Gentle Beast

Chapter 37


"Let, let me down, Ren, I can't go back with you."

Seeing the Leopard tribe in front of him, Ji Xiaoou finally spoke out anxiously.

Although she was very grateful to Ren for saving her from the wolves, it didn't mean she was willing to go back to the race with him.

She had gone so long with great difficulty, if he took her back again, when would she be able to go home

Unexpectedly, just after saying this sentence, Ren suddenly jumped and jumped off the extremely high mountain wall. At the same time, the arm supporting Ji Xiaoou's leg suddenly loosened.

The mountain is steep, straight up and down, with almost no flat ground in between.

The bitter cold wind hit his cheeks, Ji Xiaoou's heart trembled, and before he had time to think why Ren suddenly let go, he took the initiative to hug Ren's body tightly, two straight and slender legs wrapped around his healthy waist, frightening the whole body People are bad.

Falling weightlessly from a 100-meter-high mountain feels like riding a roller coaster in modern times.

The whistling of the wind pierced through the ears.

Until the moment he landed, Ji Xiaoou was still in a daze.

Ren narrowed his eyes, looked at the pale girl in front of him, lowered his throat, and began to settle accounts with her: "Why didn't you say goodbye?"

The panic on Ji Xiaoou's face didn't stop, he subconsciously said: "I didn't leave without saying goodbye... I told you before."

Ren frowned: "When?"

"Not long ago, when you hadn't gone promised me that you would talk about it after my injury was healed." Ji Xiaoou was still clasping Ryan's shoulders like a koala, unaware of the difference in their postures. How intimate, she answered whatever Ren asked, "Now my injury has healed, and there is no need to stay any longer."

Ren's pupils flickered.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Ji Xiaoou struggled a bit, trying to get off him, "Let me get off... Ren."

Ren was unmoved, and asked instead: "Where can you go after leaving the Leopard Clan, the eastern part of the Bolnia continent?"

Ji Xiaoou hesitated, then nodded slightly.

Ryan: "You want to find Pat?"

Ji Xiaoou asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

She did not seem to have told him the purpose of her trip to eastern Bornia.

Ren didn't answer, but asked step by step, "Why did you find him?"

Ji Xiaoou bit his lower lip, originally he didn't want to answer, but after thinking about it, Ren already knew her human identity, so there was no need to hide some things.

"Eric's grandfather told me that Pat had seen a lot and that only by finding him... would I have a chance of coming home."

Otherwise, she will always be an alien in this world, without race, without belonging, and without even a reason for existence.

When Ren was relaxing, Ji Xiaoou broke his arms and jumped off him. After sorting out the things on my body and confirming that nothing was lost, I said to Ren: "Thank you for taking care of me these days, and just now, thank you for saving me. I'm leaving... Tao Tao."

After all, he paused, then turned around and turned back the same way.

The girl was carrying a backpack and wearing the velvet coat that Holden gave her. The heavy coat weighed on her body, making her figure smaller and smaller.

Tiny, even insignificant.

Ren looked at her back, watching her move away from his sight step by step, with low brows and deep eyes.

This feeling is like a thread buried unconsciously in my heart. I usually don't notice it at all, and I don't feel the pain.

However, this thread has long been connected with his heart.

Now that he was suddenly pulled away and uprooted, he didn't even have a chance to cry out the pain, and the whole chest was bloody and bloody.

Ren pressed against the root of his teeth, his eyes suddenly sank, and he came behind Ji Xiaoou in an instant, picked her up from behind, and headed towards the Leopard tribe.

Ji Xiaoou was frightened, and after realizing what was going on, he opened his mouth in disbelief, "Tao Tao?!"

Ren jumped up, hugging Ji Xiaoou with both hands, his body jumped nimbly in the forest, and his feet borrowed strength between the tree trunks, with the speed of a beast.

The leaves whirled and rustled in my ears.

In this noisy environment, Ji Xiaoou heard Ren's voice, "With your ability, you can't reach the easternmost part of Bolnia. You will die on the way before you meet Pat."

Ji Xiaoou didn't understand what he meant, and was a little anxious, "Even if it doesn't work, I will try it, please let me go..."

As long as there is still a little hope, she doesn't want to give up.

What's more, for Ji Xiaoou, there is no essential difference between staying in the Leopard Clan and going to the east of Bornia. They were all orcs, and they could tear her apart and eat her if they got upset.

Even the Leopard Clan is even more terrifying, because when danger comes, she has nowhere to hide.

Seeing that Ren was indifferent, Ji Xiaoou tightly grabbed the leather jacket on his chest with his fingers, "I don't want to go back to the race with you, I want to go home, Ren, I have to go home..."

"I'll help you find Pat." Ren suddenly interrupted her.

In front of them was the Leopard tribe. Ren stopped at the end of the forest, lowered his head, looked at the girl in his arms, and restrained his voice.

Ji Xiaoou paused, and asked hesitantly, "What did you say?"

Ren repeated: "I will help you find Pat. During this period, you must stay in my race."

Ji Xiaoou asked: "Why?"

Why should he help her? And why insisted on letting her stay in the Leopard Clan

Ren's next words made her froze—

"Because I want to pursue you."

Ji Xiaoou even forgot how he and Ren returned to the Leopard tribe.

It wasn't until Ren put her on the bed and stretched out his hand to untie her clothes that she woke up suddenly, jumped up, and hid in the corner of the wall, clutching the skirt tightly and asking, "You, what are you doing?"

Ren's eyes fell on her, Holden's coat was particularly intrusive, he squinted, "Take off your clothes."

Ji Xiaoou hadn't reacted from the impact of his words just now, he shook his head repeatedly, "No, I won't take it off."

Having experienced so many things, Ji Xiaoou clearly understood that the orcs here did not hide their sexual desires, so when Ren said such words, she immediately thought wrong.

Ren took off his coat directly, revealing his strong chest, and threw the clothes on Ji Xiaoou's head, "Take off, and wear mine."

Ji Xiaoou: "..."

After walking in the snow for so long, Ji Xiaoou's coat and trousers were already soaked, but she hesitated, but still did not change.

Her mind was in a mess, and she kept repeating what Ryan said just now. In case I heard it wrong, I asked again, "You, what did you just say... what do you mean?"

Ren squatted in front of the fireplace, skillfully lit a fire, added firewood to it, and asked in a low voice, "Which sentence?"

Ji Xiaoou faltered and hesitated, a little unable to say, "It's just... the sentence of chasing me..."

Ren turned his head and fixed his eyes on her, "Is there any other meaning in this sentence?"

Ji Xiaoou: "..."

Ren made a fire, stood up, walked to Ji Xiaoou, bent down to meet Ji Xiaoou's dark eyes, "help you find Pat, I hope you stay in the Leopard Clan, and I want you to be one of me!" Human female. Do you humans call this behavior courtship?"