clan with me?" , I will treat you very well."

Ji Xiaoou didn't say a word, expressing his resistance with silence.

She is not a female of the Leopard Clan, nor will she follow the Leopard Clan back to the tribe.

She just wants to find a way to go back to the 21st century she is familiar with. This place is full of crises, and the orcs are fierce and strong, and they may eat her at any time. She cannot survive here.

Holden looked at the desperate girl in the corner, and wanted to speak, but felt something pressed against his waist.

The electric sound of "Zizi" came back again, and the girl's dark eyes looked directly at him, revealing a firmness.

Holden had seen the power of this thing before. The moment he was electrocuted, his whole body was numb, without any strength, and he can still feel the pain until now.

"Okay, okay." Holden raised his hands in compromise, and smiled with his lips curled up, without panic, "I'll let Frau land on the shore at dawn, and you can leave at any time."

Ji Xiaoou searched around, and finally saw that familiar shadow in the corner.

Ryan lay peacefully on the ground, the open wound had not been treated, and his fur was soaked in blood.

He remained motionless, probably storing his strength.

He drooped his eyelids, lifted his eyelids slightly, his deep sea blue eyes moved, and looked away from Ji Xiaoou and Holden.

As Ji Xiaoou approached, he happened to see two wolf orcs trying to lift him up.

The orcs acted rudely. Seeing that the wolf's claws were about to touch the little leopard's wound, they hurriedly stopped them: "Don't touch it."

The two orcs looked at each other, but since Ji Xiaoou had just helped them cross the rocky area, even the patriarch was polite to her and obeyed.

Ji Xiaoou borrowed a room from Holden, carried the little leopard back to the room, and gently put it on the bed.

She closed the door and window, hurriedly took out the medicine box from the space, took out the disinfectant and gauze in the medicine box, and cleaned the wound again.

After seeing her several times, Ren was already familiar with her ability to take things out of thin air, and closed his eyes resignedly.

Ji Xiaoou skillfully cleaned its wound, and then wrapped it with a clean bandage.

After finishing this, she glanced at her watch, it was two o'clock in the morning.

She still has four hours to rest before dawn.

Too many things happened that night, Ji Xiaoou was so tired that he fell asleep on the bed not long after.

It's just that the ship was shaking too much, she couldn't sleep well, and woke up on time at six o'clock.

Holden didn't go back on his promise, and asked the helmsman Fra to stop the boat on the shore.

With a backpack on his back, Ji Xiaoou walked off the ship with the little leopard in his arms, and looked back at the young leader standing on the deck.

Holden tilted his body, with his arm resting on the rudder, and asked for the last time: "Are you really not considering going back to the race with me?"

This sentence completely stimulated Ji Xiaoou, seeing the girl pursed her lips tightly, this time she simply left without looking back.

Holden lowered his head and smiled, watching the girl's figure melt into the forest, then retracted his gaze, and ordered the clansmen to set sail again.

small theater:

Ryan: Author, come here for a moment.

Fat Moon: Mr. Lei, what's the matter

Ren: I can't even transform into a human form, so you just make me a love rival? What about my presence

Fat Moon: This... it's as if after you become a human, you won't have any rivals in love...